League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 153: Squat confidently! karsa's top consciousness

The game quickly reached five minutes. Chen Yuan was on the line at this time, still thinking about the position of the opposite jungler in his mind.

"Here, be careful." Karsa was quicker than he thought, and a signal had been placed at the Demon Marsh Frog.

Like Karsa, Olaf on the opposite side was a third-level bot.

Because the two sides have changed the wild area, if it is blue open, the wild route is likely to be blue buff, magic marsh frog, river crab, F6, red buff, and then go back to brush the stone beetle when no one is caught on the road. .

Chen Yuan glanced at his wild area, and now in the early five minutes, the only surviving wild monsters at this time should be the newly refreshed Demon Marsh Frog, which is indeed correct.

He thought for a while and said, "Brother Ka waits for you to squat in the middle of the sixth level? The other side might come and kill me."

After all, the opposite is Olaf Gakri’s mischievous combination. Once they all reach the sixth level, they will kill whoever they want to kill.

"Yeah." Karsa quickly agreed, "But the puppy should also pay attention to it. When you see me at level 6, if the opposite person doesn't catch the middle, then it must be you. They will definitely be middle or lower at level 6. Find one to do it all the way."

Karsa's pig girl is also brushing the Demon Marsh Frog on the road at this time. At this time, he is brushing all the way to Ueno District. When he finishes brushing the fresh red BUFF, he can almost reach the sixth level.

I have to say that the nickname of Karsa Radar is not used. Only by the wave of arrests from the opposite level 3 can clearly analyze the action of the opposite jungler.

In six and a half minutes, Doinb, who had already returned home once, was once again consumed and disabled, and the snake girl kept pressing on the line and did not give him a chance to get on the horse. In desperation, he could only return to the city for the second time to replenish his blood.

But this time to return to the city is still necessary, because the snake girl's perverted consumption caused him to go home for the first time and did not make Tiamat, this second time to return to the city, Tiamat can be brought out by the way.

"Come and come, I have a big move, I can just grab a wave of bot lanes." Doinb didn't rush to hit after returning to the city, but directly called the upper jungler Olaf to try to grab it.

As for the middle tower, he didn't bother to take care of it, anyway, the snake girl was not quick to dismantle the tower, and there was no difference between the remnant blood tower and the full blood tower, as long as it was not demolished.

"Brother Yuanzi, see if you can move forward and lean on, the opposite is likely to be caught." Karsa did not follow the monster refresh time to the top road, but squatted in the lower wild area and waited for the blue BUFF to refresh, and Has also been promoted to level six.

"OK." Chen Yuan bombed the long-range soldier with a Q [Poisonous Explosion], combined with the E skill to quickly push a wave of soldiers under the tower, and then dragged a slow pace toward the bottom.


When he just walked to the Dragon Keng location, the music of Kled's ultimate move had already sounded, and as expected by Karsa, the other party took advantage of the opportunity to return to the city and carried out a wave of envelopment.

However, the time point at this time is relatively sensitive, because Uzi is pushing the line. At this time, a large number of soldiers line is placed under the tower, and they have gained a lot of experience in the small soldiers and they have reached the sixth level.

But the smlz who is making up the tower knife is still only level five.

Bron stepped forward to start a group with an tentative Q skill, but Uzi walked like a mud loach, twisted and dodged, and then Kled had rushed directly from the line, and Olaf had already circumvented behind.

"This wave of RW four-pack two is very beautiful! Can RNG run here?" Miller said excitedly at this time, "Karsa's troll has come to the line grass long ago to squat!"

Immediately after Kled and Olaf rushed to Xia's face at the same time, Uzi could only surrender a big move to evade temporarily, but it was still quite dangerous after landing.

Brother Leida jumped out of the grass at this time, and gave the opposite middle field a surprise. The Troll King first threw a big move directly on the big Olaf, and directly sucked it into a negative armor.

Then there was another pillar between Xia and Kled, delaying Kled's offensive pace.

When Doinb just wanted to use the E skill to cross the pillar and follow people, Xiao Ming came again. Luo opened the ultimate move [Shocking Hong Kong Gap], flashed past Kled, and while enchanting him, W flew to Lucian's side and lifted Lucian as well.

Although Xiao Ming lost a lot of blood in this wave, his control was very beautiful, making the situation of chasing four and one chase directly into one chasing one.

No, it's one chasing two.

Olaf, who was under armor, was chasing Xia Meng slash at this time, but there was a troll next to him.

"Kill Olaf, kill Olaf!" At this time, everyone in the voice channel turned into a repeater and outputted frantically to Olaf.

Kled's charm was also lifted at this time, in this case, he simply flashed to Xia's side and forced output.

Uzi didn't flash, knowing he could not run away, he simply adjusted his position, and a barb pulled the feather of the ultimate move back, and forcibly replaced Olaf before he died.

The fight was not over yet. With Xia's death, both Lucian and Bron had enough experience and both reached the sixth level.

Bron an E touched Klie's side, and the big move [Glacier Fissure] hit the troll of Karsa heavily, and Lucian also E came over and took the big move against the troll.

Trolls and Luo have no killing ability. In desperation, they can only run down the tower, but Kled’s E skill has never been used before, and it is just used to hunt them down at this time.

Klei’s EAQ in the first stage, and another EA in the second stage triggers Bron’s passive. The troll’s blood line drops extremely fast, but fortunately, Luo’s blood return and shield, the residual blood ran back to the tower, and Doinb continued to chase. Chase into the tower and kill.

"RW has gotten six on the road! Karsa's blood volume is very dangerous!" Wawa frowned, "But Brother Yuanzi's snake girl is here, can he change the situation of the battle?"

Chen Yuan has been rushing down in a hurry, but the hero of Snake Girl can't get out of her shoes, she moves very slowly, and he has no choice. Finally, after playing one for the bottom lane, he rushed to the bottom lane.

"Lu Xian will have E immediately, Bron's skills will have all CDs, and Cree's skills will have all CDs."

Chen Yuan has been observing for so long, and he has collected enough information. A W [Poisonous Mist] was spread on Lu Xi'an's feet, then Q exploded under his feet, and the E skill [Twin Fangs] slammed at Lu Xi'an.

Smlz had just thrown a big move at the troll, and the snake girl came. In desperation, he could only cancel the big move and exchange blood with the snake girl.

But an AD who hadn't returned home for six minutes had beaten Snake Girl. It didn't take long before he was beaten to half blood by his fangs, but Snake Girl's blood volume was still quite healthy.

"Look at me, look at me! The snake girl is behind!" Smzl, who is usually unsmiling, also said loudly in his voice. How about chasing people? You will die if you chase your buddies!

Klie and Auxiliary heard AD's call for help, so they turned their heads directly, wanting to save AD.

But this is what Chen Yuan is waiting for!

[Petrochemical Gaze]!

Although the distance between them was a bit far, the snake girl still surrendered her big move to the two who had just turned her head, and flashed forward at the same time.

Because of a small bug in a game mechanism, the snake girl flashed past and released her big move in the opposite direction, but still petrified the two under the tower at the extreme distance of the big move!

"Oh, this big move!" Miller's voice violently raised an octave. "The distance is very limited. Keep Doinb and Killua under the tower at the same time, and the situation will be reversed instantly!"

"Fuck, NICE!" Karsa didn't run away either, the troll turned around and gnawed at the anti-tower Klein.

Klie quickly dismounted, and the defensive tower's hatred shifted and fell on Bron. At this time, Chen Yuan ignored the two people under the tower and continued to output his AD.

[Plague Poison Explosion] blooms at Lucian's feet again. If you eat this Q again, you will die. Smlz is a little bit distressed in his chest, and can only use flash to avoid this deadly Q, but Chen Yuan is not panicked at this time. He ran after Lucian all the way, waiting for the next Q CD.

In the end, he paid some more blood, and Chen Yuan successfully killed Lu Xian.

Then, he turned around to deal with the two people under the tower. Both of them were shot by the defensive tower. They also knew that they would enter the arms of the snake woman when they ran. So they stood on the edge of the defensive tower and wanted to change. Drop the troll.

But all of this is nothing more than fantasy. Karsa is an old chicken thief, and won't do such a high-level thing. After his blood, the pillar slipped straight away.

At this time, Xiao Ming's [Grand Appearance] was also getting better, knocking the two into the air at the same time, and cooperating with the next Snake Girl to kill both of them!


This triple kill ignited the passion of the audience, and everyone was screaming.

"One for four!" The doll said loudly at this time, "This wave of Karsa's anti-squatting and Genzi's support are really crucial!"

Miller still couldn't help shaking his head at this moment, "What does this man's brain do? Why does he always perform such extreme operations?"

As soon as the opposite person turned his head, Chen Yuan flashed a big flash in the next instant. This was obviously not an explosion, but something planned.

"Great big brother Yuanzi!" Karsa gave Chen Yuan a thumbs up at this time.

Chen Yuan also blew back to each other, "Good command, Brother Ka!"

He was also convinced by karsa's anti-squatting. With Doinb's move to go home in six minutes, he could guess for the first time that the opposite party would be bound, and his thoughts were indeed ahead.

In fact, he can predict these things, but the speed is not so fast. When he thinks of this point the second time, maybe the opposite side has already been entrusted to the bottom road.

You really deserve to be someone with a 96 consciousness...

[Karsa's anti-squatting is really the key]

[This game is over. RW relies on the middle field to lead the rhythm. As a result, one person died once. Isn't this a collapse? 】

[No way, this wave of RW is actually no problem, mainly because Karsa and hero played so well! 】

"Wuhu!!" In the lounge, Xiangguo and Brother Feng couldn't help but slap a palm. After this wave, the defensive counterattack strategy can be said to have been successful.

The head-to-head ratio of 5-1 has opened up nearly two thousand economic gaps for them, which is enough to help them through the early and mid-term.

The incense pot was sitting at this moment, and he was quite impressed by Karsa's anti-squatting. He squatted in the grass ten seconds in advance. He had already decided that the opposite party would come to cover him. This consciousness he was ashamed.

But this is not all that a jungler should have. As a hunger strike invading a jungler, he also has his own things in the incense pot, so he doesn't think he is weaker than Karsa.

Immediately afterwards, Karsa, who got four assists, took off directly. With the three heads of Chen Yuan, he turned against the guest and began to actively invade the enemy's wild area.

It was uncomfortable this time, Olaf had no advantage against the troll itself, and there was a snake girl who had grown out next to him, and he couldn't fight at all.

As a result, all the wild areas fell. After the wild misfire, Doinb in the middle was unable to play and entered a state of constipation.


"Ten minutes, RNG's bot lane is still pushing back to the city as always. They don't plan to let go of this pioneer!" Wawa said loudly, "Snake girl has already made the missing chapters and bursting wands? Brother Yuanzi wants to Do you want to be Luden?"

However, no matter what Chen Yuan wants to do, his equipment is invincible at this point in time, and Xiaohu's promise has also taken the lead in the road after making the mercury shoes.

Kenan is also inseparable from the road, RW has nothing to do with this pioneer.

"Which way to push?" Karsa's perspective wandered three ways at this time, and the two towers in the middle and lower were in a state of being broken in one hit.

"Pushing." Chen Yuan said, "Don't push in a hurry on the bottom road. Let Uzi develop the lane for a while, I will go on the lane for the lane."

Kled took a human head when he went to Poland, so he had already made the mercury shoes Gatiamat. The line pushing ability was quite strong. Chen Yuan was already a little bit unable to hold it down, so he could simply pull out the central tower.

Let Xiaohu go to the middle road to guard the tower, he can still suppress Kenan on the road.

In eleven minutes, Karsa took the opportunity to release Vanguard in the middle. The blood volume of the central tower was not healthy. Vanguard knocked out, and then caught up with the snake girl's two Aces, and one blood tower won.

"RNG changed lines in the upper middle, and the snake girl went on the road to suppress Kenan, but he still has TP in his hand, and he can support at any time after a fight."

Immediately afterwards, the speed of the game began to increase. After Xiaohu switched to the middle, the pacemaker became Karsa.

Thirteen minutes, the troll came to the road with the promise, and wanted to cross the tower.

Doinb finds out in time, and makes a big move to support it.

Kenan, the hero's ability under the tower is quite outstanding, even in the face of the output of three people, he still survived for a long time after making a big move.

When Doinb rushed over, Kenan was killed by the fire, but he successfully replaced the troll.

The defensive tower immediately turned to Huo Shou~www.readwn.com~ and also madly output to the Nuo Shou. In the end, although he successfully killed the Nuo Shou, he was also killed by the snake girl.

"RNG played two for two on the road! But before they earned two assists, and they can get the defense tower on the road, it is still profitable!" Miller said excitedly, "After this wave, the economic gap between the two sides has opened up. It's 3000!"

Immediately afterwards, the next tower did not hold on for too long. For fourteen minutes, Uzi pulled out the defense tower directly by the line.

In fifteen minutes, the five RNG members held a group, first controlled the second dragon, and then ran to the middle to start advancing.

At this time, the shortcomings of the RW lineup began to show, that is, they have no ability to defend the tower. The mid laner Kled, AD Lucian, are all short-handed monsters, and there is no way to face the line of soldiers entering the tower.

"The second tower gave way, we keep the high ground." Doinb commanded his teammates to retreat.

However, what RNG likes most is that the opposite side starts to "let", and once it gets down, it directly gives up all the six outer towers.

twenty minutes.

"RNG directly moved the dragon with an economic difference of seven thousand! However, it was photographed by smlz's foresight transformation, this wave can't be let go!" Miller said anxiously.

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