League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 158: 4 minutes against 4 groups of wild, top NTR

The JDG in the red side bans the vampire and the sword demon with the last two hands.

In the second and third hand ban position, Brother Feng chose to ban the Qinggang Ying and the wine barrel, while on the opposite side, he held Verus.

"Take Luo." Brother Feng said affirmatively.

Luo this hero is a taboo for their RNG, as long as they are released, and it is their turn to choose, they will definitely take it.

"JDG is here to lock on Kai'Sa and Ryze! One is swinging from the top to the center, and the other is a strong AD."

"RNG chose Xia and Blind with a backhand." I remembered frowning slightly here: "Brother Yuanzi didn't dare to choose Yasuo. It seems that RNG will be a lot more stable in the playoffs."

I remember that there was no mistake in saying this. The team did not select Yasuo after deliberation.

After all, this hero still has certain limitations. In the later stage, he relies heavily on his teammates' knock-up. In the early stage, he can easily get caught without escape skills.

Risks and benefits coexist. Once selected, it is a tightrope walk. It is not suitable to be selected in this first-hand situation. To choose the last two hands.

Then JDG locked in the bull's head to assist, the game entered the second round of BP.

The coaches of both sides made a fuss about the positions that have not been selected. RW banned Dao Mei and Yasuo, and Feng Ge banned Crab and Gnar.

In the playoffs, it has undergone two more versions of changes, and the ecology of the top order has changed again.

Under the premise that Sword Demon, Akali, Sword Girl and other T0 heroes are routinely banned, like the more popular Mondo in the regular season, the clumsy fighter like Nuoshou no longer exists.

Thain, Crab’s top order replaces it as a new candidate for top order.

"JDG locked Thain in the fourth hand, leaving Conte as the jungler Clid!"

"Chen Yuan, what hero do you use to fight Ryze?"

Feng Ge and Yan Yueshen asked, after so long of training, he has learned how to coach Chen Yuan, which is to directly ask him what to play instead of giving advice.

"Demon Ji." Chen Yuan quickly identified a candidate. This hero is actually one of his signatures, and playing Ryze is also considered good.

"Yes." Brother Feng nodded, he even let out a sigh of relief in his heart at this time, at least he was still a normal mid laner...

"RNG has locked Yaoji and Aoun successively, and the lineup is confirmed." Remember to continue to interpret, "What did JDG say about the jungler's last hand?"

JDG coach Redmi stands behind Clid and is also listening for suggestions.

In this team, the Korean aid jungler has always been the eldest brother. He is a coach who is in charge of some food delivery, but he has little right to speak.

"Male gun." Clid said in unskilled Chinese.

"JDG locked the male gun with the last hand!" Colonel Guan said loudly: "The male gun made up for their midfield AD damage, and it can also make up for the lack of damage in the later stage of Saien!"

The lineups for the first game of both sides are thus determined.

Blue RNG: Ornn, blind monk, enchantress, Xia, Luo.

Red side JDG: Thain, male gun, Ryze, Kai'Sa, bull head.

Both sides adjusted their talents and skills. The game machines were all customized, and the loading speed was quite fast. In just a few seconds, Summoner Canyon came to the arena!


Shanghai Theater Academy.

In the female dormitory, Jiang Qiu and three roommates were sitting around a computer at this time, watching the semifinals.

The camera scanned the faces of the ten contestants in turn, and when Chen Yuan's face was scanned, the girls' dormitory burst into cheers.


Girls who can be admitted to the Drama Academy are not bad in appearance conditions. At this time, a tall girl joked, "Aqiu, I have asked you to get a hero's signature for a long time, why don't you give me it? ."

"Huh!" Jiang Qiu ignored her roommate, knowing she was teasing herself.

"Oh, so stingy Jiang Qiu!" Another roommate reached out and pinched Jiang Qiu's waist, "What about Uzi's signature? You can always give it to us!"

"Aw, I almost forgot." Jiang Qiu was pinched to a sensitive point, his face turned red, and then he quickly picked up his bag and took out three Uzi's signatures from inside.

Several roommates laughed and accepted the autographs, then calmed down a bit and started to watch the game together. At this time, a first-level group was about to start.

The two sides quickly purchased equipment at the start, went out at the same time within fifteen seconds, and rushed toward the river at the same time.

The first-level regiment ability, the JDG with Bull Head, Kai'Sa, and Male Gun is actually quite strong, so they naturally want to invade the wild area and try to come to a wave of first-level regiments.

But RNG also thinks so. They have Luo, the blind monk, and the enchantress. There is no reason for this first-level group not to fight.

The green-haired bull head took the lead and stepped directly into the opposite wild area. When he stepped into the grass, the scene before him made him dumbfounded.

Five people from NG stood neatly in the grass! Luo has already handed over W on the spot, waiting for him to enter the circle.

Before Lu Mao could react, Luo's W just vacated and took his bull's head to fly.

After the bull's head was knocked into the air, five RNG people rushed forward, each of them pinged an A and added a skill, and bull's head was full of blood and died instantly!

The audience burst into screams off the court, and this blood was much faster than imagined.

After taking the blood, RNG everyone went forward and chased the four people behind the bull's head to kill. JDG saw that the situation was not right, so he slipped away with interest.

However, the incense pot still didn't think about going to the wild area, and chose to open it normally.

"Xiao Ming's Luo used a blind spot of vision to shade the green hair! Without the vision, Luo's W is invisible, and when he sees it, he has been knocked into the air!"

Colonel Guan said with a smile: "This Uzi got a blood, the loken's way down is not easy!"

When the two sides were back online, Loken took a special look at Uzi's equipment.

Duolan Sword + Duolan Shield, with two blood volumes worn on the body, the first-level blood volume directly exceeded 700!

Loken feels a little dizzy. How can ADC take a blood to go home and get out of Dolan Shield?

Uzi, you have changed! You are not the Uzi who likes development anymore!


In the middle of the road, the two are calmly mending their tail knives.

The first-level Demon Ji and Ryze are not fast pushing the line, even if they want to push, they can't push it, so the middle road is still peaceful.

However, the toothpaste was never expected, and the incense pot came directly after the red buff was hit.

The blind boy walked out of the grass, touched his eyes until Ryze's face was red with BUFF and slowed down, and then chased A all the way.

Chen Yuan also came up at this time, madly leveling A.

The toothpaste had a terrible headache at this time and could only be forced to surrender the flash, while the incense pot was not over yet, the Q skill followed the flash, and came up with another wave of damage.

Although Ryze could not be killed, this wave of consumption was quite successful, and Ryze was directly drained to one-third of his blood after a wave.

Do you want to play games? Is your father in the middle?

Toothpaste was about to vomit blood at this time. Ryze, who went out with a blue crystal, was beaten by one-third of the blood when he went online. Is this still smashing?

He knocked out all the reusable potions in his hand, returning the blood volume bit by bit, and at the same time he tentatively moved forward, trying to use his skills to make up two knives.

But Chen Yuan was just as crazy at this time. As long as Ryze came forward, he would directly go up and throw an AQ, not letting Ryze make up the knife.

The damage of a single Q skill of the enchantress is not high. It is stupid to use the Q skill when laning. W used to be stupid to throw Q in the past, but such an operation is even worse for toothpaste. ..

After so many rounds, the toothpaste finally couldn't stand it, so he retreated to the tower and chose to return to the city.

But at this moment, Chen Yuan pushed the second wave of troops into the opposite tower, and then headed into the Ueno area.

"Brother Yuanzi has finished pushing the line, do you want to go with the incense pot to turn red?" Remember to shout, "Ryze is going home at this time, and can't support the teammates in the wild area!"

Clid's male gun is normally blue. His original idea was to finish the red and go on the road to catch a wave. After all, with Thain's cooperation, it is still easy to catch.

At this time, the bearded male gun was carrying the shotgun and walked to the red BUFF. After hearing the reminder from his teammate, the male gun moved slightly and stuck an eye in the grass through the thick wall.

As soon as his eyes fell, he just saw the enchanting girl and the blind monk walking into his red zone from the river channel.

"I can T, you can plug your eyes... Uh." The toothpaste side just wanted to remind his teammates that he has TP, but only then did he see that the male gun had put his eyes in the grass at the entrance of the wild area.

Although this place is only a wall from the red BUFF, he has to make a big circle if he wants to support the past after he TP comes down!

"Forget it, take a step back, I was hit by a T."

No way, in this case, Clid can only take a step back and fight the stone beetle.

When the NG Nakano duo walked to the red zone, they happened to see the red BUFF walking back from the direction of the stone beetle.

"Here here."

The location of the male gun is quite obvious. The bandit duo didn't come here for a red BUFF. Chen Yuan used the signal to click on the stone beetle, and the demon girl walked over the wall with a W and stepped directly on the male gun.

At the same time, the blind boy of the incense pot also followed the W Touch Demon Ji, and the two immediately beat the male gun of the stone beetle.

However, it is a pity that the demon girl has only two levels at this time, and has not learned E, so the male spear still ran away with residual blood without control.

Next, the two RNG Nakano took over the stone beetle.

The incense pot is also quite sensible, knowing that it is not easy for the mid laner to accompany him to support, so he took the initiative to hand over the crippled stone beetle to the demon girl, and he went to collect the red buff and play a comfortable 3 buff.

Of course, the rhythm of the toothpaste explosion was a little better. Although he returned to the city very early, he didn't lose too many soldiers when his TP went online. At this time, he made up the knife and countered the demon girl a few times.

But the Gank of the incense pot is not over yet.

Knowing that your Ryze did not flash, the incense pot must be caught in the middle.

He brushed out his wild area and returned to the city on the spot. After the two groups of wild monsters, he had a good economy, so he bought two long swords directly, and then went straight to the opposite blue area.

It was exactly the time for the second round of wild monsters to spawn, and the river crab was about to spawn in the bottom lane. The time was quite accurate. He successfully caught the male spear that was spawning at the Demon Marsh Frog.

You have no monsters yourself?

Clid always has this idea every time he faces RNG. He now has a pair of shoes, and the blind boy who has played two long swords is behind him and can only call the people in the middle and lower lanes for support.

However, Loken, who was on the road, was being beaten by Shuang Duolan when he went out. How could there be a chance to support the wild area.

While the toothpaste in the middle wanted to support, but Chen Yuan desperately kept it, the demon girl took the initiative to go up, and a chain accurately fastened Ryze, and then gave another Q before the chain burst open.

After a set of skills, Ryze was beaten by one-third of his blood. Ryze retaliated with a set of skills, and the enchanting girl was close to half of his blood.

Although Chen Yuan lost more blood, he managed to keep Ryze in the middle.

Clid people are stupid, are they all so desperate?

The blind monk came up directly and gave him half of the blood. There was no way, he had to hand in E to escape through the wall, and the Demon Marsh Frog was turned back by the incense pot again.

In less than five minutes, three groups of wild monsters were lost, and the Clid people were numb. Then, regardless of level or experience, he couldn't compare with the blind monk.

"Wow, this game of Xiangpot is so fierce!" Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "Clid's wild area was directly penetrated, my God, does Xiangpot still want to oppose the three wolves?"

After the blind boy punished the demon marsh frog in front of the male spear, he didn't even want to leave. A sky sound wave rushed directly to the demon marsh frog, and wanted to continue countering in front of the male spear.

The husband committed the crime, but so.

"...Ritz is here." Chen Yuan, as a teammate, couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly let the incense pot escape.

"Okay." The incense pot was a little regretful. The E skill [Tian Lei Biao] patted the ground, and after taking away a little wolf, he reluctantly left.

The incense pot avoided Ryze, and then before the other side came over, he touched the wall behind the blue BUFF and entered the river channel and began to collect river crabs.

Chen Yuan couldn't bear the consumption of Ryze at this time, and he was empty of blue on hand, so he could only choose to return to the city where he was.

The incense pot seemed to have not seen this scene. The blind boy collected the crabs and passed directly through the middle of the road. In front of everyone on the opposite side, he kicked into the opposite F6.

"Come on, **** him." This toothpaste can't stand it anymore, you really don't have a wild place, are you? You don’t brush all four groups of Ono, do you have to brush ours?

Ryze and the male gun surrounded from two directions, wanting to do a wave of this blind boy.

But at this moment, the light of TP lights up at F6.

"TP?" Toothpaste was a little puzzled. He vaguely remembered that Demon Fairy was ignited. Where did the TP come from?

Soon, the light of TP ended~www.readwn.com~ A fresh Ornn appeared at F6.

"Xiaohu and Yaoji returned to the city at the same time, and then Xiaohu went directly to F6 to support the incense pot, and Yuanzi went to the road to guard the tower!"

The degree of NG's upper-middle-field linkage really made Colonel Guan amazed, "Clid is only half-blooded, plus Ornn's early field combat is quite strong, so I can only let go of this F6!"

I remember seeing that the incense pot has reached level 5 after taking off the F6, but the male gun that has been used by the NTR is only level 3 at this time, and suddenly some tears.

That's horrible...

After more than six minutes, the incense pot had risen to the sixth level by virtue of high-intensity counter-field. He squatted to the middle again, and wanted to try Gank again with the help of Ryze's last bit of time.

At this time, it was not the demon girl who was mixing in the middle lane, but Aoun who was in control all over.

This wave of Gank is also quite simple and unpretentious, Xiaohu Aoun called a sheep from a long distance, and kicked him back directly after the big move hit the incense pot.

Xiaohu used the head hammer to catch the ball accurately, and the second-stage Q of the incense pot directly beheaded Ryze.

From start to finish, Clid is on the side, but he is a Level 4 male gun, and he can only watch from the side...

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