League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 163: Lu Xian! Lu Xian!

The fans off the court can no longer control their emotions. What is this wave called? This wave is called precision fishing!

[Handsome, handsome! Three-level single kill! 】

[Brother Yuanzi: I didn’t single kill, I played two with one.]

Toothpaste looked at Lu Xi'an, who had fled to the lower wilderness area of ​​his home, and he realized at this time that it turned out that the other party's over-tower W was a trap set by Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan knew that the nightmare was coming from the beginning, but worried that he was too crippled because of his blood volume, so he went into the tower and threw a W to interrupt him returning to the city. At the same time, he was shot half-blood by the defensive tower, and finally caught him accurately. This big fat fish!

Then use Nightmare’s E to seduce yourself to approach, and at the last moment a flash of breaking E, then slide to avoid yourself W...

Toothpaste was a little nervous at this time and swallowed involuntarily. He felt that he was going to be ruled by Chen Yuan again in this game.

"666, Brother Yuanzi!" The incense pot was talking weirdly.

"What about you M, hurry up and help him push!" Chen Yuan said grimly. Lu Xi'an was squatting in the grass at this time, watching the nightmare in the middle lane, but didn't dare to show up.

After all, Nightmare still has a flash in his hand, and he rashly shows up to send it, and this wave of soldiers must be pushed forward, otherwise this wave of solo kills will not benefit much.

"Come on!" Of course, Chen Yuan didn't need to say this. The barrel had a big belly and had already been aligned in the middle.

After the two heroes came online, they directly drove away the nightmare in the middle lane control line, and the three skills of the barrel were all turned in, and the soldiers line was disabled, all of which were left to the middle road dad to make up.

"If this wave of line pushes the tower, then the toothpaste can only be handed TP." Remember the explanation: "The first TP of the support hero is used to go online, which has a great impact on the rhythm!"

After the army line was exhausted, Chen Yuan also walked to the bottom of the tower and returned to the city. He ate four waves and added one blood, and his economy just exceeded 1,000. There is no doubt that two long swords and one short sword were directly on the line.

"This, Galio only made up five knives, and bought a bottle of reusable potion on the return trip, while Lucian has already bought a thousand equipment!" Colonel Guan couldn't help shaking his head, "This economic gap lies here, who It's not right to come..."

And the impact of the next game is not that, because the **** line has just advanced to the opposite tower, the fifth wave of **** line waits a little under the tower before coming out of the tower, at this time the **** line is fighting in front of the JDG tower.

In other words, next, there will be a wave of pushback lines.

The toothpaste side spared no effort to push the line, trying to push the line to him before Lu Xi'an came, or if he was controlled by the opposite side, his mid lane line would be over.

It's a pity that Galio, who has only Dolan Ring in his hand, has a limited push speed. When Lucian came slowly with his two spears, he had just cleared the line.

Chen Yuan almost laughed out loud at this time, operating Lu Xi'an directly outside, taking over the hatred of all the soldiers.

Under his deliberate operation, all the remaining five soldiers who were about to enter the tower were pulled out by him. Then the sixth wave of soldiers line just arrived, and the position of the line was firmly stuck in front of his tower.

Do you want to play games? Do you want to play or not?

Toothpaste kept cursing in his heart at this time, but he had nothing to do. Now the soldier line is in front of the opposite tower. If he dared to go up and push the line, wouldn't he have to be chased all the way?

Next, Chen Yuan began to show his super strong line control ability. With these five soldiers as the foundation, Chen Yuan made unlimited tail knives, and it was quite limited. Almost every time his health bar was empty, he couldn't make up when he was empty. .

Even with Chen Yuan's compensation attribute, there was a missing tool in this case, but it didn't matter, as long as the line was controlled.

It is better to miss the knife yourself than to make up the knife on the opposite side.

However, it is impossible to control the **** line in the middle forever. As the heroes make up with one blow, there will always be a day that cannot be controlled.

It wasn't until the arrival of the ninth wave of artillery soldiers that Chen Yuan's hoarded large wave of troops pushed forward the defensive tower mightily.

Although the toothpaste has been squatting behind and rubbing experience, there is still a large wave of soldier experience that he has not eaten. At this time, he only has the full experience of level 4, which is a little closer to level 5.

And Chen Yuan, who had only missed one soldier's experience, had already reached the sixth level.

Galio at level 4 watched Lucian at level 6 press the line into the tower and began to tremble slightly.

"Clid, come and help me eat this wave." Toothpaste said in the voice channel.

He really doesn't want to be a jungler to divide his experience, but at this time, he has nothing to do.

"OK OK, I'll be there soon." Clid's calm voice came, making toothpaste's mood a little stabilized.

But then, the sight of the next second suffocated the toothpaste.

After the first tower, a big fat man holding a wooden barrel appeared.

"The incense pot is here, and the barrel is only level five, but Galio's level is even lower than him!" I remembered saying nervously, "Clid is also nearby, and I will be able to support it immediately."

"Hurry up, the opposite jungler must be here." Chen Yuan urged, this situation can't be delayed.

"OKOK," the cask of the incense pot was not hypocritical, and the cask slammed into Galio directly.

Toothpaste was helpless, so he could only flash and escape the E.

But the incense pot still has to be taken care of. After the E skill is empty, a DF second company directly flashes blue punishment and slows down, and then a Q [explosive wine barrel] explodes on Galio's body.

When Chen Yuan saw the incense pot slow down, Lu Xi'an gave a W from a long distance and then started to take it with a big move.

Where the fourth-level Galio could withstand this damage, the blood line suddenly began to madly.

"RNG is too crazy, isn't it?" Miller was a little surprised, "Chasing from one tower to the second tower, fighting the two towers, Galio? Is the opposite nightmare not far away?"

What does it mean to not treat the opposite person as a person?

But the incense pot didn't care, W had already drank it before GANK. At this time, after chasing into the second tower and approaching Galio, the wooden barrel in his hand was heavily smashed out.

Then Lucian's last few bullets came, forcibly harvesting Galio's life!

"Gario was killed, but the health of the barrel is also not healthy. Can Clid complete the harvest?"

After seeing Galio's death, the incense pot began to retreat as soon as possible, but after all he retreated a little later, and the opposite nightmare came to support him.

After being shot 10,000 times by the defensive tower, he had little blood left at this time, and there was nothing flashing in his hand, so he could only be replaced by Nightmare.

"One for one!" I remembered that I was very excited at this time, and the voice was very sharp, "Oh, when the second tower of wine barrels exited, I just encountered a nightmare, and the incense pot can't run away."

Not only the head of the wine barrel, but also the large wave of small soldiers surviving under the tower, had to be eaten by the nightmare.

At this time, it was only six minutes. Although Chen Yuan's Lu Xi'an missed some knives, he still had 40 to make up his knives.

The toothpaste is miserable. His current fill-up is just over double digits, only a pitiful sixteen, and the level is also the fifth level that he only reached before he died...

Everyone knows that after this wave, JDG's mid lane has been completely blown up.

[Faced with Brother Yuanzi, Lucian chose Galio to resist the pressure, you really have you. 】

[Dead twice in six minutes, was slapped for thirty dollars, stop playing as soon as possible]

[I was hanged for three consecutive rounds, is this JDG's mid laner? 】

Clid ate down the line in the middle with tears. At this time, the monster hunter's DEBUFF had already appeared on him.

In the past, he was happy to have this buff on his body, because he was dirty to the line, but today he saw this buff, but he wanted to cry...

By the time the toothpaste was resurrected and reached the middle road, the time was already six and a half minutes.

After he got home, he didn't show anything, and directly came out a burning gem, which was all his savings.

He definitely didn't come out of a rocket belt, this burning gem should have gone directly to the knight's oath.

Fortunately, the jungler in this round is a nightmare. A Q and A can clear the **** line seven or eight eighty eight. If he TP down, like he did before, he drew up the tower knives and pushed back the line again. The toothpaste really has to drop the keyboard and stop playing.

However, after the **** line was reset in the middle, his treatment was not much better.

Chen Yuan took advantage of the last period of Nightmare's promotion to the sixth stage, and directly rode on the opposite face to press, the equipment gap was so big, it directly pushed Galio out of the experience zone.

"Can you catch it?" Toothpaste asked.

"Immediately." Of course Clid won't let the big fat sheep in the middle road go. "There is still a group of wild monsters at level 6."

I have to say that Clid, who had eaten so many **** lines, was still quite fat. He had already reached level 6 in less than seven minutes. Nightmare learned the big tricks and began to slowly approach the middle.

But at this moment, he saw Lucian suddenly start to back away.

"The incense pot comes to the middle road. Let's eat this wave of soldiers together." Chen Yuan also understood that the nightmare should be almost over, and he also began to shake people.

"Good!" The incense pot is certainly not tired of the experience of dividing the middle road. The barrel gave up the F6 on hand and rushed directly to the middle road.

For a jungler, the most fragrant thing besides the head is the **** line in the middle of his home.

"How many six levels are you short of?" Chen Yuan asked suddenly.

"This...not a lot." The incense pot took a look, "At least a wave of soldiers."

"OK." Chen Yuan nodded and waited until the barrel came to the middle, before he began to press forward again.

And at this time Clid was also asking about toothpaste, "How many six are you missing?"

"Uh, it's too early, two or more soldiers!" Toothpaste scratched his head.

As soon as Clid heard this, he turned his head and went back to the wild, "You can **** yourself, I'm leaving, and I will try to support them when they cross the tower."


While pushing the line with the wine barrel, Chen Yuan said: "Nightmare experience is higher than you, then he must be six. We can't kill the middle lane. We push the lane and go to the bottom lane."

In the early seven minutes, Chen Yuan and the incense pot completed the middle route together. After the two simultaneously pushed out the enemy's field of vision, they began to walk down the road.

"RNG is coming to four packs of two?" Guan Zeyuan said: "At this time, the Xia Lu soldiers line has just been pushed out, they have to wait a while..."

"Uzi started pushing, and the wheel was pushing quickly! The crow's skills were blocked by Bron's jump! The intention of jumping over the tower is obvious!"

Under the enforcement of RNG's lower road, the line of troops was quickly pushed into the tower, Xiao Ming's Bloom gave a Q to the hatred of the tower, and then he stood on the edge of the tower and acted as an anti-tower tool.

Uzi, Chen Yuan, and the incense pot all rushed forward and directly ate the two wizards under the tower!

"The bottom road was directly overtaken! Galio in the middle road is not even level six!" I remember wailing, "The bottom road tower was directly destroyed by four people, and the dragon can still be controlled!"

Xiao Ming and Xiang Guo walked away tacitly, allowing the middle and lower two to eat a tower of money. Chen Yuan got one head and one assist, and returned to the city happily, directly making the blade of the ruined king.

At this time, it was only eight minutes away.

[Destroyed in eight minutes? 】


[If it's me, just let the other side push it, I'm still playing with hairy]

After the next tower was demolished, Uzi went directly to the upper road, and Xiaohu started the link he was familiar with to defend the tower.

Every time Xiaohu enters this rhythm, he will have a muddled feeling, as if happiness belongs to his teammates and has nothing to do with him...

However, it was a relief for him to come to the bottom lane. After all, playing Bobby on the top lane is indeed impossible...

Clid obviously didn't expect the opposing side to move so fast. In his thoughts, he wanted to use his big move to gain the advantage in the upper middle and upper middle when he reached the sixth level.

But I didn't expect that the middle lane directly exploded into a pile of shit. When he was at level six, the opposing center took off directly to catch it, and he had been in the Ueno area and was unable to support the bottom lane.

Well, if you can't catch it, let's catch it. As a result, this little tiger is like a defensive tower. Knowing that he can't beat Bobby, he just won't go up to fight, and won't give it a chance.

Waiting for him to hesitate, the people on the road have been replaced by wheel mothers and Bron...

So it seems that his jungler is very dumb, and Nightmare keeps doing wild farts all the time...

The time soon reached ten minutes. The four people in the upper half gathered and secured the Pioneer. Then several people gathered, first pulling a tower with heroic power.

After seeing this situation, Xiangguo decisively summoned the Canyon Vanguard, cooperated with his teammates and soldiers, and then broke the second tower on the road!

Chen Yuan took the opportunity to **** away the resources of the opponent's Ueno area, and then he went back to the middle to make money.

He is about to make a black cut.

Lucian black cut and broke this suit to make it, when it was truly invincible.

Immediately afterwards, RNG began to hold the group tightly and push the tower. Chen Yuan did not rush to single belt in this round. After all, there was a nightmare on the opposite side, and it was too threatening to catch alone.

"After pushing the second tower on the upper road, RNG chose to dismantle the second tower on the middle road, and then they went down the road without stopping, and merged with Xiaohu to win the second tower on the lower road!"

The game quickly reached eighteen minutes. RNG removed all the six outer towers, and under the extravagant field of vision, the entire map could be seen in full view.

At this time, Chen Yuan went home, and the economy of two hundred dollars, three heads and six outer towers made him very rich. Not only did he make a black cut, but also bought a yellow fork.

With equipment in hand~www.readwn.com~ he finally has the cost of a single belt.

"RNG is starting 131 again. The little tiger with TP is leading the line on the bottom road, and Brother Yuanzi is leading the road..." I remembered saying that I was suddenly nervous, "The opposite nightmare and Galio are here, and they seem to be on the road. Lucian!"

Immediately afterwards, the nightmare suddenly turned off the lights and rushed towards Lucian, and Galio of toothpaste followed behind, waiting for the nightmare to fall.

At this time, Chen Yuan saw that the screen suddenly darkened. Looking at the ghosts that rushed to his face, Galio's magic circle was already under his feet, but he didn't panic at all and began to operate.

The E skill spreads a certain distance, click to connect W, click to connect Q, move the position to cancel the back swing of Q, and click again!

He clicked on the detached Lucian and made a black cut, plus his talent has a 36% CD. At this time, Lucian is at level 12, the E skill is on level four, and the CD is 11 seconds.

And he fired six shots in a second, reducing the 12-second CD of the E skill in total. At this time, the E skill has already turned for the better!

With another E, Lucian surrendered two Es in one second, which not only broke the E of Nightmare, but also moved out of the range of Galio's ultimate!

At the same time, Chen Yuan pressed R and Lu Xian raised both guns at the same time, and thousands of bullets poured out like a waterfall!

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