League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 167: The ultimate Upper Nakano! Uzi's Quinn ADC!

"Congratulations to RNG, take a city first and get a 1:0 lead!" The doll trembled with excitement.

Miller was also a little hard to control his emotions at this time. "In this round, both sides showed their own strengths. Even in the disadvantaged, IG did not give up looking for opportunities!"

"The next game, what wonderful performance the two sides will bring to us, let us look forward to it together!"


The moment the players took off their headphones, the audience from all directions waved their aids and began to cheer.

Like in the previous competition venues, those audiences with very loud voices, Chen Yuan can hear them.

However, he couldn't hear anything in a large stadium like today, only the noise of shaking his eardrums.

Soon, the MVP information of this game was displayed on the big screen. The sound that was quite noisy in the last second was instantly calm, and then it turned into a uniform cheer!

Uzi clasped his fists and stood shoulder to shoulder with Kai'Sa.

"11-1-4, the damage accounted for 37.9%, and the match-up economy was 4396," Wawa couldn't help exclaiming: "This is Uzi. As long as he develops a three-piece suit, he can take over the entire game!"

"It's too powerful!" Miller, the old Yuanchuan, couldn't help saying at this time: "Yuanzi brother is actually completely invisible. RNG directly broke the early stage of IG through frequent line changes between the upper and lower lanes! The game has nothing to do with the mid lane of both sides."

"In the next game, IG has to think about whether to give Kai'Sa a ban."

In the RNG lounge.

"Opposite the one who must ban Kai'Sa" Feng Ge sat on the chair, "Even if he doesn't ban, he will definitely replace the ban. Then we will hit the middle field in the next game, no problem."

This question is for Xiaohu. They also have a system that has never been seen in the upper middle field, and the core is the upper single Xiaohu.

"No problem." Xiaohu nodded, "I'm ready."

"Can you get the incense pot in the next game?" Karsa suddenly asked at this moment.

"Huh?" Brother Feng was a little confused, "Why did you change players because you clearly won the last round?"

"I feel that I didn't play very well in the last hand. Maybe it would be better to put the incense pot on it."

Feng Ge rejected Karsa's proposal at this time, "No, as long as we can win, we will definitely not change the jungle. This will have an impact on the implementation of tactics."

Karsa nodded silently.


The scene at this time is in the commentary. Today's special guest Wuhu Dasima is talking on stage, explaining the issues of the players on both sides.

"This wave, Uzi is actually a little bit crazy..."

"Look at this, Urgot's handling is actually quite beautiful. One person is afraid of four, but King Ning's movements are a little slower, and he didn't have the first time to cut Kai'Sa, which caused him to dispense mercury and then his E skill became invisible."

"Of course, you can say that Uzi is on the fifth floor, he used fear to seduce King Ning to the bait, and then counter-kill!"

Teacher Ma’s comments were tricky and reasonable. At this time, the barrage shot [Teached], [Teacher Ma in the atmosphere] and so on. Then, the camera switched back to the audience.

"Welcome back to the Nanjing Youth Olympic Sports Park Gymnasium!" The doll said loudly: "The game on the field can be said to be very nervous! The next game is about to start, let us take a look at the BP of both sides!"

Driven by the doll, the enthusiasm of the audience was further ignited. At this time, the audience from all directions made waves of overwhelming sound, through the soundproof glass and headphones, and entered the ears of the contestants.

"In the second round, IG chose the side. They chose the blue side, so the matchup in this round is the same as the previous round."

The first ban position, IG directly gave Thain.

"RNG continued to ban Akali and Sword Demon here, which has not changed much from the previous round." Changmao nodded, "IG banned vampires and blind monks with the last two hands!"

"It seems that the last round of RNG's line-swap system put a lot of pressure on IG." Wawa said with a smile: "Saen is banned."

RNG banned the bull's head in the last hand and entered the first round of selection.

In the first-hand selection, IG used the blue party privileges to directly lock Kai'Sa.

Looking at this selection, Brother Feng nodded in satisfaction. In his expectation, in fact, even if the opponent didn't grab it, they didn't plan to take this one.

"RNG chose Luohe Keg with the first two hands! It's so strong to start a group!" Miller couldn't help but slap his tongue, "Does RNG want to go head-to-head with IG in this game?"

On the IG side, Bron + Olaf is locked. The intrusion capabilities of these two heroes are quite abnormal. Obviously, IG wants to play a first-level group.

"The last pick of the first round, RNG got Galio!" Miller pondered for two seconds. "Although there is nothing wrong with this choice, it doesn't feel good to let Yuanzi play Galio..."

"Yeah!" Wawa understood the meaning of her partner, and then said: "Yuanzi brother is a player with strong personal ability. He should use some strong heroes to match the line! RNG gives him Galio first. It is undoubtedly a self-breaking arm!"

In the second round of the bans, Coach Kim stared at Uzi who had not yet chosen to start, and killed Verus and Xia.

And Feng Ge directly killed Jian Ji and Crab, and further blocked TheShy's hero pool.

"RNG's fourth hand...second lock Qinggang Ying!?" Miller really didn't understand this. "RNG, the upper and middle field combination, is somewhat like the lineup selected by IG. They want to Bao is completely pressed on Xiaohu's single belt!"

"If Xiaohu's matchup collapses in this round, it will basically declare the game over... But can Xiaohu really not collapse when facing TheShy and King Ning?"

Obviously, Coach Kim didn't understand the single choice too much at this time, but since the opposing team had written the game, of course he couldn't retreat. He directly commanded the players to select the Crocodile and Ryze.

The crocodile has a natural advantage in fighting against the steel shadow, and Ryze faces Galio, and while able to develop steadily, he can also keep up with Galio's wandering. The opponent's fight is quite strong in gunpowder!

"Then it depends on what AD Uzi plans to choose..." Miller analyzed: "Whether to choose the early and mid-term fighting type of ice, or the mid-to-late stage ca of EZ Big Mouth.

y type. "

Then, a female hero appeared on the big screen, making everyone dumbfounded.

Wings of Demacia, Quinn!

"AD is Quinn!?" The doll was a little silly, "and Quinn also brings weakness! What kind of gameplay is this, can anyone explain?"

Miller saw a hint at this time and tried to explain: "The biggest advantage of this hero is actually very obvious, that is, the ultimate move can provide him with a high amount of speed away from the battle, which makes her very capable of wandering, so I A bold guess..."

"The RNG game is supposed to completely abandon the development of the AD position and let Uzi go and play an ultimate upper middle field! Protect the little tiger, and then rely on the little tiger and Quinn to open the situation in the later stage!"

"If you think about it carefully, in the late 131 single-belt, Quinn's hitting the Alligator would be an absolute sling, and the same is true of Qinggang Ying's hitting Ryze!"

Speaking of this, the three commentators looked at each other and everyone was a little excited. RNG's second trick is here!

The lineup is determined.

Blue side IG: Top laner Alligator, jungler Olaf, mid laner Ryze, Bottom Kai'Sa + Bloom.

Red side RNG: top laner Qinggangying, hit wild barrels, mid laner Galio, bottom lane Quinn + Lowe.

"The second round of the 2018 LPL Summer Finals is about to begin. Let's take a look at the wonderful performance of both sides in this round..."

Chen Yuan adjusted the earphones to make the clip tighter, further isolating the audience's voices. The audience's cheers were too high, which slightly affected his communication with his teammates.

He operated Galio to purchase Dolan Ring and two bottles of Red and went directly to the wild area.

"IG does not seem to intend to invade the lower jungle area, because if they do, it means that they have to give up control of the upper half of the map." Miller analyzed: "This is not what IG wants. of."

At the first level, Chen Yuan shrank directly behind, waiting for the three melee soldiers to become remnants of blood, and then a Q to take them away together.

However, Rookie's position is quite fierce. Ryze brought the comet, and the first level directly pressed in front, not giving Chen Yuan a chance to make up the knife.

Rookie looked quite serious at this time, staring closely at the colossus of justice.

The three little soldiers quickly left their blood, and Chen Yuan had nothing to do. He waved his wings and fanned out the wind to clear the little soldiers.

But the price is that Ryze AWA suppressed a lot of blood.

Next, the middle road is the same scene, there are remnants of blood, Galio uses Q to make up a wave, and then Ryze beats a set.

The mid-lane hero suppression is not small. Even if Chen Yuan has the sky-reaching operation, he can only be honestly suppressed. After all, the opponent is not a weak player.

The time quickly reached four minutes, after pushing a wave of Rookie to return to the city and the Goddess Tears.

At this time, King Ning stepped into the RNG field, with one eye stuck in the grass, and Rookie TP came over directly.

Because there had been a wave of confrontation in the bottom road, the blood volume of both sides was not high, at this time JackeyLove was pressing a wave of soldiers into the tower, which gave IG a chance to cross the tower.

"It's only more than four minutes, do you want to wrap it up? But Xiao Ming has already made eye positions in the triangular grass, so they retreated very early and were not caught."

Wuzi and Xiaoming directly chose to retreat to the second tower after seeing the enemy jungler's appearance. They didn't dare to slowly return to the first tower to make up for the sword until the opponent gave up the undertaking.

However, after this time, a wave of swordsmanship has been eaten by the defensive tower. Fortunately, there was a gun cart that topped the defensive tower and attacked a lot, otherwise Uzi would lose even more in this wave.

"But there is one thing to say. Generally speaking, Kai'Sa Gabron is the side that was pinched, but in this round, it was Quinn, and Kai'Sa was able to press others' line. In fact, it was quite comfortable!" Miller Calmly analyze.

The director cut the camera to the road again, Xiaohu's Qinggang Ying faced the crocodile, and directly wrote the tragic words on his thigh, standing half-blooded behind the soldier.

The crocodile was red and angry at the soldier, Qing Gangying used W [fan sweep] to sweep on the crocodile, returning a little blood.

But TheShy couldn't watch that he was consumed. The crocodile made a minion again, and then two consecutive Es were close to the body, and an A hit Qinggang Ying.

The anger control was perfect. At this time, the crocodile was red and angry again, and the crocodile stunned the green steel shadow with W in seconds, and then another AQ.

Qing Gangying also responded with an AQ after waking up from the vertigo, but the blood exchange was directly lost to her grandma's house.

"This is not right!" Miller looked uncomfortable, "This little tiger must go home! Otherwise, wait for the line to enter the tower, and directly give you a set of skills!"

Of course Xiaohu also understood this truth. He directly hid under the tower and returned to the city. Looking at the 900 gold coins in his hand, he gritted his teeth and bought two Dolan swords.

After the TP was relaunched, the economic advantages of the two Dolans gave Xiaohu the right to speak again. Qinggang Ying directly kicked the crocodile on the line to perform a forced exchange of blood.

Although the crocodile is angry at this time, but this wave of blood exchange has not changed, there is no way, the equipment gap is here.

After a wave of blood changes, Xiaohu successfully used a TP to press the crocodile to one-third of the blood.

"Xiaohu, push the line, push the crocodile over, and Karsa will also come." Chen Yuan glanced at the blood volume of the crocodile on the road and made a decisive decision.

Rookie teleported to the bottom lane and gave him a chance to push the line. He had just pushed the **** line into the tower at this time, and the rhythm of a wave of top lane was just right.

Under the tower, the crocodile didn’t plan to go home. Although he didn’t have a lot of health, he had the Dolan sword. As long as he made up the wave tower knife to save his anger, and then took the opportunity to touch a red rage Q, he could directly The blood volume rises.

"Be careful about Chenglu, the opposite jungler hasn't shown up, and the mid laner is gone." Big brother Rookie sent a Miss warning to TheShy at this time.

TheShy glanced at the map at this time, and indeed did not see the figure of the opposite Nakano, so he manipulated the crocodile and directly began to retreat, intending to push to the second tower and return to the city.

But it was too late, and Keg and Galio had appeared, blocking his retreat alive.

Rookie is clearing troops in the middle at this time, without TP in his hand, and King Ning is still clearing the field in the second half. There must be no teammates to support him.

Just in case, Chen Yuan taunted the crocodile with a W flash, and at the same time used the aftershocks to fight the tower wantonly.

Xiaohu and Karsa all rushed forward, directly controlling TheShy's crocodile to death, and Qing Gangying took the blood.

"NICE brothers!" Uzi lost his **** line in the lower lane, but he was a little happy to see his teammates scored a blood on the upper lane.

"This wave of IG has taken care of it! Not only did it fail to get anything, but it left her family alone and helpless..." Wawa sighed, "I don't know who directed this wave of RNG, indeed. Good command!"

After catching the people, Chen Yuan went back to the city, bought a pair of shoes and burning gems, TP directly back to the middle road to guard the tower, and didn't even drop many soldiers. The rhythm of this wave of wandering was quite perfect.

The mid lane continued to line up. Rookie was in good condition. He knew that Galio hadn't flashed, so he had a lot of courage to line up. He rode directly on Galio's face and pressed ~www.readwn.com~ and didn't worry about being caught.

Instead, King Ning’s Olaf tried to catch a wave of mid lanes, but Galio was so easy to catch. He looked at Olaf on his face and triggered the aftershock for a second, and then slid straight away with the damage.

"Olav is not at level six at this time, which caused Gank to fail, but King Ning will definitely not let him go while Galio hasn't flashed." Miller was analyzing the situation at this time.

Between a few commentators saying you and me, the time quickly came to eight minutes.

At 8 minutes and 15 seconds, JackeyLove had enough money, and after pushing the line of troops into the tower, he chose to return to the city for magic cutting.

Magic Kai'Sa is a new Kai'Sa game that has become popular recently. The high attack power combined with the pickaxe can directly evolve Q, enhance the fighting ability in the early stage, and it is not weak in the later stage, but the disadvantage is that there is no attack speed, and the evolution of E is slower. Some.

At this time, Quinn in the bot lane had already reached the sixth level. Taking advantage of the time when Ah Shui returned to the city to replenish his equipment, he also pushed the line of troops past, and Uzi directly chose to return to the city.

After returning to the city, Quinn went directly to the road!

"Come here!" Seeing this, several commentators were looking forward to it, "Queen's first wave of AD level six wanders, see if there is any effect!"

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