League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 171: This B is really dare

"Huh?" The incense pot was still blowing on Brother Yuanzi for one second, and the next second was hit by the bad news, "Little Tiger, I caught a flash for you. Are you still single-killed?"

"No way." TOP Tiger said with his iconic duck voice: "He grabbed a level six, then blocked me WA with W, and then took me away with a four-breaker."

Soon, the director produced the replays of the two single kills in the upper and middle waves respectively, and everyone also understood how Xiaohu died.

Almost the same as the middle road, Jian Ji brought up the immortal grip Q to consume. Of course, Xiaohu was not to be outdone, and wanted WA to respond with immortality.

As a result, a W of TheShy's spirituality blocked Aoun's Ping A and stunned him. At the same time, the minion died and rose to level 6.

Moreover, Xiaohu here is not brainless. He turned his head and cheated for a few consecutive times before A became passive. In the end, he was blocked. It seemed that he was like a dumb man...

Sword Princess opened the ultimate [Wushuang Challenge], a smooth wave of four breaks, and then Q skills followed by flashes, crossing the tower took Aoun's life.

When Chen Yuan heard what Xiaohu said, he couldn't help but shook his head.

He returned to the city where he was, and directly bought the Hextech revolver and murder ring.

After returning to the line, Chen Yuan would be much more wretched, standing under the tower not daring to go out.

Because he didn't have purification in his hands at this time, as long as he was Dazhong Li Sang Zhuo, he would most likely be taken directly by Stone Sparrow for a set of seconds.

However, he was in the same situation as TheShy's Sword Ji. At this time, he also had no big moves. As long as he was caught by the line, he would basically be dead.

However, TheShy is worthy of the world's best-in-class title, and Jian Ji is still stunned. When Tiamat came out, she was desperately pressed.

At this time, how to deal with the situation is a problem that the junglers on both sides need to deal with.

First of all, King Ning is obviously the best to catch at this time, and the skill linkage of the middle field can even directly ignore the defensive tower and kill it.

And if he is caught, he will inevitably be hit **** the road. TheShy is caught to death and the game will not be easy to win.

When he goes on the road and squats back, he may not be able to squat.

Thinking of the end, King Ning gritted his teeth and chose to save the road daddy. Stone bird came to the grass on the upper route and began to squat back.

And he was in the same idea as the incense pot, the jungler nightmare had already reached the sixth level at this time, in order to protect the middle road dad, he chose to squat in the middle road.

In this way, both junglers stay awkward at the same time. This awkwardness is ten or twenty seconds...

At this time, the director also started to mess up, cut two split screens, zoomed in and zoomed out the motionless posture of the two junglers. At this time, the world focused on them...

【disconnected? 】

[These two reckless men are still playing anti-squatting, laughing at me to death]

[The two are fighting the landlord? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, go to play chess]

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was also rectified, and words were deducted wildly in the live broadcast room.

Perhaps because of the enthusiasm of the audience, the two junglers couldn't help it at the same time and started to do it at the same time.

Since the anti-squat can't be done, just grab it directly, right?

Taking advantage of the **** line being reset in the middle of the upper road, King Ning directly blocked the road with a big move and began to force Ornn.

Xiaohu was a little bit miserable at this time. Master has been pressed down, why are you still arresting?

He didn't flash again at this time, facing the rock sparrow's big move, he wanted to use the E skill to hit the gravel wall with his head hammer.

But this was caught by TheShy again, and while Aoun hit the wall, Jian Ji directly QW came up to touch the porcelain, and Aoun was perfectly stunned.

At the same time, the nightmare of the incense pot also started its big move.

Rookie originally thought that the nightmare was going on the road with support, but the next second he flew directly next to him, and he was also shocked...

After the nightmare hits the ground, press QE together, W perfectly evades Li Sangzhuo's W control, and at the same time ran forward with Li Sangzhuo.

Although Rookie released the crampons, the nightmare ran too fast, causing the crampons to not run out of the skill range at all, and was forcibly feared.

When the fear ended, Li Sangdro had been cut half of his blood by Nightmare, and Rookie had no choice but to R Nightmare, hoping to run away.

But then, Chen Yuan's precise E skills kept up, two QAs took Lisangzhuo's life, and two deaths in two minutes, Rookie's rhythm has been a little broken.

At the same time, the little tiger on the road was also killed by Jian Ji.

"The two junglers succeeded in Gank at the same time!" Miller was also a little bit dumbfounded at this time. "I have to say, the game between Xiangguo and King Ning in the wild is quite interesting..."

It's really interesting. The two sides have come to the game, and they didn't meet each other.

After catching the middle road, the incense pot took advantage of King Ning's chance on the road to control the first little dragon. This is an earth dragon, which is of great strategic significance.

Then, the two sides Umakano came out of the spring one after another and returned to the line state.

Chen Yuan returned to the city this time to make a vampire scepter, and his 10% vampire made his line mixing ability reach a peak.

Faced with the ice girl who only had the Hextech revolver, she didn't need any operation at all, and she was done with the damage patch. The ice girl's scraping Q hit her body as if it were tickling.

However, the little tiger on the road is a bit uncomfortable. TheShy also has a vampire scepter in his hand. Add a Tiamat, and use the Immortal Grip to exchange blood without a brain. The defensive tower is like nothing. Standing under the tower will have to be crazy by TheShy. stamp.

"The time will soon reach nine minutes..." Miller scanned the screen and began to interpret the battle. "IG's side, Li Sandra and Jian Ji both have TP, and RNG's only Aoun has TP, Ah Carrie brought purification..."

"Then the IG side is likely to use the upper mid-range double TP and the support attributes of the wild rock sparrow's big move to do things."

At the same time, on IG's voice channel, several people are enthusiastically discussing the next tactics.

"A Shui, you can be a little bit fierce in the bottom road. If the opposite nightmare dares to catch, Ning and I can support it." Big brother Rookie planned to go down the road as a bait and seduce RNG to take the bait.

If you can take advantage of this opportunity to kill RNG down the road, it would be best.

"OK OK." The young Ah Shui agreed, and his depressed nature for fear of being caught was released. Verus pierced through the soldiers with one arrow, and soon began to push the line forward.

At the same time, the RNG voice channel.

The incense pot was brushing the stone beetle at this time, and saw that the opposite Verus pushed the line of soldiers over, "Can you catch a wave of the next road?"

"Yes, you can." Xiao Ming nodded, "I can directly flash two consecutive openings."

"Veros' position is quite dangerous!" Miller explained, "The incense pot is already on the way down, do you want to catch it? Currently, both Velus and Bron have a double trick!"

Immediately after Miller's voice fell, Xiao Ming and Uzi crossed the line of soldiers, Xiao Ming flashed a WQ and rushed up, Ah Shui reacted very quickly, Verus also flashed, avoiding the bull's head.

Rookie has been staring at the bottom lane, and at the moment when the bull head started the team, a TP pointed directly at the soldier in the rear! Vaguely surrounds RNG down the road.

The incense pot was also surprised when he saw TP. He didn't expect the opposite TP to be so fast. He was a little upset at this moment. He had known that he had turned off the lights in advance.

But at this time, he couldn't tolerate thinking, and Nightmare turned on its big move to turn off the lights, and then flew toward Verus as well.

Similarly, King Ning's rock sparrow flew over with a big move, and the stone wall blocked RNG's back path!

The commentary from the perspective of God saw that the team battle that should have been 2V2 in the next road turned into 4V4 in an instant, and I couldn't help but start to lament the speed of support from both sides.

Li Sandra, Stone Sparrow, Nightmare, and Akali were all supported in an instant.

Um? Is there something weird in it?

How did Akali come here! ? A few seconds ago, he was still making up the knife in the middle! ?

Nightmare flying solo Verus is actually inevitable, but adding an Akali makes it different.

Although Ah Shui was approached by the nightmare without flashing, he was not panicked. Before the nightmare had the effect of fear, he backhanded Bron's vertigo.

According to the canyon theory of relativity, when both parties are controlled, it is equivalent to not being charged.

A Shui woke up from fear, hurriedly took a healer to get away, and at the same time a big move was thrown on the nightmare, the deadly rhythm had been triggered, and he was about to start his A show!

But in the next second, an Akali flew from the sky, a big poster was close to the body, AQ opened the distance, and then two big moves in a second followed by a passive level A! The high damage directly killed Verus who was dissatisfied with his blood volume!

Ah Shui was startled by the mysterious Akali, who was a little confused and clicked several question marks on the screen.

"Yuanzi's Akali changed the situation! Velus, who could not die, was directly beheaded!" Miller said loudly, "Uzi is also being cut here, but he is not dead!"

After Li Sangzhuo landed, the same big move directly froze Uzi, and at the same time King Ning landed, WE Erlian directly fell on Xia's body.

The two played a set of bos, but the damage was not as good as the ideal one had imagined. It was actually a little bit short of damage, and there was no second loss.

Uzi woke up from the control and was taken aback by the high amount of damage. He quickly pressed R.

Ni Yu flew into the air and entered an invincible state. At the same time, the second DF company flashed over the wall of the rock bird while adding a bit of blood to ensure his safety!

At this time, the light-off effect of Nightmare's ultimate has just ended, and Summoner's Canyon repeats the dawn.

Immediately afterwards, a light of TP lit up again, it was Wushuang Jian Ji!

Seeing TheShy teleporting down the road, Xiaohu's protection gene was instantly activated, almost at the same time, the TP belonging to Aoun was also lit up at the same time!

"TheShy and Xiaohu are here too!" The doll started yelling, "How did 2V2 become 5V5?"

The battle between the two sides continued. After the midfielders of the two sides had dealt with the ADC, they turned their heads at the same time and started to fight each other. Together with the assistance of the two sides, the 3V3 battle started.

However, both Nightmare and Akali are fighters who rely on level A and have fast skill cycles. Obviously, their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of Rock Sparrow and Lisandro.

Moreover, Uzi, who was a third of his blood, was still screaming and exhausting. Gradually, the IG side fell into a disadvantage, but they were still holding on, waiting for TheShy to land.

Although Aoun is a strong team player, the equipped TheShy must be stronger than Aoun!

"Sword Fairy and Aoun landed almost at the same time, Xiaohu called the sheep directly after landing!" Miller began to get nervous, after all, this wave of team battles had actually determined the direction of the entire game.

After Sword Princess landed, she directly found the nearby nightmare, Q skills rushed to her side, and then directly AE began to chop.

Because of Akali's use of Xia Zhen's invisibility, the incense pot was originally set on fire by the two, and the blood volume was not safe. Jian Ji took a few stabs and directly sent him back to the spring.

At the same time, Xiaohu's second stage of the big move also rushed over. Under his precise control, the sheep's head skipped Jian Ji and knocked away the two Yanque and Li Sangzhuo.

Chen Yuan seized the opportunity and emerged from the smoke bomb. An AQ shot killed the rock bird.

At the same time, Xiaohu rushed over with the E skill, and WA took Lisanzhuo away!

At this time, there are only Jian Ji and Bron left on the field. They will face the four of Xia, Akali, Aoun and Tauren!

Uzi's Xia was standing close to the tower at this time, coming up from time to time to steal a shot, and then, TheShy flashed a Q without hesitation and poked Xia's side.

QAE, three knives in one second, instantly reaped Xia's life!

Xiao Ming's bull head watched Jian Ji flash into the tower, and the bull head directly handed over W, trying to push Jian Ji into the tower.


Wushuang Sword Fairy put on a defensive posture, directly blocked Lao Niu's skills, stunned him, and at the same time stepped out of the tower, Wushuang's challenge was also hung on Half-Blood Niu!

Er Duan E slashed on the cow with a crit damage to pierce the first weakness, and then walked to the second weakness with the damage of Akali and Ornn, with another stab!

Move another step, another cut!

Three weaknesses were broken, and then a Tiamat, half-blooded bull head returned directly to the spring.

A blood return array with a rose as the background unfolded, and with the triumphant victory, Jian Ji's blood volume was quickly raised to half blood!

"TheShy killed Xia and Niutou one after another!" Long Mao said in surprise, "What a quick knife! The situation is back to 2V2!"

Next, TheShy still didn't want to run, and the newly turned Q poked Akali directly.

Sapphire's Bron also has a Q skill, which gives Akali passivity.

Chen Yuan frowned slightly at this time, his energy bar was already empty at this time, and he could only throw the E skill on his hand. It was vaguely unrealistic to want to cooperate with Aoun to kill this Half-Blood Sword Fairy.

Even if you can kill, others will run away casually, and you may die.

Fall out!

"Can't beat it, retreat!" Chen Yuan said loudly at this time. Taking advantage of Jian Ji Q's chance to come up, Akali moved with an E skill and ran towards the direction of the tower.

In fact, Jian Ji didn't have the Q skill on hand, and couldn't catch up with Akali, so she had to give up, and after a few slashes Aoun also retreated.

"The two sides played three for three!" The doll said loudly: "In this 5V5 team battle, RNG's AD auxiliary field replaced IG's Nakano AD!"

"Akali got two heads~www.readwn.com~ Aoun got one head, while Jian Ji got three heads alone!" Miller frowned slightly and said, "TheShy is already 5-0! Such a fat sword Ji, what should RNG do in the later stage?"

"But I still have a question." Wawa said with a smile: "How did Yuanzi's Akali get down?"

"Yes!" Miller patted his forehead, "I didn't understand it a bit."

Next, the replay given by the director gave them the answer.

At that time, after the bull's head flashed up to start the group, Rookie went straight down to TP in order to avoid being turned off.

The director cut the shot to the middle.

Chen Yuan’s Akali was making up his sword at this time. After seeing the light of the TP on the bottom road, he gave up the line of pawns at hand, and unexpectedly flashed to connect E, and the shuriken hit the TP state at the extreme distance. Li Sang Zhuo.

Seeing this, everyone has already understood that Akali turned out to be a follower of the second stage E skill, and forcibly followed to the bottom!

The three commentators glanced at each other at this time, and they all had nothing to say.

This B is so dare...

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