League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 195: Yasuoga Stoneman!

"Two to zero! This is a time to celebrate! RNG is only one step away from the agreed trip to Incheon!"

The LPL fans in the audience were already excited by Nai, and cheers hovered throughout the venue.

The commentators looked at each other separately, and they were all unspeakably excited.

After four years, can LPL finally return to the finals?

"RNG's task is very simple now, they just need to win another small game, the last one!"

The voice I remember was impassioned, "In the past so many years in the global finals, there has never been a second chase after three!"

The LPL's commentary and the audience are both happy and happy at this time, but the European audience is full of sadness.

[Hero just slapped Perkz, is he coming to slap Caps again? 】

[When will our European mid laner stand up? 】

[If three to zero, don’t come back and stay in Korea]

"Caps, can you be bolder in the third game?" The coach looked at his mid laner helplessly in the FNC lounge.

At this time, Caps showed the same dejected expression as Perkz. He knew that his problem in the last game was indeed a bit big...

The golden body ice fist, plus the first evolution Q, if the teammates go smoothly, this set of semi-fluid Victor is actually not low in intensity, after all, as long as this hero has a level, the damage will not be low.

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The problem is that they didn't go well in this game, which finally caused him, Victor, to become a joke.

But when he realized this problem, the equipment was half out and could not be changed.

In the RNG lounge

"MVP is Xiaohu?" Chen Yuan was full of disbelief, "Only the five kills that only hit a thousand injuries?"

8-1-8, the data is indeed gorgeous, but the injury accounted for only 21%, and the injury accounted for 23%. From the data point of view, this is not a pure ** hybrid?

Xiaohu frowned and wanted to argue, but he really couldn't find anything to say...

"It's all a small problem." Brother Feng said with a smile: "This MVP has no gold content. Let's go back to the game. We will..."


At the scene, the three commentators were still talking frantically, enlivening the atmosphere.

"It shouldn't be difficult for us to see through the first two games that Caps did not perform as well as imagined in these two games."

I remember that as soon as the voice fell, Mr. Guan began to answer: "Indeed, the FNC team wants to play an advantage. Caps' performance is essential. When he is invisible, FNC will fall into a situation where there is nothing to do. ."

Quite a few bullet screens were excited when they heard this sentence.

[Be bold, just say that Caps was hit by Yuanzi brother]

[His outfit is not worthy of Carry]

[Golden Ice Fist Victor, also the first to evolve Q, a pure mixed one]

"Now that FNC is on the verge of elimination, if they want to continue the game, Caps must stand up."

Players from both sides have already played again. The cameraman crouched in front of the stage and aimed the camera at the players on both sides.

The audience was cheering at this time, Chen Yuan was in a good mood, and he was happy to raise his hand and waved, and gained a lot of cheers and screams.

When the host’s passionate report ended, the players of both sides returned to their seats.

"BP has started!" I remember loudly saying: "This round is the right to choose the side of FNC. They still chose the blue side, and they were the first to ban vampires!"

As the winning side, RNG will naturally not change the formation at will. Xiaohu finds Akali and bans him.

For the second ban, FNC gave Qing Gangying, and Feng Ge sealed the sword sister.

"There is one last ban." Remember to look at the BP pictures on both sides of the screen, "At this time, Luo and Sword Demon are still outside, will both parties ban?"

In the end, there was no accident. FNC decisively banned Luo while RNG banned Sword Demon.

At this time, how the FNC of the blue side will make the first-hand choice is another question.

The Xia Luo combination was split, and when there was only one Xia left, the meaning of re-election would be of little significance.

At this time, there are three versions of T1 heroes: Kai'Sa, Verus, and Crab, among which Kai'Sa has the highest tactical status.

But it is almost foreseeable. If they hold Kai'Sa in one hand, both Crab and Verus will be handed over to each other.

The FNC coach has no choice but to single-handedly select the crab.

"SKT got Urgot in one hand," I remembered nodding, "Get a handy hero for Bwipo, but in this way, Kai'Sa will be released. Will RNG choose it?"

"Kasha Niutou, okay?" Brother Feng didn't bother to open the notebook. At this time, with his hands behind his back, there was a smell of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks.

"Yes, you can!" Both Uzi and Xiaoming nodded. This is one of their favorite heroes, with high intensity, of course, there will be no objections.

Immediately afterwards, FNC's second and third-hand heroes were also determined separately.

"The FNC selected Urgot, Verus, and Bron in the first round." Colonel Guan frowned slightly. "A solid lineup." At this time, Nakano has not yet determined the team's key. The rhythm points will be selected later. "

"Choose a top order that is good for crabbing?" Brother Feng asked, "Aoun, Thain, Xiaohu, please choose your own."

TOP Tiger turned his head and glanced at Brother Feng, his narrow and muddy eyes were full of resentment...

"Give me Yasuo." Chen Yuan interjected directly, "The opponents who were restrained by Yasuo, if you don't choose, the opponent will definitely be banned."

After hearing this, Brother Feng hesitated for a while, "I haven't chosen the opposite middle road... Will there be no problem with Na Yasuo?"

"It's okay!" Brother Yuanzi smiled heartily, "Anyway, we are two to zero."

When Brother Feng heard the latter sentence, his face instantly became cold. What is this?

But he thought about it carefully, and he did indeed make sense, so he locked Yasuo in the third hand.

At the moment when Chen Yuanliang showed the strong wind swordsman, the audience in the audience instantly fell into madness.

Even viewers who are not LPL know that Chen Yuan is the deservedly No. 1 Yasuo in the world.

In addition, this hero was already very stubborn, so he evoked a lot of cheers.

"Brother Yuanzi's Yasuo!" Remember to make an excited voice, "Is this another Brother Yuanzi's personal show?"

Colonel Guan also laughed: "Presumably, Brother Yuanzi will definitely not let us down."

In the second round of BP, because RNG still has Ueno not selected, and today's jungler is karsa, some FNC will not make BP anymore.

After hesitating for a long time, they chose to ban the blind monk and the wine barrel, which are Yasuo's good partners.

Brother Feng focused on the safety of Yasuo in the middle, banning all Galio and Weapon Master! Then in the fourth hand, he directly chose Debon Manager Xin Zhao!

I have to say that Feng's BP experience is indeed quite sufficient. Although he surpassed his control in the third hand of BP, he quickly adjusted.

Both ban and pick are very reasonable.

The opposite is different. The FNC coach frowned at this time. In this case, he really doesn't know which hero to choose...

"Czar." Caps offered the answer on his own initiative and selected an AP core.

The Tsar and Yasuo have always been a very interesting match-up.

In RANK, Yasuo can quickly close his face with multi-stage displacement, and can play a good restraint effect when laning the czar.

However, in professional competitions, this situation will be reversed. The czar can crush Yasuo by virtue of his strong life-saving characteristics.

"FNC locked the czar and the excavator with the last two hands!" I remember shook his head again, "FNC's lineup in this round is too hard!"

Hao Kai also answered, "Indeed, it depends on what choice RNG will make on the road..."

"Last hand, Xiaohu, you must either make up for AP damage, or choose a hero with a strong fly." Brother Feng began to look through his notebook, "Kenan, Ryze, Thain, Aoun are all okay."

"Why not choose a knock-up hero with AP damage?" TOP Tiger asked with some confusion.

"I want to choose too, but there is no such a hero..." Brother Feng said subconsciously, and then he was stunned, as if there really were...

"You will lose!"

A naive hero appeared on the big screen and locked instantly, which once again aroused the cheers of the audience!

Murphy, the lava behemoth!

"The Stone Man!" Remember to say loudly: "The Stone Man Yasuo, the classic combination is here!"

"In this way, RNG's lineup is quite solid!" Colonel Guan said with a smile: "Stone Man, Xin Zhao, Yasuo, Bull Head, is this going to be head-on?"

The lineups of both sides are now determined.

Blue side FNC: top single crab, jungle excavator, mid single Czar, bottom lane Velus Gabron.

Red side RNG: Top laner Stoneman, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner Yasuo, bot lane Kashajia bull head.

RNG voice channel.

Brother Feng looked at the lineup he had selected, and how it looked wrong, but if you want to say something is wrong, he can't say it is too good...

He smiled and said: "Xiaohu don't have pure meat in this game, and half of the meat will make up some AP damage. Kai'Sa alone is not enough AP damage."

"Don't be too nervous, play hard! It really doesn't work. We still have the fourth game. We will be the blue team by then!"

Brother Feng was talking endlessly on the side, obviously he valued the results of this game extremely.

However, he can understand his emotions. After all, he fell in the semi-finals last year. Because of his "not banning Galio", fans sprayed him for more than half a year, and it gradually subsided until he won the MSI championship.

The "Final Four" has always been a knot of his heart. Now that the breakthrough to the Final Four is close at hand, how could he not be excited.

"Why are we nervous?" Uzi said with a smile: "You have been nervous, right? It's okay, just go back to the lounge and wait for our good news."

Brother Feng stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, then smiled and nodded, took off the headset, and shook hands with the coach opposite.

At this time, the camera lens slowly zoomed out following the actions of the coaches on both sides, the next moment the picture suddenly switched, and the Summoner Canyon descended!

"Brother Yuanzi still brought a quick pace in this round, and his talent brought ignition." Remember to start analyzing, "Obviously he still wants to play against the line."

"And Caps on the opposite side is also very fierce!" Colonel Guan said: "The czar is carrying electrocution in this round! The line-up suppression force is stronger than the regular lethal rhythm!"

The three commentators looked at each other and were full of expectations for this matchup between the needle tip and the Maimang mid laner.

The players on both sides bought all the equipment and rushed to the wild area.

At this time, the audience started their usual daily cheer session.

In the competition venue, the already high mood was once again ignited. The support of "FNC" and "RNG" gradually formed two forces, circling and fighting over the stadium.

In the end, the strength of "RNG" won the fight and gradually occupied the entire stadium, roaring loudly at the FNC players!


Chen Yuan bought Dolan sword and a bottle of red, and operated Yasuo towards the river.

He did not come out of the Dolan Shield, because the quick pace, the taste of blood and the blood recovery of the greedy hunter were enough, and the Dolan Shield was out again, it was pure mixed, and it was very different from his idea of ​​laning.

Although there is Bron on the opposite side, they still have no idea of ​​a first-level group and choose to start normally.

"Little tiger's stone man went to the opposite blue BUFF and gave an eye to judge the open route on the opposite side." Remember to nod and say: "This eye is very important. After all, the opposite is a crab and an excavator. The stone man before level 6 is easy caught."

Chen Yuan didn't rush, and he operated Yasuo to the opposite middle road to show a card, and Teemo gave Caps a high thumb.

However, Caps on the other side was obviously quite optimistic, and the backhand also showed this Timo likes expression.

The **** line came online quickly, and the Czar of Caps fought very fiercely, standing on the same level as the melee soldiers, obviously not wanting Yasuo to make up the three pawns.

However, Chen Yuan naturally didn’t panic. He stood next to the F6 and waited for a few seconds. When the time was almost up, a Q accurately hit the bird behind the wall~www.readwn.com~ This is Yasuo's disadvantage. The regular start of the line, through F6 to accumulate a blow to supplement three melee soldiers.

However, the opposite Caps is also a top Yasuo user. He saw that there was no one on the opposite line, and of course he guessed what happened.

The Tsar directly crossed the line of troops, and pressed W against the wall where Yasuo was located.

A sand soldier appeared beside Yasuo and pierced his shield.

Chen Yuan frowned a little at this time, but the problem was not too big. The shield on his body was broken, and Chen Yuan simply broke the jar and walked directly towards the czar.

Because the tsar's position was too far forward, and he had a move to tie A, he attracted the hatred of the minions, and Caps had to retreat.

Chen Yuan took the opportunity to step forward, one Q and one A, and all three melee soldiers were in the bag.

Immediately afterwards, Caps pressed up again. The Sand Pawn was placed between Yasuo and the line. As long as Yasuo stepped up to make up the knife, he would have to be jabbed, pushing the line while pressing, and he was very fierce.

Chen Yuan was also very honest, knowing that he would definitely not be able to beat the czar at the first level, so he simply stepped back and had experience.

"Brother Yuanzi is a bit uncomfortable in this line..." Colonel Guan said while looking at the screen.

"No way." I remember and nodded, "After all, the czar has very long hands, and it is difficult for Yasuo at the first level to pose any threat to him."

Soon, two waves of remnants were pressed into Yasuo's tower, and Chen Yuan operated Yasuo slightly to move forward, and an AQ took away the front melee soldiers.

Caps certainly won't let go of this consumption opportunity. A sand soldier was placed on Yasuo's face, and a Q pierced his shield.

Chen Yuan saw that the opponent was so anxious to suppress, his heart suddenly became hot, Yasuo gave up the four long-range soldiers under the tower, and an E directly rushed up!

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