League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 198: IG vs. SKT, Delevingne with a big sword in 3 minutes!

A strong white mist sprayed out in front of the stage, and the big screen behind it changed suddenly. An RNG team logo appeared, declaring the winner of the BO5 round.

Chen Yuan took off his headphones and enjoyed the cheers of the audience. He could vaguely hear people chanting the name "Hero".

Xiaohu threw over excitedly, Karsa, Uzi, Xiaoming, and five teammates hugged tightly.

Chen Yuan almost got out of his arms, he took a deep breath, thinking of the next possible opponent, there was another challenge in his heart.

Arrived at the handshake link soon.

Caps sat on the chair weakly with his hands, a little bit decadent.

"With the elimination of FNC, the European division is also annihilated." I remember pretending to be regretful and said: "This year's World Championship will become a special match for LPL vs. SKT."

Chen Yuan shook hands with the opposing team members one by one, and he saw Caps' face pale and scary.

"Areyou OK?" Chen Yuan greeted this friend with a famous quote from President Lei.

Caps shook his head a little, and the two top mid laners shook hands vigorously, everything said.

After shaking their hands, everyone from RNG stood in the center of the stage and waved high to the audience. At this time, they were the chosen ones, and they were the only ones.

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Caps picked up his water glass and walked towards the back of the stage dejectedly.

He didn't notice at this time, his team uniform was left on the chair.

The jungler Broxah saw Caps's FNC uniform left on the chair, stepped forward to help him pick it up, and then walked back to the lounge as well.

Soon came the post-match interview session.

Chen Yuan was standing in the middle of the stage with the microphone in his hand.

At this time, many LPL audiences held up their support cards depicting Chinese, hoping to make Chen Yuan see himself clearly.

"Welcome hero and Xiaohu!" host Ren Dong said loudly: "You swept FNC in the semi-finals today. How do you feel?"

As soon as Chen Yuan raised the microphone, the voice from the audience climbed up a step again, making Chen Yuan had to wait for a while and waited for the voice to drop before speaking.

"After all, it's the first time to enter the finals. I feel a little excited. But to be honest, the strength of FNC is not as strong as I imagined. It is completely incomparable with us, so there won't be much suspense."

[Starting crazy again]

[After all, three to zero, you can be crazy]

[It is strongly recommended to weaken Brother Yuanzi with a fist, I can't bear this B]

Ren Dong was already immune to Chen Yuan's words, and he quickly changed the subject, "Do you have any expectations for the final teammates?"

Chen Yuan glanced at Ren Dong obliquely, as if looking at the mentally handicapped.

Tomorrow is SKT playing IG, do you still want me to say that SKT will win?

That can't be washed away?

"Undoubtedly, IG." Chen Yuan said sincerely: "In my heart, if we are the world's first team, then IG is the world's second."

"I can't imagine IG will lose. I look forward to a final civil war."

The audience's hearts were provoked by Chen Yuan's words.

If the finals can be a civil war in Incheon, that would be too fragrant, right?

After the interview, Chen Yuan bowed and stepped down and returned the microphone to the staff.

As soon as he returned to the lounge, the incense pot rushed over and gave Chen Yuan a bear hug.

"Finals! Finals!" Xiangguole blossomed, and the feeling of lying in the finals was simply too comfortable.

The lounge has long become a sea of ​​joy.

Chen Yuan secretly hid in the corner and turned on his mobile phone. WeChat and Weibo had already been squeezed by various push notifications, and they began to get stuck.

He first replied a few messages from his mother.

Unlike Chen Guang, the father of e-sports fans, in fact, his mother has no knowledge of e-sports and games.

But every time in the RNG game, the two of them sat together and turned on the computer and watched enthusiastically. Although she couldn't understand anything, she often heard the commentary blaring about her son.

Now that her son has advanced to the final, her mother is certainly happy.

The second one is his girlfriend Jiang Qiu.

This person still understands the game, she knows the gold content of this EQ flash.

After receiving a series of rainbow farts from his girlfriend, Chen Yuan left the venue excitedly.

After playing a BO5 that was not very tiring, the players still had to eat. Everyone went to the Chinese restaurant next to them for a good meal before returning to the hotel contentedly.

In the morning of the next day, everyone met at the airport. As the teams that advanced to the finals, they would go one step ahead to the location of the finals-Incheon.

FNC also arrived at the airport with them, but of course they went straight home.

The two parties were speechless and parted ways at the airport. After a short flight, the people of RNG arrived in Incheon.

(By the way, Gwangju and Incheon don’t seem to be far away? But I’d better write that by plane.)

The journey of the World Championship is always busy and compact, and it soon arrived in Incheon.

This is a coastal city in northwestern South Korea. It occupies a small area and can even smell the salty and wet taste of the sea breeze.

Everyone at RNG got on the bus and started to the hotel.

The venue for this finals is Incheon Munhak Stadium, which is quite close to the airport, so the hotel is not far away.

The time soon came to four o'clock in the afternoon, and the match between IG and SKT started on time.

Today’s fans are not the same as yesterday. When SKT players entered the stadium, the number of fans for the Triple Crown team had reached a peak.

Almost all of the nearly 20,000 spectators in the audience were SKT supporters, violently colliding with the support stick in their hands, cheering like a tsunami and thunder.

But as soon as the IG players entered the field, the cheers like mountains and seas disappeared instantly, leaving them a quiet venue.

Chen Yuan, who was watching the game in the hotel, couldn't help frowning. This home court advantage is too terrifying. Will it affect the player's strength?

Bang Bang Bang, the sound of knocking on the door sounded.

Chen Yuan stood up in the eyes of his teammate Lemon, and opened the door in the past.

"Hello everyone!" Jiang Qiu walked in with a large bag of snacks and snacks, "Come on, eat!"

Chen Yuan took a large bag of snacks and threw it in front of his teammates. At the same time, he took out a bag of potato chips and ate it.

Jiang Qiu had booked tickets to Incheon with the host commentators who did not come to the World Championships, and came to Incheon together today. Because they are all from the LPL family, they were also arranged in the same hotel.

The other teammates were like evil dogs rushing for food. One person took a bag of snacks and ate them. Chen Yuan hugged Jiang Qiu and sat in the back.

"Why didn't you tell me in advance when you brought something?" Chen Yuan complained.

"This thing is not heavy, you don't need your help." Jiang Qiu raised her head slightly, she was not a squeamish girl.

"No." Chen Yuan scratched his head. "You bought the wrong one. We don't drink Pepsi."

"go to hell!"

In the chat between the two, the BP of both parties has already started.

Everyone is full of confidence in IG, but a large part of the reason is because they are comrades in the same region.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, IG is actually not dominant here.

The IG team is largely based on the play of the upper middle field, and the bottom lane is usually a restocked team.

But in fact, the current SKT is also such a team.

Both sides are in a stocking state, but the current strength of the two-time champion Bang is a question mark.

The top laner Nuguri is also a top laner with a distinctive personal style. The laning and teamfighting ability is comparable to TheShy. After all, the world's second best player and the world's best player.

(They are all champions, I put them at the same level, not too much, right?)

As for the position of the jungler, it depends on the performance. King Ning in good condition can sling karsa, incense pot and other top junglers.

Although he has never played against Tarzan, in terms of strength, if King Ning is in good shape, it will definitely not be a problem to win Tarzan in the wild.

Putting the perspective on the middle again, although Rookie is very strong, he met Faker.

Faker, who has gained a strong teammate, has gotten rid of the bad habit of cutting the screen without trouble. He has returned to the top of the world and dreamed of returning to the peak of S6.

In the quarterfinals against EDG, he was already a strong mid laner.

In the LPL League, facing Rookie, Chen Yuan can play back and forth, but in front of Faker, he is immature like a baby.

Balanced on the road, advantage in the jungle, and disadvantage in the middle, so in this game, it is actually quite difficult to say who wins and who wins.

As SKT guesses the coin and wins, they will get the right to choose sides in one to three or five rounds. This is bad news. After all, in the current version, the right to choose sides can actually affect the outcome of the game to a large extent.

In the first game, Coach Kim obviously had a very deep research on SKT. The first three bans he gave directly to Akali, Ryze, and Sword Sister.

These three are all swing heroes. If the opponent is selected, it will be very difficult for BP to do.

But Niu Bao and Faker's hero pool is so deep, SKT directly targeted the Darkborn Sword Demon in the first hand.

IG took out Crab and Qinggang Ying as a response, and SKT directly locked Xin Zhao and the demon girl!

At the moment when the enchantress was selected, the 30,000 spectators in the audience instantly climaxed, and the cheers from the audience hit Rookie's heart like a heavy hammer.

Rookie chose Galio as a response.

Both sides locked the upper middle field in the first three hands and entered the second round of BP.

Immediately after the fourth hand, IG locked the hard assist Titan, and SKT took down Kai'Sa and Lulu.

But IG's fifth-hand choice is shocking.

"Delevingne!" Miller said loudly: "Let you choose Kai'Sa and Lulu, I will directly choose Titan Delevingne to crush you!"

The lineup of both sides will be determined soon.

Blue team SKT: top single sword demon, jungler Xin Zhao, mid single demon girl, bottom lanka Kaisha Garuru.

Red side IG: top single crab, play wild Qing Gangying, mid single Galio, bottom Lud Levenga Titan.

"IG is obviously going to make the road." Chen Yuan frowned slightly, "this is not the same as their usual style of play."

"Let's see JK's performance."

Feng Ge replied from the side, he turned his head and glanced at Chen Yuan as he spoke, and saw him and Jiang Qiuru glued together, secretly unlucky, and turned his head back.

The first game started soon.

Because there are Titans and Delevingne on the IG side, the intention of the first-level group is quite obvious, and Baolan has not disappointed everyone. After invading the opposite wild area, it flashed a precise hook and drove directly to the opposite ADC.

King Ning also learned the E skill for the first time, and Qing Gangying kicked it up.

After Baolan Ping A imprisoned Kai'Sa, he immediately turned to fire, and the second round of Ping A imprisoned Lulu.

Immediately afterwards, Ah Shui’s Draven’s firepower was fully activated, and the Q skill [Spin ​​Throw Axe] was activated. Although Bang surrendered DF Erlian to escape after he woke up, he was eventually taken away by Draven’s throwing axe!

Lulu escaped by surrendering a flash.

The first-level group got the head of Delevingne, and the botlane double-call full-handed, it is not difficult to imagine that SKT should be blown up in this game.

But everyone did not expect that SKT's bottom lane would explode faster than they thought.

After King Ning's Qinggang Ying finished playing the Ueno Red BUFF with the help of TheShy, the two levels directly chose to grab a wave of mid lane.

Qing Gang Ying rushed out of the grass, the E skill hooked the wall, and rushed directly towards Faker's enchantress.

Faker was also at level two at this time. He had already learned the W skill. After seeing Qing Gangying rushing over, his first reaction was W retreat.

But what everyone didn't expect was that King Ning directly predicted the position of Demon Fairy W with an E flash, and kicked it out!

After Qing Gang Ying landed, AQA made a strong attack, and Rookie did not let go of this opportunity. Galio made a W flash to continue to control, a QA shot, in conjunction with Qing Gang Ying's second kick, directly took Faker's head.

This is why it is said that King Ning who is in good shape can sling anyone. The so-called self-confidence is the peak, that's it!

After catching the middle road, Ning Wangjin didn't enter his own wild area, but went straight to the lower red area opposite.

Qing Gangying walked to F6 and saw Xin Zhao who had just finished F6. Because Xin Zhao was a single winner ~www.readwn.com~, the speed of the game was slower.

It is said that the first-level captain second-level letter and the third-level crocodile kill you, but this is actually an outdated statement. In the current version, the two-level storming Qinggangying is definitely stronger than Xin Zhao!

The two fought each other, but Tarzan didn't get any benefit, so he frowned slightly and ran to his upper blue zone.

After King Ning drove Xin Zhao away, he still kept walking and ran directly to the opposite side of the road.

It was two minutes and forty-five seconds at this time. Because the opposite Kai'saluru was too weak on the line, Ah Shui had already pushed a large wave of troops into the tower.

King Ning and the Xialu duo communicated slightly, and Baolan manipulated the Titan to walk directly into the tower, and the anchor in his hand fell directly on Kai'Sa!

The Titan who triggered the aftershocks fought against the tower frantically, but King Ning kicked into the tower without hesitation.

The bottom duo, who didn't have double moves, didn't have any means to save their lives. Under the high damage of Qinggang Ying and Delevingne, they died for the second time in three minutes!


Although the Titans eventually died due to the resistance to the tower, JackeyLove's Delevingne managed to get the third head!

After returning to the city, Delevingne directly took out a storm sword for three minutes.

"This TM game is over." Chen Yuan was a little dazed, "How do I match the three-minute sword?"

Immediately afterwards, the bang, the two-time champion, also lost the laning qualification directly. Even if there is no one on the opposite side, they would not be eligible for the 2V2 laning alone.

After Delevingne pushed a large line of troops into the tower, he and the Titans began to break the line directly behind. Kai'Sa and Lulu could only watch the small soldiers being eaten down by their own defense tower.

In this case, six and a half minutes, the next tower was destroyed directly.

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