League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 206: Small cannon mid laner, level 1 with 2 heads!

RNG everyone took off their headphones. Although the audience did not cheer them, they still smiled and returned to the lounge.

"NICE, you played well!" Manager Quan had all the words of joy written on his face at this time, "If you keep working hard, you will basically win the second game if you win the game!"

"Xiaohu performed very well in this game. Except for that wave of head-offs, he played no problem." Feng Ge also came over to praise TOP Tiger at this time.

Li Yuanhao was lying on the sofa, his face quite triumphant.

"We are the red team in the next game. It may be a little difficult, but if we want to win this BO5, how to win in the red team is the key. Everyone should work hard!" Brother Feng, with the same tactical eyepiece as Xiaohu, smiled at this time. Full of face.

Just one step away, come on!

SKT lounge.

Several players as parties, of course they also saw this question mark.

A light and fluttering symbol, it really gave them a big blow...

"Sorry." Nuguri scratched his head. "My question."

"The opposing tactics are great, no one has a problem." Kkoma comforted: "This is not unjustly lost. We will be the blue team in the next game, and the opposing team won't be so easy to play tactics."

Leehom Kkoma's face was slightly solemn at this time, and he said: "Should we ban the cannon in the next game? This hero is too strong on the top lane."

"No need to ban." Nuguri replied quickly: "If you can give me Kenan or Ryze, I can beat a cannon."

"If the opposite is the red side, it should be impossible to ban Kenan." Kkoma's face was solemn, "but are you sure you can beat it?"

In fact, the coach doesn't believe it very much. Although he doesn't understand the ecological chain of the top laner, he understands that Kenan is definitely not good at playing a small gun, and it is even a difficult type.

And in the mid-term team battle, the artillery's ultimate [destructive shot] can be directly entered into the battlefield by Kontekenan's ultimate.

But Niu Bao nodded vigorously, "No problem, as long as the two junglers can't come on, I can guarantee to suppress the cannon."

The coach also nodded, "All right,"

In fact, he can't believe it, because he has to do this. If you give the cannon a ban position, even if they are blue, the ban position is not enough.


"Welcome back! This is the live broadcast of the 2018 League of Legends Global Finals!" Wawa looked excited, "The last game RNG defeated SKT in just 25 minutes. They are currently in a one-to-zero lead!"

"Yes," Miller smiled as he heard the director's message from the headset, "Okay, let's take a look at the MVP players in the first game!"

The content on the big screen changed abruptly, Xiaohu's comedian's face appeared on the screen, his hands raised up, and he gestured with his biceps.

[Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger! 】

[The tiger goes down! 】

[Niu Baoren are going to be beaten stupid]

"There is no doubt about this." Miller said happily: "Xiaohu's game is too C. The matchup leads the economy by 5600, and the damage accounts for 35%!"

"I hope the players will continue their efforts in the second game!"

The three commentators were screaming passionately, but at this time the barrage in the official live broadcast room had been significantly reduced compared to between.

The reason is simple, because of the question mark incident, many people went to see Chen Yuan's first perspective.

At this time, the barrage of Chen Yuan's first-view live broadcast room was crowded with screens, and even vaguely began to get stuck, causing the official to temporarily add lines.

Soon, with the sound of metal crashing, the BP link of the second round has begun!

Despite losing a game first, these fanatical South Korean audiences were still yelling SKT's name loudly.

After all, in the semi-finals, IG also slammed SKT in the first round, and the sling was more powerful than before, but didn't SKT come to the end yet?

"In this round, SKT chose the blue side for itself, and directly banned the vampire!"

Brother Feng banned Akali in accordance with the usual practice, and SKT banned the nightmare.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Feng banned Sister Dao again, and SKT gave Qing Gang Ying the last ban position!

"RNG has the last ban left, but Luo and Kenan are both outside at this time, to see how RNG will choose." Miller analyzed at this time: "ban one, SKT will take the other one, in the red side of the current version, Even RNG has nothing to do."

Brother Feng thought a little bit, and finally chose Fang Kenan and Ban Luo.

Immediately afterwards, SKT locked Kenan in seconds with the first hand.

"Small cannon and wine barrel." Brother Feng nodded at this time. There was no ban on the opposite side of the middle field in the last round, so he naturally had no reason not to take it.

"RNG still hasn't changed. Take the small cannon first." I remembered frowning slightly at this time. "But SKT dared to use the small cannon to get Kenan. I must think it can be played. Can the small cannon in this round be effective? "

As a former analyst, he certainly knows the careful thoughts of professional team BP. His simple sentence has already lifted the hearts of the audience.

Immediately afterwards, SKT's second and third hands locked the Blind Monk and Kai'Sa.

Brother Feng stayed the same, locked AD Lucian and entered the second round of BP.

SKT coach Kkoma saw RNG's lineup at this time, nodded in satisfaction, and then banned Galio and Bullhead.

He has carefully analyzed the game in the first game. The two ADs can develop so comfortably. The support of Galio is indispensable, so he must break this hub.

Seeing this, all LPL audiences couldn't help but burst into tears.

Galio, who didn't ban RNG last year, is it SKT's turn to ban this year?

Lee Sang Hyuk, you have today too! ?

Brother Feng also nodded in satisfaction, sealed Ryze and Demon Ji, and locked the auxiliary Titan in the fourth hand.

"RNG's Titan + Lucian is still a very strong combination. They are determined to lay the ground for the advantage." Remember to analyze: "Look at what support RNG will choose to deal with."

Leehom Kkoma talked to the players for a long time, and the final choice was quickly determined.

Bron and the Tsar.

On the one hand, Bron was selected to ensure the line-up, and at the same time, Faker was given the Czar, the late-stage big core, to cooperate with Kenan to destroy the world.

In China, other clubs watching the game all smiled knowingly at this time, and they all felt that the game had been stabilized.

Want to ask why they laugh?

RNG's last hand gave them the answer.

"Fight for a better tomorrow!"

Jess, the future guardian, appeared on the screen and was directly determined.

The players of both sides exchanged heroes for a while, and the match-up relationship quickly became clear.

Blue SKT: Top lane Kenan, jungle blind monk, mid laner Czar, bot lane Kasa Gabron.

Red RNG: Top laner Jace, hit wild barrels, mid laner cannon, bot lane Lucian and Titan.

"Ohhhh!" Several commentators were excited again, "The sway of the wind is coming again! Who would have thought that this small gun turned out to be a medium unit!?"

Jess beat Kenan, Cannon beat the Tsar, Lucian beat Kai'Sa, these are all real advantages!

They were amazed, and suddenly saw Lucian and Xiao Pao on RNG's side suddenly changed positions.

Several commentators almost climaxed again, but the next second, the two changed back again...

It seems that the two of them had another wave of conversation between these few seconds, discussing which hero is better to hit the singles.

[Really swing casually? 】

[A small cannon in the AD position, after playing the singles and mid-laners, just don't hit the road? 】

[Please beg your fist to weaken RNG, these B's are too arrogant! 】

The barrage talked about it, but none of them felt that there was any problem with this lineup.

"Don't tell me, the RNG lineup is indeed a good selection," Miller analyzed at this time. "Three lanes can be suppressed on the line, and Xiangguo is a jungler who likes to invade. In this case Of course it is like a fish in water."

"Moreover, the most important thing is that RNG's dual AD lineup has a very strong combat capability in the later stage! It is suppressed in the early stage and is not afraid of delaying the later stage. The strength is really full!"

Chen Yuan quickly purchased the Dolan Sword Plus Blood Bottle, but he didn't extract it like Xiaohu.

Because the line in the middle is short, there is no saying that the sword will develop slowly, and the opposite is Faker, who is also playing the Tsar. In this case, Dolan sword suppression is the kingly way.

The Mai Lin gunner held the little dragon cub in his hand and stood dangling at the entrance of the wild area.

The commentators from the perspective of God looked at the positions of both sides, "SKT seems to be invading this blue BUFF, because they have Bron and blind monks!"

At this time, Chen Yuan, who was standing at the entrance of the wild area, also saw the opposite.

"Can you beat it?" The incense pot poked aside at this time.

"Hit hit hit! Take two steps back and wait until the other side comes over to fight again!" Chen Yuan didn't hesitate. You have Bronn, don't we have Titans?

"The people of RNG didn't leave, they wanted to pick up this wave of team battles!" Wawa said loudly: "There are Titans and Cannons on RNG too, the first-level regiment is completely worthwhile!"

Chen Yuan retreated slightly and began to reunite with his teammates. At this time, he had a plan to make a living. The signal point was in the middle of the grass, "Come here, come around!"

SKT was obviously a little scared here, but they didn't retreat and started to move forward slowly.

In the case of a three-way disadvantage, if the first-level team does not do something, the jungle situation will be extremely passive, with a high probability that a single BUFF will be opened.

This is unacceptable for SKT, which is currently extremely dependent on the jungle, so they have to change the jungle to ensure the development of the jungle.

Kenan threw a dart into the bushes at the entrance of the wild area, but there was no one inside.

Auxiliary Effort put his eyes in the camp of the blue BUFF, still not seeing anyone.

Don’t you dare to accept the group?

A trace of doubt flashed through Faker's heart.

But in the next second, an anchor suddenly stretched out from the long grass in the middle, and it accurately hooked Bang at the back of the team!

"Hit hit hit!" The voice channels of both teams issued instructions at the same time.

Although AD was hooked, SKT is still willing to take this wave.

Effort's Bron handed over Q[Winter's Bite] for the first time, and a mark appeared on Titan's body.

Immediately after that, the remaining few people of SKT were quite tacitly agreeable.

However, before Xiao Ming was stunned, he also nailed Kai'Sa's body with a flat A, playing passively.

On one side is the fragile ADC, on the other side is the Titan with aftershocks. Of course, there is no doubt who is more fleshy.

Karsa's barrel hit Kai'Sa with an E, and knocked it back into the air. Then, the three long-range heroes on RNG's side tied A and took down Kai'Sa's head!

At this time, Xiao Ming woke up from the dizziness, his blood volume was also beaten to the residual blood, he also did not run, and before he died, he hit the blind monk with a flat A, confining him again, and then the same reply. To the spring!

"The AD and the auxiliary are swapped on both sides, and both sides want to continue fighting!" the doll shouted.

Of course, we must continue to fight. The strongest combat force in the first-level regiment is actually the support full of control.

The Titan on RNG's side has been killed, and SKT's side just died of an insignificant AD. The combat power is far better than RNG.

Immediately afterwards, Bron on SKT's side once again flattened the A point on the barrel, and everyone instantly began to turn the barrel of fire, and also stunned in seconds.

However, the people on the RNG side did not run away. Xiaohu pressed R and Jace switched to the hammer form. The whole person directly hammered in with a Q. Their target of focusing the fire was the blind monk who was imprisoned by Xiao Ming!

Lucian, Jace, Cannon, and the three heroes' first-level damage are not low, especially under the blessing of Lucian's strong attack, the blind monk was beaten to residual blood in just one second!

This time, Tarzan was shocked, and the blind boy hurriedly flashed away, not giving the opponent a chance to kill.

But Chen Yuan was so ferocious, seeing the blind boy flash, he shot W[Rocket Jump], the cannon rushed into the enemy group alone, and stepped on the blind boy's face!

Hit the ground with a flat A and kill the blind monk!

The timing of this entry is extremely delicate ~ www.readwn.com~ because at this time karsa's barrel was also beaten to residual blood, if they turned around to deal with the cannon, then the barrel is likely to flash directly.

So a spectacle happened, the small gun stepped into their crowd with a W, and after killing a person, he did not lose a drop of blood and jumped out again!

Immediately afterwards, Karsa's barrel was handed over and flashed to escape, and was killed by Niu Bao's Kenan flashed Q.

"Can't fight, retreat!" Chen Yuan stared at Bloom on the opposite side, knowing that he wouldn't be able to fight harder.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaohu Wuzi and Chen Yuan began to retreat at the same time. Although the opposite party wanted to chase them, they had no means of keeping people, so they could only escape.

"The two sides played two for two! The first-level regiments of both sides broke out with four heads, which is extremely tragic!" The doll yelled: "This wave of blood is earned! The small artillery got two heads. After the equipment is completed, the czar wants How to play!?"

On the opposite side, Kenan and the blind monk took the heads.

Although Niu Bao got the head in this wave, he paid the price of flashing. Xiaohu got two assists, but there was flashing in his hand. It's hard to say who earns more.

After all, a Kenan who has no displacement, has not flashed for five minutes, and it is bound to be military training.

Not to mention the middle road. Although the middle road on both sides did not turn in skills, but the small gun took two heads, it was Wuhu taking off in Wuhu.

The director quickly gave a replay.

"Double AD damage is still very powerful in the first-level regiment. After all, at the first level where the skills are scarce, the range is the biggest advantage." Remember to say loudly: "Plus Lu Xian's side is a strong attack, which provides the team with A high increase!"

"Brother Yuanzi took two human heads here, flashing and igniting them all in their hands, let's see what kind of performance he will play next!" The doll said loudly, and the words were full of expectation.

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