League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 209: Want to drive me? you are dreaming!

Touch your eyes and flash, this is Tarzan's key sequence, in his eyes, this small cannon is purely sending.

Lee Sang Hyuk's expression changed drastically at this time, "Don't!"

But it was too late for him to stop.

When the blind monk flashed, the cannon flashed simultaneously.

The two heroes moved at the same time, and the blind monk did not appear behind the cannon, and this big move failed to kick the cannon back. Instead, he entered the enemy's hinterland lonely.

At this time, Chen Yuan showed a scheming smirk.

Want to drive me? you are dreaming!

"Good delivery!" The incense pot yelled excitedly at this time, and the barrel of the barrel slammed directly into the past, and the little tiger also switched to the hammer form and hit the blind boy with a hammer.

Chen Yuan was kicked away by the blind monk, and walked back like an okay person. Sanfa Ping A quickly hit the blind boy, detonating the explosion sparks on his body.


Holding a warrior jungler in his hand, the blind boy who didn't have any health pretense was directly killed by a spike with full blood.

But at this time, Niu Bao took advantage of Jess and the barrel to gather the blind monk, as if he had found a chance.

Kenan decisively started the ultimate move, and his talent [Aura Cloak] provided him with a high movement speed.

Immediately afterwards, Kenan flashed to connect the rocket belt, two displacements appeared directly beside Jess and Keg, Tian Lei rolled down immediately!

Chen Yuan frowned slightly from the side at this time. Because of the blind monk's big move, he was still some distance away from the two teammates, so the big move naturally couldn't hit Kenan, so he could only watch them stunned by the big move.

Faker also seized this fleeting opportunity at this time.

The Tsar WEQ drifted with a seven-character and appeared on the sides of the two of them. The big move [Wall of the Forbidden Army] rolled out mercilessly, directly rewarding them with a wall dong, and at the same time let them eat up the damage of this Kenan's big move.

However, the czar of the Explorer's armguards had limited damage at this moment, and almost all of them were hit by Kenan alone.

Although Kenan is a strong group of heroes, it is also due to his AOE ability. In fact, the single damage is not high.

In addition, the wine barrel itself is more meaty, and Jace has a magic knife, so when the two of them work together, it is not a second, all the blood is left.

"With the cooperation of SKT's middle and upper team, Jess and Kenan were all beaten and disabled!" Miller yelled: "The opposite support Bron has also come. Xiao Ming has just arrived in the middle. This wave may be withdrawn!"

However, at the same time, Chen Yuan didn't think so, or the RNG players didn't think so. They were all yelling abnormally at this time: "Fighting! This wave can be played!"

After the little tiger awakened from the dizziness, the more than 200 points of HP certainly did not support him in frontal combat. He flashed across the wall and pulled away for the first time, and at the same time switched to the cannon form, an accelerated bombardment of Kenan. And the czar.

The response of the incense pot was different. After the wine barrel woke up, he hit Kenan with his backhand belly and passively triggered the [Happy Hour] to restore a trace of blood.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan's small artillery jumped directly. First, he took a calm move to send away the supporting auxiliary Bron, and then the Congbian fired fully and slammed towards the Tsar. (Cong Blade CD is very fast)

Lanche was in the CD state at this time. Although there was no critical strike, the attack was still real. After three shots, the Czar's blood volume was nearly half.

Immediately afterwards, the incense pot threw a big move at the two on the face.

The location of this big move was quite clever. It exploded Kenan in the first place to prevent him from stunning the cannon, and at the same time exploded the yellow chicken on the cannon's face.

After throwing this big move, the incense pot was taken away by Kenan Q.

When Chen Yuan received the big gift from the incense pot before he died, he immediately burst into laughter. At this time, the Lanqie CD had recovered, and the small gun backhand hit the yellow chicken with a crit, and then followed it out. Ping A, the czar died directly in place!

At the same time, Bron, who was pushed away by the small artillery's big move, hurried back, but at this time Xiao Ming also came, and the two tank aids were entangled in place, and no one was allowed to pass.

On the other side of the battlefield, Niu Bao's Kenan was in a stalemate with the remaining blood tiger. At this time, Kenan was in a good state except for no big moves. After eating Jace's cannon and the ER of the wine barrel, he had half of his health.

At this time, Chen Yuan faced a dilemma instead, whether to kill Bron effortlessly with Xiao Ming, or to kill Kenan who was likely to run away.

In fact, in terms of the word "stable" in the professional battlefield, most people would choose to kill Bron, because they can use the Titan's control to close their eyes and pick up people's heads.

But Chen Yuan chose to kill Kenan without hesitation, because he could win the game in this way.

The small cannon refreshed W and took off again. He stepped on Kenan's face and blocked all Kenan's darts with his body. The little tiger was also super brave.

Niu Bao was about to operate Kenan to escape, but suddenly saw Jace jump up. The hammer-shaped Q skill [Sky Leap] slowed him down, and he had no choice but to turn around and fight back. .

The result was quite cruel. Niu Bao's Kenan took Jace, but in this way, Kenan couldn't walk away by himself, and died on the battlefield as well.

The 2-0 Kennan and 0-2 Jess swapped, and in general, RNG made a profit.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan, who was in good condition, took off again, and jumped directly to Bloom's side with a rocket jump.

However, this Bron saw that the situation was not right, and had already slipped away, so Chen Yuan did not complete the kill this time.

This time the two sides played two for three, and SKT's fattest point, Kenan, was killed. The rhythm was chaotic. Chen Yuan took advantage of the trend and won the Canyon Pioneer together with Xiao Ming!

At this time, the LPL fans in the audience were all excited to the extreme, shouting presumptuously.

At this moment, the director of Shiguan Silu suddenly switched the camera to the bottom lane.

Because the support of both sides are in the vanguard group, Xia Lu Uzi and Bang have been SOLO for a long time.

Don't forget who Uzi is, the two-time SOLO champion, this is second only to the S champion! (?)

Coupled with Lucian playing Kai'Sa, his own advantage is not small.

Uzi has a Bilgewater machete in his hand. With the blood-sucking attribute and Kai'Sa's unlimited blood exchange, it didn't take long before Kai'Sa was under the tower!

Uzi looked at the half-blooded Kai'Sa with a murderous heart. Lucian began to press forward, raising his right hand, and threw a W [enthusiastic bullet].

The cross-shaped bullet accurately hit Kai'Sa, leaving a mark on her body.

Immediately afterwards, Uzi directly pressed R, the Holy Gun Ranger raised his guns, and directly gave Kai'Sa a wave of Holy Guns to wash her face!

All the white bullets hit Kai'Sa's face, causing 10,000 points of damage.

Bang frowned slightly when he saw this scene, he knew he would die if he had eaten all of this big trick.

There is no way, Kai'Sa directly surrendered to escape.

But Uzi is really not forgiving, and the Paladin Ranger maintains the posture of the ultimate move, which is also a flash!

Bang looked at Lucian who was chasing after him in the tower, and felt a hint of anti-kill in his heart. Fortunately, he directly handed over the treatment, and then turned his head and flattened the A spot on Lucian.

Immediately afterwards, with the help of the passive activation big move given by Ping A, the whole hero moved for a while and came to the back of the tower!

At this time, Kai'Sa's figure was completely covered by the defensive tower. If it is an unskilled ADC, it is very likely that there will be a mistake in the tower, and Kai'Sa will counter-kill!

But how could Uzi be an unskilled AD. In his career, there has never been a point tower error!

The holy gun ranger shot his gun firmly, and instantly cancelled the big move, little by little, little by little, and six shots quickly, directly ending Kai'Sa's life, and finally one more treatment speeded up, and the residual blood came out of the tower!

The hearts of SKT fans are completely cold.

"Cross the tower solo!" The doll danced with excitement at this time: "My teammates played the game in the upper half, and I, Uzi, was naturally unwilling to follow in the lower half! RNG played a total of two for four in this wave!"

[Wuhu, so fast Lu Xian! 】

[The question is, the champion skin chooses VN or Lu Xian? 】

[Don’t rush to choose the champion skin, right? Haven't won yet! 】

[You won’t be allowed to vote in the final of 2-0? 】

Bang also shook his head helplessly.

If he is prepared, he can make more reasonable operations. His current competitive state is no longer at its peak, and it is difficult to respond correctly to some on-the-spot operations.

"Proud to go to the middle of development, I will lead the way." Chen Yuan said at this time.

Uzi nodded, and the Paladins cleared the line and began to return to the city.

In fact, there is not much blood left in the next tower at this time, but he can't be removed by his own power. Although it is a pity, Uzi still has no complaints.

"Lu Xi'an came to the middle road to develop, now he is comfortable!" Wawa said with a smile: "The incense pot does not brush the three wolves. Uzi eats soldiers and eats wildly in the middle road, and he will soon be able to open up the economy!"

Immediately afterwards, SKT re-started their operations despite this disadvantaged situation.

SKT's inferior operating capabilities have always been talked about, but in the final analysis, it is nothing more than a replacement of resources.

You catch the road, he takes the dragon, you push down the road, and he changes to the road.

This is something that almost all teams will want to do, but only SKT does it particularly well.

The house did not hesitate, and they would do their best to grab the ones that should be grabbed.

In eleven minutes, Chen Yuan took the incense pot to the next road to push the tower.

At this time, the small artillery took three more heads, and Lanche, who had only joined the vanguard group in ten minutes, had another pair of attack speed shoes in hand.

Under this circumstance, SKT knew that the small cannon was immobile, so they kept Faker and Tarzan in the next road to guard the tower, and the other three decisively chose to hold the group and push it up.

And Faker's idea is also very clear, that is, not guarding the outer tower, only guarding the high ground, if you can drag it, you can drag it.

After Chen Yuan and Xiangguo used flat A to push down the first tower of residual blood, they used the vanguard to push down the second tower.

At this time, Faker and Tarzan suddenly became fierce. Their purpose was not the cannon, but the vanguard with a small amount of blood.

Chen Yuan frowned at this time, and backed slightly. The blind monk's equipment had always been good, and it was not a low threat to his crispy ADC.

Especially when he didn't flash, a careless person might die directly, so he didn't go hard.

Thanks to the efforts of the SKT duo, Pioneer did not get the right to hit another head, and the wailing was turned into fragments.

At the same time, SKT's top road has also had an effect.

Because Uzi developed in the middle road, only Xiaohu and Xiaoming were guarding the tower on the road.

The trio from the opposite side of them pushed forward in a group, naturally they were powerless to guard, so they could only let go of the upper tower.

But I have to say that the threat of small artillery is too great at this time, so no matter how SKT is operating, it is almost impossible to bring back the economic gap, and can only try to delay it.

One tower was exchanged for two towers. Uzi, who led the line in the middle road, also eroded some of the health of the second tower. RNG still made a lot of money in this wave.

Immediately afterwards, SKT started their skilled upper-middle-lower rotation system.

The upper, middle and lower three C positions are like parts on an engine. They will never go to the deep belt line. Instead, Qing Wanbing disappears directly from the field of vision, giving RNG single lead pressure through such a form.

The first to bear the brunt, of course, is Xiaohu's Jace.

Every time he brought the line over on the road, Niu Bao's Kenan came out to close the line, but at this time, all the people in the middle and lower on the opposite side suddenly disappeared.

In this case, who would dare to go deep...

However, SKT's inferior transfer tactics have always been the focus of research for all teams.

Just last year, the championship team Samsung gave everyone a standard answer.

That is to use true eyesight to spread the field of vision.

At this time, RNG directly incarnates GenG, with two real eyes.

Blue BUFF camp, triangular grass, river, the entire upper half of the field of vision is covered by RNG's true and false eyes, bright as the day!

Under this circumstance, SKT's transfer tactics will naturally not break through, and RNG has such a great advantage at this time~www.readwn.com~ Even if SKT knows that there are a lot of true eyes in its own wild area, they dare not. Go to row.

"In order to ensure Xiaohu's lead, RNG has moved a lot of thoughts!" Miller exclaimed: "These real eyes are worth hundreds of dollars."

Xiaohu is now taking advantage of this opportunity to unscrupulously bring the line.

Although he has no head in his hand, the team has pushed a total of three towers at this time, and he has a total of five assists. In fact, his economy is not lower than Kenan.

And the most important thing is that he has a stable outfit, a big drink of magic knife and a mercury boy. Even if the economy is about the same, isn't it just like playing Kenan?

Soon, the first tower of SKT was demolished by Xiaohu, which continued to compress SKT's development environment.

Soon, the time came to thirteen minutes.

"Xiaolong Xiaolong." Chen Yuan signaled a little, and all the team members immediately turned their heads to Xiaolong's place.

They will not make mistakes that other teams may make, and they will do their best to control all map resources.

On the SKT side, they didn't want to move the dragon at all. With the help of the RNG people to move the dragon, they did their best to clean up all the edible economy, and the field of vision was completely emptied by them.

However, at this time, the true eyes of Ueno District were no longer useful. After all the people in RNG got the dragon, they began to hold the group decisively in the middle and push the second tower in the middle.

"The rhythm of this RNG is very fast!" Miller exclaimed: "It's only fourteen minutes, and I've started pushing the second tower in a group!"

"It's right to do this!" I remembered and nodded in praise: "You can't play with SKT, you have to cut the mess quickly! Otherwise, they will use their strong operational capabilities to drag the game to their strong period, and then the wave will end. competition."

"IG's defeat in the last game is a living example!"

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