League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 253: This wave is 5 packs 1!

  Chapter 254 This wave is five packs one!

  【Uzi has two heads and Yuanzi has one head. What else is there to play with? 】

  【15 I ordered this for you! 】

  [Loken: Brothers, I have a stomachache, let’s go first]

  Two assists and one head are enough for Chen Yuan to make a dark seal.

The potion enhancement effect of    Killing Quit, combined with the time warping tonic and biscuits selected in the talent of Chen Yuan, the line mixing ability has reached a perverted level.

  The card master and the **** line came to the middle road together. Chen Yuan stepped forward and drew a red card to hit the **** line. By the way, he also scratched Ryze, who was standing with the pawn.

  Knight is a little uncomfortable. He has observed many mid laner videos. When other mid laners play cards, they will choose to release the line.

  After all, this hero's combat ability is extremely weak, and the line cannot be pushed until the level is up. It is meaningless to actively push the line. It is better to slowly release the line and wait 6.

   But it’s normal to think about it. If Chen Yuan is the same as other midlaners, then he won’t have the current status.

  Knight recovered and continued to line up. Although he knew that the card wanted to push the line, he couldn't stop it. After all, Ryze had almost no first-level line-up ability.

  On the inference line, Ryze in the early stage cannot win the card.

  Chen Yuan’s rhythm is very well controlled. He didn't rush to use his skills to push hard, but used the flat A to take it slowly, and the playing cards in his hand kept throwing on the small soldiers.

  At this time, he switched his angle of view to observe other roads.

   Bottom lane gave him a message at this time: The bot lane duo on the opposite side did not help the jungler and went directly online.

  Opposite jungler singles, and they are the red side.

  Combining these two information, the opposite is likely to be red open, at this time in the upper half.

  Chen Yuan thought of this, and clicked on two signals in the grass above, "Brother Ka, come back and squat at level 3."


Karsa responded without having to say from his teammates. His Olaf saw that the opposite side had no help. He immediately skipped the two groups in the lower half and went to the upper half, ready to go to the middle two lanes at any time. Anti-squat.

  The third wave of artillery cars line reached the middle road, at this time the line of soldiers was stuck in front of the tower under Chen Yuan's control.

  At this time, Chen Yuan suddenly increased his strength. The red card + the universal card, at the cost of a small half-pipe blue amount, pushed the line of troops into the opponent's defensive tower.

  At this time, Knight can't bear it anymore. What do you put on this card?

  While making up the tower knife, he began to call the jungler, "You can grab it in the middle."

   "Here." Jungle XX also responded quickly. He had this idea for a long time. He drove the scan to the middle of the grass, hiding in the shadows all the way.

  Knight has finished making up the tower knife. Seeing that the jungler is already squatting next to him, Ryze presses forward decisively, grabs the card in an aggressive position, and flashes EW to imprison the card!

  Since you press the line like this, there is no reason not to catch it.

The pig girl of   XX also walked out of the grass at this time and bumped her head towards the card.

  Chen Yuan calmly presses W to select cards at this time, and a touch of red appears on the top of his head.

  After a while, the red color slowly changed to gold.


  Chen Yuan was pushed up by the pig girl, but the yellow card in his hand was also shot to lock the pig girl.

  The card master triggered the aftershock, and Ryze's damage alone hit him without pain.

   Immediately after, behind the pig girl, a strong man holding a double axe also rushed over, and a flying axe slowed down the pig girl!

   is Karsa who is ready to squat!

   "Karsa squatted back again!" Long Mao shouted: "He is also Level 3 at this time!"

  Chen Yuan has woken up from the control at this time, first throws a general attack, and then receives the [universal card] in seconds.

  The damage is not high, but it doesn’t matter how much you can play. After all, the main C is Olaf.

Karsa’s Olaf is once again incarnate as the God of War. The double BUFF Olaf can’t wait to cut two of them. The Q skill is thrown at the pig girl. At this time, the conqueror has been triggered. !

   "Can't beat, withdraw!"

  Knight directly collapsed and sold out. When he saw Olaf appear, he knew that he must have been unable to fight, and he had already returned to the tower.

  And the XX on the other side was not so lucky. He was hit by the Q skill. At this time, the displacement was gone. When Olaf was stuck, he didn't have to run.

  He can only hand over the flash.

  Karsa also followed the flash at this time, an AE sent away with people and pigs.

"Successful anti-squat." Cat King said without enthusiasm: "This wave of TOP is a little lacking in consideration. They forgot that this card was with aftershocks. Once the yellow card was thrown out, Ryze and Sister Pig were totally uncomfortable. Impossible to move!"

   "Now that XX is dead, the wild monsters have to be opposed by Karsa. The wild area has fallen." Long Mao said, "The TOP in this round is a bit difficult."

   "Oh." Chen Yuan felt a bit pity at this time. If he got this double buff, it would be a lore.

  Unfortunately, I can’t get it.

  Just now sent the **** line into the opposite tower. At this time, a wave of pushback lines was slowly forming. Chen Yuan was also happy to see this situation. The card master drew a blue card to start a long stream.

  The two sides once again returned to a peaceful situation, and Chen Yuan began to grow vigorously by taking advantage of his passivity.

The   pawn line experienced a wave of pushing back under its own tower and then under the opposite tower. The mid laners of both sides also returned to the city to replenish their equipment in this process.

  Knight's first-level group took the head, so he was relatively comfortable in this wave, and he returned to the city and directly made the goddess tears plus a murder ring.

  But Chen Yuan's economy is slightly better, so he went back to the city and brought up a catalyzing sacred stone.

  This piece of equipment can transform the blood volume and blue volume into each other, drop blood back to blue, deduct blue to return blood, it can be said that it is an invincible artifact with mixed lines.

  After Chen Yuan returned to the line, he didn't bother to exchange blood with Ryze. If the opposing savage thief tried to catch him again, there might be problems.

  The card master with level and equipment wandered back and forth between the **** line and F6, using the jump money passively, the development of the card began to speed.

  Of course, the opposite Ryze is in a similar mode. After all, Ryze is one of the fastest in pushing the line after he has a level.

  As a result, the middle lanes of both sides are no longer standing, and the soldiers line is cleared twice, and then they drill into the wild area together.

  If F6 hasn’t been swiped yet, just go shopping and find the location of the jungler.

  Five minutes, the opposite jungler XX finally recovered a bit of vitality by constantly brushing the wild. He followed the second round of wild monsters all the way to the lower wild area, intending to catch a wave of bottom roads.

  Because XX hasn't appeared for a long time, Karsa is also a little uncertain.

  TOP Bottom here started a wave of three-on-two.

  But XX obviously underestimated how fierce Uzi is with two heads.

Uzi and Xiaoming had already begun to retreat the moment they saw Sister Pig. The policewoman held a swift pace and pinched the distance to death. When XX walked to Uzi's face, his blood volume had been lost by one third. .

  At this time, the TOP side's assistant Ben decisively flashed Xiaoming, but Xiaoming reacted online, a black shield appeared, and he was immune to control.

  Ben used the second-stage Q to rush into Morgana’s face, but Xiao Ming looked dead, regardless of the Thresh next to him, and threw a Q [Darkness Imprisonment] towards Sister Pig.

  At the same time, Aunt W's blood was also spread under Sister Pig, and then it ignited and hung up.

Uzi continued to walk A and retreat. When the pig girl was imprisoned, a clip was placed under her feet, a shot in his hand was headshot and the clip was triggered in the next moment, Uzi threw the Q skill [ Messenger of Peace], and then another headshot!

  Two consecutive headshots, one Q, plus ignition damage, XX has blood remaining before even touching someone!

  In the end, the two sides played one for one, Uzi got the pig head, and Loken got Xiao Ming head.

  Uzi does not lose, Loken earns blood, XX loses blood.

  Piggy didn't even get an assist.

  XX has completely dizzy, he GANK two waves in five minutes, and died twice.

  At this time, his record has come to 0-3, how to play this game?

  Chen Yuan cut his angle of view back to the middle, at which time he had already reached the sixth level.

  The status of the mid laners on both sides is pretty good, and they both return to the city tacitly after clearing a wave.

  At this time, Chen Yuan can be said to be a fat one, with a 1-0-3 record, a 52-cut in six minutes, and a hand of 880 yuan.

  Chen Yuan sold all the three biscuits in his hand. After he got it for ninety yuan, Chen Yuan decisively bought a pair of CD shoes and a real eye.

  Three biscuits for real eyes, what is a professional mid laner?

  Since he is back to the city now, he is hiding in the shadow of his vision, naturally, he wants to try a wave of arrests.

   "He's back to the city, be careful that he flies directly," Knight vaguely reminded his teammates in his voice.

  Loken and Ben frowned slightly. Because Xiao Ming was caught to death, they were in a two-on-one situation at this time. They were pressing the line of troops into the defensive tower and they were trying to cross the tower of Powuzi.

  But the disappearance of this card made them hesitate.

  There is still no way, Loken can only retreat here, and RNG cannot take this risk.

  But at this moment, an eyeball appeared on top of the five of them, and their position was clearly seen by the card.

   "Big Brother Yuanzi is already leaning down the road, is he going to fly?" Long Mao pulled up the tone, "Xiao Ming is not here at this time, this is a wave of 2V2!"

   "Xiaohu's Shen also gave a big move!" Former professional player Cat has sharp eyes, and a circle of purple light appears next to the card's head on the minimap, "This is not 2V2, this is three packs of two!"

   Soon, a circle of cards slowly appeared, and the card master chose to directly choose the enemy's feet!

  Ben decisively throws the Q skill [Death Sentence] towards Chen Yuan’s landing point.

  As soon as Chen Yuan hit the ground, he was hooked by Thresh.

  But it doesn't make much sense, because a thick shield is hanging on the card.

   Seeing this shield, Loken and Ben twitched at the same time.

  Are you in Gan Shenmo?

  The next second, Twilight's Eye also landed.

  After Xiaohu landed, he was next to the bots on the opposite side. He directly taunted the bots with an E skill, and Chen Yuan, who woke up from control, also threw the yellow card he had already pinched.

  Finally, the duo on the road was not spared, and the heads were taken by Chen Yuan and Wuzi.

"Yuanzi went back to the middle road, Xiaohu directly TP back to the road to guard the tower, Uzi and Xiaoming came to push the line of troops into the opposite defense tower, and Karsa was a solo solo and dropped the earth dragon!" Shao Mao crackled. A long list.

   "The rhythm on the RNG side is so good! They have a wave of descents, but they didn't even lose a single pawn!"

  After returning to the city, Uzi's equipment gradually began to be outrageous. It was 4-0-2 in seven minutes, without fail, and what is the concept of a policewoman with a layer of coating.

  Uzi went back to the city and sold the Duolan sword directly, and then directly withdrew a handful of Lanche.

  3400 Lan cut in seven minutes.

   seems to have meant the end of the game.

  When the two sides went online again, and Loken was not even at level six at this time, Uzi relied on his hand and shot Kai'Sa.

   is directly one-third.

   Immediately after Uzi didn't let go of this Kai'Sa, backhanded a big sniper attack.

   is another third.

  As soon as Loken was launched, only one-third of his blood was left. Is this still a shame?

  The two commentators glanced at each other, and both took a breath.

  Cat King has recalled the time he was at the TOP last year. The scene where Uzi was hit by the tower is still so familiar.

  Eight minutes, Chen Yuan set off again to arrest people. He cleared the line of soldiers in two rounds of WQ, and then quickly disappeared from his field of vision.

  Now Ryze's line pushing speed is also very fast, so there are many restrictions when grabbing people, if the action is slow, it may be eaten by the plating.

  The speed must be fast.

  Chen Yuan and Karsa Thunder attacked, and they walked directly from the opposite Ueno area, and then all the way to the opposite tower behind.

369, who was in jail under the tower, sighed a little, and honestly handed over the head to you.

  At this time, the TOP side tried to catch it again, and Knight drove with a big move, and used the portal to bring the pig girl around, trying to take the head of Uzi.

  But Chen Yuan, who was on the top road, was not in a hurry at this time, and a TP was directly transmitted to the bottom road.

  At this time, the pig girl slammed to the policewoman far away, but was blocked by Xiao Ming with a black shield.

  'S big move was blocked, and Chen Yuan's support came. The policewoman's current equipment is too exaggerated. In the case of four-on-three, it may not be possible to fight. This wave of four-pack two on the TOP side can only retreat.

  Catch up, save, the card master is everywhere in this game!

   "Brother Yuanzi's presence in this round is too strong!" The cat emperor couldn't help but stunned, "I just caught the top lane, immediately TP to the bottom lane, full of pictures! Too busy him!"

Chen Yuan’s game is almost full of rhythm, and the upper and lower lanes have never stopped. It can be called a card master’s teaching game~www.readwn.com~ Although RNG’s game is very smooth, they have You can't ignore it! Long Mao glanced at the scoreboard, "Knight's Ryze has been spending money in the middle, and now he has made up ninety dollars in eight minutes!" "

   "Now XX has completely stopped brushing his own three wolves and F6, and all let Ryze brush them. Then Ryze is likely to secretly grow into a BOSS in the later stage."

  Several commentators were chatting, and the time was quickly approaching ten minutes.

  This is a critical time point for RNG.

  The players seemed to have heard what the commentator had just said, and they started to align towards the middle at the same time.

  Xiaoming and Karsa scanned one by one, and all the true and false eyes near the middle were lined up. At this time, TOP's middle was completely black.

  Chen Yuan showed a cruel smile at this time.

   "Come on, get this Ryze over!"

  "If the other person handed in a T, Xiaohu, you will be a university student, understand?"

   "OK!" Xiaohu responded cleanly.

  (End of this chapter)

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