League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 258: Cloth shoes break the black cut

  Chapter 259 Cloth shoes break defeat

  "It’s very fast on the bread, Wei’s wave may be dangerous!"

  "Fight, fight, you can fight!" Xiao Minghe, who was on the road, also walked over and signaled to turn around and fight back.

In fact, Wei could have run away with an EQ, but when he saw such a situation at this time, he simply gave up, backhanded a big move to cover all the blind monk and vampire on his face, and at the same time an EQ picked them up together. !

  Chen Yuan, who was watching the battle, seized the opportunity, and his Q skill hit the blind monk.

  Xiao Ming also decisively flashed WQ at this time, hammering the blind monk and vampire in the sky again!

   also rushed over, Xia Ping A on the side scraping.

  Four people can easily drop any hero in seconds. When the blind monk landed, it was already a corpse.

  However, the game is still in the early stage. The four players work together and one blind monk is the limit. When the opposite vampire lands, the blood volume is still quite healthy.

  Fenfen first took a bite of the prince from full Q, and then an EW combo.

  [Blood Tide] exploded, and the mark of the ultimate move exploded, and Wei's prince also went home.

  "Both sides play one for one!" Wang Duoduo shouted, "SS has already begun to retreat. Can we still fight? Can we keep people?"


  Chen Yuan knew that the blind monk was mortal, and the vampire had a pool of blood in his hand, so his E skill was useless in his hand.

  He quietly hid in the grass, and released E [hypnotic bubble] along the wall.

  A white bubble spread quietly in the thick wall next to the red BUFF, and after the distance was increased, it accurately hit the back of Tam on the opposite side.

  Everyone who looks at this bubble is eyelid twitching.

  Too exquisite!

  Because Tahm has W, it doesn't make sense for you to sleep ADC or vampire, Tahm can protect you.

  But Sleeptam himself is different.

  In this ever-changing battle situation, being able to have such a clear teamfighting mindset is frightening!

  Long control of sleep was enough for the remaining three people of RNG to surround Tamu, Chen Yuan pulled out a flying star, and directly hit Tamu with half blood.

  Finally, Tam was violently beaten by the three of them, and undoubtedly returned to the spring.

   "The last E of Brother Yuanzi is indeed beautiful!" Wang Duoduo exclaimed loudly, "The thinking is very clear, I am the Tam who can save people sleeping with you!"

   "Strong, brother Yuanzi, kill him fiercely!" The little tiger on the road cheered his teammates cheerfully while dangling the holy gun.

  Chen Yuan smiled and went back to the middle to clear the line of troops.

  This wave of team battles brings more advantages to RNG.

  Beethoven’s vampire was not dead, but he was beaten half maimed. Faced with Zoe, who was almost full of blood, of course, he was not qualified to make up his knife and could only return to the city where he was.

  The same is true for the bot lane. SS’s bot lane combination lacks support, so it doesn’t even dare to make up the knife and can only retreat to the second tower and hang up.

  In the end, the middle and lower roads each had a layer of plating, which brought RNG an economic advantage of 320.

  After eating the plating, Chen Yuan took the opportunity to return to the city. The economy of heads and assists made Chen Yuan rich. He directly purchased the missing chapters and upgraded the straw sandals in his hands to French shoes.

   glanced at the time, it was already eight and a half minutes.

   "The vanguard will be out soon, and they are all ready to take their place."

  Chen Yuan commanded his teammates. At this time, a wave of artillery lines was born at the bases of both sides, and they were about to reach the line.

  The person in control of the line will get a wave of wandering time after clearing this wave of artillery carts.

The genes of the   RNG players have begun to move, and the system they have exercised over the past few days has begun to be implemented.

  "Directly use skills to push the line. The push is very fast. Xiao Ming uses the sacred shield to clear the artillery cart. A wave of soldiers advances under the tower of the SS, returns to the city on the spot, and Xiao Ming goes to the middle!"

   Sister Yi Bi quickly analyzed the situation, "According to the previous style of RNG, they should go to the vanguard."

  At this time, the vampire also had a certain ability to push the line, and it was difficult for Chen Yuan to push the line.

  But this is not a big problem, because he has teammates.

  Xiao Ming’s bull head came to the middle road mightily, the main Q’s old bull hit three rear soldiers with a hammer, using the shield of the holy relic to cooperate with Chen Yuan’s Q skills, and also pushed the line of the middle road into the tower.

The same goes for   On the road, Wei almost made it clear that he would take this pioneer, and the prince appeared directly on the road and drove the holy gun away.

  SS people suddenly felt that the RNG's play style seemed to have changed a lot. From one to nine minutes, it seemed that a pair of invisible big hands strangled their throats, making them unable to resist.

  Ten minutes into the game, the Canyon Pioneer was finally born.

The five people of   RNG have already set up a net in the vanguard. If the people of SS dare to come, it will be a death.

   "This wave can't be beaten, let it go." SofM took a look at the battle, but shook his head helplessly. He didn't even have a chance to fight against this kind of protection.

  Get the Pioneer, which basically means that the second step of the three-step walk has been successfully stepped out.

  The game officially entered the RNG three-step rhythm.

  Pioneer's Eye was directly picked up by Xiaohu, and Gnar took the Pioneer to the road alone.

After   Tool Man and Xiao Ming finished playing Vanguard, they quickly returned to the bottom lane. Because they wasted a lot of time, the bottom lane of SS ate two layers of plating.

  But this is not critical.

  The rest of the players cleared the way for Xiaohu, eliminating all the factors that prevented Xiaohu from eating tower money.

  Because the game was so horribly smooth, Brother Holy Gun couldn't defend the tower at all under the pressure of RNG's midfielder. At this time, there were only two layers of plating left on the upper tower.

   "You don't need to put Pioneer, Xiaohu just eat hard." Chen Yuan manipulated Zoe to invade the blue area of ​​SS, and together with Wei, they blocked Sao Fan and Fenfen.

  Xiaohu didn't let the vanguard's thoughts go. He had blasted in this round. At this time, he was in Danar form, and he headed straight into the defensive tower and started blasting.

  Two lines of soldiers passed, and the first blood tower on the road was directly destroyed in this way.

  The money for plating was divided equally by RNG Uenakano, and everyone got rich together.

  After demolishing a tower, Xiaohu returned to the city.

  Nar led the vanguard to rush down the road quickly.

  If it is the main player in the middle field, Chen Yuan needs to eat economical carry. The middle lane is originally an advantage game, and it is obviously not appropriate to go to the middle lane to grab money.

  So go to the inferior bottom road to put the pioneer, and it is definitely the best to eat the plating.

  What is the name of this wave? This wave is called the tiger's feed back.

  Small Cannon sang a song and ran to the bottom road, and directly released the pioneer in front of the two opposite people.

  SS's ADC Asura took a look at the map and found that Wei had also come, which means that RNG is now standing by four people in Xia Lu!

  Asura people are dizzy, you Ueno will always fit together, right? Wei comes to the tiger guard?

  In this state, the SS side does not even have the qualifications to call people. There is a Gnar with no fats here. Who dares to pick up the 4V4 group at will?

   "Let's give up.." The show fan happened again, signaling his teammates to retreat

  There is no way, Asura can only retreat with assistance.

  But on the other side, he also chose to return to the city.

   "What are you doing?" Xiaohu turned his head and glanced at Yang Yang, "Let's eat the plating together!"

  旮旯 The boring monster started again, "It must be Brother Tiger that you eat alone, after all, you still have to rely on you C for this game."

The hidden meaning of    is: if you lose this round, then you will be the first one to hold back.

  Xiaohu suddenly persuaded him, is he playing a nar and eating so much money?

  "Don't don't don't, they are all teammates, eat together." Xiaohu said with a smile, "This one has to come to C by Gazi."

  Gala showed a satisfied smile, operating Xia to stand under the tower.

  The five-layer coating was accepted by Xiaohu and the two, and their economy took off again at the same time.

  At this time, the director wisely brought up the economic panel. At this time, everyone clearly saw that it has only been thirteen minutes, and the economic gap between the two sides has opened to three thousand!

What is the concept of   Three thousand economy?

  Xiaohu has already made a two-piece set of dilapidated black cuts.

  But Brother Saint Gun only has cloth shoes and a small wooden hammer.

  【Ninja is enough to break the black cut? 】

  【Is this kind of economic difference still cut out? 】

  【What do you mean, the director won't give me milky blue face? 】

  At this time, the audience are all stupid. They have never seen this kind of economic gap in their entire lives.

  In the normal ranking, even if the person on the opposite side hangs up, you will not be able to eat a two-piece suit for 13 minutes if you leave the push line alone to eat the plating.

  The next game won't make any sense. With the invincible equipment gap, Xiaohu is invincible in a single lead.

  Chen Yuan led four teammates in the middle and pushed the tower, and if there was a dragon, he would take it.

   SS's assistant Tam also gave Chen Yuan a lot of face. After he finished the auxiliary outfit and straw sandals, he directly exposed a mercury ribbon.

  Mercury Tam, the ability to protect C is directly full.

  Chen Yuan was too lazy to be boring when he saw this, Zoe directly incarnates the ruthless POKE machine.

  As long as he never sleeps, the opposite will never press mercury.

  After such a calculation, he directly wasted the 1600's economy on the opposite side without losing money.

  Well, this theory is correct.

  [We have to say that Wei’s rhythm is a bit fierce in this round]

  【? Not a little tiger? 】

  [The silly egg who can't understand the game quickly climb, this game is obviously the rhythm of the middle field]


  [RNG is going to kill the snake team, it’s really amazing]

The    advantage of the tiger is still very reassuring. The mentality of everyone in the snake team is exploded by RNG's mature 41-point lead.

  They may not be able to play five-to-four head-on, but in the end there is another Gnar who can play two-on-one on the side.

  Is this game still playing?

  In twenty minutes, the economic gap between the two sides has broken through 10,000.

  RNG drove the dragon on time, forcing the snake team to come out and pick up the group.

  Snake team is not picking up, nor is it not picking up.

   "Take it, take it, hurry up and end this round." SofM is indeed a smart man, decisively chooses to pick up the group, and take his teammates to send off.

  Finally, Tiger Nal came with a wave of three beautiful big moves. With the joint damage of the other players, the snake team that was still laughing and laughing in the last second was instantly melted!

  Chen Yuan’s Zoe picked up four flashes in a team battle, and the magic ball flew randomly in the team battle, taking four kills!

  "The RNG who got the big dragon and won the team battle was demolished from the second tower in the middle road all the way to the high ground! They want a wave! Is there enough time?"

   too late, but too late.

  It’s too late because it’s only twenty minutes now and the resurrection time is very short.

   was too late because the Snake team didn't plan to keep the home at all, and half-pushed the base directly.

  Twenty-one minutes, RNG successfully smashed the SS main crystal, completing one to zero!

  In the commentary, Ten Years Emperor Zao Duoduo was so excited at this time, "The smooth attack of RNG in this round reminds me of the time of MSI last year!"

   "Won the game in 21 minutes, and now the single fighter is in the lead, the four-piece starting version is unimaginable!"

   "The MVP player in this round is."

  An image of a dull eye, pouting, holding his chest watching the camera appeared on the big screen.

   "Sure enough, it's still a tiger!" Wang Duoduo showed an expression of "Sure enough", "After he got the advantage in this round, his ability to drive rhythm is perfect!"

  The audience under the stage is already boiling.

The   Snake team itself has a small number of fans, which is not worth mentioning compared to the current RNG.

  Even though this is the home of the Snakes, the LOL game is not the NBA, and fans will not have much sense of belonging to the home team.

  At this time, the audience was still almost full of RNG fans, and their cheers were deafening, which made the Snake team members a little uncomfortable.

   "This round was okay!" Brother Feng applauded in the lounge to welcome the players back, "Wei and Xiaohu performed well in this round!"

  Little Wei finally showed a satisfied smile at this time, because he had to practice tactics some time ago, the rhythm was a bit poor.

  But that's all, he was blown up by RNG fans, and the whole family didn't know how many times he was confiscated.

  I can only say that the current e-sports fans are really big.

  However, his rhythmic performance in this game is obvious to all, and in addition to the hostility of the e-sports fans, another feature is

  I believe that there are already a lot of voices blowing him in major forums.

   "We will continue to play like this next time." Brother Feng laughed, "But don't play a routine, you still have to be flexible, it depends on your own on-the-spot reaction."

   "OK." The team members nodded one after another.

  On the other side, in the SS lounge.

   "The tempo of the opposite game is great."

At this time, coach SS frowned into the word "Chuan"~www.readwn.com~ In the next game, the fans put their focus on the top road for a while. In the next game, we will also choose the red side and try to change to the opposite side. , Lock the opposite Wei in the bottom lane. "

  Snake team members nodded one after another.

   "Also." The coach continued, "In the next round, you have to choose one who can push the line in the middle. Don't even think about getting the vampire."

  His last sentence was addressed to mid laner Beethoven.

  This vampire singles Zoe is not actually meant by the coach.

  Originally, he wanted to get a vampire for the holy gun brother, and then bring out a hero who can beat Zoe to the mid laner.

  But during BP, Beethoven suddenly said that his vampire can beat Zoe.

  In line with the idea of ​​believing in the players, the coach agreed.

  But who would have thought that he, a vampire, did not collapse, but Ueno was directly beaten by this Zoe

  Beethoven lowered his head in embarrassment at this time

  Not much time was left for both sides to adjust. After the five-minute intermission, the players of both sides went on stage again and started the second game.

  (End of this chapter)

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