League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 261: Go send 1 wave, quickly end the game

"The hammer is here!" Wang Duoduo was silly, "Xiaohu flashed the hammer confidently and forced a knockout to help Yasuo pick up the big move!"

Although the output attributes of this version of the Green Fork are not as good as the electric knife, the attack speed and crit provided by a ready-made suit are still solid, and the output ability is naturally quite good. A prince who has broken the rhythm can't hold it at all.

"SofM is not flashing, EQ is not big, it must be impossible to run away." Sister Yibi explained what happened on the screen, "It should be to give up resistance."

Chen Yuan finally smashed his head and took the head down, and his record came to 3-0.

[How many times have you said that, Genzi's Yasuo can't be released! Look, it's going to kill again. 】

[The previous versions of Yasuo were too weak, even Yuanzi didn't take it, but who would have thought that this version would suddenly rise? 】

[Hhh, Brother Yuanzi kills him! 】

"It's a good beat!" Wei, who had witnessed the operation of "Brother Tiger", quickly praised.

The cancellation of the account was also proud of his face at this time. This wave of flashing hammer was already the last afterglow of his 23-year-old veteran.

What is incompatible with Xiaohu's happiness is Beethoven's helplessness at this time.

He stood under the tower and looked at Yasuo not far away, putting the mask of pain directly on his face.

But there is one thing to say, this mask seems to have been bought for himself...

Chen Yuan escorted the soldiers line slowly into the tower.

The guard little Wei stood behind, and as soon as he took a step forward, a question mark appeared at his feet.

"I'll eat the plating alone!" Chen Yuan turned into a 81-point killer Kobe, and directly drove away his jungler, choosing me to take it all.

"..." The humble Wei dared not speak, but he couldn't go. After he left, Sword Girl would definitely dare to come up to guard the tower. No way, he could only stand behind and stand hard.

What does it mean to repay grievances with virtue?

When he had nothing to do, he could only press Ctrl+3, the barrel raised his right hand, and began to perform enchanting belly dance.

【? ? ? 】

[This is not a team leader? 】

[Don’t let your teammates eat the coating, don’t let your teammates go, it’s numb]

Yasuo first raised the knife and began to hack the defensive tower. By now it was nearly twelve minutes, and the double resistance of the fully-plated defensive tower was zero. With just a wave of soldiers, the plating was eaten by Yasuo twice.


In the second wave of troops, Chen Yuan directly released the vanguard.

Beethoven looked at Yasuo's posture while reading the article, and his heart moved slightly. (At that time, Pioneer's release time was still four seconds, which was easy to interrupt.)

But the source protection messenger Wei jumped out again, and the keg moved forward two steps slightly, the beer belly blocking Yasuo's front, as if saying, "Don't want to interrupt."

Beethoven can only retreat at this time.

Soon the vanguard was released, and Wei turned around and left the middle.

Wei stood on the middle road for more than a minute. He didn't even get a dime, so he had two waves of **** experience.

It really moved China.

Chen Yuan couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart at this time, but he didn't mean to let Wei come back to divide the money. He entered the tower alone and took the next one with a smile.

Five-layer plating 800 + one blood tower reward 150 + tower demolishing reward 250 + full picture reward 50, plus the prince's head 274 that Chen Yuan just got.

In other words, Chen Yuan has made 1,524 yuan in less than two minutes after he went out.

And this is not the economy of making up a knife.

It seems that the game is over.

After Chen Yuan dismantled a tower, he brushed off his F6 by the way.

Since you want to squeeze your own jungler, follow through to the end.

Wei couldn't help but grinned at this moment, "You are so cheap!"

After returning to the city, Chen Yuan directly purchased the Storm Sword and the Critical Strike Cloak, which supported his attack power while also possessing 90% of the critical strike.

At this point, it can actually be regarded as a strong period for Yasuo. Nowadays, the average ADC is less than 1200 blood. This Yasuo hits down with a crit and can directly pregnant AD.

When he went online again, seeing that Beethoven dared to push the line and eat his coating, he immediately stopped being angry and rushed forward decisively and continuously.

On the screen, Sword Sister is agile like a loach, writhing frantically, trying to avoid Yasuo's Q.

But Chen Yuan was such a chicken thief, he didn't put Q at all, he just used hard A, his speed shoes and green fork, he moved fast, he just chased Sister A all the way, and the conquerors were full of A.

Beethoven felt that he was insulted, and at the same time he was fortunate. After all, there was no wind when Yasuo did not lose Q. No wind means that he can't throw big moves. If he can't throw big, it means he can't die...

It’s okay, buddy. Although it’s a bit stupid, but fortunately, it can survive. This is the master's thousand-layer thinking!

But in the next instant, in the shadow of his own wild area, a wooden barrel flew out.

"Happy hour, it's about to begin~"

A long-range tactic of the wine barrel forced the Sword Girl under the tower to blow it out.

Beethoven, who was in the air at this time, looked dazed, his expression looked a bit like Tom in "Cat and Mouse"...

(Tom cat often looks at the camera with a dazed face when he is hit, I don’t know if you have any pictures...)

Chen Yuan stood outside the tower and waited for a while. After the keg's big move completely sent the Swordsman out of the tower, he took on the big move lightly.

At this time, the sword girl who was still a force in her hand must not be able to withstand the damage of Yasuo, and the two swords were taken away directly.

Beethoven successfully raised 0-3 in thirteen minutes.

"Wei! It's him again!" Wang Duoduo shouted, "He's here again, he is hiding in the grass on the back of the blue BUFF, and a big move blasted out the sword girl under the tower!"

"This person's GANK is so casual!" Sister Yibi smiled next to him, "I'll wait for you to come down to the tower, a big move will blow you out, and then Yasuo will take you and kill you."

"But this also has something to do with the fact that the midfielder on the SS side is too weak," Wang Duoduo said. "With the support of the mid laner, Wei can invade the opposite wilderness area unscrupulously!"

Immediately afterwards, the opposite mid laner died, and Wei became more courageous. The barrels ran across the wild area of ​​SofM. As a rhythmic jungler, the refresh time of the wild monsters was naturally tight.

He doesn't brush in his own wild area now, and he lives in the prince wild area squatting and brushing wild points.

But SofM is the wild king of the LPL generation after all. He also knows that the opposite side will invade. On the second floor, he chooses to detour and go to the opposite wild area.

"SofM's choice is also very smart! But doing so is still a loss, because their rhythm is all lost."

At this time, RNG Nakano was in a tight hug, while SofM and Beethoven were separated by thousands of miles, and there was no linkage.

At this time, although Chen Yuan had no big moves, but the central tower had already been pushed, he certainly wouldn't hang in the middle to make money when he couldn't stay free. Yasuo and the wine barrel disappeared into the shadows at the same time.

SS had a three-way disadvantage and couldn't go out for vision at all. At this time, the two wild areas were completely dark, and only the triangle grass closest to the line could barely have a vision.

The people on the upper and lower roads were all frightened at this time, for fear that two people B would pop out and break them directly.

Up or down?

The fan deliberately wanted to squat back, and the angle of view was cut from the top and bottom to the top and bottom, and she couldn't pay attention to it.

At this time, both the upper and lower roads of RNG are surpassing the tower, and they will have a harvest wherever they go.

Thinking of this, SofM gritted his teeth and headed for the road.

In his thoughts, it doesn't matter if you don't squat back, then grab a wave of Jace to stop the loss.

But in the next second, Keg and Yasuo were already in sight.

And the most embarrassing thing is that the two of them are not together!

Wei adhered to the principle of "helping tiger brother" and came to the road. The drunk fat man directly pushed his belly towards the vampire under the tower.

Chen Yuan came to the bottom road, Yasuo, who was the guard, also came to the bottom of the tower, blocking the exit of the opposite bottom road duo!

At this time, the operation of the director is also very spiritual. In an instant, a left and right split screen was created, which cut out the movement of the upper and lower towers at the same time.

After the audience saw this scene, they couldn't help but cheered!

On the road, Brother Saint Gun is not handing the blood pool in his hand at this time, nor is it not handing it in.

Hand it in, the barrel on the opposite side didn't hit him, it didn't attract the hatred of the defense tower, and the blood pool was useless.

Don't pay it, the two of them will be immortal and disabled with this set of skills.

But time won't slow down because of your thinking. Just when Brother Saint Gun was still gambling in his heart, the big belly of the wine barrel was already on his body.

TOP Tiger's hand speed instantly exploded at this time, with 16 keys per second.

Starting from Jess Cannon Form, QEWRQWAAEA.

First hit the accelerated gun, W accelerates the attack speed to switch forms at an instant, the Q skill jumps up to open W, and then the 2.5 attack speed hammer AEAA, Jess hits eight levels of damage in an instant!

Brother Saint Gun was already a stubborn blood when he turned the bleeding pool to escape the ground.

The audience's voice has become louder. Although they don't know what combo this is, such a quick action looks cool!

Of course, don't forget SofM, who was on the road and squatted back. The prince was the first flash in five minutes. At this time, 13 minutes, he had already recovered.

SofM doesn't play any EQ flashing operations anymore, and flashes EQ honestly, wanting to wear two.

Wei also flashed in his hand, of course he wouldn't be picked up by EQ so honestly, and the barrel flashed away.

However, the location of the wine barrel itself is near the defensive tower, and a flash is not enough for him to run out of the attack range of the defensive tower.

SofM made a big move to keep up and cover the wine barrel directly!

"I can't leave, I'll fight, kill the vampire first!" Wei cleared up his thoughts in an instant, and took the initiative to take over the responsibility of command.

"OKOK." Xiaohu nodded vigorously, and switched to a cannon form after falling from the air, and a QA shot was easily taken away.

Wei was also shelled to death by the defensive tower. The GANK on the road ended with a change of one. However, Xiaohu was not beaten by the tower and his blood volume was almost full. The remaining prince could not pose a threat to him.

The situation on the next road is much better. Xiaoming Bullhead WQ takes the lead and makes a big move against the tower, and Chen Yuan rushes in and kills it without exception.

In the end, neither of the two of Xia Lu was spared, but unfortunately, Xiao Ming was also decelerated by the big move of the opposite Bloom when he exited the tower, and similarly died under the tower.

Two for one.

Yasuo and EZ joined forces and ate two more layers of plating on the bottom lane.

"Very good. Few people share the money to eat the plating." Chen Yuan said cheerfully, "Have a good time, Shi Senming!"

Xiao Ming smiled and didn't speak, he didn't bother to care about this yin and yang person.

"This is the decision-making power of the team," I remember sighing on the side, "Who would have thought that the RNG side Nakano would have given up the linkage, and one person would go all the way. This is too outrageous!"

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is difficult for SS to make a comeback in this game.

At first glance, this wave is three-for-two.

But in fact, the prince and Bron got the heads on the opposite side. On the RNG side, Jace had a head, Yasuo had a head, and EZ had a head.

At this time, the director called out the economic panel, and the economic gap between the two parties' Nosuke was inseparable, but the economic gap between the two sides was already as high as four thousand!

There is no doubt that this economic gap is all concentrated on the upper, middle and lower three C's.

Soon, in 21 minutes, RNG once again used the dragon to force the group.

"Walk around, send a wave, hurry up and end the game."

SofM always felt that this sentence seemed to have been said in the game, leading the team to pick up this wave of dragons again.

The result is unquestionable, RNG played a wave of five.

"Congratulations to RNG, they defeated the Snake team 2:0 and completed their nine consecutive victories!" Wang Duoduo said, "I'm back, I'm all back!"

"RNG found the winning password for this version!"

"Oh." TOP Tiger started to pretend, "It's meaningless."

During the handshake session, Xiaohu, who always likes Gay to come to Gay, grabbed Brother Saint Gun's hand tightly and smiled happily.

Brother Saint Gun is still a little puzzled while depressed, hasn't won the game or what?

Chen Yuan also happily shook his hand with the opposing mid laner, his eyes were unpredictable, and Beethoven looked at him with fear.

Is this Brother Yuanzi?

Beethoven was completely beaten, and Chen Yuan was already a complete "master" in his mind.

You said that we are all LPL starting mid laners, so why can you play with me? Is this fair?


In the post-match interview session, Chen Yuan was a little absent-minded. He looked out of the stadium through the high glass of the stadium. The light rain when they first arrived had developed into a torrential rain.

But Chen Yuan didn't care about these.

He was already thinking about what dipping sauce should be served with hot pot at night.


At 12 noon on March 11.

At the RNG base, the rooms of each player were still silent, all sleeping.

Every time the provinces play away games, it is always tormenting.

After they finished the game, they went straight to the hot pot restaurant. After eating the hot pot, they went straight to the airport without stopping. After the game, they quickly landed in Shanghai in the early morning of the second day.

Ge Quan also famously said, "the night airfare is cheap."

This sounded to Chen Yuan as vomiting blood. He looked at the AppleINC. logo on the team logo and began to doubt the authenticity of the sponsorship.

But this is not impossible~www.readwn.com~ The soft bed of Chen Yuanshui Hotel is a bit unaccustomed, and the experience of going back to the base to sleep in your own bed will be better.

Suddenly, Chen Yuan's cell phone buzzed.

Chen Yuan dazedly stretched out his unhealthy, but well-defined arm, and answered the call.


"Are you up?" Jiang Qiu's tone was still full of girlishness, which made people feel refreshed. Chen Yuan's little brother, who was already in the morning excitement, directly raised his head and saluted.

"It's up..."

Chen Yuan grabbed his brother's angle, then turned over and got up and started putting on clothes.

At this time, another bed.

Karsa, the invisible voyeur, exposed half of her boudoir from under the bed, and happened to see Chen Yuan pulling her little brother. She secretly said "to the north" for a round, and then quickly retracted her head.

Go to sleep, forget about it when you wake up...

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