League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 263: I'm so spicy, 1 Kai'Sa! ! ?

After killing the opposite prince, Wei and the duo in the bottom road took advantage of the situation and invaded the opposite red BUFF, completing the three BUFF opening.

There is no way, Xu Zhu can only run to his blue BUFF after resurrection, but the prince's speed of BUFF is actually not slow, still acceptable.

After playing the red, although Wei was still only one level, he still came to the middle and caught the opposing mid laner with the red BUFF deceleration.

"Although there is no jungle sword and no upgrade, but the process that should be followed still has to go," the cat king said with a smile.

I remember having fun, "Fortunately, Wei played a male gun in this game, and he brought a quick pace. If it is some other jungler, then he may only have to go online to mix experience."

Thanks to the unique brushing mechanism of the male gun, even if it is not a jungler, it can easily beat the red buff.

Soon, Wei brushed off the second red, and finally it was difficult to reach two levels.

Although the days are bitter, you still have to face it with a smile.

Wei is also quite smart. He directly chose to skip all the small wild monsters, because he couldn't fight, he only played BUFF, and the opposite was red-his own red-his own blue.

And because the prince on the opposite side had never been to the lower half of the area, the crabs in the river below must be there, and Wei took the crabs along the way.

But unfortunately, after these four groups of wild, he didn't even rise to the third level.

But the problem is not big, he has teammates.

"Wei come here quickly, you can try it in the next lane." Xiao Ming started calling the jungler at this time.

It's not calling the jungler, it's mainly because Wei is too miserable, we must help...

Because the Opposite Bot Road selected Titan Gakasha, it was easy to hit their Parker female gun, and the line of soldiers was on their side.

Xiao Ming was also unambiguous at this time, and when the jungler came, W pulled closer, and an E skill rushed up.

The angle of this E skill is extremely tricky, and it's just a minion away from the Titan, and it's also outside the Titan's attack range.

Wei's two-level male gun also went right behind the opposite side.

"Does Wei want to catch it?" Cat King said, "RW's bottom lane is level three, three level two and two level three, which one is stronger is actually a bit harder to say!"

But fortunately, Xiao Ming was able to control this wave well. At the last moment when he turned around with the E skill, a flash appeared behind Kai'Sa, and the ghost flew past Kai'Sa, stunning Kai'Sa forcibly.

Immediately afterwards, the female gun's E skills and Wei's Q skills were all handed over to AD.

At this time, the foreshadowing of the first-level regiment came out. Although RNG handed two ignitions, the opposite side also handed in treatment.

Kai'Sa, who had not been treated, could not escape the fire of the three people in the end, and was finally flashed and flashed by the female gun, and received a QA.

"Wow!" I just thought it was outrageous, "Why can this male gun without discipline catch people first?"

"The opposite is too much a chance!"

Next, the game began to develop in a weird direction.

This wave of key GANK caught the flash of Kai'Sa, and also achieved a big economic advantage with one head and one assist in hand. As soon as the contrast was drawn, the combination of Parker and female guns even showed a strong smell.

After all, Parker played with two controls and took a bath with the female gun's ultimate move. Kai'Sa who did not flash can almost be said to be mortal.

After Wei returned to the city, he directly purchased the serrated dagger, and finally gained some wild ability. He swept all the way up from the Demon Marsh Frog, and went straight to the road after finishing the stone beetle.

After the male gun went online, he just stayed on the line and started to share the experience with Xiaohu.

"Hey, don't grab too many soldiers, just take some experience." Xiaohu glanced at his little brother sideways, and his words were full of threats.

The humble Wei nodded again and again, because there was no reason that the jungler knife was too slow to sweep the wild, he finished his first round of wild monsters for nearly five minutes, and the wild area was empty at this time.

Usually at this time, the monsters in the second lap will start to refresh...

In other words, Wei has four fewer wild monsters out of thin air. As a qualified male gun, he must get a little compensation from his teammates.

The male gun fired [the end of the road] against the line of soldiers.

It is conceivable how high the male gun damage of the five-minute sawtooth dagger was. A Q came back in the past, and three long-range soldiers were directly beaten by the second.

TOP Tiger turned his head and glanced at Xiao Wei, his eyes full of murderous aura. (For details, please refer to this chapter.)

"My mine." Wei quickly apologized, "I didn't expect the damage to be so high..."

On the other side, Zhao Yun, who was on RW's top laner, looked at the two people in front of him with trembling expressions, and operated Klie to retreat directly to the tower.

The angle of view cuts to the middle, Parker and the card are in a state of mutual mixing, and no one can do anything about it.

Chen Yuan's single-handed minion remover and bursting wand outfits show his understanding of the game.

The minion demagnetizer has a feature, that is, it can increase the damage to minions. The card demagnetization of three melee soldiers, two long-range soldiers, and one artillery can increase 6%, 5%, and 4% of this type of minions, respectively. s damage.

(At that time, the minion demagnetizer of the version can be used six times. The first use of this type of minion increases the damage by 4%, and the second time it adds an additional 1%.)

Then, with the magic power of burst wand and murder ring, you can easily clear a wave of minions in WQ Second Company after your Q skill level rises.

With such a terrifying speed of clearing soldiers, the card was directly liberated.

At this time, through the field of vision of the river, you can clearly see that the other prince walked in the direction of Xiaolongkeng and disappeared from the field of vision.

The idea of ​​RW jungle is also very clear. Since RNG has no punishment on this side, the big and small dragons are naturally an important winning point for them.

This idea is correct.

But your jungler showed up in the bottom lane, and you must suffer from the top lane.

At level 6, less than twenty seconds after learning the big move, scarlet eyes appeared on the top of the other five people's heads.

"The first wave of the card's sixth-level big move, he chose Zhao Yun who is on the road!" I remembered that the moment was strong, "Klie has a horse at this time, it's not easy to kill!"

It’s not easy to kill. It’s just a commentary. In the eyes of professional players, a level 6 card, a level 5 captain, a level 4 male spear, and a level 5 Kled are naturally caught.

"On the road, Xiaobai died tragically under the tower again. RNG has a 3-0 head-to-head ratio! Is this true?"

Everyone can't believe that RNG can still get an early advantage with one less jungler.

Immediately afterwards, RNG even started their invincible operating rhythm.

In ten minutes, RNG gathered on time to take the vanguard.

RW immediately felt the gap in execution between the players on both sides.

The five people of RNG seem to have rehearsed countless times, pushing the line, returning to the city to replenish equipment, holding groups, arranging vision, occupying positions, and moving the pioneers in one go. The whole process is like an assembly line.

Although there is one more punishment on RW's side, RW's jungler can't get close to the vanguard at all and grab the lead! ?

In ten minutes, under the impact of the vanguard, the last tower of RW shattered. This round of Carry still had to be handed over to Xiaohu.

Of course, Xiaohu did not disappoint.

Twenty-four minutes, Xiaohu’s captain had three dreams in hand, and a wave of three barrels in the grass blew up three people at the same time!

The teammates saw that all the three health bars on the opposite side had dropped by a large amount, and they were immediately energetic, and rushed directly towards the opposite lineup.

Xiao Ming's Parker had already been prepared on the sidelines, one by one, and three kills.

"What's up?" Xiaohu was numb, "I'm hitting workers, right?"

"No." Xiao Ming said with a grin, "You are the emperor of labor!"

Twenty-five minutes, RNG flattened the RW base, and the head ratio of the two sides was fixed at 13:4.

[This RW is too bad, right? Can't beat this? 】

[I am also numb, everyone is riding to the face, the lineup is randomly selected, the jungler forgot to bring punishment, this can make the opponent win, disband as soon as possible]

At this time, the audience was even a little dissatisfied.

In fact, when they first saw that the jungler didn't bring punishment, they already assumed that RNG had lost.

But who would have thought that the current RW can be such a dish!

After the intermission, the second game began immediately.

Although he won the last game, making mistakes is not allowed. Wei, who made a major mistake in the last game, retired on the spot, and the jungler became Karsa.

However, their heart of reorganization is still not severed, and the lineup they chose is also very interesting.

"Single Li Sangzhuo, hit the wild boar girl, mid-single Bingbird, down Lu Hanbing Gabron." Remember to take a deep breath again, "This is...Five Polar Regions!?"

Chen Yuan happily took a sip of Wangzai's milk in the paper cup and started the happy game of the second round.

But this one is not as smooth as the last game.

The ice girl + pig girl and ice bird directly made up a death triple AP combination. When the opposite Shangdan Kled Mercury Shoes and Drinking Magic Knife came out, they just wanted to hit three of them one by one.

And the excavator and Ike on the opposite side were the same, the magic resistance was full, there was no damage on the RNG side, and the linkage simply couldn't fight.

The upper middle field withered, the bottom road naturally withered, and the degree of cerebral palsy of Hanbing Gabron was not much better than that of the upper middle field.

Although the two had a good suppression effect on the line, in the late team battle, Master Ai showed his strength.

Facing the opponents of all members of magic resistance, the ice that broke the two-piece hurricane is actually hard to beat!

Then Ike flashed up on the opposite side, and the EAQ rocket belt was reset to the third ring of general attack A, and Han Bing died on the spot.

RNG, which was extremely lack of damage, lost two consecutive team battles. I lost all of the big dragons and the small dragons. In the end, the economic gap was so big that it was irreparable that I regretted losing the game.

[Fuck, this is right, the whole RNG can't be beaten, so what else are you guys playing? 】

[RW, rush, rush! Smash me RNG! 】

Obviously, RNG's somewhat disrespectful behavior of opponents has caused dissatisfaction among many sunspots, all of whom took the opportunity to play in the live broadcast room.

It's just that the fans of RNG still have a grinning look, and don't care about the sunspots who are outputting against the wind.

Respect is to be won on your own. You can't even win when you are in good condition. You still expect us to respect you?

The game quickly progressed to the third round.

Everyone thinks that RNG will continue to work.

But when they saw the blue RNG suddenly select Zoe, everyone realized something was wrong.

"Are you alive?" RW's coach wanted to vomit blood.

Say it early!

In the third game, the top center of the opposite hero was still the same, Kriega Ike.

But Ike's first two games against the line card Icebird was a breeze, and in the third game against Zoe, it was completely withered.

What is the most disgusting thing about Zoe in the current version of the hero.

The first is the nausea of ​​the lane, and the short-handed hero is a random slaughter.

The second is the extremely high linkage between the E skill and the jungler, coupled with the W's picking skills, it can swept wantonly in small team battles.

The two attributes add up to create Zoe's invincible 2V2 ability in the middle field.

It can be said that as long as it is a controlled jungler, with Zoe, he can run around in the opposite jungle.

"Yuanzi and Karsa level three went directly to the opposite wild area and the Karsa excavator flashed directly to the top, Yuanzi Ge Zoe took the sleep, and couldn't run away!"

"Zoe pulled Fei Xing and took away the RW jungle prince in one shot! Yuanzi successfully harvested one blood, Hua Tian is still a step late!"

Different from last year, now Chen Yuan's Zoe can be said to be the only one strong, and his ability to drive the jungle is excellent. It can be said that RNG's jungler can mix well as long as it is not a Muggle.

What's more, it was Karsa, who cooperated with him.

RW is still thinking about delaying the later stage, but where will the fully offensive RNG give them the later stage, in terms of team cooperation and individual operations, RNG is fully crushing this brand new RW.

It's still eleven minutes, and the pioneer on time.

"RNG now has a financial gap of two thousand! Karsa put Pioneer in the bottom lane, his style is still different from Wei!"

He has been working hard to get a rare wave of rhythm benefits. After getting a tower of money, he instantly became the team daddy, and after switching lines with Xiaohu, he went to the road to push the tower.

Chen Yuan quietly bought a murder book and followed the team to fish.

The game quickly went on to 22 minutes, and the economic gap between the two sides also came to 7,000.

Chen Yuan's Murder Book, Rocket Belt Galloden's outfit layman looks weird.

How can the rocket belt come out with Luden.

But in the eyes of their Zoe players, they noticed something wrong.

"Brother Yuanzi pulls the flying star directly here, my old swan!! What kind of harm is this!?" In remembering the sharp cry, all the audience witnessed an amazing scene.

On the screen, Zoe directly smashed a super long-distance Q towards the opposite ADC.

QRQ flashes!

The prediction was extremely accurate, directly hitting the ADC's body, Chen Yuan exploded with his hand, hung up and ignited, and then pressed out the rocket belt.

After throwing a set of skills, Zoe bounced into the hole and shuttled back.


A red flash slashed down, and the ADC that was still full of blood and jumping around instantly disappeared!

The assistant Huang Gairen is stupid, what about my ADC?

How hot am I to hit a Kai'Sa?

[What is this hook eight injury? 】

[Just outrageous! 】

[Good evening everyone! (Except Zoe players)]

The screams in the audience began to erupt~www.readwn.com~ instantly covered the audience!

"Fuck!" Xiaohu was also a little bit stunned at this time, Zoe would also play, but he hadn't done this Q-second human operation.

After all, they are all playing games and high scores. Where does the opposite side give you such a chance to show off.

Really play professional games as abusive games?

"They were all learned in the video." Chen Yuan cheerfully tapped his rocket belt twice. The damage of this piece of equipment itself was not low, and it could also trigger electrocution, which brought Zoe's explosive damage to a new level.

Chen Yuan's artillery not only shattered the ADC, but also shattered RW's hope of defending his home. Without the ADC, they could only watch RNG's large forces grinning and tearing down their crystal base.

"Ten consecutive victories!" I remember yelling, "RNG hasn't lost a big game since the opening of the Spring Split. Their legend is still going on!"

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