League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 271: Return to town to make up Dolan? Who are you! ?

"Welcome to the home court of Beijing JDG, here is the game site of the 2019 LPL Spring Season Regular Season! I am today's commentator Ze Yuan!"

"I remember!" Wang remembers that it has been a long time since he commented on the RNG game. He looked very excited at this time, "The two teams participating today are RNG and JDG!"

At 7 o'clock on Wednesday evening, the previously sparsely populated JDG home stadium was already overcrowded by RNG fans. Fans waved the banners and cheering sticks in their hands to cheer for their team.

"Now the regular season is coming to an end. For those teams competing for rankings, every game is particularly important." Remember to think about it, "It should be only more important for JDG..."

At this time, the director here also just cut out the league ranking chart so far.

RNG is now undoubtedly the first with 11-0, while FPX (10-2) and IG (10-3) are ranked second and third respectively with a gap of one win.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that because of the schedule, RNG has played one or two games less than the next two teams.

There are still four games left in the RNG regular season. With this huge win gap, as long as they don't play snakes and don't make any bells and whistles, basically the first place in the regular season will be stable.

JDG on the other side is a bit nervous. Like TOP, they are tied for fourth place in the league with a 9-3 score, but TOP slightly wins the head with a higher small game winning rate.

"I have to say that this year's LPL competition is still very fierce." Colonel Guan smiled, "Who would have thought that IG, which won the regular season last year, could only be ranked third this year!"

"Yes." I remember and nodded in no uncertain terms, "And I personally feel that IG is not much weaker than last year, or even stronger..."

At the scene, the players of the two teams are ready in their respective positions.

The night before, the official blogs of the two teams had announced the roster. Today, RNG’s starting lineup is still Wei.

Since winning the championship, Uzi has been completely flat. Anyway, the substitute RNG can also win, so Uzi has been recuperating at home as a big move of RNG.

It's just that Karsa is still "poor". He can only be forced to lie flat when he is tied to Uzi, and he is alone in the lounge every game day.

With a huge amount of rank, his score is not low, and he has now entered the top ten of the world server, ranking first in the sword.

But the word "poor" was called out by the fans. In Karsa's own words, he didn't have to play a game, and he still got the same salary. It was a comfortable yuppie.

On the JDG side, today’s starting jungler is Han Yuan Xiaofu, and the starting AD is S4 champion AD, imp.

"Are you ready?" Seeing that the players on both sides were already in place, the female referee behind them made the final question to the players.

"Okay, okay!" Chen Yuan moved the position of the mouse and keyboard slightly by one centimeter and adjusted it to a comfortable angle, "Chong Chong Chong!"

With a crisp sound, the game officially started!

"Because this game is at JDG's home court, they have the priority to choose sides in the first round. The JDG side chose the blue side for themselves, and came up to block the bull's head firsthand!"

Xiao Ming's bull head has always been a strategic nuclear weapon for RNG, and it is as famous as Chen Yuan's Yasuo. In this season's competition, as long as Xiao Ming gets the bull head, RNG will always win the game.

This directly caused Xiao Ming's bull head to never come down in the ban position.

"RNG chose to ban grave digging!" Colonel Guan nodded, "Grave digging is a top-ranking upstart developed suddenly in version 9.4. The alignment ability is not weak, and the single belt ability in the later stage is extremely strong, and Zoom is proficient with this hero. Not low."

Maybe someone here asked, how strong are the grave heads now?

Give a chestnut.

Yu XiaoC, the number one promise player in the national service, has been floating among the masters of the drill all the year round.

He has recently "dropped points for the axe head and increased points for the grave head" in the live broadcast every day, but because of this, the grave head has forcibly brought Emperor C to the king's thousand points.

Probably that's so strong...

In the second Ban position, JDG coach Redmi didn't think too much, and directly sealed Yasuo, while Feng Ge blocked Zoe.

"The last ban position, JDG bans the ice girl, RNG bans the demon girl! The Ban stage is over!"

Brother Feng gave all the two bans to the opponent mid laner, and here is not to worry that Chen Yuan will not be able to beat the opponent.

It's because JDG's mid-single toothpaste can be said to be a pure Zoe demon's column force, two heroes and one ban retired on the spot.

According to the data, after the opponent can't get the Zoe Demon, there is a high probability that Syndra will be locked and mixed in the middle.

Next, Brother Feng only needs to choose a hero for Chen Yuan to restrain Syndra.

"JDG in the blue side locks on Syndra with one hand!" Colonel Guan nodded, "It's still JDG's old style. Three heroes in the middle are selected back and forth."

Seeing that the opponent's choice was exactly the same as Feng's prediction, the players all smiled.

In professional competitions, a mid-laner hero pool is not deep, which is a fatal hazard for the entire team.

Such a JDG is destined to not become a top team.

"Take Ike and the excavator." Brother Feng discussed with the team members, "We will select the strong midfield hero first and put a little pressure on the other side."

The RNG team members have no objection, after all, these two heroes are in line with the version, and they are both in their hero pool.

"JDG here... has won VN and Olaf!" I remembered suddenly exclaimed, "Choose VN first! What a brave imp!"

"But Uzi isn't here today!" Colonel Guan also joked, "If Uzi was there, I guess this game would be interesting."

Although the strength of VN is not weak in the current version, and it appears in many competitions, it is usually selected by the back hand. The imp is here to choose first. It can only be said that the art master is bold.

Seeing this situation, Feng Ge simply changed his BP strategy and left the position of the tenth hand directly to the bottom lane. He said, "Take Jace first, let's give the tenth hand to Sen Ming."

"OK." Xiaohu nodded. There is nothing wrong with Jace's choice. He has taken it quite frequently in recent games.

The line tyrant plus the POKE attribute perfectly meets the needs of RNG to ensure the style of play, and it is not empty to choose first.

In the second round of BP, Redmi decisively chose to ban the Titans and the policewoman, trying to **** the lanes down the road, and Feng Ge banned the two protective aids of Morgana and Tam.

In the fourth hand, Feng Ge did not hesitate to choose Kai'Sa.

Kai'Sa's appearance rate has not been lower since the birth of S8 last year, but since the 9.4 version of the critical strike equipment callback, after Lanche reworked, the status of Kai'Sa, who did not receive the equipment revision bonus, has plummeted.

But the exploratory ability of the broad masses of LOL people is nothing to say. Just in the recent qualifying, Kai'Sa's style of winning the sawtooth came into being.

In the past, Kai'Sa took a quick pace, Dolan Ji went out, and the line was a gangster. The whole game was in pursuit of a three-piece suit.

The pursuit of this outstanding outfit is to completely abandon the evolution of WE and directly pursue the ultimate physical explosion.

The talent brings a cluster of blades, and then Dolan Sword goes out, directly Storm Great Sword + Serrated Dagger + Caulfield Warhammer.

In the case that Dolan Sword provides 8 points of attack power, you only need Storm Sword (40 attack power) + Serrated Dagger (30 attack power) + two long swords (20 attack power) to evolve the Q skill.

The price is only 1300+1100+350*2=3100 gold coins.

This directly led to Kai'Sa changing from a three-piece powerful late-stage hero to a powerful early-stage rhythm hero...

The ability to change the hero's style because of outfits is probably the only one in LOL.

Opposite Redmi has been thinking about it for a long time. As a top coach, he has always thought about BP's comprehensiveness, and finally decided to choose the solo girl and assistant Galio.

Xiaohu's neck couldn't help shrinking when he saw Sister Dao. Since he was abused by Sister Niu Baodao in the finals last year, he has always been a little afraid of this hero.

And he happened to take Jace in this game... it was very annoying...

"Using the Solo Girl to come to Jess of Conte Xiaohu, and then choose Galio to deal with the threat of Ike and Kai'Sa."

Remember to think for a while, "The response of these two hands is not bad! Then see how RNG plans to choose the last hand!"

"Take Luo." Brother Feng patted Xiao Ming on the shoulder, "This game is your performance show Xiao Ming, think about how Liu Qingsong played yesterday!"

JDG's support for Green Mao is a support who likes to run after the laning period, and he selected Galio, he must also have the idea of ​​wandering.

So Feng Ge chose Luo for Xiao Ming in the tenth hand, hoping that he could suppress the green hair and bring the rhythm of the whole game.

At this time the lineup of both sides is determined, remember to read the lineup of both sides.

Blue side JDG: top solo girl, jungler Olaf, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane VN+Galio.

Red RNG: Top laner Jace, jungler excavator, mid laner Ike, bot lane Ka'Sa + Luo.

"Come on RNG!" Amidst the cheers of the audience, Summoner's Canyon descended.

In this game, Chen Yuan was just planning to test the Ike routine he learned recently while watching the video.

He chose electrocution for his talent in this round, and at the same time, the assistant department pointed out the minion de-weighting device and the astral insight, and the small fragment rune pointed out two adaptive magic powers.

In terms of outfits, he didn't choose the regular corruption potion, but directly chose the dark seal + reusable potion.

This is not because he thinks he is very good, but because the routine must require him to make such a costume.

The abilities of the first-level regiments on both sides are average, and there are no heroes who have the final word, so neither party has the idea of ​​playing the first-level regiment.

"Both junglers choose a red open at the same time, each with a regular stance to defend their own wild area."

In the middle of the LPL, the hero who has the advantage in the laning phase is the father. If I can make up the knife, then you only deserve the kind of experience.

Toothpaste is no exception. After the line of troops, he manipulated Syndra to directly press forward boldly, not giving Chen Yuan a chance to make up the knife.

But Chen Yuan didn't panic. He waited until the soldier had left his blood and walked directly up. At the cost of eating a QA, he used Q [Time Curler] to take down three melee soldiers.

"Toothpaste here has a strong suppressive force!" said Colonel Guan, "Yuanzi has to eat a set of QA for three knives, and this is still the first level. I am afraid that the pressure will be even greater when it reaches the second level!"

After that, Chen Yuan did the same. Whenever there was a soldier's remaining blood, he would use Q to clear the soldiers remotely, and exchange his blood for experience and economy.

Soon, the line of soldiers was pushed over by toothpaste, and Chen Yuan immediately increased the effort to push the line, and the Q skill was thrown away like money.

Toothpaste didn't understand Ike's rogue play.

You haven't produced the corruption potion, you are carrying the damage to the knife, and you are throwing skills to push the line. Do you not consider the line life at all?

But in any case, Chen Yuan's style of play was indeed effective. Under his sudden increase in pushing the line, the line of soldiers was firmly controlled in front of his tower.

Although the toothpaste wanted to push the line completely into the tower, it was also powerless.

Because Syndra must be unable to push Ike by pushing the line alone, and his hand length advantage is also difficult to play at this time-because Ike is under the tower.

The situation is awkward. Toothpaste has to pay attention to the position of the jungler from time to time, which adds a bit of pressure to his laning.

Immediately after that, the time quickly came to 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and the artillery soldiers came to the middle.

Chen Yuan directly used the Xiaobing Deweighter to kill the artillery car.

The use of this demagnetizer reversed the direction of the line of troops.

Chen Yuan's extra artillery here looked like a **** of war. With Ike's Q skill and the remaining demagnetizer times, he finally pushed the line out again after the fourth wave of soldiers arrived.

Both midlaners have reached level four at this moment.

Toothpaste glanced at Chen Yuan's state.

Ike has knocked out two layers of potions, and his blood volume is about 60%, but the blue volume has completely dried up, and he can't throw a single Q.

Is this still stubborn?

"Brother Yuanzi is back to the city after pushing the line here...?" I remember watching the scene on the screen and scratching my head, "This is not profitable!"

Both commentators were puzzled for a while.

The mid laner in the professional arena, using TP to make up for the city in less than four minutes, is too bad.

The situation of TP returning to the city to replenish the equipment and replenishment state, but it often appears in heroes like Ryze, and 850 is forced to return home to tears of the goddess.

But now it's only three minutes, four waves of soldiers can only give you five hundred dollars for the top of the sky.

What can you do for five hundred yuan? Buy a little yellow book?

Can't buy Dolan ring.

Chen Yuan's mentality was completely different. He was satisfied looking at the 500 yuan in his hand.

Without hesitation ~www.readwn.com~, he actually bought a Dolan ring and a true eye with 500 yuan in his hand, and then went online directly with TP.

"Brother Yuanzi went back to the city and bought Duolan ring!?" The colonel Guan was silly, "That's not right! This is not the brother Yuanzi who likes to grow up! I have never seen him return to the city to replenish Duolan's equipment!"

From then on, the situation began to reverse. When Ike returned to the line in the full state of Dolan Ring + Murder Ring, it was rather difficult for the toothpaste side.

He has only a small amount of blue left here, and his Summoner skill carries ignition, but he does not have the right to teleport back to the line.

One goes from one to the other,

Chen Yuan planned it from the beginning, using a TP price in exchange for a short line right.

Toothpaste shook his head at this time. Although this situation is difficult, there is no way to crack it. After all, this is a professional league.

Shake people if you can't beat them. This is a truth that everyone understands.

"Little man, help me push the wave line, I want to return to the city to make up for the state."

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