League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 286: Don't shave Master Ai!

  Chapter 287 Don't shave Master Ai!

  After finishing this wave of single kills, Chen Yuan naturally wanted to push the line. He came to the vicinity of the line and quickly sent the line into the defensive tower before Olaf came to control the line.

   Silas was passively in hand, cooperating with QWE to push the line quickly.

  When Rookie resurrected and returned to the line, the minions had already lost a whole wave and a half.

  In addition, Chen Yuan's blood on the bottom road and the wave of solo kills just now, the economic gap between the mid laners on both sides has rolled to 1,000.

  The extra thousand economy, so that Chen Yuan directly added a Hextech revolver.

  On one side Zoe only had a pair of French shoes, while Silas on the other side had mercury shoes and a revolver.

  It can be said that it is not a creature of the world at all.

  And this is the beginning of Chen Yuan's rhythm.

  Everyone knows that when Chen Yuan has a sufficient advantage in the middle, he will generally not choose to continue to line up.

  He will give the opposing mid laner a chance to replenish his growth, and then go to the upper and lower lanes to do things like crazy.

   Generally speaking, when the opposing midlaner has finally been diligent and diligent to make up for the economy, he found that all his teammates have been blown through.

  Chen Yuan in this game is like this.

  After he finished pushing the line in the middle, he immediately called Karsa to start running to the opposite jungle.

  Ning Wang’s rhythm in this round was actually pretty good. He was in a five-to-five match against Karsa in the jungle. When Chen Yuan came, this balance was broken.

  Two people are like locusts in transit. Anyway, a drill into the IG field is to catch what to eat.

  The two entered the wild area to grab a meal, and they retreat directly without killing after the grab.

  Chen Yuan comfortably returned to the middle to make up the knife.

   King Ning looked at RNG Nakano, who was cleaning the wild area like a robber, and one more pimples grew on his angry face.

  But he really has nothing to do.

  Zoe in the middle is locked by the line, and the same is true for the bottom road. Uzi's wheel pushes the line much faster than the ice.

  Although TheShy on the road has some advantages, it is still beyond reach.

  Fortunately, TheShy finally gave the team a little reward.

  The top laners on both sides suffered no less in this round, and each was caught and killed once.

  In this case, it is naturally impossible for Xiaohu's Sword Girl to beat TheShy Sword Hime on the line.

   Originally, Sword Sister had a lot of disadvantages in hero fights, not to mention Xiaohu was slightly inferior in personal operation.

  The two have been exchanging blood volume online, Sword Sister has only half blood at this time, and Jian Ji's blood volume is slightly more.

After the   pawn line entered the tower, TheShy flashed his hands and broke through the tower in four waves, directly hitting the flash of Xiaohu.

  Remaining Blood Tiger has no choice but to retreat back to the city, this wave will have to be single-killed if he does not return to the city.

  But who would have thought that TheShy's swelling ratio turned out to be a blast in the talent. When the sword girl returned to the city, the sword girl's plating was directly eaten up, and she directly gnawed down two layers.

  Yes, this is not only a kill, it makes no difference

   Anyway, there is an economic difference of more than 300.

   "I really can't stand this B." Xiaohu complained in his voice, "I can't beat this hero."

   "It's okay, I can fight him later." Chen Yuan didn't panic at all. "I'm fatter than him. You go to fight Zoe later, and I fight Silas."

   "Woo woo woo." The customer's eyes were tearful, "You have a sense of security, Brother Yuanzi!"


  The game quickly reached nine minutes and thirty seconds, and both sides made moves at the same time and began to make preparations for the vanguard team in advance.

  The Uzi on the bottom road started the layout ahead of time and pushed the line.

  But RNG’s pioneering style has long been studied by various teams. Everyone knows that the core of RNG’s victory lies in this way.

  To put it simply, RNG has been relying on the difference in the number of people participating in the bottom lane to win the Canyon Vanguard.

  That IG will definitely not be able to make them do what they want, and even do the opposite.

   King Ning seized this time and came to the bottom road ahead of time.

  He tentatively carried out a wave of GANK, but the vision arranged by Xiaoming found that the two of RNG botched the road and retreated early.

  It doesn't matter if you didn't catch someone. Originally, King Ning didn't expect to be able to catch him. He came to the road to stop Uzi from pushing the line.

   "There are three people here on the IG off road, Uzi dare not push it!" Miller explained, "Then JackeyLove may reach the vanguard one step ahead of Uzi, then this wave is hard to say!"

  After pushing the line, the three IG people retreated to the city at the same time. After quickly updating the equipment, they went straight to the vanguard.

  In order to arrange the vision of Vanguard in advance, King Ning directly turned on the predator, and the 45% movement speed bonus made Olaf only take fifteen seconds to reach the bottom lane, even a little earlier than Karsa.

  Uzi cleared the line of gun carriages entering the tower like this, and also quickly returned to the city, but the speed was ten seconds slower.

   IG’s execution power was amazing. The Shy, who had the advantage on the road, also happened to press Xiaohu under the tower at this time, and several people started directly facing the vanguard.

  "Come on! Vanguard can't let it go!" Chen Yuan manipulated Silas to stand in the river, carefully observing the opponent's formation, looking for flaws in it.

  He has just returned home once, and he has made a rocket belt with the economy leading the audience.

  Except for the two jungle fighters with wild swords, he is the only hero in the game with a costume. What's more, he also had a pair of mercury shoes before.

   Silas was right now, walking at the front of the team, he stretched out the chain with his right hand, and used the ultimate move [The Way of the Man] to steal the bull's head [Solid Will].

  This one-level big move can remove all control from the body and provide a 55% damage reduction for up to seven seconds!

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan rushed into the enemy group with an E skill without hesitation.

   "Brother Yuanzi is going to make five punches here!" Miller's eyes burst out after seeing this scene, "It's only ten minutes! Brother Yuanzi, calm down!"

   Look down on people, right?

Where did the IG people have suffered such grievances? Regardless of the fact that Baolan’s bull head didn’t hesitate to do so, a second company drove Silas high, and the other four also threw out their skills at the same time, wanting to have a wave. Set fire spike.

  Chen Yuan had been prepared for a long time. He activated his ultimate [Strong Will] at the moment he was hammered, and the bull’s head’s ultimate move instantly released the knock-up effect on his body.

  At the same time, Silas moved an E skill horizontally, avoiding the [hypnotic bubble] that Zoe followed.

  Even in this chaotic team battle, Chen Yuan can still distinguish what the opposing skills should eat and what should not be eaten.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan did not hesitate to pull a rocket belt closer, and then a W [King Killing Spike] accurately stabs Rookie's Zoe, gently flattening A with a knife, and then an E [captive].

  Silas actually rushed into the crowd of five people with bull's head's big move!

Although the five people of IG were all focusing on him, their injuries were pitifully low visible to the naked eye.

  Especially the ice shooter who plays in the rear.

  A Shui’s equipment is not ideal. For ten minutes, he only has the Recurve Bow + Bilgewater Scimitar. The rundown has not yet been made.

  At this time, the attack power of the ice shooter is only a poor 104 points, and the ice passive can increase the damage of the flat A by 10%, that is, every flat A will cause 114 damage, and the recurve bow can also add 15 additional physical damage.

  In other words, Hanbing can hit 129 blood points for every A tie.

   Silas’ talents and equipment have magic resistance, so the armor is not high, only 50 points, which can reduce 33% of physical damage.

  So the damage to Silas is not low for every tie-A hit by Ice, and 86 HP per hit.

  The HP of Silas at level 8 in ten minutes is 1500 points, which means that the ice originally only needed seventeen rounds to tie Aces to take Silas.

  With the deadly rhythm, this is the seventeen-shot ping A. It doesn’t take long.

   But now, Silas had a bull's head trick hanging on his body, and everything was different.

  The first level of the bull's head ult can reduce 55% of the damage suffered, and the 86 points of damage can be reduced again, and it will directly become 39

  Holding A, Silas lost 39 points of blood, and he didn't even bother to move the blood bar.

   Silas backhanded and hit Zoe with a tie, triggering the talent: Swift Pace, returning 46 points of blood

   (The eighth level of swift pace is based on 24, 65 points of ability power provide an additional 20 points bonus, plus talent: 5% recovery bonus for recovery, a total of 46.)

   "I haven't gotten much health back from my swift pace?"

   "And he also gave out mercury shoes?"

  A Shui saw Silas's rebounding response number, and fell into deep self-doubt.

  He has already begun to think about the meaning of the existence of this hero.

  On the other side, Rookie’s Zoe hurt not to mention, it was a terrible one.

   Silas’ magic resistance is as high as 75. With double damage reduction, Zoe’s flying star hit Silas with no difference from a mosquito bite.

  Everyone saw Silas overwhelmingly in the IG group. The health bar kept falling, but the falling speed was extremely slow, and Silas had W, and from time to time, he could come back and take a big mouthful.

In the end, the exchange of blood on both sides ended. Zoe was beaten half-blood by Chen Yuan's suit, but Chen Yuan didn't feel good here. Even with the bull's head in his hands, he was still beaten to residual blood by the IG four. .

  However, Chen Yuan’s teammates also came quickly, and both Xiao Ming and Karsa entered the game at the same time.

  Finally waited until the duration of Niutou's ultimate move ended, Xiao Ming's security door began to be raised high, blocking all the injuries of Hanbing and Zoe, and covering Chen Yuan's safe evacuation.

  Uzi, who came a step late, finally joined the battlefield. The mother of the wheel shouted loudly. The movement speed bonus of [Rhythm of War] added a courage BUFF to all the players, and a chaotic dragon pit battle began!

  "Pioneer Pioneer!" Chen Yuan yelled in the voice channel. On their RNG voice channel, they have no commanding authority if the voice is not loud.

  Several team members quickly turned their targets, and all focused on the purple behemoth in the center of the dragon pit.

  The two junglers are invariably holding the E skills, planning to kill the vanguard with E+ punishment.

  It's just that Karsa's excavator is the main E, and King Ning's Olaf is the main Q, and the level of the excavator is also higher, so Karsa's grasp is obviously greater.

  Having finally waited for Vanguard to reach the kill line, the two junglers kept their minds at ease, and at the same time E+ punishment was thrown at Vanguard!

  Ning King’s hand speed is fast. Everyone saw Olaf’s E skill take the lead. Vanguard's HP was reduced to 540 points, and then it was emptied.

   "Whose pioneer?" The doll yelled, while looking at the big screen.

  【The Red Legion killed the Canyon Vanguard! 】

   "Karsa won! The pioneer belongs to RNG!" Miller also yelled, "This group is still fighting!"

   "Killing!" King Ning first threw out the E skill, but his punishment was slightly slower, causing the vanguard to fall into the enemy's hands.

  He was irritable and didn't plan to let the people of RNG leave alive.

  Olav, who started the ultimate move, was also full of conquerors at this time, like a **** of war, and rushed toward the RNG camp excitedly.

   "Pull and pull, Vanguard is not in a hurry to pick it up." Looking at the Vanguard who was close at hand, Chen Yuan instead commanded the team to retreat.

   Silas opened the distance with an E skill, the shield blocked Olaf's throwing axe damage, and at the same time, the whole person opened the distance with the help of displacement.

   King Ning saw that Silas could not be hit, and instantly began to turn to the excavator next to him.

  Uzi turned around madly and walked A, flying King Ning’s kite.

"King Ning is rushing very fiercely, but it seems that he can't handle the damage!" the doll began to explain, "Olav chased halfway and found that he didn't have much blood! Is he about to start retreating? Baolan's bull's head is already on top. To the front!"

  But Karsa had a big move in his hand, how could he just watch Olaf retreat like this, and he didn't hesitate to throw a big move at Olaf without hesitation.

  The excavator escaped into the void, and then appeared next to Silas, hitting a high amount of slashing damage, directly killing King Ning!

  At the same time, he also penetrated into the enemy group because of his big move.

Several people from   IG turned their eyes a little because they wanted to focus on the excavator.

  This allowed Chen Yuan to see an opportunity.

  He moved forward again, and finally released the two-stage E that had been pinched in his hand for a long time, two chains stretched out, and the hook caught Zoe in the crowd!

  Quickly play a four-level Q [chain whip] in the air, and quickly follow a two-level W [killing king stab] after landing!

  A set of quality combos, Zoe’s blood volume immediately drops to half.

  In addition to the other half of Silas’s previous big move when he entered the game, as well as various AOE damage during the team battle, Zoe became the third dead person in the team battle!

   "The **** Silas killed the half-blooded Zoe! Then he was also replaced, and the team battle came to three on three!"

  It is not so much three-on-three, as it is 2V2+1V1.

  TheShy and Xiaohu have been restraining each other since the team battle started, and it is not easy to take orders on both sides.

  At this time, TheShy finally couldn't help it. Wushuang Jianji simply flashed out of the restraint of the sword girl and rushed to the main battlefield.

  Ultimate skill [Wushuang Challenge] To directly hang the auxiliary Bron, you must cooperate with Ah Shui Qiang Miao Xiaoming.

  Xiao Ming, the old fried dough stick, saw that he had been tricked by Jian Ji, he showed a sinister smile, Bulong instantly touched the wheel mother to retreat, and then followed by a flash, the whole person instantly opened a thousand yards away.

  TheShy wanted to hack Uzi again, but found that he was already in a hurry behind him.

  Little Tiger is also out of control at this time. In the current 3V3 small-scale team battle, Sword Sister’s combat effectiveness is definitely stronger than Sword Ji.

  The big move sword array was thrown out, accurately hitting Ah Shui and Baolan.

The moment   Q [Blade Impact] rushed up, the E skill [Double Blades of the Wings] was already formed in the air, fainting Ah Shui.

  No way, TheShy can only look back to save AD.

  But when he turned around, Xiao Ming and Uzi came again.

  Xiao Ming quietly approached Mimi, secretly hung a Q [Bite of Winter] to Jian Ji, and then retreated to the side to continue OB.

  The Shy was tortured and almost vomited blood. After being hit by Bloom Q, he couldn't walk. Uzi pulled frantically and flattened his two Aces. Bron quickly reached the third floor passively.

  When the fourth round of the wheel mother is about to hit him ~www.readwn.com~ I subconsciously use W, trying to block the subsequent dizziness.

  Sword Ji put on a defensive posture, and indeed blocked the next level A, but the Bron passiveness at his feet did not disappear, and it was still on the third floor.

  (Cold knowledge: Jian Ji W can't block Bronn's full layer of passive stun, and can only block the next round A.)

  Uzi waited for a while, and the time was stuck with a tie-A, and Sword Princess was stunned as soon as she finished her defensive posture.

  Jianji was fainted, while the sword **** the other side was happily playing one-on-two.

  A Shui knew that he couldn't beat it at this time, and the ice archer turned his head back and handed over W [All Arrows], and then the whole person flashed directly to escape.

   Baolan is also the sister of the sword next to W, and then it is also a flash and simply slips away.

  Can only suffer TheShy.

  Sword Fairy is surrounded by three people, and there is nowhere to escape.

  "The two sides played a wave of three for two!" Miller began to analyze the endgame, "RNG is still making a lot of money in this wave!"

  (End of this chapter)

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