League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 290: The semi-finals are in full swing!

  Chapter 291 The semi-finals are in full swing!

  The reason why Green Mao can say such arrogant words is because he knows that the current two teams are essentially different in strength.

  He knows that his team will win.

that's the truth.

  We played snakes in the JDG regular season and only fell to eighth. Do you really think the men are sick cats?

   Anyway, JDG is still the same. Big brother Zoom took out the single-band hero, and whoever is directly led to the black, the wild husband wandered around with toothpaste.

  As for the bottom road, the strength of the two Korean aid ADs, the brother-in-law and imp, can be said to be inextricable.

  But in the auxiliary position, the difference is big.

  JDG's auxiliary green hair is stronger than WE's auxiliary Missing. I don't know how many royal blues.

  As soon as the auxiliary difference between the two sides came out, the bottom road directly showed a one-sided trend.

  This BO5 played a total of four rounds, and JDG played four rounds of advantage on the bottom lane.

  After getting the advantage, Green Mao likes to walk the middle road. With the help of the middle road, the four games are also quite comfortable.

  As for the top lane, not to mention, we all know that Zoom is the big father of JDG. As the domestic number one top laner, his strength is impeccable.


  Red Legion WE had no resistance against the powerful JDG, was swept by a neat gentleman, and went straight out.

  The quarter-finals of the playoffs, WE urgently needs a large adjustment, otherwise they may miss the World Championship this year.

  April 5, the second day of the playoffs.

  SDG vs. EDG.

  SDG, a new army that entered the LPL, showed amazing resilience. After their eldest brother transferred to RNG, their remaining four players turned out to be more and more courageous, and instead rushed into the LPL playoffs.

  At this time, everyone can't help but start Lenovo. If they are still in the SDG, how far will they go?

  However, the result of the game is still quite a pity. The new army of SDG faces the old Youtiao team of EDG, and it is difficult to exert its strength at all.

  After all, what EDG is best at is to kill familiarity, and the LPL playoffs are their home court.

  IBoy and meiko have become more proficient in cooperating, and the SDG, which was formed only this year, has been smashed into a piece of armor.

   Coupled with the stable performance of the mid laner, EDG finally gave SDG a gentleman sweep and advanced to the top six.

  Chen Yuan is not surprised by this result. SDG's current shortcomings are too obvious. If it is still in SDG, I believe EDG will not win so easily.

   (Tips, SDG, which was still there, gave EDG a three-to-zero sweep.)

  The top six seats have been determined, and the challenges left for JDG and EDG are still to come.

  On April 6, the six-in-four game started.

  JDG took the lead to play against the league's fourth TOP in the regular season.

  The fourth hit the eighth, everyone thought it would be a one-sided game.

  But the fact is that everyone slapped everyone in the face.

  Facts have proved that the JDG team has hidden too much in the regular season.

  The TOP in the first game was uncharacteristic. They had the right to choose the blue side, and they got the right to control the skateboarding shoes through the advantage of one choice.

  Zoom, who got the red square, smiled crookedly. After the grave dig was banned, he and the vampire who selected Ryzconte 369 last hand, and successfully brought through a game.

  Successfully broke the serve. In the second round, JDG, who has the right to choose sides, became more and more brave and chose the red side again.

  In the second game, the TOP side took care of the top lane in every possible way, and Knight and XX lived directly on the top lane.

  The Duke of Zoom once again put on the familiar mask of pain.

  But unfortunately, TOP is not RNG.

The reason   RNG military training is on the road is because their bot lane is with Uzi, a natural advantage on the line.

  TOP does not have such a drop.

  As Zoom’s record came to 0-3, Imp’s record also came to 3-0

  Finally, imp and toothpaste double C came out and led their big brother Zoom to win the second game!

  No one thought that JDG came up and gave TOP a 2-0!

   "Turtle, JDG is so powerful?" Chen Yuan lay on the gaming chair and watched the game with interest.

  The winner of this game will directly fight against their RNG, so they pay a lot of attention here. Everyone is watching the big screen in the training room.

  But I have to say that TOP is the fourth in the league after all, and the strength is still a little bit. If it is shaved by the tail team of JDG, it would be too shameful.

  So in the third and fourth rounds, Knight made two consecutive rounds, one round for Silas and one round for Demon. Through his personal strength, he turned the tide and forcibly dragged the game to the fifth round.

  The fifth game is still TOP's right to choose sides, and TOP has a high theoretical probability of chasing three.

  But the theory is the theory after all.

  The failure of these two rounds allowed JDG to find the password to defeat TOP.

  That is the military training road.

  In this fifth game, JDG directly took out the unreasonable upper middle field combination of Ice Girl + Spider + Captain, and grabbed Knight in the middle.

  Golden left-handed people are numb. Opposite this combination of disgusting people, one purification is simply not enough!

  In just ten minutes, his record went straight to 0-2.

  Missed the mid laner, TOP's entire team stalled and eventually lost regretfully.

   "Let's congratulate JDG for defeating TOP by 3 to 2 and qualifying for the semi-finals!" The excited voice of Colonel Guan came, witnessing the legend that belongs to JDG with everyone.

  (In the 2019 Spring Split, JDG defeated WE, RNG and FPX in the eighth place in the regular season, and finally won the runner-up.)

  (That year JDG3-2 won FPX, FPX3-1 won TOP, then JDG won TOP, there should be no problem.)

  The gold who lost the game sat on the gaming chair with red eyes in his left hand, in a mixed mood.

  For him, it is considered successful to reach the top four, but he is only a top six

  Not even success is counted.

  The hope of letting the second chase the third was already in sight, but it was ruthlessly destroyed by JDG.

  In the end, when Zoom came over to shake hands with Knight, this somewhat autistic teenager raised his head with difficulty.

  Chen Yuan shook his head helplessly. In fact, he couldn't understand Knight's emotions at all.

After all,    is the man who won the Grand Slam after his debut. He doesn't know what the top six of this league is.

  Brother Feng and the analyst team are in a pretty good mood at this time. In their opinion, under this desperate situation, JDG has played all their hole cards.

   was almost let two chase three, which shows that the strength of the team itself is just like that.

  If it's only at a level that is 50-50 with TOP, it will not be able to shake their RNG at all.

  Brother Feng has already begun to study the opponent in the second half.

  On April 7, EDG played against IG.

   "Wow, what kind of prehistoric crocodile is this?" Wawa's surprised voice came.

  Everyone saw the crocodile TP on the screen and turned on the big move, and they blocked all the retreats of iBoy and Meiko with one person while walking in the courtyard.

  Meiko's Luo still wants to sell himself to escape, but TheShy doesn't panic at all. The E skill avoids W [grand debut], and then Red Wrath W turns back and bit Luo.

  The six-layer black-cut and pierced Luo couldn't handle the damage at all, and was directly killed by Red Fury W with half blood.

  The next iBoy couldn't leave at all, and was overtaken by the crocodile accelerated by the black cut in two steps.

   "Wow." Miller couldn't help but shook his head, "It's too ridiculous. A crocodile flashed and didn't pay. Double kills."

  This first game only lasted sixteen minutes, and the game was over in advance.

  This leading 10,000 economy declares the helplessness of EDG.

   "Oh, the miracle team is here, VN is still alive!" The doll still yelled in the second game, watching the miracle team battle in front of her.

  At this time, EDG has a huge advantage. The aircraft has a 1,000 bounty, iBoyEZ 600 bounty, and double C have come to the forming stage of a three-piece suit.

  But the iconic dragon miracle group on IG is here again.

  Rookie ice girl hiding crampons enters the arena, directly flashes W and R to retain five people, and TheShy Jess flashes Q directly to instantly kill iBoy's EZ.

  A Shui’s VN headwind output has always been possible. Under the protection of Sapphire Bloom, he rolled forward crazily with three shots and harvested all the people from EDG!

  Amidst the cheers of the audience, Ah Shui has gained four kills, operating VN all the way forward and heading straight to the EDG highland!

  They want a wave!

  The junior took a dull look at his resurrection time, forty-seven seconds.

  He had the highest level of aircraft in the game, and he was the last to die.

  Such a long resurrection time is enough for IG to complete a wave of comebacks.

  The five EDG players sat on the chairs with bitter faces and watched their home base being flattened.

   "Three to zero! Sweep!" The doll's voice was loud and powerful, "Let's congratulate IG, sweeping the strong enemy, and also close to the top four!"

   "Hurry up!" Brother Quan opened the door here and signaled the players to speed up, "Make-up is about to begin, and Chen Yuan will be on the court early today."

  The members of the three team cars got out of the car one after another and looked at the surrounding scenery.

  The semi-finals and finals are held at the LGD home stadium in Hangzhou, the same as last year.

  Chen Yuan can be regarded as a regular customer here, and walks towards the team channel in a light car.

  "RNG! RNG!" I don't know who started it. The spectators around waiting to enter the stadium also saw the players and began to shout the name of RNG.

   "Go, go!" Brother Quan started to panic. If fans came around, time would definitely run out.

  Chen Yuan walked forward quickly and waved to the fans.

  Fortunately, the fans are also sensible people. After only two steps, they quickly returned and re-queued for admission.

   "Good afternoon, everyone! Welcome to the semi-finals of the 2019 LPL Spring Season Playoffs!"

The face of Colonel Guan appeared on the big screen, "This is the LDG E-sports Cultural Center in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. I am your commentator Ze Yuan!"

   "I remember!"

  Today’s commentary partner is Master Guan and Wang remember this pair of TOP2 commentary partners in the league.

  The semi-finals, the female commentators who are usually active have fled, and they have all been replaced by first-line male commentators with higher professionalism.

  The two chatted a few words, and they quickly returned the camera to the stage.

  Today’s stage host is Luo Xintuo Zijie. She is dressed in a white dress and is smiling on the stage.

  "Today, we are going to present an honorary award first, that is the 2019 LOL spring regular season MVP player!" Luo Xin raised his right hand, "Do you know who it is?"

  The audience at the stage could no longer contain the excitement in their hearts. The support sticks in their hands were tapping frantically, and the audience already remembered the uniform names.

   "Hero, Hero!"

  Chen Yuan also quickly ran to the team's passage, breathing heavily.

   "Come on, calm down, and ready to play!" The female LDG staff took the initiative to approach Chen Yuan and waited for the signal on the stage.

   "RNG. Hero! Congratulations!" Luo Xin said loudly with a big smile on his face.

  Chen Yuan stepped onto the stage under the notice of the staff. At the same time, the big screen on the scene also gave Chen Yuan's regular season data.

  As in previous years, the selection of the first, second, third and MVP will be decided by a 35-member voting team.

  Thirty-five Chen Yuan responsible for the selection this year, all of them did not hesitate to vote for Chen Yuan.

  This is the first unanimous MVP in league history!

  Chen Yuan was also very happy at this time. After all, he just made his debut in the spring split last year and he ran into the invincible IG in the regular season. Naturally, the regular season MVP that year was won by Rookie.

  Now he took it back again, which is a regret.

  In addition to the MVP, he is naturally indispensable for the mid laner's name.

  The first team is the top laner TheShy, jungler Tian, ​​mid laner Hero, bottom lane LWX and auxiliary Ming.

  Although RNG won the regular season, they only occupied two seats in the selection of the first team.

  Second lineup: top laner Zoom, jungler Ning, mid laner Doinb, bottom lane and Crisp.

  He was given the honor of AD in the second team when he first came out. I have to say it is an affirmation of him.

  Even last year’s Chen Yuan started as a second-team mid laner.

   Third lineup: top laner Xiaohu, jungler Wei, mid laner Rookie, bottom lane JackeyLove and Meiko.

  The two brothers Uzi and Karsa have too few chances to play this year, so they are not eligible for the election, leaving Xiaohu alone. Wei and Wei will be brothers in the third team.

  This ballot can also prove from the side that the RNG members except Chen Yuan are not weak, but they can't stand alone and need mid laners to connect.

  In this way, they are the strongest team.

   "Brother Yuanzi, are you satisfied with your performance in this regular season?" Luo Xin's voice came and asked.

   "It's okay." Chen Yuan nodded solemnly, "You have played almost 80% of your strength."

   "?" Sister Tuo Zi didn't expect Chen Yuan to be still making cups at this time, "Do you have anything you want to say to the fans?"

   "There is nothing to say, thank you fans, thank you teammates."

  Chen Yuan briefly said a few words, then raised the trophy in his hand, waved to the fans, and quickly stepped down.

  He didn't dare to postpone the game due to personal reasons, when countless hats were directly buckled on his head.

  Chen Yuan returned to the lounge and sighed, placing the trophy in front of Xiaohu.

   "What are you doing?" TOP Tiger's expression is not good, "What does it mean to put it in front of me?"

  Chen Yuan smiled evilly, "It's nothing, just let it go."

  "Go on the court!" Xiaohu quickly got up and changed the subject, preventing Chen Yuan's insulting behavior.

  Just as a few people walked behind the scenes, they heard Luo Xin's voice on the stage.

  "First of all, let us have a request, the eighth place in the 2019 LPL regular season, JDGaming"

  Under the leadership of the big brother Zoom, the first five JDG players have come on stage one after another.

   "Top lane Zoom, jungler, mid laner Yagao, bottom lane imp, support lvmao and coach Homme!"

  The fans cheered constantly in the audience. Everyone will respect a team that kills from eighth to the semi-finals.

  There are even many RNG fans applauding for them-of course, this is more from the confidence in the strength of their home team.

  "Next, please have the first place in the 2019 LOL regular season, RoyalNeverGiveUp!"

  "Top lane Xiaohu, jungler Karsa, mid laner Hero, bottom lane~www.readwn.com~ assist Ming and coach FireFox!"

  The entire LDG home court immediately set off a monstrous noise.

  Today is April 13th. The last time I saw the RNG game was two weeks ago. Fans have accumulated endless enthusiasm, and they are all released at this moment.

   "What do you say today?" Chen Yuan squeezed his bones on the bench, "Who is carrying today?"

  Karsa glanced sideways at her mid laner, "It must be you, Carry!"

   "That won't work!" Chen Yuan vetoed it, "Uzi is here today, so let's make Uzi cool off on our plateau, today he carries him!"

   "Okay! Take it!"

  Uzi was also obliged to do so and agreed.

  Brother Feng had a headache listening to these words behind him at this time, "Stay steady, this is the playoffs, don't overturn in the gutter."

   "Don't worry." Although Uzi was joking on the surface, he was very serious in his heart, "This is what I really want!"

   "Because I am serious!"

  (End of this chapter)

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