League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 293: My husband, are you committing a crime?

  Chapter 294 Young man, are you committing a crime?

  This time the czar’s head was taken down by the blind monk, Karsa smiled triumphantly, and touched Chen Yuan's side with W [Golden Bell Jar], and left the defensive tower freely.

   "RNG Nakano strikes with lightning, catching the czar twice in just two minutes!" Colonel Guan said loudly, "the RNG in this round obviously wants to target the czar!"

  This is what Feng Ge specifically instructed Chen Yuan and Karsa at the beginning of the game. Since the opposite party dared to choose the czar, it was probably a big move.

   Then we don’t care about the three-seven-one, he will be finished with the military training directly.

  Then the result is like this.

  LGD at home, the cheers of the audience at this time have long been thunderous.

  It’s just that people’s sorrows and joys are not the same, and the cheering toothpaste with sound-proof earphones can’t be separated, but this group of audiences is a bit noisy.

   "The blind monk doesn't seem to want to leave after killing the tsar! They want to eat the plating?" Remember to say loudly.

  Jungler Xiaofu is also a bit silly this time, because he doesn't even dare to guard the tower in this wave.

  This time, RNG Nakano is not the same as last time.

  The anti-tower Karsa only lost half of his blood, not to mention Chen Yuan's side, not only in a state of full blood, but also has reached the sixth level.

  Blind boy and Syndra in this state, it can be said that the gods block and kill the gods.

  The little man can only burrow into the ground, use the mortar to make up the artillery carts, and then go back to the Ueno area to continue his big plan.

  He understands that if he still wants to win this game, he can only rely on his big brother Zoom.

   "Can I cross on the road?" The little husband took advantage of Karsa to eat the plating in the middle. He ran to the Ueno area of ​​RNG and reversed the F6 and the stone beetle.

  Because he had only eaten three waves of experience in the middle before, his level was a lot ahead of Karsa. After brushing out these two sets of wild, he also successfully reached the sixth level.

   "Can you catch it on the road?" Karsa asked his teammates, while operating the excavator from the stone beetle camp to the upper road, which was a huge detour.

  Zoom nodded, "Yes."

  The two people on the road have also been promoted to level 6, Xiaohu has gradually gained line power after the Q skill has risen, and has used his powerful line pushing ability to push the line out.

   Although the excavator did not pass through the triangular grass, he was still seen by the real eyes placed in the grass. The little tiger began to retreat for the first time, but it seemed that it was too late.

  Zoom’s Kenan did not hesitate to turn on E [Profound meaning! Lei Kai] Get close to Thain, and at the same time, WQ combo hits and stuns Thain in place.

The young man left an E skill to drill a hole, walked to the feet of Thain, and raised it high, AQAAA shot a strong attack, and finally connected an E skill, and hit the explosion damage to Thain who had all magic resistance. .

  Kenan was on the right time, and when Thain was about to land, he decisively turned on his big move, and the sky thunder rolled down, continuously playing stun effects on Thain.

  Although Kenan's continuous stun effect will be greatly reduced, its control is still solid, and Xiaohu cannot accumulate Q skills at all.

  The two of them directly hit Saien to one-third of his blood!

  Xiaohu has a wealth of escape experience. After he finally woke up from the control, he flashed directly without hesitation, opened the distance, and then drove decisively!

  The old driver turned into a Lamborghini and drove under his own tower. The control-free effect directly offset Kenan’s third dizziness.

  The appearance of flashing a big move to escape, quite like a tyrant.

  The little husband looked at Thain, who was only one-third of his blood, and definitely couldn't let him go.

  The excavator did not hesitate to use the ultimate [Void Rush] against Thain, the Escape Beast Queen escapes into the void, and then rushes towards the target unstoppably!

  At this time, the old driver had already drove under his own tower.

  The excavator rushed from the back of Thain to the front, using his body to force the Lamborghini to stop!

   Then he was knocked out under the tower.


  Xiaohu looked at the stunned excavator under the tower, and a question mark appeared above his head.

  Give the head away, right?

  Of course, this kind of fat tiger would not refuse. He directly stored Q on the spot and released it the moment Thain gathered the axe above his head.

  The excavator was knocked into the air again, and at the same time, the high physical damage of Thain's ult and Q skills, combined with two attacks from the defensive tower, directly crippled the excavator!

  Xiaohu uses Ping A, Thain once again raises the giant axe, and strikes a normal attack with an indestructible grip, directly killing the excavator!

  The "I" husband can't help holding his forehead, "My mine."

  Zoom has nothing to say, he is used to it.

  Kenan skillfully pushed the line of troops into the tower and began to eat the coating to stop the loss.

In the middle of   , Chen Yuan and Karsa have already eaten two layers of plating with the help of the soldiers line.

  Chen Yuan glanced at the time here, "I can eat one more layer, hurry up."

  Toothpaste was on the line immediately, but he didn’t have the ability to guard the tower at all, so he quickly took advantage of this time to pick up another layer of coating.

  Now it’s only seven minutes. Chen Yuan has just returned home once. Although he has a lot of money in his hands when he is full, he still doesn’t want to go home.

   "This little dragon can be controlled, the opposite jungler sent it." Chen Yuan took Karsa to Xiaolong.

After hearing the news, Uzi and Xiaoming invariably increased their suppression, pressing imp and Lv Mao firmly under the tower.

  Uzi and imp are also old opponents. As early as in the S4 finals, imp defeated Uzi's old royal team 3-1 and won the S4 championship.

  Later, imp came to LPL, and every time he played against Uzi, his results were quite outstanding.

  Many Uzi fans like to give imp the title of "Uzi Daddy" and so on.

  This kind of controversy was amplified after the defeat of S7RNG, until S8 won the championship, both of them were in the hands of the championship, the voice gradually became smaller.

  Now it's rare for the two to fight again, Uzi is very serious at this time, and he is bound to completely break this rumor.

  He wants everyone to know that although they Ryl lost in S4, he Uzi did not lose!

After taking the dragon easily, Chen Yuan returned to the middle lane and escorted the **** line directly into the tower again. He and the toothpaste continued to line up in the middle lane until nine and a half minutes. Chen Yuan pushed the **** line into the tower and then returned to the city to replenish the equipment. .

  After completing the equipment, it should be the rhythm of the vanguard group.

  Looking at RNG Nakano, who was in the field, his brows were slightly frowned:

   "Brother Yuanzi is already one level ahead of toothpaste. He is returning to the city to replenish equipment. Does JDG need to use this time to do a wave of things?"

  If JDG does not do anything, Pioneer is controlled by RNG, and he even suspects that this game may last for less than 20 minutes!

   "Under the road, you can get four packs of two!" Someone in JDG shouted loudly, not the toothpaste of the middle road, it turned out to be the Zoom on the road.

  He showed his excellent view of the big chrysanthemum, Kenan played a wave of exchange blood with Xiaohu in advance and then returned to the city.

  Because Xiaohu went home once by GANK, he has no TP, but Kenan of Zoom has.

  This TP is bad, he intends to use it to pack a wave of drops.

  Kenan’s big move has already turned around. They only need to catch Uzi at the critical time of nine and a half minutes, then they can take advantage of the number of imp and green fur to control the vanguard!

  The little husband also started to rush down the road at this time. As long as he is close to the down route, Zoom will directly TP the eye position in the bush without hesitation, and come back with a wave of TP.

  "Does it seem to want to grab it? But there is something eye-catching here!" Remember the big screen, the next scene made him shocked, "TP! It's Zoom's TP, this is a wave of four packs of two!"

  The excavator first appeared in the field of vision, while Uzi retreated with Xiao Ming, and at the same time he had already begun to plan this wave of two-on-three detailed play in his mind.

  "This wave can be hit! The first excavator!" Uzi felt that he could operate it.

  But in the next second, a purple light lit up in the grass behind him.

  The TP light shining in the grass surprised Uzi and Xiao Ming at the same time. This eye position was extremely deep, and it was obviously impossible for the two of them to return to their tower.

  At this time, Kenan’s big move was enough to melt them both instantly.

  Four packs and two packs, that's all right.

  They can only take the risk, take the initiative to approach the river, try to stay away from the electric mouse.

  Who knows that Zoom is already determined. After he TP came down, he turned on the E skill to speed up for the first time, and then flashed directly to Charo's side.

  At the same time, there is a long-range big move [solar flare] on the green fur side, a beam of sunlight falls from the sky, and the target is directed at the Xia.

  This ultimate move is extremely accurate, and it is impossible to avoid it without displacement. Uzi has no way, he directly surrenders the flash.

  Although the flashed CD is longer than the big move, in this case, it is undoubtedly more reasonable to hold the big move in your hand.

Xiaofu knew that this wave was very important, and he didn't want to save skills. The excavator flashed directly to lift Uzi up, and wanted to force a set.

  But Uzi's nerves are already in a 100% tight state. He knows that the excavator will smash himself, so he has been preparing.

  As soon as the excavator flashed over, Xia turned on the ultimate move [Storm Feather Blade] instantly, and the whole person entered an invincible state, avoiding this knockout!

  At this time, the audience in the audience has begun to cheer,

   Regardless of whether this wave can escape or not, this big move to dodge and fly is already handsome.

  Xiao Ming started his solo show at this time.

  Luo turned on the big move [Shocking Hong Kong Gap], Luo appeared a stream of light on his whole body, instantly charmed the excavator around him, and at the same time, he flashed a displacement and appeared beside the female Tan and Kai'Sa who had walked closer!

Although the female tank has the Q skill in her hand, she can stun Luo as long as she hits the flat A.

  Dan Luo’s big move is charm, not ridicule. After the female tank was charmed, the Q was not hit!

  After fascinating the two of them, Xiao Ming looked back again, and a W skill flew the excavator high!

  Uzi just landed from the sky at this time, and saw the excavator fly into the sky again.

  At this time, Zoom has rushed to their side, and Kenan started the big move [Mystery! Wan Lei Tianlao quoted the two of them with the first level of passiveness!

  Uzi knew that this situation was already unstoppable. After he landed, his hand exploded quickly and quickly pressed Q and E against the excavator.

  Xia shot two feathers in succession, and then before the second feather was completely shot, the E skill [Barb] was already used!

  Ultra five feathers, Q skill two feathers, a total of seven feathers are all hooked on the excavator body, this wave of damage is simply outrageous, an E skill goes down, the excavator's blood volume is directly gone by half!

  And then, the excavator will enter a short-term imprisonment state!

Xiao Ming quickly hooked up the ignition, and then shot a QA to completely empty the excavator's HP. As soon as the ignition was installed, the imp treatment was added to the excavator, but the treatment was already halved. Not big.

  The two of them finished their skills, and they were stunned by Kenan in the next instant.

  The little husband hurriedly pressed the big move against Xia, but it was too late.

  The Queen of Excavator was killed by the ignited damage before she escaped into the void!

"Although the RNG bot duo were all beheaded, they have replaced a key jungler!" Colonel Guan said loudly, "The next JDG team battle will lose the jungler. Whether they will open the vanguard instead? problem!"

   The cheers from the audience kept coming, and they saw the endless possibilities of Charo's combination.

  This wave of two-on-four for one, or any other bot combination, may not be possible!

  Oh, except for Delevingne and Thresh who abused food.

  【This is too ridiculous, two on four for one? 】

  【Is this young man committing a crime? Two waves of arrests were sent]

  [If Emperor Bofu does not come, Zoom should have won it alone]

   "This, I can't do this!" The little husband rubbed his hair painfully. If he was ill because of Shangbo being killed by the tower, then there is really nothing wrong with him in this wave.

  No need to save any skills, just flash on top.

  However, the opponent is perverted, dodges with a big move, and then assists with a backhand big move to charm the three of them, and knock himself into the air.

   "Oh." The other three also understand this. It's not that they didn't play badly, but the opposite party played too hard.

  But it is this kind of powerlessness that makes them a little uncomfortable.

  On the other side, the little tiger with no opponent is like a wild horse at this time. The old driver used his powerful line pushing ability to quickly send the line of soldiers to the tower, using blasting to directly nibble down a layer of plating.

   Then Xiaohu was very arrogant and walked directly to the second tower and began to break the line.

  Anyway, there is no one in the upper half, so he can walk to the high ground to cut off the line.

  Usually at this time, the mid-laner will usually help to make up the line, but at this time the toothpaste is also overwhelming.

  Chen Yuan also sent the line of soldiers into the tower, and then he stayed there~www.readwn.com~ began to use Q skills to practice toothpaste.

  Anyway, he is now wearing shoes and missing chapters, and he also has an extra bursting wand and dark seal in his hand. As long as the czar eats a Q, it is a quarter of his blood.

  Eat a QE, that is, a set of direct kills.

"Brother Zongzi is back to the top road here. He took two heads in the bottom road. The economy is actually quite good. Then they want to open this wave of pioneers?" Colonel Guan observed the situation, "Should it not be possible? After all, they are less of a jungler!"

Colonel Guan is right. The JDG people did not have the idea of ​​pioneering, and there are fewer junglers, and Kenan has no big moves. There is also a huge BOSS Syndra on the opposite side. Four on three may not be able to do it. To win.

  They decided to put the vanguard group in Kenan's big move and then play again.

  But at this time, several people on RNG's voice channel have already begun to move around.

  Chen Yuan knew well that once Kenan on the opposite side became big, this wave of Pioneers would be difficult to fight. He simply organized Karsa and Xiaohu to start aligning with the Pioneers.

  I remember seeing this scene suddenly get excited, "JDG doesn't want to move Pioneer, does RNG want to move instead?"

  (End of this chapter)

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