League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 333: One thousand five hundred and fifty-seven! This is SKT! ?

"SKT wants to fight here!" Miller yelled, "After Ryze and Silas TP at the same time, MATA gem knight gave a big move, and Clid's nightmare rushed over with the gem big move!"

Nightmare rushed directly into RNG's camp, and the goal was directed at Uzi!

Faker and Khan in the rear are also extremely unified in their goals, just to **** you, Lucian!

"Look at me, look at me!" Uzi moved quickly. He was first an E who flashed +E and broke the nightmare, and then made himself as far as possible to go around the two opponents.

"It's okay, they can't get through!" Karsa was extremely calm at this moment, operating Xin Zhao's in-situ big move [Crescent Sweep], swept the spear in a circle, sweeping away Nightmare and Silas!

"The Nightmare with the gem's ultimatum hits fiercely, and Clid flashed directly on Uzi's face, wanting to cut it!"

Chen Yuan didn't panic at this moment, he squatted quietly waiting for the opportunity.

Don't look at this nightmare rushing over with invincibility like a **** of war, but in fact, he has only the last 2.5 seconds of life span.

In 2.5 seconds, the effect of the gem's ultimate move disappears, the power of the cosmic stars retreats from the nightmare, and the nightmare itself is displayed in front of everyone!

Chen Yuan's hand burst suddenly, and Demon Ji instantly threw Q+R+W.

Demon Ji's three-stage damage instantly broke out on the nightmare!

Only the nightmare of the fighters with wild sword + CD shoes can withstand this set of damage. He was like a **** of war in the last second, and he became the first dead in this team battle!

On the other hand, Faker and Khan didn't end up much better.

Xiaohu's Jess gear is equally violent, and he cooperates with Xiaoming's Bloom.

First, the cannon form W accelerates and clicks Bron to passively stun Khan, and then he [Electricity Surging] + [Sky Leap] + A+ [Thunder Strike], directly melting Silas!

Under the economic difference of 9,000 in ten minutes, all actions will be meaningless.

There is not much HP left on Uzi, but he still does not send it. He turned his head back and cooperated with Bron to stun Ryze again, and then the RNG people gathered fire and shot again!

The three C's in the middle field were killed one after another, and there were only two instrumentalists on the SKT field.

"Break a high ground, let's go." Chen Yuan glanced at the resurrection time. It is too early now. Even if they win the team fight at the door of the opposite house, time is not enough for them.

The Pioneer is gone, and it is obviously unrealistic to want to straighten the opponent directly.

"RNG took the mid-high ground, and Karsa and Uzi took control of the fire dragon again! RNG's advantage has been getting bigger and bigger!" The doll said in disbelief, "It's only 13 minutes, and the economic gap has broken 10,000. NS!"

Uzi, who returned to the city, looked at the huge sum of four thousand on his body, but was a little worried...

It was so rich that he didn't know what to pay instead.

His original equipment was dilapidated with a small wooden hammer, and he cut it off at the black.

But his current money, even if it is a black cut, there are still more than two thousand in his hand, and it is difficult to form a fighting force with more than two thousand.

Thinking of this, Uzi suddenly had a whim, took a full backhand with a mercury scimitar, and then combined the straw sandals in his hand into speed shoes.

Comfortable now.

With mercury's magic resistance and bloodsucking, I see how you can cut Lao Tzu!

As for the damage?

The two and a half pieces of Lucian in thirteen minutes, even if you get out of Luden's hat, the damage will explode, there is nothing to say.

"Come and come, push up and push up, continue to push the tower!" Chen Yuan swiped his pen, and took a few people from RNG straight to the road, where SKT's only outer tower stood.

"Should I still go down the road and take the line?" Xiaohu asked tentatively at this time, "I have TP..."

The high ground in the middle road has been broken, the big troops are pushing on, and Xiaohu alone takes it down. This is actually the most stable play, but now this situation...

"Bring a fart!" Chen Yuan didn't hesitate, "Come over and shoot."


Soon the RNG troops gathered again, and the five people pressed for it, and when they came up directly, they would demolish the second tower on the road.

"Let it, let it." Faker said helplessly in his voice: "We keep the high ground."

Because the high ground in the middle road was broken, the existence of super soldiers caused them to separate one person to defend.

In the absence of one person, they are not qualified to guard the tower.

Soon, the second tower was destroyed, and the six outer towers of SKT were all demolished within 15 minutes!

"The RNG army rushed to the top of SKT! They still want to continue their offensive!"

Chen Yuan looked at the five people who were still looking for opportunities on the other side's high ground. He suddenly had a plan, "Little Tiger, go up and sell."

"Oh?" Xiaohu didn't understand, "Why do I want to sell it?"

"You have TP!" Chen Yuan said of course, "You first go up and send a wave to open the group, and then you TP back to tear down the tower."

"I don't!" Xiaohu refused, "I won't sell it!"

"Sell it!" Xiao Ming was also persuading me heartily, "You will make a big contribution when the group is open!"

"I don't, unless you invite me to dinner tonight!"

Karsa quickly replied: "Sure! I said I asked for it tonight!"

It was both persuasion and food temptation, and it was hard to convince Xiaohu to sacrifice himself.

Jace walked up like a stunned green, and an accelerated cannon shot towards the nightmare.

Teddy thinks he has taken the opportunity, and Qin Girl does not hesitate to throw her big move to control Xiaohu!

In the next second, Gems and Nightmare will start their ultimate moves at the same time, and the team battle will start instantly!

This time, SKT's people changed their plans and decided to destroy them one by one. Nightmare and Khan rushed towards Xiaohu at the same time, wanting to be one in a second!

"Xiaohu's got the second right here!" Miller yelled: "Be careful with this wave of RNG. Silas stole Xin Zhao's ultimate move, and a circular barrier blocked Uzi's output!"

"Chong Chong Chong Chong!" Chen Yuan gave an order, and RNG's side played four to five.

Uzi looked at Xin Zhao's big move on his face and he didn't persuade him at all. Lu Xian got into the barrier directly with an E, and all the bullets poured on Silas!

The battlefield was extremely chaotic, and Chen Yuan didn't care about three or seven or twenty. Demon Ji WR stepped on the two of Nightmare Silas with two consecutive feet, playing a wave of high AOE.

The damage is full, and then it's Uzi's turn to harvest.

The holy gun ranger connected the Q contact point by point, and cooperated with Chen Yuan to receive the nightmare first, and then he solved the stun of the gem [Glare] with a mercury second, and then the W contact point was connected to the E contact point, and then Khan's Silas was taken away!

Karsa found Faker, and he flashed E directly to slow down. The three-gun Ryze was ruthlessly picked up by the blade, Uzi remotely followed the ultimate move [Holy Gun Baptism], and seized the three kills!

There was also a melee gem that couldn't escape. Xiao Ming W touched a Q to slow down the gem, and Uzi quickly caught up with the damage.


After winning the four kills, the audience off the court was already crazy, yelling Uzi's name!

As for the last person, Teddy, he has already ran into his own spring, and he won't kill him.

"No matter what, just dismantle the tower!" Chen Yuan nodded the opposite defensive tower.

But what he ordered was not the high ground on the opposite side, but the front tooth tower on the opposite side!

The team battle has been fought for so long, and under the leadership of the super soldier, the line of soldiers in the middle has reached the opposite front tooth!

The remaining four of RNG directly crossed SKT's top road and walked towards SKT's main crystal!

Seeing this scene, the doll Miller went crazy, and the audience went crazy. Now it only has fifteen minutes!

"Where's Xiaohu TP? Hurry up!" Chen Yuan urged: "If you don't come again, you won't have anything to do with you."

At this time, the resurrection time is not long.

"Come here!" Xiaohu was also a little excited, and hurriedly surrendered his TP to the battlefield again.

The five people from RNG gathered again and were forced to the front.

Under the fierce offensive of the five men, the front tooth tower looked like paper.


Two seats.

Soon SKT has only one main crystal left!

"15 minutes and 57 seconds! RNG ended this game!" The doll said loudly: "Following the record of the number of kills, RNG once again created a new record, the shortest time in MSI history!"

"This record is far more difficult to break than the previous record! It will even be kept forever!"

Chen Yuan pointed to the game time on the screen and was a bit stuck. "Brothers, I thought MSI might be simple, but I did not expect it to be so simple..."

The teammate beside him couldn't help nodding, and Uzi couldn't help but sigh, "Is SKT such a dish now..."

"Don't pretend to be a cup, go and shake hands." Xiaohu still made sense and led the team to the SKT seat.

When Chen Yuan looked over, he was taken aback by the five people from SKT.

Good guy, all five of them have Sima faces.

The most serious was Captain Teddy, who stared at Uzi stubbornly, as if he had seen the murderer of his father and enemy.

Uzi was a little hairy by this look, went up and shook his hand, then slipped straight away...


Shark platform live room.

The prostitute teacher finally finished the copy of the Warcraft in his hand, and was about to watch a wave of game promiscuity time, the result...

"Really?" PDD was a little puzzled. "It's over in fifteen minutes? They're playing SKT, right!"

But the fact is that it is useless to say more. PDD can only shook his head when seeing the loss of popularity.

The same ignorant as him is Jiang Qiu in China.

Shanghai Lianhua Road.

In the rental house, Jiang Qiu finally finished his vocal homework.

"The vocal teacher does so much homework every time. It's so annoying..." she muttered a little dissatisfied, "should the competition have already started?"

Jiang Qiu glanced at the time, it was already 11:20 in the evening.

Since he will have no class tomorrow morning, Jiang Qiu can stay up late at night. He plans to wait for the assignment to be done and he can see the last RNG against SKT match.

But I didn't expect it was still too late.

"It's only 20 minutes since the start, counting the BP time, it's still too late!" Jiang Qiu quickly clicked on the webpage and opened the live game room.

The next scene I saw made him dumbfounded, it turned out to be the settlement page of the game!

Uzi's MVP makeup photo has appeared on the screen, and Jiang Qiuzheng didn't understand it.

She knew that there was a delay in the broadcast system. She picked up her mobile phone and sent a message to Chen Yuan, wanting to ask what happened.

Chen Yuan returned him a photo.

The photo shows that they have already been seated in a Vietnamese restaurant in Hanoi. This restaurant is obviously quite high-end, with an elegant and quiet environment, which is far different from the previous roadside stalls.

On the table are a series of well-known Vietnamese dishes such as meat asparagus soup and Hanoi grilled fish.

Obviously, Chen Yuan's movements were faster than Jiang Qiu imagined...

"Why are you so fast today?" Jiang Qiu asked quickly.

"?" Chen Yuan quickly replied, "I'm not hurrying, please be careful when you speak!"

"...Why did you play so fast in this game."

Chen Yuan picked up the phone and started typing, "The girl who chose the gemstone piano from the other side walked down and was directly punched through by Uzi. You'll know by watching the replay."


Jiang Qiu replied with three points. She deliberately wanted to stay up late to watch the RNG game today, but she didn't expect it.

"Then I'll go to bed first, eat it, good night."

"Well good night!" Chen Yuan had a long memory this time, and immediately returned a good night in seconds to prevent his girlfriend from making a moth tomorrow morning.


May 12.

The third day of the group stage, today is the end of the first round of the group stage and the beginning of the second round.

"Welcome to the last round of the first round, RNG vs. FW!" Wang Duoduo's voice was full of anger.

In this round, RNG once again came up with the standard three-C lineup of upper, middle and lower, and the Flash Wolves were not to be outdone. They responded with the same three-C lineup of Akali, mid-laner and EZ.

The Flash Wolves players sitting in the player stand were unwilling to squeeze their fingers. They almost overturned G2 in the last game. They believed that as long as they played well, overturning RNG would not be a dream!

But unfortunately, there is a difference between ideal and reality after all.

The laning strength of the Flash Wolves is not a bit worse than that of RNG.

I won't talk about the middle and lower roads, and Chunchun was blasted.

Even the tiger who is relatively weak on the line, he also used Jess to play a lot of pressure on the line.

And Karsa also played a thief and disgusting hero in this game-Scorpion.

This is the hero with the highest usage rate during his MSI last year. Scorpion has helped RNG open the situation many times by arresting people and opening groups.

Soon, when the Scorpion reached level one to six, some rhythms began to change drastically.

The Scorpion crossed the tower everywhere and turned against the wild, turning RNG's laning advantage into economy.

As a result, the economic gap between the two sides quickly widened.

The new lightning wolf jungler was turned into a mess in the Bugi jungle, and there was still no one on the line. Whenever he wanted to wander and do something, Chen Yuan would run out halfway to intercept him, so that he had no chance to catch people.

The game was dragged to 20 minutes quickly, and the Lightning Wolves were 4,000 behind economically.

At this time, Uzi suddenly exerted his strength in a group battle in the middle, and the two-piece QE fully-evolved Kai'Sa of Lanqie Sheep Knife was continuously beating in the void, arbitrarily shuttled for four kills!

"Uzi, always drop God!" Wang Duoduo couldn't help but start cheering, "Why do you dare to let Kai'Sa!"

Under the camera ~www.readwn.com~ the players of Lightning Wolves couldn't help holding their foreheads, feeling very upset.

Especially ADCBetty, he looked at his equipment and fell into deep suspicion.

Because his EZ equipment is actually not worse than Kai'Sa, with the help of his teammates in the middle field, he also holds a head of Xiao Ming in his hand, and he did not miss the knife.

In twenty minutes, EZ Magic Chess, ice fist and mercury ribbon, the equipment was even better than Kai'Sa's two-piece suit.

But the other side can get four kills.

And myself, the first in the audience was second...

"RNG won the team battle and took the big dragon, and the economic gap directly stretched to eight thousand!" Wang Duoduo in the commentary was impassioned. "This round of RNG three Cs all took off. In this case, RNG is simply impossible. Stop it!"

Soon, twenty-five minutes later, the FW base crystal shattered.

"Let's congratulate RNG!" Wang Duoduo shouted loudly, "They played an invincible five-game winning streak and firmly ranked first in the group round robin!"

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