League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 337: The barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes

  Chapter 338 Barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes

  "Come on, let's eat something." At noon the next day, Brother Quan entered the training room with big bags of various hamburger fried chickens, and there was Brother Feng behind him. He brought more than a dozen cups of bubble tea.

  Chen Yuan took out a portion of oyster fried in various bags, then picked up a portion of burger and milk tea, and wandered in the training room.

  He walked behind the cancellation, and watched his operation while eating the burger.

  Xiaohu is now devoting himself to the game, and Gnar under him is throwing the boomerang in his hand.

  But it was this boomerang that caused the anger bar of the little Yordle to reach its full value, and it suddenly grew bigger before the group started.

  This directly causes the dragon to refresh. Xiaohu's Gnar was in a small state, which led to the direct loss of the Xiaolong team battle.

  "Are you too cocky to control your anger?" Chen Yuan was a little surprised, "How can Gnar's team fight start to blow himself up."

  Little Tiger pretended to be profound and shook his head, “You don’t understand, it’s hard for me to explain to you.”

   "Cut." Chen Yuan curled his lips. He actually saw that Xiaohu had just thrown out the boomerang, and his anger had just reached a hundred.

  If Xiaohu waits one more second and waits for the anger bar to drop a little more, then his Q will control his anger at a perfect ninety-nine point.

  In general, Xiaohu is actually a good anger control player, but he played too far and made mistakes.

  Playing too extreme leads to mistakes, this is only for masters.

  But it did not delay Chen Yuan from saying that Xiaohu pulls his hips, because if he were to operate, there would be no such mistake.

   "I have to practice and sell my account. Gnar will definitely play a big role in the knockout." Feng Ge also came to pat Xiaohu's shoulder at this time, and said earnestly.

Gnar received a wave of major enhancements in the mid-season version, and the CD of the ultimate move was directly reduced by a wave, which caused Gnar to throw a major move in almost every wave, which greatly strengthened the hero's early and mid-term battles. ability.

  But this hero only played once in the group stage.

  The first reason is that this hero was killed by Silas. If you want to take Gnar, you have to carry Silas's ban.

  Secondly, the teams are likely to use Gnar as a secret trick.

  Waiting for the life-and-death knockout, the top laners like Nicole who can only win the lane but not the game will have a high probability of going straight away, and Gnar, the traditional top laner, will truly be on the stage.

   "It must be!" Little Tiger was so excited, he had been training Gnar in **** these days, "Gnar of Lao Tzu, in terms of proficiency, Lao Tzu said second, no one dares to say first!"

  Humanoid self-propelled plug-in Chen Yuan curled his mouth in disdain, but he didn't say much. After eating the hamburger in two bites, he sat back on his chair and started to enjoy oyster frying.

  "Welcome to Kaohsiung!" The hostess invited by Fist strode to the stage, "Welcome to the Heping Basketball Hall, hello everyone, good sei Ani, helloeveryone! I am the host Lizhen!"

  Lizhen said all the hellos in Chinese, Korean, English, and then quickly introduced the players from both sides.

  "First of all, let us welcome the blue team, they are Royal NeverGiveUP representing LPL! RNG team!"

  The right to choose sides in the semi-finals is determined by the ranking of the group stage, so RNG should have the right to choose sides in 135 rounds and chose the blue side in the first round.

  Chen Yuan listened to the familiar Chinese and was a little bit emotional. It seemed that he had heard the host in Chinese for the first time during the World Championships.

  In the past, facing various countries and languages, they all pricked their ears in the background and listened, as long as they reported their name, they hurried to the stage.

  It is much better to listen to the host in Chinese now, they can understand what the host is saying.

  "Walk, go on stage." Wuzi behind him urged Chen Yuan to go hurry up, and the host Lizhen had already started to report.

  "On the road xiaohu! Jungle Karsa, mid laner Hero, bot lane Uzi and support Ming!"

The names of the five players of   RNG were read out one by one in the order of playing, and the cheers rose step by step, reaching a peak when Chen Yuan and Wuzi came on stage!

   "Go! RNG! Go! Karsa!"

  The curved audience under the stage shouted loudly. Even if the former wolf king Karsa walked away from the LPL, he was still the only true **** in the hearts of the LMS audience, the heir of the bloodline of the emperor, and LMS Xiao Yan.

  "Next, let's welcome the North American overlord, TeamLiquid!" Even though Lizhen didn't like this team, she still stretched her tone and read the TL team name and five players.

   "Top lane Impact, jungler Xmithie, mid laner Jensen, bottom lane Doublelife, and support CoreJJ."

  But when the host gives face, the audience will not give face.

  The thunderous cheers and applause disappeared in an instant, replaced by boos.

  LMS audiences don't have any good feelings about the team that eliminated the Lightning Wolves by themselves, or even dislike it from the bottom of their hearts.

  Only a small part of the North American audience applauded at this time, but in the stadium of the University of London, the applause is almost better than nothing.

"Hahahaha, awesome Benwan brothers!" Chen Yuan couldn't help but feel happy when he saw this scene. It was the first time he felt such a clear home court advantage. A wave of opposing mentality!"

  After the announcement, Lizhen raised her right hand high: "Now I announce that the knockout stage of the 2019 Mid-Season Championship will now officially begin!"

  The broadcast quickly switched the signal and switched to the commentary booth in Shanghai.

   "Good afternoon, everyone, I am your commentator Zeyuan!"

  The Colonel, Miller and Rita are sitting on their seats and waiting. The audience is numb when seeing this lineup.

  【What is this caster lineup? 】

  【It's numb】

  【What do you mean, I don’t look good at Rita, right? 】

  【All men in front of copper? Do you like dolls or rita? 】

  [It's disgusting enough]

   Regardless of this, he took the stage and directly began to throw problems at the two partners.

  It’s just that the person who cares about the colonel is not to say anything else. He has a first-rate ability to wrestle, and the commentary led by him will always start to go wrong inexplicably.

  This also caused the audience to become more and more numb.

  Fortunately, this situation did not last long. With a crisp sound of metal collision, the first BP of the semi-final began!

  "The RNG on the blue side directly banned Lucian in the first hand, a big brother's signature hero, and TL quickly banned Jace!"

  "The game against SKT gave RNG a lot of convenience!" Colonel Guan said with emotion, "In this way, they don't need to be afraid of the jewel girl, they can save a ban!"

   "RNG bans Titans and prevents the opponent from getting this extremely powerful hard assistant!"

  The opposite TL then continued to ban Luo. The Charo combination is the most used bottom lineup by RNG in the group stage, and the winning rate is also very high.

  Brother Feng has a little thought here. In the third song, he chose to disable the enchantress, and here is his own consideration.

   "RNG is a ban demon girl, I don't understand it a bit." Colonel Guan was a little confused, "This is the hero of Yuanzi's ban in the group stage. It is reasonable to not ban yourself!"

  Miller still sees clearly, “I think it’s possible that they want to choose a certain hero for Yuanzi, but this hero is not easy to fight Demon Ji, so they have to ban it first.”

  This explanation is still relatively reasonable, and Guan Zeyuan nodded.

   Soon, TL gave the third hand ban position, blind monk.

  Unexpectedly, TL didn't even give Chen Yuan a ban position. Maybe I think this B’s hero pool is a bit weird. It’s useless to give him a ban position.

   "Let's take a look at RNG's first-hand selection of Silas!"

   Seeing this Miller suddenly realized, "This is the reason for RNGban Demon Girl, they want to grab Silas!"

   "But this also exposes a problem." Colonel Guan frowned, "If this is the case, doesn't TL know that you are a mid laner, Silas."

   "It is true, but RNG must be prepared."

  "TL then locked Ryze and the prince, and they took out a Conteseras second choice Ryze, and locked in a strong jungler at the same time!"

   "Then let's take the troll and the sword girl directly." Brother Feng chose these two heroes almost without thinking.

  The opposite hand Ryze was completely expected by Brother Feng, there is nothing to say, the BP of the wind reappeared, he directly shook, and his back hand selected the sword girl, making it clear that he was going to **** the opposite Ryze!

  At the same time, the troll jungler is also the best choice for Prince Conte. As long as its pillar is properly released, it can even directly interrupt the prince’s EQ!

   "TL locks on Kai'Sa with the third hand, and the first three heroes of both sides are determined!" Rita finally had a chance to speak, "TL locked the last strong AD of this version with the last hand."

  The game enters the second round of BP.

  The blue RNG has no time to think and chooses to ban bull head and Japanese girl. These two hard assistants cooperate with the current armor-piercing stream Ka'Sa outbreak is really not low.

  TL chose to ban Wheel Mom and Verus, and all four bans on both sides were given to the bottom lane.

"It's the red side TL's turn to make the fourth hand selection, and see what they will choose." The words of Colonel Guan were a little bit expectant, "They should leave Kangte to the top laner, so they have a high probability of this hand. There will be assistance."

  The next second, an image of a toad with a mouthful of blood appeared on the big screen.

   "Tam!" Miller explained, "They selected a protective hard assistant to protect the output environment of the big brother!"

   "Then let's take the ice and bloom!" Brother Feng still made a single move, and selected a bipolar lineup to play a bot lane.

  Although Bron was slightly restrained by Tam, the ice against Kai'Sa is an absolute anti-tower position.

  Innately long attack range of 75 yards, coupled with the super long distance of W [Ten Thousand Arrows], Kai'Sa is difficult to line up.

  However, the hero of Frost Ice has no displacement. Generally speaking, Kai'Sa can rely on the support first to force a fight, but when the support is Tahm, this is obviously not realistic.

  The big brother's face changed slightly when he saw Frost Bloom. He knew that if the road was purely on the line between the two sides, he would definitely explode.

  You can only rely on this last hand to save the team.

The coach of   TL is frowning at the moment.

  This last-hand hero choice is extremely important.

  First of all, their Ryze must not be able to go to the Sword Sister, if they are right, they will blow up.

  Then they'd better come up with a hero who is good at hitting the Sword Girl and Silas, and then go swing with the other side.

  Among the top laners, is there really a hero who can complete this set of conditions?

  It's really there.

  At this time, instead, Chen Yuan hit the nail on the head, "If this is the case, if the opposite side chooses the snake girl, then we Shang Zhongye will have a **** collapse?"

   "No." Brother Feng looked confident, "Impact doesn't know snake girl, and Jensen's snake girl is also very green, they can't get it out."

  "Do you know how to play Snake Girl?" TL coach also asked Shang Shan Damu, but got a negative answer.

  Damu has been playing professionally for so many years, but he has never won a snake girl.

  Jensen only took it once, and was beaten 0-6 by the peak Faker.

  At this point, the TL coach shook his head helplessly. He could only step back and gave up the idea of ​​swinging in the middle and locked the hero pool in the ranks of "good swordsmen".

After the scope of    is expanded, the selection is also quickly determined.

  TL selects the weapon master in the last hand, which can prevent Silas from stealing, and it is also easy to fight.

  The heroes of both sides are now confirmed.

  Blue side RNG: the top solo girl, the jungle troll, the mid laner Silas, the bottom lane Hanbing Gabron.

  Red side TL: top weapon, jungle prince, mid laner Ryze, bottom lane Kasa Gatam.

  It’s just that Xiaohu and Chen Yuan haven’t stopped, they both call back their heroes for a change. Sword Sister will be in for a while, which puts Jensen under a lot of pressure.

  Of course, this is just a blindfold. How to line up in the follow-up matches depends on how the two sides change lanes.

   "In the end, it is still the little tiger knife girl, Yuanzi brother Silas, but RNG is definitely not willing to let both channels be Conte." Colonel Guan said loudly, "They should choose to go to the middle to change the line."

  Rita also answered, "But TL also knows this situation, will they take the opposite hand and change the line?"

   "It depends on who has the highest number of floors." Miller finally made a poo, and the game had already begun.

  The heroes of the two sides gathered in the spring, Xiaohu and Chen Yuan had already begun to discuss the matter of changing the line.

   "How do you say?" Xiaohu didn't feel any pressure at this time. He joked: "Which floor is Yuanzi going to be in this wave?"

  "The zeroth layer." Chen Yuan couldn't think about it. "Or the third layer~www.readwn.com~The first layer is RNG line replacement, and the second layer is TL anti-grab line.

  The third layer, it is naturally that RNG catches TL and counter-grabs to change the line. In layman's terms, I predict your prejudgment, that is, stay on top of the middle.

  Of course, Chen Yuan’s move was not indiscriminate.

  He is built on a self-confidence.

  That is, he didn't think his Silas would be able to beat the opposite Ryze.

  They can stand still. If the opponent does not change lanes, then he will use all his strength to line up well, and he may not be at a disadvantage.

  If the opposite side changes, then everyone is happy, he and the weapon in the middle, and Xiaohu go to the road to kill and kill.

The   pawn line will be launched soon, as the so-called barefoot people are not afraid to wear shoes.

  Chen Yuan was arrogant and stood still, but instead grabbed TL.

  "RNG is on the third floor, they have caught TL's line change!" Miller said with a surprise tone, "Little Tiger is on the line against Ryze! Then he is comfortable!"

  (End of this chapter)

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