League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 339: What is thin

  Chapter 340 What are details?

   As the saying goes, as an RNG opponent, the jungle position is always the most uncomfortable.

  Because Chen Yuan and Karsa, the two B-people, are dedicated to your ambition.

   And they are not the kind that blatantly go to the jungle to engage you, but all kinds of support for various anti-squatting.

  Either you ran to the road to catch someone, and suddenly a Karsa popped out of the grass on the road.

  Either it is that you have finally found a wave of GANK opportunities, and after staggering the route with Karsa, you confidently grabbed it. As a result, Chen Yuan suddenly came down with a TP.

  At this time, the mid-orders at home usually cannot come due to various reasons, either because they have to close the line, or they don’t have TP, or they simply don’t have blood.

  As soon as this number of people formed, Chen Yuan would naturally kill indiscriminately.

After    again and again, the jungler will become intimidated, and even catching people will consider whether there is a trap here.

  This is why, usually in the BO5 of RNG, the opposite jungler will be more and more fishing.

   And the prince caught this wave of losing a group of F6 and a group of stone men, which means that after his resurrection, there will only be a group of three wolves in the wild area.

  The refresh time of the Demon Marsh Frog is close to one minute, and the F6 and Stone Beetle still have two minutes to refresh.

  In other words, he will have more than a minute of shopping time after he finishes the Three Wolves

  The gap in the jungle can no longer be made up.

  And Chen Yuan has not let this Xmithie mean, he signaled the three wolf camp opposite, "Be careful when you get down the road, this prince is in the lower half."

  Chen Yuan returned to the city while thinking about the next move.

  At this time, he clearly noticed that Ryze and the weapon on the opposite side had disappeared on the map at the same time.

  Ryze was in a bad state, so he went home after completing the tower knife, and the disappearance of this weapon was a little strange.

  Because the weapon is almost full now, and Chen Yuan is not in the middle, the weapon can’t come out to push the line into the tower at this time, it is a bit unreasonable.

  Unless this line is reserved for Ryze!

   Thinking of this, Chen Yuan suddenly understood the idea of ​​TL.

  He switched to Xiaohu’s perspective, just to see Xiaohu walking towards the upper road, and he had just returned to the city to supply supplies.

  Chen Yuan also happened to return to the city at this time. He quickly bought the equipment and ran up the road, and then said: "Little tiger, you go to the middle road."

   "Huh? Why do you understand." Xiaohu was a little surprised at first, but when he saw that there was no one in the middle lane on the opposite side, he suddenly understood something, and he turned his head and ran towards the middle lane.

  Under the stage, the cheers of the audience are already boiling.

  Because they clearly saw that although TL chose to change lines after returning to the city, they were caught by RNG under blind guessing!

  Through the soundproof headphones, Jensen still vaguely heard the cheers of the audience, but he was just a little confused and didn't understand what happened.

  But soon, after going online, he understood.

  I don’t understand it, it’s stupid.

  Why is there a sword girl in the middle road! !

  But he quickly learned to accept it. At least it was in the middle. The **** line quickly advanced into the tower, and he could make more tower knives.

  The road is also slightly changed.

  After coming to the road, the alignment distance is longer, and the weapon master can better fight Silas.

  Even if Silas took a blood and came to the top to line up with the weapon master, it might not be right!

  It’s just that Chen Yuan is not very panicked, and it’s okay if he fails to play. Now there is no TP on both sides, and the road is now an island, and the two are facing each other.

The   director suddenly switched to the jungle again.

   "Karsa is very comfortable playing here!" Colonel Guan looked at the troll's equipment, "Two long swords and a pair of shoes should be headed directly to Tiamat."

  At this time, the troll was biting his stone beetle wantonly, and there were still F6 and three wolves left in the wild area.

  Under this situation, Xmithie was naturally a little unbalanced. He had nothing to do and ran to Karsa's F6 camp, trying to reverse a group of F6.

  He manipulated the prince to walk over slowly, and saw that Fengpecker's family was still there.

  He sighed. As a professional jungler, he probably already knew the position of the troll, so he hurry up and try his best to fight the bird.

  The health value of the newly born bird is only seven hundred. The prince first QA and discipline, and the bird is directly included in the bag.

   Then he pulled and harvested the lives of the birds one by one.

  But at this moment, an ugly man with a popsicle came over from below.

  The two junglers collided with each other.

  Karsa lit a few signals and signaled the tiger in the middle to come and surround.

  Xiaohu was of course unambiguous. He directly abandoned the line of troops at hand and quickly ran towards the F6 camp from the river channel.

  Karsa photographed W[Frozen Domain], the troll obtained a high acceleration effect and rushed directly.

  Xmitheie glanced at his Q skill CD, there were two seconds left, so he was not in a hurry, and while running away, he waited for his Q skill to improve.

  He didn't think he was going to die, the chasing ability on the opposite side was not strong, and he slipped away with an EQ.

  Karsa is holding her mind at this time, and has already placed her finger on her E skill.

  Colleague Guan couldn’t help frowning when he saw this scene, “Little Tiger has come from Side Bread, but they don’t seem to be able to kill the prince. The prince didn’t release E. His Q should be almost done.”

  As soon as the voice fell, I saw that the prince threw out his EQ Erlian directly, and the whole person charged toward the front!

  But at this moment, the sudden change occurred. During the displacement, a huge icicle suddenly lifted up and forcibly knocked it down from the displacement state!

   "Interrupted!" Miller suddenly raised the volume, "Karsa's troll, an icicle directly interrupted the prince's EQ!"

  (Karsa’s trolls still have a hand, and I am deeply impressed by the various interruptions and displacements of the pillars.)

  "Wuhu! Bull!" Xiaohu was also a little surprised when he saw this scene. He quickly pulled out the second stage of E to control the prince, and then Q came up and leveled A crazy.

  "Sister Sword broke out quickly, and the prince's blood volume had dropped to half," Rita's voice was filled with excitement, "Xmithie can't stand it!"

   "The prince turns on W [Golden Shield] to resist damage, but W's shield is not enough!"

  Karsa finally caught up with him, he was also unambiguous, the troll ate the prince while driving the Q.

  In the end, the head was taken by the troll.

   "The prince is dead again!" Colonel Guan sighed again and again, "In less than five minutes, two consecutive deaths, Xmithie's game really collapsed!"

   "Xmithie is still at level three, and Karsa is going to be upgraded to level five! What else is going on?"

  【What a handsome pillar! 】

  [Karsa: I didn’t say you can go now]

  Seeing this god-like pillar, there is an endless stream of praise in the live broadcast of the game.

   "Wow, that's okay." Xiaohu was also amazed, "It would be better if you give me the head."

   "It's impossible." Karsa waved his hand, "Only Genzi brother is qualified to take my head."

   "Haha." Chen Yuan smiled disdainfully, "Isn't that all because I couldn't steal it? What's more to say."

  He and Karsa have played so many games. Because of the ownership of one head, there have been many open and secret fights between the two.

  The final result is also very obvious, Chen Yuan’s K-head technology is still a bit superb.

   "Karsa emptied the remaining front-peckers, and then went straight to the Demon Marsh Frog Camp on the opposite side!" Upon seeing this scene, Colonel Guan began to yell again, "This is not giving the opposite jungler any chance at all!"

   And Xmithie, who had no knowledge of this, ran to the Demon Marsh Frog after being resurrected, only to see the empty camp.

  Xmithie dares to be angry but dare not speak, you don’t have a wild area, do you? On the contrary, you have to run to the three wolves again. Are you too far away?

  Next, he could only cry and mourn, and ran to the upper half to wait for the stone beetle to refresh.

  From the beginning of the game to the present, he only ate a set of red and blue, plus a set of magic marsh frogs and a big bird, but he did not finish all four sets of wild.

  The troll on the opposite side has already swept more than eight groups of wilds.

  It's really uncomfortable the more I think about it.

  Karsa returned to his wild area, and finished his own three wolves and magic marsh frogs all the way, and then cleared the river crabs refreshed in the upper half.

  He has now finished eleven sets of wild, and he has five birds attached!

   can only be said to be fatter.

  And the time, unknowingly, went to seven minutes.

The   single line has all been upgraded to level 6.

  Karsa looked at the alignment of the two lanes and found that there was really no room to shoot.

  Because the other side is too stable.

  Ryze in the middle of the road will not go out of the tower at all, and the weapon is not easy to grasp.

   "You can catch the bot lane." Uzi suddenly said at this moment, "There is nothing in the bot lane on the opposite side. You can cross."

   "But I'm a little far away" Karsa frowned slightly. He had just finished painting the upper river crab. At this time, he would lose a lot of time when he went to the bottom road to cross the tower.

   And losing time is still one thing, and when you run down, it’s the same thing if the opposite person is still there.

  But he changed his mind. Anyway, he couldn't catch people in the middle and middle lanes. What can he do in the bottom lane?

  It's okay even if he doesn't catch it, he can control Xiaolong by the way.

  Thinking of this, Karsa simply returned to the city on the spot, combined with Tiamat and the jungler, and quickly walked down the road.

  At this time, Chen Yuan had been invisible for a few minutes and it was just time to replenish his equipment. He and Karsa returned to the city almost at the same time.

   Then he also said: "Xiaohu, after pushing the line, go directly back to the city to replenish the equipment T and guard the tower. I will go down and guard the middle road after catching it."

   "???" Xiaohu didn't understand what the operation was, "Since I want to play four packs of two, why don't you let me go?"

  Chen Yuan is a bit difficult to explain, he can't always say that it is because he wants to win the MVP of this game.

  But since the decision has been determined, Xiaohu will not refute it. After pushing the middle T, this is tantamount to eating two lines of pawns. Of course, he will not refuse such a good thing.

  Major Guan who was in the commentary also saw Silas's fault.

   "Brother Yuanzi and Karsa go directly to the bottom road?" He saw the two men walking straight towards the bottom road, "They want to wrap it up!"

  The fans on the scene began to scream, as long as they are both wrapped up, it is absolutely impossible to run off the opposite side of the road!

  The big brother of the bottom road is still a bit unclear, so he continued to operate Kai'Sa to make up the tower knife. In the field of making up, he did not lag behind Uzi too much.

  A certain arrested anchor said that Uzi was squeezed if he didn’t make a twenty-seven strokes against the line.

   And now he is only behind by ten knives, full play is equal to ten knives for Uzi!

There is nothing wrong with   .

  Ke at this moment, countless signal sounds rang from his ears.

  Auxiliary CoreJJ also signaled to retreat in the voice.

Big Brother    clearly saw that Silas and the trolls on the opposite side ran over from the line so arrogantly.

  What are you doing? Arrest people?

  Big brother did not understand.

  Run over the tower from the line, oh I’m a pig, don’t you know who ran?

"Doublelife and Kou JJ still want to escape, but Xiao Ming's Bloom flashed up and used Q [Winter's Bite] to forcibly retain the auxiliary Tam!" Miller was excited, "Xiao Ming is very decisive! Tam is not flashing now. It must be impossible to escape!"

  Uzi quickly turned on Q [Shooter's Focus], Master Ai in the deadly rhythm state began to scrape with all his strength, and Ping A continued to hit Tam on his body.

  "You go, you go!" In the distress phase, CoreJJ played the dedication spirit of support and decisively chose to sell itself to escape.

   But since Chen Yuan dared to run over the tower directly from the line, he must be sure of it, and naturally he wouldn't let the big brother just run like this.

   "Big Brother Yuanzi and Karsa are here too, the RNG four forcefully killed this Tam first!" Colonel Guan noticed at this time that a portrait of Tam had appeared next to Silas' health bar.

   "Brother Yuanzi stole Tam's ultimate, they can still chase after him!"

   "Come on, get in the car!" Chen Yuan first took a look at the defensive tower unhurriedly, and then quickly activated the stolen Tam's ultimate move. Silas instantly turned into a toad with an open mouth, and set off at any time.

  Karsa knew instantly, right click on the toad, and the whole person jumped directly into the toad’s mouth.

  Xiao Ming is also quite sensible. He used W [Stand Up] the moment before the start of the two men, and added a double defense to Silas.

   "Big Brother Yuanzi used Tam's ult here to forcibly chase after Kai'Sa, and Big Brother can't run away either!"

  Followed by an unremarkable wave of kills, Chen Yuan forced an E to flash the big brother, and Karsa then summoned [Pillar of Ice] to slow down Kai'Sa.

   Then Chen Yuan flashed directly and rushed forward, killing Kai'Sa forcibly before running back to the second tower!

   And Xiao Ming also added an assist because of the W between them.

  The cheers of the audience in the audience became louder again, cheering for the wave of RNG's leaping over the tower.

"Wuhu! Take off!" Chen Yuan laughed, "This wave is okay, everything is under calculation~www.readwn.com~ okay!" Although Uzi did not get Kai'Sa assist, he eats Here comes the plating!

  He manipulated the cold ice to shoot a flat A, knocking out the first layer of plating on the defensive tower.

  A golden light flew from the defensive tower and flew towards Silas at the second tower opposite.

  At this time, Uzi remembered Chen Yuan's actions. Before B opened up, he deliberately clicked on the defensive tower.

  Uzi is numb.

  Although he had a coating on his head, he lost one assist.

  Karsa has no head, no Tapie, only two assists.

  Xiao Ming has Tappi and assists, but there is no head.

  But only Chen Yuan, the B, has heads, assists, and Tappi.

  In terms of details, he is full!

    There should be no more typos in this chapter, right?



  (End of this chapter)

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