League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 361: MSI final

Karsa hasn't eaten much money here, and the level is too far behind. In this top-level fight against punishment, he is born at a disadvantage.

Chen Yuan frowned slightly when he saw this scene, but he still shouted: "You can fight, you can fight, Brother Ka Xiaohu pushes forward!"

The battle was about to start, Karsa directly EQ into the back row for the first time, W Golden Holy Shield unfolded, when there are five people around, this shield amount is quite good.

Xiaohu also started to move forward.

However, he didn't rush to get on, but slowly superimposed the conquerors first.

Facing this kind of group battle of 5V5, Uzi's stage is very big.

While paying attention to the skills that may be thrown from the opposite side, he turned on W [Ejection] crazy output.

The wheel bounces from the first person in G2 to the end, and the damage of every flat A is extremely explosive!

Chen Yuan's side is also full of passives and sheep knives, and the damage hitting the pig girl is like bleeding!

Seeing that the situation was not right, Jankos threw a big move directly at the RNG camp, and then began to retreat.

"Chong Chong Chong!" Uzi yelled, the wheel mother opened E to block the skill, and then directly activated the big move, and the other four of RNG rushed forward!

Xiao Ming turned on the bird shield, Xiaohu started his big move, and Chen Yuan gave Xiaohu a bite of milk.

The Sword Demon instantly gained three stages of acceleration, and the big fluttering moth directly rushed into the G2 camp!

Then... he was frozen by Velus's big move.

Immediately after Caps, he also pressed W, intending to give the sword demon a whole set of taunts.


The angel held up the long sword in his hand, and a golden light bathed on the sword demon!

Xiaohu directly ate 10,000 BUFFs from his teammates in one wave, and the audience focused on him.

"Brother Yuanzi has given the sword demon a big move. This wave of Xiaohu has a big stage!"

On the other side, Wunder, who has been gathering momentum for generations, also seized the opportunity.

His vampire has already made a two-piece set of push sticks and ghost books. If he can hit full damage, killing a crispy skin is not a problem.

Wunder squinted his eyes immediately, the angel is not invincible, the wheel mother has no E, neither of them flashes!

Team battle is on the big stage, come if you have the courage!

Wunder was heartbroken. He thought of Chen Yuan's second game in the first game.

E flash REQ.

His hand pressed the keyboard in order, and the vampire was filled with E [Blood Tide] and directly flashed into the RNG camp!

"Wunder is coming in!" Doinb said loudly, "Be careful with this wave!"

Needless to say this naturally.

Almost the moment the vampire entered the field, a red cage was placed on him.

Xiao Ming has been staring at this vampire, and seeing this B enter the arena, it is directly a weak waiter.

A weakly charged E hit the RNG camp, just breaking the shield of their bird shield...


Xiao Ming took a hook and Wunder hurriedly turned to the bleeding pool to avoid him, but it was obvious that he was already dead.

"Look at my divine might, I will be invincible!"

Karsa, who had already rushed into the enemy camp, rushed back at this time, and Prince Demacia directly flashed a big move to cover the vampire who had risen from the blood pool in place.

Chen Yuan and Uzi set fire for a while and directly smashed the vampire to pieces.

On the other side, Xiaohu was like a **** of war in the battlefield, with the sword demon's big wings flapping back and forth.

However, no one was killed.

After receiving the key target, Ah P directly crossed over and pulled away. Xiaohu just wanted to flash and chase. As a result, Tahm on his side had already stacked three layers of passives, and directly swallowed this invincible sword demon into his stomach...

After the sword demon came out, the angel's ultimatum had disappeared, and the little tiger would naturally become a fish to be cubs.

Fatal Rhythm Velus caught a wild shot and sometimes interspersed with QE. In the end, Xiaohu could only hate on the spot.

"Fuck!" Xiaohu almost tapped the keyboard, "Is it disgusting!"

No way, the sword demon is like this, understand it.

It's just that his death was not meaningless. During the period of invincibility, he played enough AOE, and also played Verus's flash and Tam's eating, and he died without a loss.

Immediately after the two sides continued to exchange, Xiao Ming knew that it was time to sell himself, and took the initiative to withstand the other side's injury in front of him.

The G2 has three melee and one long-range configuration. If you want to continue fighting, then the three melees must take damage.

But they thought there were so many people, they decided to fight!

However, RNG's double-C damage is clearly beyond their imagination.

Although both Lun Ma and Angel are flat A-stream heroes, their AOE abilities can be regarded as the top in the entire League of Legends.

The skills of the two people's level A interspersed wildly, and the blood volume of the G2 three melee combat dropped at the same time!

The flywheel bounced three times in a row, and even Ah P behind him lost a lot of blood!

"Xiao Ming couldn't withstand the four people's injury here, so he was immediately hit by seconds!"

There was also Jankos from Shan and his teammates slightly communicated, and then a Q flash ran into the wheel mother!

"Fight, don't go, don't go!" Chen Yuan yelled directly, seeing Uzi driving on the opposite side, "You can fight!"

Chen Yuan quickly retreated from here, frantically walking A and pulling.

He has been A for so many rounds, and his talent has already stolen countless large and small medicine bottles for him, and his combat power has risen to a peak!

There was no fear on Uzi's side. Even if he was about to die, he threw out Q [Spinning Blade] before he died.

This Q's angle is fairly tricky, and it has scratched Verus of Ah P.

In the next second, Velus shot an arrow, and the wheel mother also returned to the west.

At this time, the four of G2, all with one-third of the blood, faced a half-blooded angel.

"One dozen four!" Don't know why, he always felt that Chen Yuan really had a chance in this wave! , "Can Brother Yuanzi operate it?"

Tam licked it accurately and slowed Chen Yuan down!

Caps also waited for his WCD, he planned to release W in seconds, first control the angel, so that he can directly set the seconds.

But Chen Yuan's thinking here is extremely clear. In his mind, the skill CDs of the remaining four people on the opposite side are all clearly portrayed in his mind.

"Knife in hand, sanction all parties!"

The angel of justice dictated extremely domineering lines, continuously fanning the sharp blade in his hand.

A then【Starfire Rune Blade】

The Angel of Justice made two consecutive shots with Aces and triggered the special effect of Sheep Sword [Ghost Fury].

Three waves of flames plus a wave of beheading attacks directly violently shot!


Double kill!

Adding up to four AOEs, Galio, who was mainly attacked, and Sister Pig, who had not had much blood, both cleared their blood bars and fell to the ground at the same time.

Chen Yuan quickly took a bite to distance himself, making him as far as possible from Verus.

Then he made a flat A again, and turned directly!

At the same time, Mikyx's Tam had already licked a three-tier passive on the angel, and the Q skill shot directly.

But the angel, who writhed with W, was so spiritual, he actually twisted away the fatal vertigo Q!

Q skill [Flame Impact] shot, an astral sword pierced Tahm, causing a slowdown while also reducing the dual resistance by 15%.

Chen Yuan was not in a hurry for A, and took advantage of Tam's slowing down and quickly pulled away, and then turned back and tied the A with two shots.


At this time, there was only a one-third-blooded Verus and a half-blooded angel left on the field.

In the 1V1 endgame, the two sides looked at each other, and no one dared to take the initiative to step forward.

In the end, Ah P was still persuaded, and he operated Verus and chose to retreat.

Chen Yuan let out a sigh of relief.


He knew that Velus' QE two skills were about to improve.

And without a CD outfit, his E skill CD is as long as six seconds, which is far from good enough.

Even if his blood volume is healthy, he will definitely not be able to beat Verus, who is in QE.

The two sides once again fought without loss, four for four, Chen Yuan successfully ended the endgame after the dedication of four teammates like moths to the fire!

G2 is as uncomfortable as eating shit.

It's not that they can't accept four for four.

They can't accept the angels to survive!

Seeing that the angel had risen to the thirteenth level after closing the line, they felt uncomfortable.

On the RNG voice channel, the players are discussing who is going to fight in the wave.

"Brother Ka..." Chen Yuan was a bit resentful, "Is Li doing the gods and demons?"

Karsa was a little speechless, "The dragon's blood drops too fast, I..."

The damage of the angel plus the wheel mother can almost eliminate the dragon in a second. In Karsa's field of vision, he almost saw the dragon still has 1,500 blood in the last second, and it disappeared in the next second.

How can this be punished?

To be honest, he really doesn't believe that Jankos on the other side was punished after seeing it clearly. It's also luck...

After the end of this wave, the game came to 20 minutes and entered a tug of war on both sides.

Now the economic advantage of the G2 side has been reduced to two thousand.

G2, who wants to play a group and wants to be crazy, wants the big dragon to force the group, but RNG is not in a hurry. After Xiao Ming and Karsa are resurrected, they go directly to the big dragon pit and start to arrange their vision.

And they don't fight, just drag.

Chen Yuan squatted on the middle lane and let his teammates go to Dalongkeng to slowly pull with the opposite side.

Obviously, G2 doesn't dare to bet, time just goes by bit by bit.

24 minutes.

When the director specifically gave a close-up, Chen Yuan accepted the blue BUFF that had just been refreshed in the wild area, and the angel's body once again freed up a ray of light.

Chen Yuan, who survived every wave of team battles to the end, learned a lot of experience.

With an average of fourteen in the single line, Chen Yuan has taken the lead to rise to sixteen!

"Witness the highest fire!"

The angel read the lines of Form 2 again, and the four wings behind it rose to the sixth!

The voice of support from the audience has begun to sound spontaneously, cheering for the success of the angel of justice!

In the LCS commentary booth, the two European commentators have completely lost hope. The two of them are very pessimistic: "Audiences, although we have failed this year, the journey of G2 is not over yet..."

It is already starting to read the runner-up testimonials...

It has to be said that the European and American commentary and overall ability are really top-notch. If this is left in the LPL, it must be washed away.

After the current version of the angel reaches the sixteenth level, it is the existence of the true **** level, permanently in a high-spirited state, that is to say, the permanent 50% attack speed bonus, and the flame wave directly becomes the real damage.

In addition, Chen Yuan now has a three-piece suit of the Destroyed Sheep Knife Hurricane in his hand, and the split arrow is in his hand, and the team battle output ability is more than a level!

Although the economy of the two sides is the same, the momentum of the RNG team is better than that of G2.

"RNG started to move the dragon directly," the doll looked at this scene and began to get a little serious.

The RNG side is the red side, so their wild area is facing the Great Dragon Pit. If G2 wants to pick up the Great Dragon Group, it is impossible to go around behind the Great Dragon Pit and fight punishment.

They can only accept the group!

Perkz noticed something wrong, he changed his vision in the Great Dragon Pit, providing a short view, "How do you say, is this big dragon going to pick it up?"

"Take it!" Caps categorically said: "This is our last chance. If this wave of dragons is handed over to them, we won't be able to win at all!"

In this case, Long Keng must go, it is best to get the head with the assist of the dragon, and control the dragon.

Last time, we should also prevent the opponent from fighting the big dragon.

"Remember to kill the angel first!" Caps still emphasized: "As long as the angel dies, the C-level economy on the opposite side can't match ours."

There are two pawns on the G2 side. Ah P and Ye Fu walked towards Dalongkeng after collecting the **** line from the middle road.

And their upper middle two TP directly to the top road.

They want to encircle RNG in Dalongkeng.

When the dolls and Miller saw this scene, they were anxious, "This is not good, Galio and the vampire are too powerful in this kind of terrain."

On the side of Chen Yuan and Uzi, they didn't panic at all.

G2 does not have the vision of the Great Dragon Pit. They will never know how fast the 16th-level angels with special effects, plus a standing wheel mother, and the prince speeding up the attack, can beat the dragon.

In order to avoid being driven away, Chen Yuan walked to the inside of Dalongkeng to continue outputting, and at the same time made a real eye on the triangular grass above Dalongkeng.

Using this true eye, he really saw the vampire and Galio on the opposite side.

On the other side, Galio of Caps also stuck a real eye in the grass, wanting to gain vision of the Great Dragon Pit.

But this is obviously too late.

The angel slapped twice again, and the two ping A that triggered the sheep knife directly hit the dragon for nearly a thousand blood!

Under these two slaps, the dragon's blood volume has been directly crippled.

Karsa directly punishes him, and the dragon is directly in the bag!

"Dalong got it!"

Along with the doll's loud explanation, a circle of purple light appeared on the bodies of the five RNGs at the same time.

The Jankos who had just rushed to the back of the Dalong Pit to be punished were all stupid.

This big dragon still had three thousand blood in one second, so it was gone?

But at this moment, Xiao Ming suddenly hooked and hooked the pig **** the back of Long Keng.

! ! !

Jankos was stupid suddenly, he didn't notice when the Thresh was hooked.

"Frozen hands, frozen hands!" Uzi yelled, and the wheel was turned on immediately.

"Brother Ka!" Chen Yuan gave a signal, and Karsa immediately understood, the prince EQ connected to the wall, and an R [Heaven Breaking] directly covered the eager vampire and Galio above in the ultimate move.

On Chen Yuan's side, he turned his head and began to gather the remaining three people underneath with Uzi.

Chen Yuan W gave Uzi, Xiaohu started his big move by himself, and the three RNG upper, middle and lower three were as fast as a ghost.

Uzi couldn't stop the car and rushed into the opponent's face.

This is almost the most dangerous position and will be set on fire by everyone in G2!

Jankos seized the opportunity and directly threw out the big move!

A frigid shackle was thrown at the wheel mother, and Ah P also threw a big move [corrupt chain].

Two big moves will put this wheel mother to death!

"Saved in the light!"

The angel of justice held up the long sword in his hand, and the big move [The Moment of the Sacred Judgment] was directly given to Uzi, and the golden shield blocked all the upcoming skills!

"Invincible!" Wawa shouted: "The timing of this big move is perfect!"

This is actually Uzi deliberately, putting himself in a dangerous situation, the purpose is to deceive the opposite's key control.

He didn't hand over this wave of E skills and flashes, and handed his life to Chen Yuan's hands.

Xiaohu's Sword Demon looked like a God of War at this moment, and his Q skills were lost to Girl Pig and Tam!

On the other side, Caps, who was retained by Karsa, was anxious when he saw this scene. He directly surrendered his big move [Heroes on the stage], and aimed at his own ADC.

Galio's ultimate move will provide a high amount of damage reduction for the target teammate, preventing Verus from being directly seconded.

But at this moment, RNG double C began their violent output.

After eliminating all the controls on the opposite side, the wheel mother started to output wildly at Verus with an invincible effect.

Where does Ah P dare to confront A with an invincible person?

Uzi didn't chase him, and turned to Tahm, who was nearby.

Chen Yuan stood a little far away, he did not dare to go up to A Velus, he also hit a tie A on Tam.

The output ability of the really wounded angel can only be described as a horror, plus the spread of the split arrow.

Tam was still alive and kicking in the last second, and under the damage of the two, he came to the residual blood in an instant.

Mikyx was taken aback by the damage, and he hurriedly pressed the E skill.

But it was too late.

Chen Yuan specially squeezed a [Starfire Rune Blade] in his hand, just waiting for this moment.

At the moment when Tam had one-third of his blood left, Chen Yuan directly A+E.

With a slashing effect, hit Tam's body with one-third of his blood!

Mikyx's fingers stayed on the E skill, but the screen was black and white.

What kind of damage is this? ?


In the next second, the hero of Galio appeared, knocking Chen Yuan and Uzi into flight.

Jankos also seized the opportunity, a Q flash directly hit Chen Yuan's body, they still wanted to fight back!

But at this moment, Xiao Ming, who had been squatting on the side, quietly shot Mimi, Thresh [Death Judgment], and directly hooked the landing Galio!


Chen Yuan let out a dragon chant, Xiaohu withstood in front, he and Uzi once again focused on fire and output.

Galio is even more vulnerable than Tam.

Even if Caps releases control, press W to reduce the damage the first time, but the eggs are not used.

Chen Yuan slapped down again and got the second head.

"The vampire is coming!"

The commentator yelled, and as the ultimate move barrier collapsed, Karsa could no longer stop the vampire.

Wunder had long been unable to restrain his heart from cutting the back row. The vampire walked behind Chen Yuan and Wuzi with a push stick, and the E skill was already accumulating.


A weakness hung on him again on time.

Wunder's blood pressure skyrocketed.

you again!

On Xiao Ming's side, an E picks up the vampire, R [Nether Prison] releases the vampire and locks the vampire in the center of the ultimate move.

Karsa from behind also followed, and an EQ rushed towards him.

Wunder gritted his teeth and could only hand over the W blood pool.

Chen Yuan and Wuziguan ignored the vampire who entered the blood pool behind them, and they both gathered Fire Pig and Ah P again.

Now that Galio and Tam are dead, they have no scruples about their double C's. They both surrendered their flashes at the same time and pursued Velus.

Almost instantly, Velus' health bar was emptied.

Ah P looked at the black and white screen and wanted to say something, but in the end he just opened his mouth feebly.


The announcer's voice rang in everyone's ears!

The five RNG people looked at the pig sister and the vampire beside them, and couldn't help getting excited.

"Five kills and five kills!" Not just who shouted out for the first time, RNG's voice channel instantly turned into a sea of ​​joy, a mess!

"The angel puts his next goal on Girl Pig!"

Jankos is anxious like an ant on a hot pot. He doesn't want to send a five kills to the opponent in this decisive game, wishing he had ten flashes now and retreat directly.

Unfortunately, he still did not learn the essence of a certain seven-surname jungler.

If it is the pinnacle of 7, his team will never allow the opponent to get five kills.

"The unskilled pig girl has no way to escape. She was chased away by the angel with a few basic attacks and E!" Wawa saw that the team battle was about to end, "Four kills, there is still a vampire!"

Where is the vampire?

In the middle of the RNG camp, Xiaohu Xiaoming and Karsa were frantically playing with him, and he couldn't run away, and he couldn't die.

Wunder people are numb, he really wants to ALT+F4 to quit the game.

The audience in the audience had already boiled over the audience.

This five kills is already in the bag!

Chen Yuan ran over quickly, and with the support of his teammates, Ping A shot and took away the last square of the vampire's health.


In a live broadcast room in China.

"Five kills!" A certain undergraduate anchor trembling suddenly, he raised his arms and cheered: "Brother Yuanzi, always God!"

In his live broadcast room, the barrage is also rolling frantically.

[I don’t know if Brother Yuanzi is a god, but he must be Pig’s father]

[Does Zhuzhu replace the God of Wealth at home with a statue of Yuanzi? 】

[Piggy’s house was made up by Brother Yuanzi! 】

[Don't say that the anchor is brainless~www.readwn.com~ If you can give the anchor a Tomson product, you are also the **** of the anchor! 】

Looking at the eye-catching five kills sign on the top of the screen, everyone in G2 felt that a heavy knife had been inserted in their hearts, and the voice channel had already turned into a dead silence.

Although they are optimistic, in this case, they really can't laugh.

The runner-up is coming soon, do you want me to laugh?

Dalong added zero for five, and they all knew that the game was over.

RNG doesn't even need to go home to update equipment, and directly start a wave in the middle.

"It's over, the game is over!"

In the roar of the commentators, Xiaohu topped the front, and they started the second wave of team battles directly near the G2 front tooth tower, easily destroying their opponents!

The broken crystal resounded across the sky.

"Three to one, the game is over! Congratulations RNG!"

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