League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 374: Can this be hooked?

"One blood!" The people in Guan were all stupid. "Why both sides are obviously promoted at the same time, and they are still the first players on the LGD side. Why did the RNG side win the game? Isn't it normal?"

   Titan two-level flash is the first to lose? Isn't it right?

   Hitomi also added on the side, "And Genko, Delevingne, seems to be very proficient!"

   "Huh, okay, okay!" Xiao Ming let out a sigh of relief, "It seems you can still play with Draven..."

   If it's a normal Draven, you can't play this kind of smooth three throwing axe operation.

   Delevingne this hero, the interspersed rhythm between W and A is very elegant.

  According to the setting, the drop point of the Draven throwing axe is less than the distance you have moved during this period. You can walk to the center of the drop point in advance and hit a flat A.

   Many Dravens will have a problem, that is, you go to A to pick up the axe, but you find that the axe falls too close, and you have to turn your head back to pick up the axe.

   This is the fact that there is no flat A in the middle, which leads to wasted time.

   looks not only stupid, but also has a great influence on chasing people and flying kites.

   And Chen Yuan is still a step up here. Under his control, he did not go to the center of the landing point to pick up the axe, but stood at the very edge of the landing point.

   With the super-high bonus of Cong Blade + W, this exquisite position helped him save time for a level A.

   And under Chen Yuan's methodical operation, the drop points of the three axe heads formed a straight line, which looked pleasing to the eye and definitely not something that people with low proficiency could play.

   On the other side, LGD voice channel.

   "My mine, I'm too anxious." RD took the initiative to take the pot, and his wave was indeed a little overwhelming.

   He still didn't expect that this wave would be defeated.

   The two-tier Titan Galusian, if the cooperation is in place, it will definitely be no problem to lose one ADC per second.

   But the problem is, the first is that he has no aftershocks.

   The second is Delevingne with a blade.

   After all, Draven's unique genius who currently takes JackeyLove as the mainstream is a conqueror. Even if he focuses on laning, he will choose to bring a strong attack.

   But Congbian's is indeed still rare.

   The two sides are ebb and flow, causing his Titan’s HP to drop much faster than he thought.

   The third is that Xiao Ming’s processing speed is too fast.

   It was almost the moment when the Titans opened the group, Xiao Ming realized that this wave was an opportunity. He didn't go to E to go to Lucian like the previous wave, but directly pulled back to the Titan in seconds.

   Under Xiao Ming’s move, this wave of battle between the two sides has become a process of fighting for harm.

   And the burst of Cong-Blade Delevingne was far better than the attack on Lucian, and they naturally had less treatment, so RNG won this wave of confrontation.

   If any factor is missing, Chen Yuan will be replaced with a high probability.

   If Chen Yuan is replaced, then both sides will be the AD replacement, then RNG is actually at a loss.

   Of course, there is no such if.

   "It's okay," Kramer has nothing to do. They are actually fine with this wave.

   "Let's try again in the next wave." Kramer is rather optimistic, "I'm not dead in this wave, and I have a double call in my hand. The next wave is good enough to play."

   The camera moves to another way.

   It has been three and a half minutes after the junglers on both sides finished brushing the monsters.

   In the case of two red BUFF singles, this also caused the two sides to stagger the wild route. The pace of the two is quite the same, and the wild route is also the same, almost at the same time.

   It's just that because of this wave of down road confrontation, there is a gap in the action of the two sides' jungle at this moment.

  Because the bottom fight has ended, Wei, who was swiping from top to bottom, didn't see any chance, so he simply chose to return to the city after he finished fighting the crabs.

   On the other side, Kang Di, he squatted on the road for a while, squatting for a long time, seeing no chance, he simply walked to Wei's wild area and brushed off the stone beetle he hadn't hit, and then he chose to return to the city.

After    Wei returned to the city, he made up the blue punishment jungle sword and ran to the stone beetle's position. His goal was to clear the wild, but as soon as he passed by, he saw the empty camp.

   Wei's mind turned for a while, and quickly knew the location of the nightmare.

   But he was not annoyed. Facing this empty field, he had nothing to do anyway. He simply squatted from the line into the grass on the road, wanting to see if there was a chance for Gank.

   But there is a real chance.

   LGD's Lies just helped him deter him because the jungler has just deterred him, and he just doesn't have much condition here, so he is planning to push the line back to the city.

   And as soon as he started to push the line, a Xin Zhao came out of the grass.

   Lies is numb.

   Xiaohu Ruizi directly EW fixed, and WeiE started stacking Q as soon as he went up.

   Lies has already tried his best to operate, QW gave Xin Zhao and turned on the E skill, Wei was stunned as soon as E came up.

   But it's useless.

   Kenan's follow-up crossover opened the distance, Wei flashed to slow down the blue punishment, chasing and stabbing Kenan all the way directly to pieces.

   "Hahahaha, good!" Xiaohu's mouth was smiling crookedly, that's it!

   But the next second, a message came on the screen, making his smile stop abruptly.

   "The blind monk killed the Wanhua psychic."

   "My mine." Cryin admitted his mistake for the first time.

   "It's okay, it's no wonder you."

   Chen Yuan abruptly retracted the emoticon key he had pressed.

   He was just about to give Xiaohu a thumbs-up expression of Timo, but the middle road was arrested.

   At this time, I will put on a like emoticon, which is a bit of a teammate mentality...

   When the opposite team selected the Nakano combination, he knew that this situation was almost certain to happen.

   The syndicate of the blind monks of Syndraga wanted to kill people too easily.

   As long as the ball is pushed, it is almost mortal, there is no way.

  The only thing a mid laner can do is to have a good vision and try to avoid being pushed.

   "The death of Cryin in mid lane has broken the rhythm a little bit." Colonel Guan frowned slightly at the screen. "Originally, the mid lane was inferior to Syndra and there was no line right. Now it's a bit impossible to play!"

   The current LGD is almost purely supported by Yuuki in the middle and the jungler.

   Now that the mid lane has the advantage, the midfield linkage will naturally be more powerful.

   Of course, this has nothing to do with Chen Yuan. All he can do here is to keep a good eye and try not to get caught, let alone be overtaken.

   Bottom lane is still hot.

   Kramer grabbed one of Delevingne's moves and paused, and Q [Transparent Light] shot directly, passing through the creeps and hitting a wave of consumption.

   But I don’t know that Chen Yuan deliberately sold this pause to him.

   He took advantage of Lu Xi'an's pause and lost Q. Deleving opened W and rushed up directly with two axes. With the addition of Q skills, Lu Xi'an seemed to be bled!

  Kramer admitted that he was unlucky, and quickly drank the red bottle to keep his blood volume.

   Lucian is still too strenuous to line up with Delevingne. After all, his range is naturally shorter than others by fifty yards. Even if he is hit twice, he can't help it at all.

   And he didn't dare to rush E up to change blood, because the opposite was a cluster of blades, he couldn't fight it at all.

   "Hey, this person can't do it, he can't pull me at all!"

   Chen Yuan upholds the beautiful tradition of Uzi, never stops talking with Xiao Ming when he is on the line.

   "I'll seduce him out later, let's fight with them again." Chen Yuan was brewing a big plan in his heart.

   "Isn't this bad? There is still a purification on the other side." Xiaoming frowned slightly, "If this wave is not hit, it may overturn."

   Chen Yuan didn't care, "But we still have to fight. Our mission in this round is to get through! Alas, I'm going to seduce here anyway, if you have a chance, you just need to control it."

   "彳亍." Xiao Ming always thought that Uzi was radical enough, but Chen Yuan was more radical than him!

   With the double axe in hand, plus the advantage of a human head, Chen Yuan is taking the initiative here, but he believes that as long as he reveals a slight flaw, the opponent will strike first without hesitation.

   Thinking of this, a plan has already emerged in Chen Yuan's mind.

   He stood behind the **** line and hit with a flat A. Without deliberate control, the axe dropped randomly outside the **** line.

   Chen Yuan walked a little bit outside the line, but only half of his body was exposed, then he rushed in and hid behind the line.

   During the second time, he clearly noticed that the Titan on the opposite side was obviously attracted by this move and took two steps forward, but when he saw Draven retracting, he also hid back again.

   "Why didn't you get out of the hook just now?" Kramer asked in his voice.

   RD shook his head, "The time he was exposed was too short, and only half of it, too late."

   It was a pity for the two of them, but RD still kept an eye on them, and when there is a similar opportunity next time, they must seize it tightly.

   The next second, the opportunity will come.

   This time the axe fell farther than the last time, far beyond the line of soldiers, and Chen Yuan didn't seem to have expected this at all, so he walked towards the axe's drop point.

   RD's eyes condensed, the opportunity is here!

   Almost without hesitation, the Deep Sea Titan took a hook and hooked towards Delevingne's position.

   The corners of Chen Yuan's mouth raised, revealing a wicked smile of successful conspiracy.

   He was prepared this time, and the moment the Titan took the hook, he turned back and twisted the hook lightly.

   And this is not over yet, under Chen Yuan's deliberate control, the axe's landing point was originally quite close to the wall.

   After Chen Yuan twisted the hook, the hook of Titan continued to extend and hooked to the wall!

   In the eyes of all the audience, RD just put himself in the mouth of the two RNGs.

   "Hahahahaha!" Chen Yuan stayed completely in Bengbu, "Shi Senming, here it is!"

   Xiaoming people are stupid, can this Nima catch people?

   What a cleverness!

   But he was stupid, his hand movement was still unambiguous, [Death Judgment] wrapped his hand and directly hooked the wall of Titan!

   And he is still very detailed here, in order to prevent Titan A from triggering aftershocks, he didn't even follow up with the second-stage Q, but stood far away.

   Immediately afterwards, he made a positive E, [Doom Pendulum] slowly shot, controlling the connection and knocking the Titan into the air again!

   Although Chen Yuan lost an axe for fishing, the problem is not too big. He presses Q again, and the two axes spin crazily in his hands.

   Immediately afterwards, he was fully fired and started to walk A in the textbook-like Draven.

   The drop points of the axe are connected to form a semicircle, and the center of the circle is exactly the controlled Titan.

   RD was anxious at this time like an ant on a hot pot. The moment he fell from the air, he stepped on E to slow down, and then turned on W, wanting to be passive against Thresh.

  Only when the aftershock is triggered, will they have a chance to fight back.

   "Delevingne launched an all-out attack~"

   The moustache executioner spit out a cruel line. In his hand, the [Clear Axe] was sent first, and a repulsive force interrupted the Titan A!

   This has directly become the last straw that overwhelms the Titans. Xiao Ming retreats directly, and the Titans who are slowed down by the clear axe can't catch up!

   It was ChuaChua who went down again with two cuts, and the head of the Titan fell into Chen Yuan's hands again!

   "This... Brother Yuanzi seduce," Colonel Guan was a little unbelievable.

   "Can this catch people?"

   His reaction is exactly the same as Xiao Ming.

   The cheers of the RNG fans on the scene flooded into the ears like thunder. Delevingne 2-0 in five minutes, how do you play?

【good! 】

   [This Draven has Vincent's internal flavor]

   [If you don’t understand, just ask, what kind of king is Vincent? 】

   [Not A Shui? What does it have to do with Vincent? 】

   [Good-looking Delevingne, I suggest that Brother Yuanzi will always play AD in the future, and Uzi will go to the middle.]

   The match between the two sides continued, and RD, who was beaten out again, was completely honest this time. He didn't bother to hook others. He stood on the side of AD and played dead, waiting for their middle wild dad to come and catch.

   That's right, that's the big dad.

   Yuuki, who got the head advantage, has become more and more unreasonable. When he reached the sixth level, he pushed the line into the tower, and the jungler Condi appeared on time. The two of them joined forces and easily killed Cryin under the tower again.

   was arrested again and dropped another wave of soldiers. The rhythm of Cryin's round has already declared a complete collapse.

   Cryin pursed his lips slightly, without saying anything.

   [What is this new mid laner doing? Send it? 】

   [No way, after all, Syndra is really not good at playing]

   [Suggest to ask Genzi, whether Sindra is good or not]

   [It’s mainly Wei that B has been living on the top road, if it’s Karsa, this wave will definitely come to the middle road to squat back]

   [Indeed, the gap between this Nakano and Genko Karsa is still too big...]

   The RNG powder in the live broadcast room was very hostile, so I sprayed it directly.

  Moreover, the rhythm of LGD doesn't stop there. The two quickly cleared the line after killing the middle, and then collectively disappeared from the field of vision.

   Chen Yuan saw the disappearing signal from Ping in the middle, he was completely afraid of aligning, and he just backed away without thinking.

   It is a trivial matter to lose two pawns, mainly because his downwind Delevingne, if he is caught to death, then the game is really over.

   But fortunately, the opposite side did not come to catch them, but went on the road.

   LGD is determined to hit the middle field in this round.

   The road has been abandoned by them.

   After all, no matter how fat you are, it is just a Draven.

  The hands are neither long nor long, as long as Syndra and Kennan are fat enough, Delevingne will be like that~www.readwn.com~Nakano, and they have already detoured to the top! "The doll shouted while looking at the screen, "Little Wei is here too, but it's useless!" Both of them are hard to run away! "

   Syndra + Kenan all have big tricks. It's too simple if you want to overtake a Ryze and a small Xin Zhao under the tower.

   And Cryin also handed over TP when he was killed in the last wave, so there is no one here to help them.

   In this situation, Xiaohu finally remembered Chen Yuan's goodness.

  If it is Genzi, it must be them who are crossing the tower on the road now...

   "Little Tiger started the big move here, and wanted to take Wei to teleport away, but he couldn't get away at all! Kenan started the big move directly, and both RNG Ueno were fainted!"

   Yuuki's handling is also quite beautiful, he throws the ball on Ryz's face with a W, and another Q condenses the second ball on Xin Zhao's face, and then quickly releases E [the weaker retreat]!

   Two dark magic orbs withdrew, stunned the two again!

   Then he released a big move, five dark magic **** filed out, and Xiaohu was directly filled to death!

   The other Wei also failed to escape, and died in the same battle under the fire of Kandi and Lies.

   "This wave of LGD got one head from the top single and the mid single and double C, and the head ratio of both sides reached 3:3!"

   Chen Yuan frowned slightly when he saw this scene, so he had to speak, "Yan Yangwei, don't go on the road, come down the road and cross the tower."

   "Yuan Chengwei, you come too."

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