League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 378: You have to solve it for me, right?

Jiang Qiu went to bed very early here. He was already asleep after nine o'clock. Naturally, Chen Yuan, a night owl, couldn't go to bed so early. He also ran a live broadcast for several hours in another room, and did not fall asleep until one o'clock in the morning. .

   Speaking of it, Chen Yuan actually rarely sleeps in this room...

   But after all, he slept alone. This sleep was quite comfortable until he was awakened by the sound of opening the door.

   "Get up and get up! What time is it!" Jiang Qiu leaned over and patted Chen Yuan's cheek, "I'm done for you!"

   This was what Chen Yuan said to Jiang Qiu yesterday, and it was returned intact today...

   Jiang Qiu pulled open the curtains of the room, and the noon sunlight cast into the room.

   This room is pretty good, the sunlight is very transparent.

   "Get up soon!!!" Jiang Qiu saw Chen Yuan shut her eyes again, she rushed forward, holding Chen Yuan's nose and mouth with her hands.

   Chen Yuan couldn't stand it anymore, so he had to get up and put on his clothes.

   "I have no class in the afternoon, let's go out to have fun." Jiang Qiu watched Chen Yuan enter the bathroom and began to wash, she ran to the side and babbled.

   "Where are you going?" Chen Yuan asked vaguely with toothpaste foam still in his mouth.

   "Whatever." Jiang Qiu tilted his head, "Go to Jinjiang Park?"

   Jinjiang Park is also in Minhang District, which is the most recent among large-scale amusement projects in Shanghai.

   "Also." Chen Yuan nodded.

   In fact, it is reasonable to say that there is nothing fun in the magic city. After all, this is a city that focuses on finance and industry.

  The people of Magic City just want to make money, and then go to the surrounding cities to have fun...

   "Why don't we go to those places in Hangzhou to play when I get my driver's license?" Chen Yuan asked enthusiastically.

   "You have said 10,000 times for the driver's license test..." Jiang Qiu glanced at Chen Yuan, "You are the test! The name of the driving school has not yet been reported!"

   "hhh definitely next time!"

   The two ordered a takeaway and simply coped with an afternoon meal, and then they drove directly to Jinjiang Park.

The advantage of    called Didi is that there is no need to find a location to park. After the two got off the car, they went straight to the park.

   It is a working day, and Jinjiang Park can only be ranked in the top three in Shanghai Amusement Park (Disney and Happy Valley in front), so although there are still a lot of people here, it is within an acceptable range.

   You don’t need to queue for an hour at least for one project.

   Chen Yuan was also happy, he hung his girlfriend's bag on his shoulder, and the two pointed at the surrounding scenery.

   The camera function of Jiangqiu's mobile phone is almost always on, and for all kinds of shooting, is it possible to give Chen Yuan a picture?

   "Elbow elbow elbow, let's go rafting!" Chen Yuan took Jiang Qiu to the rafting project, which is the highlight of Jinjiang Park.

   After paying a high price of 160, Chen Yuan bought two simple raincoats and entered the venue.

   A young couple who was in the same drifting boat with them even yelled when they saw Chen Yuandang, "Oh Yuanzige Qiuzi!"

   "Shh!!" Chen Yuan hurriedly motioned for him to silence, for fear of attracting the attention of people around him.

   Jiang Qiu smiled happily on the side. After the two of them drifted down, Chen Yuan took a group photo of the person with him on the boat, and signed the name by the way.

   "Why don't you take a photo for us too!" Jiang Qiu was quite generous and passed the phone directly.

   "Okay!" The girl in the couple seemed to be a little excited. She took the phone with both hands and took a few steps back, "You can pose."

   The two of them have a pair of eyes, they are really a bit uncertain about what pose they want to pose.

   "Then you are like this!" The other male fan is also a socially awkward patient, so he immediately started pointing.

   Chen Yuan laughed as soon as he heard it, "This is good, this is good!"

   Jiang Qiu is poking his mouth on the side.

   Soon, the photo came out. In the photo, Chen Yuan and Jiang Qiu stood tall and held their heads up to the camera. Each of them stretched out a hand and put a thumbs up in front of their chests.

   "Hahahahaha!" Chen Yuan and the boy both saw this picture and they both lived in Bengbu and laughed out loud.

   This wave, this wave is the spiritual inheritance of World One Middle School.

   The male fan was also interested in seeing this scene and asked to take another one with the same content.

   "Thank you." Of course, Chen Yuan did not refuse, and after receiving the phone, he took another photo.

   Jiang Qiu is a little unhappy on the sidelines, he is a little bit incomprehensible with this posture!

   Chen Yuan embraced his girlfriend cheerfully and quickly went to the next project.


   The two arrived at noon, and when they left the park, it was already eight o'clock in the afternoon.

   "Let's eat." Chen Yuan looked at his cell phone, "The car will be here soon."

   Jiang Qiu seemed to be a little tired from walking, "What are you going to eat?"

   "Nanlu. Zheli, haven't you always wanted to eat?" Chen Yuan shook his phone, "I made a reservation when I went out today."

   This is a Michelin one-star restaurant that has just received a star this year. It mainly focuses on local dishes, which is Jiang Qiu's favorite.

   It’s just that there are too many people in the magic city. This kind of one-star restaurant must be reserved in advance.

   "I love you Chen Yuan!" Jiang Qiu grabbed Chen Yuan's neck, "What's the matter with you lately? Isn't it someone who took the house?"

   said, she also touched Chen Yuan's forehead with her hand.

   "Take your mother!" Chen Yuan was numb, "Why, I can't have snacks, can I?"

   "Can, can! That's amazing!"

   Jiang Qiu seems to be resurrected full of blood, jumping around Chen Yuan.

   At eight o'clock, night had already fallen. Jinjiang Park was built on the Huangpu River. She turned her head and glanced at the river not far away.

   The moon hung high in the air, and the moonlight fell from the sky, but it was blocked by the dazzling neon lights of Shanghai, and it could not fall anyway.

On the other side of the    River, neon lights reflected through the water, dyeing their faces colorful.

   What a magic city...

   "The car is coming, let's get in" Chen Yuan pointed to the white car on the side of the road.

   The girl came up to take her boyfriend's arm, still jumping around, taking her boyfriend's stride by a point.

   Close to the 20-minute drive, they came to the entrance of the restaurant. The restaurant is not particularly stylish. The restaurant’s door is still an old-fashioned wooden door.

   Chen Yuan had already ordered dishes on his mobile phone. The signature dishes such as [Gold Medal Meat], [Shenxian Fugui Chicken], and [Shaojiu Foie Gras] were brought up one by one.

   I'm not afraid that I can't finish it. After all, the dishes in Michelin restaurants have a common feature-not enough to eat.

   "Next, I will give you three choices." Chen Yuan patted his stomach habitually. "The first is to go home, the second is to go for a walk in the river beach, and the third is to find a place for the two of us to continue playing."

   "It's too early to go home." Jiang Qiu, who had filled his blood last night, tilted his head, "Then I will choose three."

   "Let's go then." Chen Yuan took out his cell phone again and showed Jiang Qiu a look.

   Two performance tickets of Xiaoguo Culture have been purchased successfully.

   Xiaoguo Culture's several variety shows Jiang Qiu usually likes to watch it. This is what Chen Yuan has ingenuity.

   It's just that Chen Yuan is not very interested here. He also bought a front row ticket. His girlfriend was teased by the talk show, and he was looking at the phone.

   I haven't turned up WeChat for a day, now the group in the training department is already 99+.

   The one that came up was from Brother Quan: [Chen Wei () has already handled the matter over there, and he almost came back around the 11th]

   The tenth is the match against FPX, which means that Chen Yuan has to play AD for another day.

   Xiaoming started working here: [Gazi brother, don’t come back, I and Yuanzi brother are fine. 】

  【? ? ? 】

   Meng Sao Gala responded very quickly, [Shi Senming, you **, just now I pulled you in a double row, you and I dunked the question mark, now I am still in the group, right? 】

   Then the group quickly turned into a scolding battle between the two, Uzi's side from time to time, and the group quickly became a story of "Xiao Ming and his two AD".

   Chen Yuan secretly laughed when he saw this content.

   He didn't pay much attention to the regular season a few days later. They have enough confidence in their team. Even if the FPX game loses, they are confident that they can come back later.

   The most important thing is Xia Guan. It doesn't matter which ranks in the regular season.

   For RNG, the most important thing is the World Championship, so Uzi will not hesitate to give up the regular season and fully prepare for the playoffs and the World Championship.

   The two quickly returned home and lay on the sofa Ge Youtan.

   "The microphone is out!" Jiang Qiu took the phone over.

   The microphone session was originally a project that all major clubs would do. What the players said while focusing on the game, the program effect is sufficient, and it can also satisfy the fans' desire for discovery.

   "Really? Kangkang." Chen Yuan took the initiative to move his head over.

   LGD and him are the second consecutive MVP, so he should have a lot of microphone shots in this issue.

   As soon as the video opened, I saw a full screen of barrage, [Take off! 】

  【Come on, the familiar microphone is back! 】

   [RNG, rush, rush! 】

   After the opening of the show passed, it was the BP link of the first game from the beginning.

   Chen Yuan clearly heard his voice coming from the phone.

   "Give me Draven, bag C!"

In the voice of   , Chen Yuan waved Fang Qiu as if everything was under his control. In the next second, Draven lights up and locks.

   Then the camera quickly switched to laning, and Chen Yuan directly took the hook for the first level alignment.

   "Are you useless Draven to cross the line?" Xiao Ming's puzzled voice came.

   Chen Yuan's sentence "I haven't played Deleving much yet" made the audience amused.

   [Really take the heroes you haven't played in the game, right? 】

   [The most showy thing is that he actually returned C...]

   [Isn't this opening up? Is Draven a hero who can be played casually? 】

   The video continued to play, and soon came to the second wave. Chen Yuan said "I will seduce it" and he had a meal operation. The opposite Titan quickly took the bait and sent himself to the wall.

   and Chen Yuan's follow-up sentence, "Yan Yangwei, don't go on the road, come down the road and overtake the tower."

   As soon as he said these words, RNG instantly changed the match strategy, focused on the bottom lane, and then easily reversed the game and won.

   Seeing this, the barrage surged instantly.

   [Yuanzi brother is called Xiao Zhuge, it’s normal to be a little bit tricky]

   [You really took the game, right? 】

   [What are you staring at your broken B top road? 】

   [The rhythm of the game, Genzi, is really good]

   [I don’t understand either. Why can he use Delevingne to lead the team to overturn the game? 】

   Chen Yuan saw this and immediately began to take credit, "How about it, do you think I hang it?"

   "Don't look." Jiang Qiu replied a thoughtless sentence.

   Immediately afterwards, the picture changed suddenly and came to the second game.

   Chen Yuan still said, "Xiaoming, take Pan Sen, I take the rock bird and pack C!"

   Seeing this, everyone knows that Pan Sen Yanque is definitely not some kind of show routine that RNG has practiced. It is most likely that they do it improvised.

   Immediately after that, they crossed the tower without injury. Chen Yuan watched Xia who had Shuangzhao under the tower and immediately made a plan in his heart.

   "Shi Senming, I'll go up and lift it first, if you get it right, then go up and faint, he won't have time to interact."

   Xiaoming suddenly asked, "Then what if you didn't lift it?"

   "Withdraw if you don't lift it!" Chen Yuan looked indifferent, "Besides, I can't lift it? You can rest assured!"

   Chen Yuan decisively WE shot, Xiao Ming saw that W's prediction was perfect, and decisively W sat on it.

   Then, although Kramer surrendered the purification and stunned, it was too late to surrender the flash, which caused it to be lost in seconds.

   The next burst of barrage occurred in the section of Miaxia in Chen Yuancao.

   Rock Sparrow [Saying Stone Formation] As soon as it was spread out, before it even had time to explode, after triggering Luden, he directly dried Xia nearly half of his blood.

   Next, although the rock burst is empty, it doesn't matter. Ping A and Q directly trigger the electrocution and take it away.

   This kind of terrifying injury made the audience silly.

   Even Chen Yuan didn't expect it, and said in a microphone surprised: "What about this person B? Why is it just broken...?"

   [hahahaha I didn’t try hard, you fell down]

   [Yuanzi brother is playing 3D League of Legends, the skills are all thrown on the head, double damage is normal]

   [Reproduction of classic lock hanging]

   Behind is the contestants' mutual credit~www.readwn.com~ Xiaohu, who has been on the verge of tactics and has been bullied by the opponent, finally got his first head in the last wave.

   The sentence "Wuhu opened!" caused collective tears in the audience, and the comedian's program was really full.

   "Let's go to sleep." At the end of the video, Chen Yuan saw that the time was almost up. He patted Jiang Qiu's hip, "Aren't you still having class tomorrow?"

   "There will be no class tomorrow morning." Jiang Qiu was not in a hurry, and even drilled into Chen Yuan's arms.

   "Then what do you want to do?" Chen Yuan hugged his girlfriend, "You are not now..."

   "I'm here, seduce you!" Jiang Qiu stretched out his small tongue and gently licked the roots of Chen Yuan's ears, then quickly got up and ran into the room.

   "Hiss..." Chen Yuan stood up directly on the spot by this blow.

   Do you have a mentality? ?

   He didn't care about the three seven twenty one, and he opened the door and walked into Jiang Qiu's room.

   At this time, Jiang Qiu was about to turn on the air conditioner to sleep, but when he saw Chen Yuan coming in, he was a little scared.

   "What do you want to do?"

   This B person, don’t you want to fight in blood?

   Chen Yuan has always been his little brother, "You caused this, you have to find a way to solve it for me!"

   "Okay." Jiang Qiu blinked, pressed his body, and sat down on the edge of the bed, "Sit down..."

   Then Jiang Qiu leaned down. Zhu lips lightly opened.

   The charming breath spreads across the room.

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