League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 384: night Hunter!

"Do you still want Karsa to play in the next game?" Feng Ge rubbed his chin, already thinking about the substitution.

   Chen Yuan frowned when he heard this.

   The first thing to change before the battle is the tactical taboo.

  Secondly, there was a problem in the middle of the last game, so why did you switch to the jungle?

   Isn't this bullying?

   "There is no need to change it." Chen Yuan suddenly said: "If you don't see any problems in one game, maybe it will be better in the second game."

   Karsa also hurriedly climbed along the pole at this time, "Yes, one game actually doesn't explain much, let Yan Yangwei go up and play two more games, didn't he win the first game?"

  Brother Feng glanced at Karsa obliquely, not wanting to say anything...


   "Welcome back!" Wang Duoduo said loudly, "This is the scene of the FPX vs. RNG match!"

   Sister Yi quickly answered, "The two teams are currently in a one-to-one tie, and now all players from both sides are in place, waiting for the start of the third game!"

   "Moreover, we have received news from the broadcaster. In this game, RNG used the loser to choose the side and chose the red side for himself!"

   This is also the result of the discussion between Brother Feng and the players.

   Judging from the process and results of the first two rounds, their regular RNG blue + swing BP idea is no longer appropriate.

   Because the current hero pool in the upper middle does not support them to play this way.

   So they still decided to honestly choose the red, and then take the counter position, maybe it will be more useful.

   Wang Duoduo vibrated: "The blue team won the first two games. Will that change in the third game? Let's look at BP first!"

   As soon as the voice fell, the screen suddenly switched, and the BP of the third game started soon!

   "Both sides first ban, FPX bans cats! RNG gives spiders here!"

   There is not much objection, both sides gave the ban position to the hero who performed well in the front.

   In the second ban, FPX sent Dao Mei to the ban position, and Feng Ge banned the Sword Demon.

   "In the last ban, FPX bans Draven, RNG bans blind monks, and both sides enter the stage of selection!"

  First hand, FPX directly grabbed the ADC first and won Kai'Sa for Lin Weixiang.

   Since the bottom road is a pressure-resistant road, just put it to the end, take it out first hand, and give the rest of the teammates a conte position.

   "Let's take the road first, too."

   On the other side, Brother Feng gave Chen Yuan the right to choose, "What do you want to get next?"

   "VN." Chen Yuan didn't hesitate, and said that he had already thought of the choice: "Opposite middle and upper class like to play fighters, VN can operate."

   "What about the auxiliary? Hard auxiliary or soft auxiliary?"

   "Hard help." Chen Yuan didn't hesitate, "Who said I chose VN to resist pressure? Thresh and Titan... take Thresh."

   After the first two games, he already has some understanding of FPX's bottom lane.

   Lin Weixiang is an AD with strong teamfighting ability in the later stage. The standard eats as much as possible, and how much damage is dealt. However, the disadvantage is that the line ability is average. Before gaining the advantage, he focuses on stability. After gaining the advantage, he likes to ride his face.

   Chen Yuan has almost paid attention here, planning to tear the wound of FPX in the bottom lane in this game!

   "Let us hunt down those who are in the dark!"

  The head of the night hunter appeared on the big screen, and the audience was in an uproar!

   "VN!" Wang Duoduo said loudly, "Brother Yuanzi is going to start?"

   "RNG's VN has a claim!" Kris also started to play, "I don't know if Genzi asked God today."

   On the other side, FPX was also taken aback by this choice.

   "Fuck!" The clever was surprised for a while, "The opposite is so crazy!"

   "It's not because you are too veteran." Liu Qingsong glanced at his partner obliquely, "If you are better on the line, dare you choose this kind of hero?"

   "Which side of you are you?" The cleverness suddenly became a bit dissatisfied, "Why do you keep talking to the other side? Do you want to go to RNG to play support? Hurry up and replace Shi Senming."

   Liu Qingsong was irritated by this sentence: "I'll go to your mother! Silly treasure!"

   FPX's team voice is always so harmonious...

   Immediately afterwards, FPX took out the auxiliary Titans and the captain in the second and third hands, and RNG locked the sword girl in the third hand, and the game entered the second round of BP.

   FPX quickly banned Yaoji and Xin Zhao, while RNG banned Kled and the excavator, and Banned a middle field.

   In the second round of selection, the red team's Feng Ge directly locks in the card master, leaving the Counter position to the jungler, Wei.

   The card is one of Cryin's best heroes. The first two rounds forced him to Silas, but the effect was not very good. It is better to choose a hero that he is good at.

   And now there are two jungle heroes with good strength, Barrel and Olaf, basically one on each side.

   "If you are a jungler, we can start a team with a keg. VN is very afraid of this hero, but the card..." The war horse groaned slightly.

  Kled's mid laner is Doinb's unique skill.

  Last year's intercontinental game, it was Doinb's hand that single Kerlie defeated KZ and scored a key point for the LPL.

   is good for playing cards on the line, and the support is not lost, so Feng brother banned Kled in advance when he was determined to get the cards for Cryin.

   "Do you want to take Galio?" The horse began to discuss with the team members.

   Although Galio is not as good as Kled in laning and roaming attributes, he has one advantage over Kled.

   That is, Galio still can still flash W, which is a huge threat to VN.

   Although Galio is a little afraid of Olaf, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

   "Don't you take Olaf to take the barrel?" Brother Feng thought about the opposing choice, and then quickly understood.

   Olaf, the hero’s late team battle, is a toy for VN. It can’t handle VN at all. Instead of doing this, it’s better to take out the barrel at the risk of being disadvantaged in the wild to control and start the team.

   This is also an expression of FPX's confidence in his own strength, after all, not every team dared to let Olaf take the wine barrel.

   He was thinking that if FPX took Olaf, he took the Troll Counter.

   But since the other side took the initiative to choose the wine barrel...

   "We have nothing to say, Olaf." Feng Ge thought for a while, and the lineup was finalized.

  The lineup of both sides is finalized.

   Blue side FPX: The captain on the single, the wild barrels, the mid-range Galio, and the Kaisha and Titans on the lower.

  Red side RNG: Top solo girl, jungler Olaf, mid lane card, bottom lane VN plus Thresh.

   In the talent skill selection stage, Chen Yuan expertly replaced the treatment with purification.

   Although this skill of purification is almost useless in the face of the Titans of Kai'Sa, it can only solve the passive or ignite the Titans.

   But since Galio was elected on the opposite side, he must bring it, otherwise the team fight would not be possible.

   On the talent side, he still points out a regular storm.

   In the commentary, Wang Duoduo and Yi Yi Sister have begun to analyze the lineup of both sides.

"In this round, the positioning of the mid laners on both sides is quite similar, they are both the type of pushing and wandering, but the card side has to be more active." Sister Yi said, "And Olaf is in the wild against the barrel. It's also an advantage."

   "From the perspective of upper and lower lanes, RNG on lanes is an advantage, and off lanes is a disadvantage..."

Wang Duoduo nodded and quickly answered: "That is to say, in the early game, RNG is dominant here, but FPX has the captain, the late-stage big core, and the later team battle ability is stronger, then RNG can Make good use of the early advantage of your midfielder, this is a key issue!"

   The game started very quickly. Neither side chose to invade, but chose to defend the jungle.

   "Let me help you guard the Ueno area." Doinb and Xiaotian stood in the middle of the river in the upper half of the area.

  Because RNG is an Olaf, Xiaotian guards the Ueno area alone with a barrel and gets stuck with Q. Doinb decides to go on the road to help.

   In this way, the guardian task of the Shimo District will naturally be handed over to the Shimo Duo.

   A group of two stood at the upper entrance and the other stood at the lower entrance.

   Liu Qingsong left a field of vision in the grass at the upper entrance, using fake eyes instead of himself to guard the Ueno area, and then returned to the city to replace the jewelry eyes with scans.

   At this moment, Wei, who was also in the guard area of ​​the upper half, threw a Q [throw against the current] towards the grass in the center of the upper river. The vision provided by the axe happened to see Galio and the wine barrel in the grass.

   "The opposite Nakano is here." Wei pinged for several signals, and then quickly retreated. There was only one person on his side, for fear of being caught.

   Chen Yuan, Xiao Ming, and Cryin in the lower half of the area received this information and decisively chose to invade the Xia Ye area.

   At this time, the time was 46 seconds. Xiao Ming turned on the scan and walked ahead, scanning the false eye arranged by Liu Qingsong. The three successfully divided the experience of the false eye.

   This experience is not very meaningful for the bottom lane, but in the middle lane, it means that you can get two pawns directly!

   A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Cryin's mouth, which was so helpful to him!

   After the three people lined up their field of vision, Chen Yuan went all the way deep, set up a field of vision in the grass next to the red BUFF opposite to detect the open route, and then quickly retreated.

   They didn't crouch at the red buff, because their jungle is not here, even if they invade the opposite red, it doesn't make sense.

   But on the other side of the FPX, Lin Weixiang watched Liu Qingsong's vision lined up, and the lower half of his house was completely dark. He didn't know if RNG had invaded.

   With a smattering of darkness, he decided to walk slowly to the stone beetle camp, and placed a fake eye in the grass of his own red BUFF across the wall.

   The fake eyes fell, and no one saw it. Only then did the FPX people relax their vigilance, and Xiaotian walked down and opened up routinely.

   They don't want to let go of this red BUFF just like that. If the opponent dares to invade without Olaf, they must find a way to pick up this first-level group.

   But the problem comes again.

   Lin Weixiang’s fake eyes were seen by RNG.

Both Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong have already used up their jewelry eyes, and Liu Qingsong has replaced it with a scan here. It took four minutes for the Bottom Road duo to have eyes to protect themselves. In this case, they Naturally, the alignment will also be affected.

   Chen Yuan decisively chose to let Wei come to the second half to continue the solo open, and the two of them went online to grab the second place.

   The first is that they have experience with fake eyes, and the second is that they can create the illusion that they are caught by the jungle.

   On the other hand, although Lin Weixiang also chose not to help the wild, he went online.

   But as Chen Yuan expected, Lin Weixiang didn't dare to suppress him because he didn't have the protection of his vision.

   Chen Yuan pushed vigorously on this side, and soon the lower lane **** line slowly pushed towards the FPX side.

   Wang Duoduo who saw this scene was a little surprised. He didn't know what game happened between the two teams. He habitually said:

   "RNG's bot lane is actually dominant here? Why is this?"

   "This is the problem of Genzi's play style..." Sister Yi said with a smile, "His laning style is very fierce, so he is used to suppressing the line."

   The commentator dared to blow the audience and the other dared to watch, but few people can see the mystery.

   Wei plays Olaf's wild brushing speed is fairly fast here, he opened the blue BUFF in the lower half, and chose six sets of wild speed four and then the line of crabbing.

  This kind of wild route has extremely high requirements on the wild speed. You must finish the six sets before three minutes and fifteen seconds, and you must maintain a good blood volume to ensure a match.

   Few jungler heroes can meet this requirement, and Olaf is one of them, and obviously, the barrel cannot meet this requirement.

   So in this case, one level behind, and the upper and middle lanes are all inferior, Xiaotian dare not play pomp, honestly go directly to the second half to win the road crab.

  All the situation seems to be developing for the better. RNG's three-way advantage + wild area advantage. The audience will see that RNG's advantage is getting bigger and bigger...

   But at this moment, Doinb suddenly played another hand operation.

  His Galio stood at the limit of the creep's field of vision, suddenly took a step towards the upper half, and then disappeared from his field of vision.

   On the surface, this action obviously means that Wei is in the Ueno area, so he went to the upper half to make a field of vision to protect himself.

  Cryin clearly saw the details of his going up, so he pinged the signal to indicate that there was an eye in the upper half.

  Wei nodded slightly. After brushing the crabs, he quickly walked from his wild area to the lower half, planning to bypass the field of vision to force a wave of midway.

   And the two of them didn't expect that Doinb, an old and cunning yin bi, didn't go to the upper half of the field for vision!

  Galio took a step up and out of sight, he walked all the way in the shadows, instead he set his sight on the lower channel!

   This vision is too deadly. Wei then crouched in the middle, thinking that his whereabouts were hidden, but in fact he was standing in the eyes of FPX!

   At this moment, the FPX linkage started instantly.

   is not only Xiaotian, who is in the jungle position, but even Liu Qingsong, who is on the road, gave up the line without hesitation and walked towards the middle.

   Anyway, the line of troops hasn't entered the tower, he is walking here, Lin Weixiang will not have an accident.

   Liu Qingsong deliberately played a game of mind. He first walked into his own wild area and disappeared for a few seconds, and then reappeared again while driving the scan, creating a situation where he pretended to go to the eye row, and then was afraid that the ADC would be opened.

   Then, Titan disappeared completely with the scanning state.

   This blinding technique is really effective. Although Xiao Ming also noticed the detail of the Titan's disappearance on the opposite side~www.readwn.com~, he didn't think too much. He thought that the Titan was just going to cast his eyes.

   Seeing that Nosuke is all in place, Doinb has decisively sold the flaws and went up to pretend to use his skills to eat the line.

   In the next second, Olaf of Wei rushed directly out of the grass, and Cryin also drew a yellow card and threw it on Galio's head!

   A wave of catching hits, but the FPX fans screamed loudly!

   Because Xiaotian and Olaf are only separated by a wall!

   The second after Wei rushed out, Xiaotian's wine barrel also appeared in the middle, and an E flash from the wine barrel knocked Olaf directly into the air!

  Q【Rolling Wine Barrel】Put it under Olaf's feet and start to ferment slowly.

  Doinb quickly followed the control, Q[Justice Gangfeng]+E[Justice Punch]+W[Duran Shield], a set of skill output and control, so Wei is immobile!

   Immediately after Q [Rolling Wine Barrel] suddenly exploded, Wei was killed directly under the fire of the two!


   One blood was born, FPX fans shouted with excitement, but they knew it was not over yet!

   Cryin flicked and fled immediately, seeing that the situation was not right, but still couldn't escape because Liu Qingsong had arrived.

   "Titan is here too, Liu Qingsong has a Q hook to Cryin, and the card can't escape!"

   Wang Duoduo screamed, "FPX seized the opportunity under adversity, and a wave of Nakano and assistants succeeded in turning the tide of the battle!"

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