League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 394: Raptors swing their tails!

Of course, Chen Yuan in the middle also knew the information that he was about to be surrounded under the reminder of his teammates.

   But he observed the situation for a while, and with the support of his teammates so fast, he naturally had no reason to escape!

   "Come on, you can fight!" Chen Yuan decisively made an attack command, "I have a flash, seduce it, you guys hurry up!"

   said, he did the same thing again and went up to an E+ Tiamat to clear the line of troops.

  Faker will naturally not let go of this opportunity, the Czar decisively WEQ rushed forward, flashing and throwing a big move [Wall of the Forbidden Army]!

   Faker also predicted Chen Yuan’s flash here in advance. After the tsar’s WEQ approached the blind monk, he exchanged in advance, a big move to push back!

   But he didn't expect that Chen Yuan was going to be a bait, so he didn't plan to flash it at all, which directly caused Faker to predict loneliness...

   But fortunately, the knockback effect of the big move is still real. Chen Yuan was pushed into the group of enemies!

   Prince Clid caught up immediately, EQ knocked Chen Yuan back into the air a second time, W [Golden Shield] unfolded, and chased A all the way.

   On the other side, MATA finally arrived, and the Titan quickly attacked with a hook!

   Chen Yuan decisively crossed over to avoid this hook. At this moment, his blood volume is only half!

   "Demacia!" Clid directly flashed [the sky and the earth], the prince jumped high, and the big move covered the blind monk!

   Chen Yuan's blood volume is another cut. Although he still has W at this time, he will not run away at this time.

   because of their support.

"Xiao Ming's brilliance is here too!" Colonel Guan's teamfight commentator sounded, "Guanghui here is a light **** that imprisoned Faker's Tsar, and then used the curved light barrier to set a shield for Yuanzi at the limit! "

   Karsa is also worthy of walking from the upper river. Although he was blocked by the wall of the prince's ultimatum, his own ultimatum [power is supreme] was placed on the prince without any hindrance!

   This skill will draw 20% of the target's maximum health and 40% of the double resistance.

   After being sucked down by this bite, the prince who had good basic attributes was directly sucked into a crispy waste!

Chen Yuan’s HP at this time is about one-third, but because the czar of SKT’s output position has been retained by Xiaoming, only one prince can hit him at this time, and this one-third of the HP can be used. Said to be quite safe.

   Chen Yuan could have touched the troll and escaped directly, but he decisively chose to turn around and fight back!

  W [Golden Bell Cover] + [Iron Cloth Shirt] Quickly give it to myself.

   [Tian Yinbo] Turning back and hitting the prince, Chen Yuan's hand speed suddenly exploded, and he cracked and clicked on the keyboard!

   Supreme Fist skin Li Qing also shakes after various interruptions under this continuous attack command, doing various operations!

After Q is connected to the level A, then E [Tian Lei Break] cancels the tie A and shakes, [Tiamat] cancels [Tian Lei Breaks] and then shakes, the second stage Q [Echo Strike] cancels [Tia Mat] shake!

   [Echo Strike] After quickly catching up with an A tie!


   In one second, the prince suffered six full periods of damage, and the health bar dropped down one by one!

   "The blind monk killed Prince Demacia!"

   The kill notice came, and everyone did not expect that the prince who had 70% of his health left in the last second would be beaten and disappeared instantly!

   Although Chen Yuan is the main E style of play, the damage of a set of combos is slightly lacking compared to the main Q.

   But it can't stand Chen Yuan, well equipped! Seven-minute blind monk of level seven, Tiamat with a small wooden hammer in his hand, attacking as high as 136, plus the prince was dissatisfied with his state, and was sucked by the troll to resist. This set of skills hurts and kills one. The prince is just right!

   A yellow light flew out of the prince's body, 【Triumph】recovered a trace of Chen Yuan's blood.

   "Can kill or kill!" Karsa yelled: "The yellow chicken didn't flash, the yellow chicken didn't flash!"

   Then he didn't hesitate, and a pillar was placed at the feet of the yellow chicken, causing a 36% slowdown effect!

   "Faker was stuck on a pillar by Karsa, slowing down and sticking to his body, he couldn't get rid of it, and he still didn't flash here!"

   Although the colonel seemed to be anxious for Faker on the surface, in fact, he had already blossomed in his heart.

   Chen Yuan stood behind and waited for a few seconds for the CD, a [Gold Bell Jar] touched Karsa again, and A then [Tian Lei Biao] slowed down.

   In the case that the main E is full of conquerors, this one E can almost slap a yellow chicken with 200 blood, and the damage is terribly high!

   Although on the surface, a one-second CD was added to this version of W [Gold Bell Jar], from 12 seconds to 13 seconds, but in fact, this does not have much impact on the blind monks!

  Because the blind monk is in the case of W hero, W's CD will be directly halved, which means that in fact, when fighting, the CD is increased by 0.5 seconds, which is not harmful at all.

   On the contrary, [Iron Cloth Shirt]'s recovery was cut by 5%, which is a big weakening of the wild blind monk.

   The next moment, amidst the exclamation of the audience, Chen Yuan [Tian Yinbo] made another shot, and A received the sound attack and directly took the head of the yellow chicken!


   "It's another double kill!" I remember it was going crazy, "Brother Yuanzi, I'm crazy again!"

   [Hahaha, this blind monk broke out so high! 】

   [Why do you a 0-2 prince dare to chase a 3-0 blind monk? 】

   [Don’t be embarrassed, Clid thought this blind monk was a jungler, so he chased it]

   [I have a hunch, after this wave, there will be many single blind monks again]

   The live broadcast of the match is even more straightforward to celebrate the New Year. Anyway, they are happy to see Faker being killed!

  Clid is completely silent at this time. He just came out of JDG without inheriting the optimistic spirit of Qianjin combination, and the whole person exudes a decadent taste.

   The prince gave three in seven minutes. Not only was the audience going to spray him, he couldn’t help but want to ask what he was doing...

   The blind monk on the opposite side, with a 5-0 record, went home and wanted to get the black cut out.

   How to fight this?

   "It can still be played..." Faker is still trying hard here, "We played around the bottom lane, took the vanguard in ten minutes, and slowly pulled back the advantage."

   Just need to take the game to the late stage, the blind monk will start to lose strength, and his czar will be able to defeat the opponent.

   Faker played very seriously in this round.

   When he plays a game, anyone can lose, but he just can't accept losing to RNG, let alone losing to Hero!

  Clid sighed secretly, "Okay."

  Faker knows that he can only rely on the development of the Bottom Road advantage if he wants to win.

   But how could Chen Yuan not know this information?

   Of course, he wouldn't let the other side develop so steadily to take the vanguard in ten minutes.

   9 minutes and 35 seconds.

"Brother Yuanzi directly brought the jungler to the bottom road. They still want to play four packs of two, so they won't let you get off the road and have fun with the game!" Colonel Guan's tone was quite fierce, "The blind monk equipment is really scary. !"

   Although Chen Yuan hadn't had time to make a black cut at this time, Tiamat plus a small wooden hammer and burning gems were still firmly in his hands.

   He faced the last skate shoe that had not had time to go home, and only had the Dolan Sword and speed shoes in his hand. It was almost a dimensionality reduction blow!

   Chen Yuan didn't care about three or seven or twenty. After taking Karsa into the tower, he directly faced the skateboard shoes with a kick [Raptors swinging its tail].

   At this time, he saw that the opposite Titan throws a big move on him at this time. Chen Yuan was already prepared. After E patted the floor, he directly W touched Xiaoming out of the tower.

   After he got out of the tower, the Titan’s ultimate [Deep Sea Impact] was just enough to follow, but it was obviously meaningless.

   "Big Brother Yuanzi will enter the arena again after coming out of the tower!" Rita's passionless voice came quickly, "Teddy and Mata have no room for manipulation at all!"

   [I have to say, this blind monk mid laner does have a claim, the big move is too ridiculous...]

   [Disgusting man, come if you want, just leave if you want]

   [Indeed, the main reason is that the damage is also high. There is an R. The skateboard shoes can't move when they are kicked against the wall. One third of the blood is lost. Is this hairy? 】

  The bullet screen has already begun to analyze the possibility of this blind monk mid laner.

Chen Yuan always has this kind of magic power. Every time he brings out a strange hero, he always questioned the barrage at the first time, and then after ten minutes, after Chen Yuan played a good performance, there will be a lot of understanding brothers. Jump out and let go...

   Everyone doesn’t know if this is because Chen Yuan’s personal ability is strong, or because of his strong routine...

After this wave of fighting, it is undoubtedly to directly crush SKT's idea of ​​"taking the vanguard to chase the economy" directly. The captain who was killed was greatly injured. Instead, he returned to the city ahead of time. The five of RNG occupied the dragon in advance. The key location of the pit.

   With the addition of RNG and Kenan, the mid-term killer, it is difficult for SKT to find an angle to pick up this wave.

   "RNG took the vanguard here, and transferred to the middle road to replenish development. The economic gap is getting bigger and bigger!"

   The game entered a relatively peaceful development period, with 131 single belts on both sides, and AD in the middle pushed each other to guard the tower.

   Chen Yuan also wanted to find opportunities here many times, but the other side would rather lose money than take risks, so it is difficult for him to find GANK opportunities, so he can only honestly push the line and join his teammates to invade the wild area and slowly eat away.

   Instead, SKT on the other side found Xiaohu's trouble on the road, and forcibly caught him once, and the head-to-head ratio between the two sides reached 5-1.


   Chen Yuan returned to the city after receiving a large wave of pushbacks from the next road. He was still 5-0-0 and he directly synthesized a blood hand after returning to the city.

   Tiamat, black cut, **** hands, mercury shoes in twenty minutes, his equipment is simply exaggerated.

   Chen Yuan immediately bought a stopwatch with the remaining money in his hand, and led his teammates toward the Dalongkeng!

   "Although RNG did not lead too many heads here, after more than ten minutes of pushing and pulling the tower, they still opened up an economic gap of nearly six thousand!"

  The supervisor is interpreting the battlefield situation: "Now they are trying to use the dragon to force the group!"

   The hero of the blind monk came out as a wild zone. Even the speed of fighting the big dragon is absolutely dissatisfied.

   plus they also have trolls and Kai'Sa, the speed of the big dragon together is quite fast!

   "SKT also found out here, they want to fight the big dragon!"

   Faker’s Tsar is still a bit short of a two-piece suit. He only has Nashgar and half of Luden in his hand, but as a thirteenth-level desert emperor, he has already suffered a certain scale of damage!

   The captain’s equipment on the other side is better. He already has a two-piece hurricane set in his hand after eating two layers of coating on the bottom road. With the help of the power of the dragon, they may not be unable to fight with their double-C!

   Chen Yuan has already seen the news coming from the opposite side through the small map: "Come on, get ready to start a group, don't give them a chance!"

   was talking, he tried to strike a [天音波] towards the outside of Longkeng.

   This tentative Q skill hit the opponent's auxiliary Titan.

   With the vision provided by the Q skill, it is not difficult to see that the opponent's lineup is quite loose now.

   But because of his Q, the opposite position has become tighter. It seems to be guarding his Q from passing...

   Generally speaking, no one will choose Q in the past.

   How can a blind man dared to throw a second Q at Titan? Isn't this going to the toilet with a light on?

   But Chen Yuan still dares.

   He decisively activated the second stage of Q, and the blind monk took off directly from Wuhu and flew towards the enemy group!

  MATA was shocked by this scene, you are really looking for shit!

  He didn't hesitate on this side, and just threw Q [to clear the channel] directly in the direction where the blind man came.

   Just when the hook was only 0.001 mm away from the blind monk, the blind boy suddenly made a 90-degree turn!

   Chen Yuan touched his teammates to leave the "channel", causing MATA to hook directly to the wall!

   "Titan's Q hooked to the wall and directly hooked himself over!" Colonel Guan was blinded by this scene, "Isn't this a gift?"

   Xiaoming laughed out directly when he saw this scene, but his actions were not slow. Q [Bind of Light] shot and trapped the Titan directly. The E skill quickly became stealthy and overloaded. After Kai'Sa appeared, he faced the Titan crazy and chaos A!

   Titan is passive, and Chen Yuan is too lazy to ask for trouble, and doesn't want to trigger aftershocks on the opposite side, so he simply does not choose to output, but retreats directly.

   The Titan who did not trigger the aftershock is no different from the paper. MATA watched his blood drop all the way, and he quickly threw R [Deep Sea Impact] to Kai'Sa!

   In the next second, the skateboarding big move [Call of Destiny] is activated, and the Remnant Blood Titan is forcibly pulled away.

   "Withdraw first, withdraw first!" Chen Yuan and Karsa topped the front, letting those who had taken the Titan's ultimate move to the back first.

   "Look at my divine might, I will be invincible!"

   The prince Demacia from SKT spit out a mighty line~www.readwn.com~Erlian has already shot, rushing towards the lineup on the RNG side!

   "The trolls are about to fight!"

   Karsa has waited for a whole game at this moment. At the moment when the prince's EQ second consecutive shot, a pillar of ice protruded from the position of the flag, and the prince just arrived at this time, just hitting the pillar of ice!

   The prince was directly backed by the pillar by two steps, and received a high amount of deceleration effect!

   "Hahahaha, awesome!" Chen Yuan was going to laugh stupidly, the main opening point on the opposite side was gone, how do you still play?

   At this time, Chen Yuan once again threw [Tian Yinbo] at this time.

   A Q hit the prince who was slowed down.

   [Echo Strike] Release again without hesitation!

   The blind boy took off again and flew towards the position of the prince!

   Chen Yuan is serious about starting a group here.

   Although the Titan is still alive, his Q skills must be far from improving.

   Now the Titan's residual blood, no Q or R, no one can limit him!

   He didn't run away by touching his eyes this time, but quickly flew behind the enemy by touching his eyes!

   Skateboard shoes are close at hand!


   The blind boy roared, and at the same time the whole body flashed with golden light, the big move [Raptor Swing Tail] followed closely!

   Skateboarding shoes were hit by a huge force, they were repelled suddenly, and they flew towards the RNG lineup irresistibly!

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