League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 406: Uzi! !! !! (3 go 1)

After only one night's rest in Seoul, the next morning, the large group set off and flew back to Shanghai and landed at Pudong International Airport.

The people on the JDG side have to go through a process to fly back from Shanghai to their home stadium, Beijing.

They can of course fly back to Beijing directly from Seoul, but there is no way. Tengjing will not be reimbursed for this route outside the plan.

Following the principle of saving, eating and frugal, everyone at JD decided to save something.

The team originally planned to spend one more day in Seoul, but the holiday is only a few days, so I can only give up.

After all, the LPL Summer Split is currently in the intercontinental offseason, and with each extra day off, their regular season will be more compact in the second half of the regular season.

Especially IG, on the first day of the end of the offseason, that is, July 13th, they have to play the game directly, which is really too late.

So after finishing the intercontinental game, they only had two days of rest time, including the early return to the team for training. It was really miserable and belonged to the GANK of the schedule.

Of course, they can spend one more day in Seoul, which means that they will only have one day of free holiday when they return to China.

After deliberation, everyone unanimously decided to save this holiday in China.

When everyone returned to the base in a Mercedes-Benz, Brother Feng and Brother Quan appeared at the same time and began to talk about the holiday arrangements this time.

"Today is July 8th, our next match is quite late, July 15." Feng Ge looked at the timetable: "Don't look at the time, but we played another round of the cup. , I have to come back and get familiar with the new version."

Brother Quan then immediately said: "You will be free for the next three days, but try to play RANK as much as possible. The new version has a lot of changes. If you go out to play, remember to report it with me. In the afternoon of July 11th. At two o'clock, everyone will gather at the base."

"I see." Chen Yuan waved his hand, put the luggage in his bag in front of his computer, then stuffed his clothes in, and then left the lounge.

When it comes back to hurt, it is the familiar damp breath, the sky is closed with clouds, as if it is raining at any time.

This is the case in Shanghai. People who have lived here for many years will always keep an umbrella in their bag, which is to guard against God's GANK.

This time, Chen Yuan's mother was ingenious and planned to let her son bring Jiang Qiu home for dinner.

Looking at the dense list of ingredients on WeChat, Chen Yuan couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

You call Jiang Qiu for dinner, why do you want me to buy vegetables?

However, Lin Nian didn't give him much time to prepare. He just asked him to hurry up. After all, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen Yuan can only change his plan, change the address on Didi, buy the vegetables at the vegetable market first, and then take them back together.

"Whole chicken... pork belly... herring... river prawns... beef tendons... potatoes... ribs... carrots..."

Judging from this list, my mother is obviously planning to show off her cooking skills today, and the ingredients she bought are all big dishes.

After half an hour, Chen Yuan checked the list on the phone one by one to see if there were any omissions.

"There is a shortage of Shaojiu..." Chen Yuan scratched his head while looking at this item. He didn't even know where to buy Shaojiu.

Finally, he walked around the farmer's market and finally got all the ingredients.

He was carrying a large bag in his hand and a backpack on his back. At least ten catties were hung on his body, and the whole person looked very bloated.

Fortunately, the farmer's market is not far from his home. Chen Yuan took a short path according to his memory and quickly entered the old community where he had lived for more than ten years.


"Oh, mother." Chen Yuan unloaded all the goods on his hands into the kitchen as soon as he entered the house, "I am exhausted."

"Oh, why is this exhausting you?" Mom's yin and yang voice came from the bedroom, and then walked out to check Chen Yuan's goods.

The old mother nodded in satisfaction: "Not bad, pretty good at picking vegetables. It seems that I still cook over there."

Chen Yuan stalled on the sofa: "It has nothing to do with me, it's all Jiang Qiu doing, I'm only responsible for buying vegetables."

"Isn't that good?" Mom said with a smile: "As long as you don't eat takeaway, it's not clean."

Chen Yuan didn't respond to his mother's words. He had heard the words "takeaway is not clean" hundreds of times.

But if it's useful, you still have to order takeaway. People can't help themselves in the arena, so you can't cook and eat by yourself every day, it's too torturous.

My mother quickly went into the kitchen, while Chen Yuan got a little free time, took out his mobile phone and chatted with Jiang Qiu, and asked him when he would come.

Without a response, Chen Yuan was not in a hurry. He walked to the room he used to live in, turned on the computer and started watching the live broadcast.

This computer was originally equipped when he was still living at home. It was configured at the top level at the time, and it is naturally not out of date. Chen Guang often uses this computer to play games and watch games.

Sweeping a glance at the live broadcast platform, Wei and the Bound Spirits were still live broadcast unexpectedly, but Chen Yuan did not click in either. Instead, he clicked into Doinb's live broadcast room.

As soon as he entered, Doinb's monkey call occupied his brain. Chen Yuan hurriedly reached out to lower the volume, and moved the mouse to glance at the broadcast time.

An hour ago.

Chen Yuan couldn't help but stand in awe.

It is equivalent to saying that Doinb started the live broadcast as soon as he returned to the base. Chen Yuan couldn't keep up with this level of professionalism.

When he entered the room, a horizontal bar appeared in the upper right corner of the live broadcast room. The background color was golden and brilliant. This is the exclusive color of RNG, with a few large characters on it.

"RNG. Hero entered the live broadcast room"

The live broadcast room, which was already extremely hot, was boiling again.

[Watching other people's live broadcasts, don't you start the broadcast? 】

[RNG.Hero entered the live broadcast room, RNG.Hero entered the live broadcast room]

[Genzi came in to learn skills secretly, right? 】

Chen Yuan was suddenly numb, and then he realized that he had forgotten to turn off the anonymous function, but he didn't speak here, and simply pretended to be dead and watched the live broadcast quietly.

With a crisp sound of touch, the ready interface pops up, and Doinb clicks to confirm to start a new round of ranking.

Chen Yuan and Doinb are in the same step and glance at the teammate ID in the lower left corner when they enter the game.

FPX.Gimgoon joined the team chat.

RNG.Uzi joined the team chat.

"Take off from Wuhu!" The monkey immediately started ejecting and shouted: "Jingong, we are in Uzi!"

"Take off, take off!" Jingong also has a good effect on the program, and immediately began to yell, this is the point!

"How do you say it!" Doinb discussed with his teammates: "Why don't you play with me and Lulu?"

"It's not so good..." Jingong hesitated, "It's too easy to choose Lulu, Kalmar, Kalmar swing first."

As soon as the voice fell, Doinb on the first floor locked Kalma in seconds. After two rounds of BP, the two confirmed that they were correct, and then took out Uncle Yang Aoun in the back.

There is a bond between the double hustler.

Now Uzi was numb, and he sent a "?" on the chat channel.

The audience in the live broadcast room also lived in Bengbu, and question marks were deducted one after another.

Uzi really has no choice. Facing these two heroes, the average ADC really can't handle this kind of scene, so he can only show his signature VN.

The moment the VN was locked, Doinb stood up again and shouted Uzi's ID. The effect of the program could be regarded as a squeeze for him.

Chen Yuan was an international backhand immediately, and backhanded Doinb a plane.

"Wuhu! Thank you, Yuanzi, for the hundreds of millions of planes! Thank you, Yuanzi!"

Of course, this game is of course a smooth journey.

In fact, when three top professional players appear on the same side, the outcome is already doomed.

Doinb's Kalmar ran down after pushing the line to help Uzi expand his advantage.

In the last wave of team battles, Uzi chased them all the way under the protection of three auxiliaries. The VN frantically rolled and slashed five kills, turning the FPX training room into a sea of ​​joy in an instant.

"Uzi!!! Uzi!!! Uzi!!!"

Jingong and Doinb both yelled at the same time, without listening to them, copying Uzi's ID in the chat channel crazily, it was really clear to lick Uzi.

Chen Yuan was amused. He also swiped Uzi's ID in the barrage in the live broadcast room, which caused the audience in the live broadcast room to imitate. After the rhythm of the barrage, he sent out another plane backhand. For nothing else, just Effect for this show.

Just after the rank of this round, news came from Jiang Qiu saying that he was already on his way and was about to arrive. Chen Yuan started with a catapult, and he informed his mother and walked to the gate of the community to greet him.


"Wow... so fragrant!" As soon as Jiang Qiu entered the door, he smelled the standard Shanghai River ribs.

My mother just brought out the dishes from the kitchen, "Let’s take a break first, and when Lao Chen comes back, let’s have dinner."

Jiang Qiu was not too cautious on this side. She first said "good auntie", and then she suddenly said again: "Do you need me to help?"

After speaking, he glanced at the kitchen.

When my mother heard this, the crow's feet were about to squeeze together, and she smiled: "Today you are a guest. If there is anyone who wants a guest to help, just sit down."

Chen Yuan was also unambiguous, and took his girlfriend to sit in the living room. Seeing his mother walked back again, he went up and kissed his girlfriend's face.

"Oh, what are you doing!" Jiang Qiu muddled him, "With makeup on, don't do it."

"Fine." Chen Yuan laughed and took out his phone again to watch the video about the new hero Qiyana.

Before long, the dishes were ready, and my father came home from work, and the four of them sat at the dining table happily.

My mother saw that Jiang Qiu liked it, so she was crazy to pick up vegetables for Jiang Qiu, and she kept looking for topics.

Chen Yuan, who was left out, knew this would happen, so he was not surprised, just rolled his eyes and silently grilled rice.


After eating, Chen Yuan got the hint from his father's eyes and volunteered to rush into the kitchen to start washing dishes.

My mother chatted with Jiang Qiu a few words at random.

Since Jiang Qiu didn't prepare to change the towels and clothes, it was definitely impossible for the two of them to stay at home overnight, and it didn't take long for them to retreat.

Chen Yuan put the bag behind him again, preparing to say goodbye to his mother.

My mother sighed slightly, but he also knew this was irresistible, and said: "You live in the base every day. If you don't understand that you don't see Xiaoqiu for ten and a half months, this is not good!"

Obviously, Jiang Qiu mentioned this news when he was chatting with his mother.

Jiang Qiu may undoubtedly say it casually, but his mother remembered it in her heart.

"There's no way, this is my profession." Chen Yuan was a little helpless, but he smiled again: "But...this shouldn't last long."

Jiang Qiu was startled when he heard this, he understood what it meant.

Chen Yuan grabbed his girlfriend by the waist, bid farewell to his parents and got in the car and returned to the two people's residence.

As soon as he returned home, Chen Yuan came sleepy, and fell asleep on the bed after washing.

I slept late at the celebration dinner yesterday, and got up early after catching a plane today. In fact, sleep is not enough.

In addition, since the German Cup, he has been playing consecutive games, spring games, playoffs, MSI, summer games, and intercontinental games.

Too tired, and this exhaustion is already the second time he has repeated it, and it is even more exhausting, so Chen Yuan has developed a body mechanism, that is, every time after a big game, he will sleep well. Take a good night's sleep to eliminate physical fatigue.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Qiu, who had finished washing, also crept into the room.

So far, Chen Yuan has slept for more than three hours and should have entered deep sleep.

Jiang Qiu cautiously opened the thin air-conditioning quilt and lay down beside Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan felt a little movement around him in the dimness, and he didn't care about the situation, he stretched out his hand to embrace the slender waist of the people around him, and then went back to sleep.

Jiang Qiu, who was hugged by her waist, was a little surprised. She looked back and saw that her boyfriend's sleep was still stable, and she turned her head back into Chen Yuan's arms.

The two of them didn't say a word, and both fell asleep.


The next day, Chen Yuan got up early, took out the bread and milk in the refrigerator to heat it up, and after a simple deal, he sat in front of the computer in the study.

The soundproofing effect of the study and bedroom is pretty good, so Chen Yuan is not afraid to wake up Jiang Qiu.

Press the computer power button, Chen Yuanguang entered the account password and logged in to the world server.

He thought for a while, and finally decided to start a live broadcast.

Anyway, I’m already in the rankings, so why not just live stream the mixed time?

Thinking of this, he expertly opened OBS, logged into his shark account, and clicked to start the live broadcast expertly.

At the same time, he also sent a message through WeChat and the staff on the Shark platform-this is a request from the platform.

For a top anchor like him, the platform will post it to the homepage of the platform as soon as it starts. After all, more gifts are good for both parties, and no one will refuse.

With the mutual reminder of platform push and tap water, RNG fans are rushing into Chen Yuan's live broadcast room as a collective Chinese New Year.

"Good brothers, good brothers." While humming a little tune, Chen Yuan turned on QQ music, skillfully clicked out Jay Chou's resident singing, and then switched the screen back to the game client.

During this period of effort, Uzi also quietly logged in to his account and sent him a "?" through chat.

"Yo, is Uzi online too?"

Chen Yuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Jian Cheng would also get up so early. He simply created a room and pulled Jian Cheng into a double row.

Uzi agreed quickly.

As soon as the game entered, the bottom chat box was the first to have new news.

FPX.Doinb: Uzi! ! ! Hero! ! !

Chen Yuan was almost numb, Doinb, and Li again!

But it’s normal to think about it. After all, it’s still early in the morning. The high scores of the World Server are still dominated by both China and South Korea. At 8 o’clock this morning, almost all high score players on both sides are offline-after all, Internet addiction teenagers are used to it. Fight early in the morning.

With such a small number of personnel, it is not unusual for Doinb, who is also used to fighting in the morning, to be queued.

Uzi wasn't accustomed to Doinb this time, just let him go, and immediately showed the wind sword master Yasuo.

Of course, he is the bottom lane.

Not to be outdone, Chen Yuan showed the Queen of Elements Qiyana backhand and continued to practice heroes.

Although the system can help him gain the super proficiency of redoing heroes in the first time, the new hero is powerless, relying solely on his own practice.

Of course, Chen Yuan has his own style of play for assassin heroes, and he is naturally very quick to get started.

What? You ask why Qiyana kneels for three consecutive times?

Don't be embarrassed, this hero is trash.

When Doinb saw Chen Yuanliang and Qi Yana tightened, he hurriedly typed in the chat bar: "Brother Yuanzi, can you come to jungle?"

"?" Chen Yuan backhanded a question mark, who am I, you let me jungle?

Does anyone dare to find RNG.Hero for the mid laner position?

The live broadcast room was already grinning, and of course they understood what Doinb meant.

Chen Yuan's Qiyana played too green, and Doinb would rather let him play wild than lose points.

"Okay." Chen Yuan was also refreshed, and he agreed, and then locked Qiyana backhand.

"Aren't you a jungler?" Doinb was numb.

"That's right," Chen Yuan took it for granted, "Qiana jungler."


"Don't worry, I Qiyana is invincible, this will help me to help you."

Although Chen Yuan has never played Juno Qiyana, he thinks he can do it...

On the next floor, Uzi also quickly locked the Hayate Swordsman.

Doinb felt that this one had gone far.

He wanted seconds, but they couldn't.

Everyone is a person with a face and a face. It's a little bit unreasonable to get a second directly, and it's easy to cause rhythm.

Doinb is still thinking about trying to communicate that Chen Yuan will come back to play mid laner, but who is my Yuanzi brother? If you call me around, do I still want to save face? Decisively refuse.

A handful of Qiyana jungle to enter the game.

Chen Yuan stood there for a long time with Grandpa Timo as soon as the game started. He was thinking about how Qiyana could fight wild monsters.

After thinking about it for a long time, he finally chose to buy the hunter's amulet.

He felt that Qiyana might not be able to defeat wild monsters if she had a wide bladed knife.

Immediately afterwards, he gave full play to the understanding of the game, first level learning W enchanted, blue opened, magic marsh frog pays punishment, and three wolves drink blood bottles.

At the F6 position, he did not rush to brush, but used the grass element to Q the six little birds, using the effect of the hunter's amulet to return blood six times.

Seeing the blood stick rising, Chen Yuan showed a satisfied smile.

Yes, I have fought wild monsters!

Immediately after playing the red buff, he quickly walked to the road.

On the road is an unknown passerby, but this is not a big problem. Qiyana, who carries the water element, is really good at catching people.

After Chen Yuan went around, he directly EQ. Although the opponent only surrendered the flash, the EQ combo is a must. The Q skill followed the opponent's flash position strangely, and forcibly imprisoned him.

The single Raven on his side directly flashed and roared, and the three-stage Q shot flew, Chen Yuan brushed the opportunity to refresh an earth element Q crit and took the head!

"Wuhu!" Chen Yuan clicked T, "Yes, brothers, Qiyana is really good for junglers!"

Don't tell me, with the enchanting effect of W, the AOE of Q skill, Qiyana is not slow, and even a little fast.

In addition, the blood bank with a wide-blade knife hit Liuniao's blood bank to return blood, in fact, it did not hurt.

Coupled with the fact that EQ catches people and is domineering, maybe the game is really interesting.

Chen Yuan secretly took this in mind, and then continued the game.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was already full of question marks. Most of them didn't know that Qiyana's EQ must be hit by this mechanism. They only thought that the Q skill was Chen Yuan's prediction.

Chen Yuan glanced at it and roughly understood what had happened, but he didn't explain it either.

When this kind of cup is installed, of course it is how long it can be installed.

In the mid lane, Doinb sneaked out a blind monk mid laner, originally wanting to bring Chen Yuan's Qiyana along with the rhythm of his mid lane.

But he didn't expect that Qiyana didn't need to bring her to play the rhythm. Naturally, he was overjoyed. Soon, as the blind monk's E skill level rose, Qiyana cooperated with Chen Yuan's Qiyana to form a double assassin bond. , The two began to kill everywhere.

Of course, no matter how fast they kill, Uzi will not send it as fast.

"The Holy Spear Ranger killed the Storm Swordsman."

With this death, Uzi's KD also reached 0-3 in five minutes.

Chen Yuan directly deducted a question mark, and then clicked twice.

[Hate Wind Swordsman-Survival]

[Hate Wind Swordsman-Survival]

[Hate Wind Swordsman-Survival]

[RNG.Hero: What are you doing? 】

Doinb monkey clicked twice as well.

"..." Uzi also knew that he was wrong, and said that he would be steady next.

The sender was gone, and Chen Yuan and Doinb continued to kill, so the match naturally went smoothly. The match quickly went downwind, and the opponent's base was levelled within 30 minutes.

Chen Yuan has some understanding of the new version of Qiyana. He took a sip of milk and opened the second rank comfortably.

Jiang Qiu finally woke up at this moment. She could vaguely hear Chen Yuan's voice coming from the study. She roughly guessed that Chen Yuan was broadcasting live, so she put on her clothes before coming to the study.

Jiang Qiu's figure appeared in the camera, causing a second wave of explosions in the barrage.

Chen Yuan was taken aback, for fear that Jiang Qiu was going to sleep, he walked over without clothes and quickly looked back.

Fortunately, this woman is not stupid...

"Are you awake?" Chen Yuan tilted his head and asked with a smile before he could get in line.

"En," Jiang Qiu greeted the people in the live broadcast room, "have you had breakfast?"

Chen Yuan said, "Okay, you go wash your face first, you haven't put on makeup, so brothers can see it badly."

【? ? ? ? 】

[Just eat alone, right? 】

[Brother Yuanzi takes the wicked man, the other brothers are in the base, he is in the woman's house! 】


Chen Yuan continued to live with a smile here~www.readwn.com~ In the morning, he played six positions one after another. Uzi's side is not in the underworld, Yasuo, their double row is almost stable, and six of them lost. A handful.

"It's almost done." Chen Yuan let out a sigh of relief, "Today is a hundred points for Xiaoxiao, and it's a perfect broadcast!"

"I'm off, I have to go out to eat at noon."

Chen Yuan talked to the audience in the live broadcast room and Uzi separately, and then stopped streaming at the speed of light before he could reply, and the screen went black.

Chen Yuan glanced at the barrage last, and it was nothing more than "Brother Yuanzi downloads or is it fast" and "???".

This kind of content is really not nutritious. He got up, stretched his waist, and chatted with Jiang Qiubo, and then the two went out to have a meal.

"Huh, it's so hot..." Chen Yuan felt the billowing heat from midsummer as soon as he went out. He turned his head towards the people around him and said, "Or let's not go out anymore, it would be nice to order takeout."

Although ordering takeout in this summer is embarrassing for the takeout brother, but the daoist friend is not the poor dao...

He was joking at first, but he didn't expect Jiang Qiu to nod his head quickly, "Then let's go back."

After a brief discussion between the two lazy dogs, they just walked out of the building and turned their heads and walked back...

For the next two days, they stayed at home like this, and basically didn't go out much.

It’s summer, it’s really impossible to leave the air conditioner...

The holiday was finally over, Chen Yuan struggled to get up from the woman's belly and returned to the base to prepare for battle.

"Brothers, I'll come back to provoke!" Chen Yuan shouted loudly as soon as he returned to the base, but he did not expect to get a small response.

Brother Feng quickly leaned forward, and the tablet in his hand was the OB of a certain game, "Chen Yuan, how did you come up with this Qiyana jungler?"

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