Learn Martial Arts
No, it's not.
Sacaman's self-defense rises. It seemed like a huge flame at first sight. The Seekerman flame swallows the body of White Hyun and burns on the ground. Baek Hyun slowly approached Park Joon-hwan in a cold rage.
Park Joon-hwan stared at the approaching Baek Hyun. Just as Baek Hyun didn't smile, so did he. However, as Baek Hyun was angry, Park Joon-hwan was not angry. He was embarrassed.
‘Why couldn't you feel it? ’
Arrogance? Oman? I didn't know which side clouded the judgment. I don't want to slip, so I think it was as discreet as possible. I identified Baek Hyun's information. Though it was first of all a matter of contacting and pressuring the colony, the spirit at that point was not to kill Baek Hyun, but to make him his own. Park Joon-hwan did not come into contact with Seo-yeon because he did not want to form a hostile relationship with a useless act.
To be precise, I was right that I could not.
Park Joon-hwan's power is stronger than Seo-yeon's. That must be true, and it can't be. Prior to becoming a preliminary apostle, Park Joon-hwan was at a higher level than Pyeonggi. If Park Joon-hwan had not been a preliminary apostle of the Holy Spirit, he would have regarded the restraining of the Pyongyang regime as a desk.
However, at the time of becoming a preliminary apostle of the Apostle of the Apostle, the use of Seo Minh became useless as a book.
It's because of the monarch, Tempest, contracted by Seo Min-sik.
Seo Mincolony is not an apostle of Tempest. Neither was the preliminary apostolate chosen. This does not mean that Tempest chose another human being as an apostle or as a preliminary apostle. She did not choose any of those hunters as apostles.
However, Seo Colony is loved by Tempest. That's why I can't touch it. That is true of other monarchist apostles. Those who are not apostles do not know the circumstances, but the moment they were chosen as a preliminary apostle and made known to the monarch. I know a lot.
‘It was a simple provocation... but it worked too well. ’
That was the problem. I assumed it would be disgusting, but I stabbed him too properly. Beatitude, arrogance... which way. Am I slipping now? Neither did I. Park Joon-hwan grinds his teeth.
[An armed man stares at you.]
[The Spirit tells you to prove your worth.]
[The kidneys of Iron Blood Bow laugh at you.]
[The armor rises in the laughter of the kidneys of the Iron Bowl.]
[I declare that the spirit will bring you the final triumph.]
[Several members of the Iron Blood Palace complain about the declaration of martyrdom.]
[The Last Trial to Become an Apostle begins.]
No, I'm not.
Park Joon-hwan took a deep breath. Rather, it worked. A preliminary apostle. A body that never knew when to be an apostle. The kidneys of the arrogant Iron Blood Bow did not see Park Joon-hwan as a friendly gaze.
Therefore, we must become even more apostles.
“The love of nothing"? ”
Park Joon-hwan glanced at Baek Hyun. Currrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr The clothes that Park Joon-hwan was wearing swelled and torn. He lowers the pose and holds the fist in front of him.
“There is also some arrogance...! ”
It wasn't worth answering.
In front of Park Joon-hwan's eyes, Baek Hyun's figure disappeared. At that moment, Park Joon-hwan twists his body and swings his fist. I wanted to hit the air with nothing, but I aimed for the exact spot where Baek Hyun appeared to hit his fist. It was an extremely pleasant movement, but Park Joon-hwan did not miss the movement of Baek Hyun.
Baek Hyun was not surprised when he saw Park Joon-hwan's fist flying. When the fist touches the self-defense force. Park Joon-hwan was convinced that he had caught it. However, Park Joon-hwan's fist pierced Baek Hyun's body as it was, but it did not strike him. The statue is scattered. An extremely pleasant Lee Kyung-wee harasses Park Joon-hwan.
‘What...? ’
Before the horror arose, Park Joon-hwan rushed to his feet, feeling the horror behind his back. Oops! The thunderstorm blew up the space where Park Joon-hwan was standing. Park Joon-hwan felt the appearance of creeps as he saw the strength of black scattered underneath. He turns around in the air and stretches out his hands. A violent upheaval quickly gathered in both hands fell from Park Joon-hwan's hands.
Quack! A powerful force fired by Park Joon-hwan hit the ground. The bombarded land was destroyed, but Baek Hyun jumped into thin air. Park Joon-hwan rushed toward Baek Hyun, freely running through the stepless void. The self-defense force that covered his body condensed. Park Joon-hwan's eyes widened.
His monarchs, the powers that the spirits have bestowed. As Baek Hyun thought, it was nothing. Park Joon-hwan's accident accelerated, and his eyes turned dim, slowing down Baek Hyun's movements. An inner ball filled with his shears burst out of Park Joon-hwan's blood. Park Joon-hwan accelerated even faster by using his enormous power as a driving force.
Qa 'ang! Baek Hyun and Park Joon-hwan collided in the air. The sound alone makes the space buzzing. Park Joon-hwan saw his fist blocked by Baek Hyun's hand. It doesn't matter if it's blocked. Park Joon-hwan's hand moves fast. A succession of strikes overwhelmed the sight of Baek Hyun. Baek Hyun takes a step back from the air and raises his left hand.
Baek Hyun's left hand widens and embroiders the void. Pavababak! Park Joon-hwan's strings have been jammed by Baek Hyun's left hand. Not much force was needed to stop that overflow. Proper power and enough tricks. Baek Hyun prevented Park Joon-hwan from attacking with minimal movement, then raised his foot in surprise and stretched forward.
It was a small sound. The sound of his feet reaching through Park Joon-hwan's self-defense was very small. But the shock Park Joon-hwan felt was more than I imagined. Park Joon-hwan's face was twisted.
“Turn it off...! ”
Impact of crushing the viscera. However, Park Joon-hwan forcefully twisted his shoulder and punched him in the face of Baek Hyun. It was a fist with a grip, but Baek Hyun raised his right hand in front of his face with an indifferent face. The back of Baek Hyun's hand lightly raises Park Joon-hwan's wrist. With it, Park Joon-hwan's fist snapped upward, and the power of the attack was blown into the air. Quang! A distant force exploded in the air.
“It takes a lot of power for nothing. ”
Baek Hyun muttered like that. Park Joon-hwan took that murmur as an insult. It's strange. Park Joon-hwan seems slow to move, and his attack is being blocked and walked by the white man who is beating the slow white man.
It was a simple reason.It was not that Baek Hyun seemed slow, but that Park Joon-hwan was fast. If the movement of Baek Hyun seems slow, we should look forward several times through it. Of course, Park Joon-hwan didn't do it. If he was so incompetent that he could not even do that, he would not have been chosen as an apostle of the spirit.
I look forward to a few. One or two? Known. Melee and master fights that instantly attack a workshop have the power to kill an opponent in a second. It is like an attack thrown as a stabler, but it must be discreet. Even in the workshop that goes back and forth to Charlna, you should see a place far away. It is not unconditional for a strong man to be the winner. Baek Hyun knew that better than anyone. If you can see far, even if you're weak. Find out what one attack intends. Examining each movement, predicting where it will eventually reach.
I have to know. It is natural to get used to it. Baek Hyun has rarely fought anyone weaker than himself. The only thing weaker than Baek Hyun from the beginning of the monastery was, unfortunately, Sarah, a disciple of the Snowflake Yuan.
Otherwise, everyone was stronger than Baek Hyun. There was never an easy fight, an easy victory. The opponent who had to fight became stronger as if Baek Hyun had become stronger. I've never thought I could win anything before. But in the end, I won everything.
Park Joon-hwan put a fitting around his neck and shouted. That cry shook the space. He takes complete control of the surroundings, overflowing with the grey inner pores emanating from his body. Park Joon-hwan's short head was completely shattered. The apostle can use all the power of the monarch. As a preliminary apostle, he had not been so far, but he had a special power to receive as an apostle.
The strong nature of the energy emanating from Park Joon-hwan's body changed. White-Hyun's eyebrows slightly moved as he glimpsed it. A completely different sense of pressure has been pushed. Although not exhaustive, the power that Park Joon-hwan now uses was the only power that was granted to the Apostle of Death. Park Joon-hwan became a very different person from his predecessor as the Shinmu ceiling unfolded.
“Dare, dare, dare! ”
Park Joon-hwan cried with less trembling. Overflowing power, boiling sensation. Measuring power is a stunning power. All of that was Park Joon-hwan's, but he couldn't be purely excited by the power he gained by opening the new ceiling.
[Army laughs at you.]
[I feel that the armor is worthless to you.]
[The spirit is disappointed in you.]
[The spirit mocks you.]
[The kidneys of the Iron Blood Bow agree.]
[Iron Blood Bow is loud with laughter.]
There was no such disgrace. Against a man who had no contract with the monarch, he even used the new ceiling allowed for the apostles. I pushed him so miserably if I didn't use him. What made Park Joon-hwan ashamed and angry was that he felt that the spirit was worthless to him. Of course, if Park Joon-hwan kills Baek Hyun as long as it is declared that this is the last trial to be an apostle, he will be an apostle of the spirit.
But then what?
I was told by the kidneys of the Iron Blood Palace that the essence is human. I thought if I became an apostle, I could get their recognition. Even the ghost felt worthless to Park Joon-hwan. Then, when you become an apostle, the Iron Blood Bow becomes a visible seat for Park Joon-hwan.
“Because of you! ”
Park Joon-hwan wrote evil. Qaaaaaah! That cry became a lion and tore up the space. A storm filled the interior of the aircraft struck Whitehorn, and Whitehorn spread out his palms and scattered the shock with a light stretch forward.
“Why are you messing with me? ”
Baek Hyun stares at Park Joon-hwan, muttering that he doesn't understand.
“You're weak. ”
But it is.
“But now it's pretty much fun. ”
Baek Hyun doesn't know that Park Joon-hwan used the power of the apostle Shin Mu-Cheon Jung. However, I could feel that Park Joon-hwan had done something and that the nature of Park Joon-hwan had changed.
“I will kill you! ”
Park Joon-hwan shouted again. Baek Hyun also nodded in response to that cry.
“I think so, too. ”
If you keep it alive, it becomes a carotid artery.
Then you're forced to kill him.
Park Joon-hwan touched upon the insults he had to face in the future. But in the end, it is the future, and it is the future that we have to deal with. The current problem has not yet been resolved. However, Park Joon-hwan was thinking of the future as something to go through.
There was no defeat for him as long as the New Moon ceiling was opened. A sensation that is open to the extreme and a body that has gone further ahead. All of Park Joon-hwan's powers were also brought closer to perfection by Shin Moo Jung.
He did not think of defeat, but armed himself solely with the murder of Baek Hyun. Currrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. It is already out of the grip of simple strength. As a strong man, an indebted spirit hovers around the outside of the strong man. Despite exerting this power, Park Joon-hwan's insides did not dry.
Baek Hyun looked at it from a distance and admired it purely. That massive internal combustion engine. Among those that Baek Hyun fought in the Monastery, there were not many who could spill that much internal air at once, like Park Joon-hwan. However, Park Joon-hwan created another bead of strength in his other hand, even though he was not enough.
How strong.
Baek Hyun raised his self-esteem with that thought. Even though she was beaten to the bare body of the Queen of the Deaf, she had the power not to be beaten to the bare body. I was forced to admit it by one power.
Two extinct cages were fired. Baek Hyun rushes to the extinction chamber at the same speed. I didn't have enough strength to break it. His inner self was less powerful than Park Joon-hwan's inner self.
But it is not the quantity of endorphins that determines the fight of the unborn. Baek Hyun's hands stretched forward. The Extinction Prison that flew through the rough turbulence contained too much power, and Park Joon-hwan was unable to handle that much inner space perfectly. Of course, the power of destruction would have been amplified thanks to a lot of internal pores, but it was incomplete.
Black beads appeared on the palm of Baek Hyun's hand. A total of ten strong marbles were ridiculously weak compared to the extinction dungeon. However, Baek Hyun shook his hand without hesitation and threw the strongholds forward.
Pavababak! The rapidly firing strongholds have been swallowed up in two extinct prisons. Looking at it, Park Joon-hwan laughed loudly. But the time he could laugh was not long. The Assassins, who swallowed up the stronghold, suddenly stopped advancing.
And it exploded in the air. The power originally contained had to cause enough destruction to completely blow this area, but the extinction of the dungeon only made a small wind sound.
“Inner air is hunger after all. ”
Baek Hyun said to the frightened Park Joon-hwan.
“Accept that breath as your body, use the endocardial method to lead to a single shear and turn it into a handy endocardium for you to use. ”
“What did you do?! ”
“I told you, it's too much waste of internal air. If it's incomplete, it's easy to break. It's broken. It's back where it used to be. Do you know why you're telling me this? ”
Baek Hyun shakes his head as he looks into Park Joon-hwan's eyes.
“You don't even know it. It took me a long time to do this. There was a monster in the shamanship called Tai Chi... and I had a lot of trouble catching the old man. ”
The Taoist line of the shaman was the first master of the province. He also treated Baek Hyun as an enemy, just like the people in Zhu Hano's memory, but did not try to kill Baek Hyun unconditionally like the Monkey King. However, Tae-pyeong did not teach him his feast, Yu Tae-pyeong Infinite.
Seeing, going through, getting hit, dying. Baek Hyun was able to make the infinite emulsion of the Tai Dynasty his own. Minimal internal combustion. Turning all attacks to zero with minimal movement of opponent and means. The infinite emulsion of the Tai Pyeong Line and the infinite emulsion of the Tai Pyeong Line, which were the foundation of the shamanship, would be different, but when the Tai Pyeong Line collapsed. Tae-pyeong smiled and acknowledged Baek Hyun.
“It's not bullshit. As long as you have more inner space than I do, as long as you deal with it better than I do, and you don't have a deeper understanding. Your attack is no threat to me. ”
“Shut up!"
Park Joon-hwan wrote evil. Strength was shot indiscriminately. Endless internal voids were like empty bullets. Seeing a continuous burst of strength, Baek Hyun fills his tongue.
“I can't use it properly. ”
With sincere regret for him, Baek Hyun reached forward with his right hand. A wide right hand twists the Seekerman's light. Baek Hyun's hand slowly moved and drew a circle. The black light that covers the hand runs long, creating a circle in the air, and the opaque inner porous membrane waves inside the line. Baek Hyun lightly pushed the circle he had made with his left hand.
Then the circle went forward. As we move forward, the circle gradually widens, and it soon grows big enough to cover all of Park Joon-hwan's strong feet. And the strong feet disappeared just like the extinction. The inner pores that formed the strength were degraded and returned to nature.
“I don't have enough chivalry. ”
“Shut up!"
Park Joon-hwan wrote evil. The spirit is despised. His head is filled with that sound. Park Joon-hwan didn't shoot strong anymore. Instead, he made a solid defensive force with an overflowing internal air and rushed toward Baek Hyun.
“That doesn't make melee better than me. ”
Baek Hyun murmured as he watched Park Joon-hwan narrow the street. Park Joon-hwan is fast. He's full of power. That lot of internal air is amazing. But that's all. I don't know how to use what I have.
The only thing that Baek Hyun cooked as a fugitive was the Pacheon Shinhwa.
And there is no herbivores in Pacheon Shinhwa.
But Baek Hyun had a lot of experience. He stole an infinite amount of emulsion from one of the twentieth century masters of Murim, Tai Chi Yai, who was able to steal a variety of skills from other fights as well. It was cooked with a different apostolic pathogen than the main one, but this does not mean that it lacks power.
Power was a tough opponent. The strongest of the Baek Hyun warriors were forty years old, and the enemies who fought before were weaker than forty years old. But they were all the masters who had their names changed with their feasts. Sovereignty was a man who became a star praised with only two fists like that star.
In his fight with him, Baek Hyun could learn a lot. In particular, what made Baek Hyun in power difficult was his statement festival, the Golden Age Lunar New Year.
Strike-through. Once hit, your body will be crushed. No matter how strong the self-defense force is, the fist of power scatters the self-defense force and crushes the body of Baek Hyun. Looking down at the dying Baek Hyun, he used to laugh and buzz all the time. He said his fist could crush even the golden flame.
Inner pores occur in the shear. An inner ball with blood in its body twirls the fist of Baek Hyun. Baek Hyun grabbed his fist while looking at the running Park Joon-hwan. That massive concentration of self-defense. Park Joon-hwan, running without avoiding, believed too much in his defense.
The Ultimate Infinity scatters the Self-Protection Force.
Nothing is absolute. The infinite amount of emulsion does not mean that everything can be turned to nothing. Low concentration of self-defense. Internal porosity makes it difficult to control when it comes out of the body. However, it was difficult to turn it completely to the infinite extent of the emulsion because the self-defense force was directly covering the body.
But that was enough. Baek Hyun's golden pulmonary embolism pierced the self-defense force.
c. Carousel
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