Learn Martial Arts
Lei Lung has not kept his mouth shut. The stories I heard were just as shocking.
"Masks? Monsters?" ’
The spirit is dead, and Yonlyun, a new spirit, has emerged. Even though it was shocking, it was the existence of the monster that gave the biggest shock to Lei Lung.
The new spirit assessed the freak as a top rapid. Baek Hyun said the monster seems to be dealing with chaos as a free material. Of course, they were two subjective assessments, so I couldn't believe it, but as a Lei Lung, I was terrified that such a presence would come to the sanctuary of the spirit at will.
Who is it?
[I don't know.]
The Yong-seong troops who heard the story with Rai Lung murmured in their heads.
[Attorney General... No, now I should call it a ghost. He said that he would be the reverse angel by the identity of the monster, but I don't think so. The Reverse Puncher doesn't have the ability to do that.]
The Yong Seong Army saw the Reverse Punch directly, and once opposed it. That is why the Yongseong Army denies that the identity of the monster is inverted.
[The Reverse Angel was a mysterious, secret creature. Even then. However, a rapid existence can never handle ‘chaos’. It is clear that the Reverend Angel is leaving the territory and floating around Abyss, but one cannot think that he can even invade the territory of another monarch. Besides, the Dimensional Erosion that happened earlier... how could a Reverse Heaven cause Dimensional Erosion in this chaotic world?]
‘Then... what is the identity of the monster? ’
Are they really corrupt monarchs? After reading Rye Lung's thoughts, Yong-seong troops burst into laughter.
[My daughter. How can a fallen monarch do such a thing? It's hard to guess the identity of a monster because you've never faced it in person, but you can't be a corrupt monarch. I prefer to think of it as the Holy Grail of Abyss. Not necessarily.]
In fact, it was more difficult to convince the Yongseong Army that the identity of the monster was the Holy Grail of Abyss. A mass of chaos that didn't even have its own self. It's horrible that the creature who returned to chaos for no reason has been resurrected, and has now come to self-fulfillment?
[If the identity of the monster is the Castle of Abyss... I don't know what the hell he wants. For him, the monarchs must be the outsiders who invaded his world. When you hear what he says, don't you think the monster was pretty good?]
‘What he was favorable to was the spirit that was associated with Baek Hyun... now. It must have been the monster who triggered the sudden corruption of the warrior spirit. ’
[You think he might not be favorable to the existing monarchs.]
Rai Lung touches his stubborn forehead. Other monarchs who covet the source of chaos must also be restrained, and now there is a monster who doesn't even know who he is. The fact that he doesn't know what the hell he's after makes Lei Lung anxious.
When Baek Hyun asked for the name of the monster, the monster did not answer. He said that a man who doesn't know who he is can provoke imagination, and that anyone can be afraid of the unknown. Jung-hyun Baek didn't have much fear of monsters, but it wasn't Lei Lung. She felt chills imagining a monster she had never met.
"What was it?"
Baek Hyun was looking at the distant mountains.
He left the Iron Bow, reunited with Lei Lung, and then left Abyss. I told Rai Lung to be honest about what happened at the Iron Blood Palace.
But I didn't tell him about the last voice I heard.
[...] is watching you.]
I didn't hear it wrong. I must have heard that voice. Who the hell are you watching? Baek Hyun scratches Buck's head. I didn't sign any contracts with any monarchs, but now why did I hear such a voice? It was at that moment, too.
The front... was hard to hear, but incomprehensible.
I don't know.
I didn't want to think any more. Just, the corner of my mind was empty. Even though he won the battle with the spirit, he remained dissatisfied that he wasn't in the right condition.
It's because expectations were too high. In fact, if the spirit was using his power properly, he would not have been able to defeat the spirit, regardless of his abilities as an unmanned man. It was known to Baek Hyun as well, but it was clear that the 'god’ who kept him at the point of arrival was so weak if he didn't use his divine power.
Teacher, Atheist Joo Hano ended up not being a god. An armor that couldn't use the power of Joo Hano and Shin. Nor was it worth comparing.
Baek Hyun, who was looking at the peaks of Mt. Goi, turned his head and looked forward. Until then, Lei Lung was discussing the identity of the monster with the Yongseong Army. Then, when Baek Hyun spoke, he was stunned and pulled his chin.
“I'm going home. ”
Lee Lung was surprised at Baek Hyun's words.
“I told you going home might be dangerous, right? ”
“The matter of the armed spirit has been completely resolved, and I don't think Carpago will come and attack me any more. I don't want to do anything more with him right now. ”
If Carpago wasn't more provocative here, I wouldn't have thought to provoke Baek Hyun either. In fact, Baek Hyun didn't have a big penny for Carpago. Rarely had the Pacheon Shinhwa been able to reach the 6th Star, thanks to Carpago's interference in the fight against Yeonlyun. If we hadn't pushed it to the limit there, we wouldn't have been able to climb the 6th Star so quickly.
Rai Lung squeaked his lips to say something, but he kept his mouth shut without finishing speaking. It was a short time, but Lei Lung knew that Baek Hyun was not a very sane lunatic.
I'm not a guardian. ’
Geishan mansion was too spacious, but I didn't want to live alone with Baek Hyun at this mansion.
[Have you not said to put shackles in your heart?]
Yong-seong's troops read Lei Lung's thoughts and dragged his tongue. The meaning was clear and explicit. Lei Lung chewed his lower lip.
‘You don't have to do that. ’
At least not now.
“I'll send it back. ”
In his mind, Rye Lung raised his body. She leans her head and looks down at Baek Hyun.
“I don't know where your house is. So I'll take you to Seoul Station. That's all right, isn't it? ”
“If you show up in the middle of the street, there will be a commotion, and it will fall from the sky. ”
“It's okay, it's okay. ”
Seeing Baek Hyun nod and answer, Rai Lung twitches his eyebrows. She swallowed her big breath and asked her the last question with emotion.
“The Joint Front. It's still there, isn't it? ”
Baek Hyun replied with a smile.
It was only a few days after the actual time, but it seemed like a much longer time had passed. Baek Hyun stood in front of the front door as the sensation felt new. But the moment I tried to tap the password at the front door. Baek Hyun sighed with a long sigh, feeling the popularity he felt inside.
The owner of the popular churches had nothing to guess. Seo Min-kik. An old friend came home. I even left a message on Lei Lung's cell phone, but I was afraid of replying and didn't check it out. Baek Hyun felt like his camouflage was picking on Cook. Even the unidentified monsters thought of humiliating the colonists, so they were pushed away.
He prepared his mind and opened the front door because he could not stand at the door for long.
I could hear the door opening, but I couldn't hear my voice. Baek Hyun swallowed his saliva, took off his shoes and went inside.
Seo Min-sik was sitting in the middle of a spacious couch. He was playing a console game that he didn't know where it was coming from, and he paused the report game and put the console down.
“Are you here?”
“Uh-uh. ”
“You said you went to China? ”
“I have a situation. ”
As Baek Hyun clumsily smiled and replied, Seo Ming sighed. Baek Hyun sat in front of the couch in a sinful mood.
“Can you tell me what the situation is, in advance? Huh? Why do people have to worry... Aah! ”
“I'm sorry.”
I could only say I'm sorry, knowing that I'm just worried. Seo Min-hyuk pushed his tongue as he watched Baek Hyun bend his attitude.
“So, why did China go? ”
I thought for a moment if I could be honest, but I didn't have to hide it anyway. Baek Hyun honestly told Seo Ming about recent events. It was a long story, but Seong-colony heard it all along.
“Crazy bastard.”
After hearing it all, Seong-colon shook his head in vain.
“You're a real, real amazing-ass. In China, I was with Rai Lung. What? You just killed an armed man before? ”
“And that... armed son of a bitch becomes a new armed man? Does this make any sense? ”
“It's real.”
“Of course it's real. Because the scale is cosmic, it just doesn't make sense to me as a normal person. Our Baek Hyun is the most spectacular experience in the world. ”
I heard it myself, but I didn't really feel it at all. Is it really possible that a human killed a monarch?
‘There's nothing I can't do. ’
If you go somewhere, it will be called crazy nonsense, but Seo Min-hyun looked at Baek Hyun and convinced him so. Although he was a friend, Baek Hyun was a person who was far from the borders of understanding and common sense. I'd rather think of him as a monster, but he didn't want to think of his teammate as a monster.
“But I'm going to stay calm in the future. ”
Baek Hyun cautiously took out his words as he watched the expression of Seocolony rot.
“... maybe? ”
I remembered the words of the Black Rose Queen, who asked me to come to the Castle one day. I would have looked for it in the past, but now I don't feel much curiosity. It was because I knew too much to be curious about the existence of the monarch.
‘We'll meet someday. ’
Baek Hyun thought so.
“It looks like something happened to the armed forces. ”
Carpago brushes the snow-covered area with a bucket of blood.
I looked up to the end, and I saw a blood lion sitting in a giant chair looking at the distant sky. The glittering golden eyes were looking at the Abyss beyond, not the infinity. Carpago lowered his greed and laid his hands on the ground.
I saw a few xenophobic monsters clinging to my body and eating. I've already been through dozens and hundreds of times, but every time I look at it, I feel like shit. Carpago shook his hand and threw them out.
“You seem to like the reeds. ”
“How can you not do the work of the armed forces? ”
“Because the chaos is boiling. ”
The blood lion laughed loudly.
“But this is weird. The chaos boiled greatly, but it stopped. I don't think he's dead...”
“Who can kill an armed man? ”
Carpago spat out in an annoying voice. Thinking about what happened back then, the heat still rises in the air. The actual time outside would not have flowed so much, but Carpago spent much longer than that in the infinite. Despite the passage of time, the regret of that time remained in my heart.
“Was it a chance you missed because you were weak and lacking? ”
“I know. ”
As the blood drifts, the carpago advances forward to the balmy gear. Until he grasps the remotely brushed Assassin Sword Baal, the blood lion looks down at Carpago with laughter in his eyes. After a while, Carpago held Baal, and only then did his body regenerate.
“Isn't that why you're doing this? ”
Carpago stands up stumbling with two legs that have resurfaced.
[I feel it.]
I heard a loud voice in my head.
[Just now, something has changed in Abyss.]
It will always be, but Hollywood is always full of people. Most of them are tourists across sunglasses. The man continued to do what he was doing by hesitating to sit on the floor while listening to the voice in his head.
[Didn't you hear? You just said something about Abyss changed.]
Many horses and monks froze in their heads. It would be nice to have a mute feature. The man thought about it and put an earphone around his neck in his ear. A loud drum, guitar, and vocal ecstatic harmony made a smile on the man's mouth.
[Are you ignoring me now?]
But no matter how much music I grew up, I couldn't bury the monarch's voice. But the man did not listen to his voice. One day, he went deeper into his heart, where he was at the heart of a rock band that would remain in the history of world music, such as Beatles and Navana.
[What the hell happened? This is... the first time since five years ago. Chaos is suddenly boiling. Soon something will happen.]
Every time I go on a world tour, fans from all over the world will wake up listening to his music. The album will change the world's existing record every time, and it will be a tribute to everyone's history. The Nobel Prize Committee for his lyrics must have awarded him the Nobel Prize in Literature. And there will be crude children all over the world who follow a man's musical style.
[Please, stop delusioning like an asshole.]
The monarch covers his ears and spits. However, just as a man should not want to hear a monarch's voice, a monarch should not want to hear a man's delusion. Such is the relationship between the apostle and the monarch.
‘My story will also be made into a movie. The protagonist should be me, of course. ’
Who would like a Hiroin? No, I don't need Hiroin. He only loves music.
The man ends the connection between the amp and the guitar and raises his head. There were still some people in front of him. The man was offended by the low number of stopping marchers, but immediately convinced himself. The public is inherently ignorant and does not recognize true art.
Good. The man pulls out the earphone he was holding in his ear. Then enlighten the foolish public as true music. Today, Hollywood will be paralyzed by the presence of men. In just five minutes, everyone in this city will be here to listen to men's music. And the history of music will also change.
‘Good to see you change your face. ’
The man touches the ectoplastic mask that sticks nicely to his face. I came to Hollywood to change my face and succeed purely as a musician, not as an apostle. But this street cannot judge a man. Right now, a man will judge this street.
Apostle of the Decider of Nightmares.
Shanak says the name of a self-made composition and scratches the electric guitar with his fingernails.
‘I'll be a rock star. ’
Ignoring the monarch's cries heard in his head, Shanak poured out his emotions and sang.
It didn't take long to wring the faces of those wretched walkers.
c. Carousel
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