Learn Martial Arts
I remembered.
I didn't answer. Tatak! Baek Hyun and Sarah almost simultaneously escaped from the grasp of the Dragon King. The Dragon King fills his tongue with tsk.
“Didn't I tell you that Hee Hee is done? ”
Sarah's body was thrown to the ground. The giant hand that was wrapped around the scale had a power that was incomparable with the previous one. The Dragon King turns around. The long tail hits the ground and smashes Sarah's torso. Quadantang! Sarah rolls the ground. Sarah's consciousness was distanced with a short scream.
Violent Magic Power overcomes Baek Hyun. Baek Hyun tears it to the front and jumps into the Dragon King. He watched the crowd fall to the ground, losing its mind, and the light disappear in Sarah's eyes as she was convulsing.
Fist caught.
I give it a push, but I don't move forward. The same is true of pulling back. The fist in the hand of the Dragon King was not even fluctuating. Baek Hyun smiles small and looks at the hand of the Great Dragon King.
“Is this the one you saw? ”
“Do you only ask me questions without answering my daughter's questions? ”
“Baek Hyun.”
“Now I know your name. Body, body... You don't have to be so unpleasant. Your drunk body is not based on your aesthetic tastes. ”
King Dragon smiled as he spoke.
“I'm doing this because this body is the best form of combat for my daughter. ”
“Different power? ”
“That's unavoidable. Let's just say that the direction we're looking for is different. ”
Thung. Thung... Baek Hyun's arm, which is still being held, goes down.
What am I supposed to do?
There are many opponents who can never win. But always, in such a fight, Baek Hyun was alone. I didn't have to think about losing.
‘I don't want to lose. ’
That's not who you are.
To be honest, I never thought I would devote my mind to anything other than doing nothing and fighting. In fact, if I was alone now, I would have fought the Dragon King without covering my back and forth.
But I couldn't. I keep feeling like I want to do that. An opponent as strong as I am. Baek Hyun is one of the opponents who has fought so far. That was enough to claim to be ‘prompt'.
But something keeps grasping my heart that I want to fight. We must not do that. That's how I did it.
Baek Hyun stares at Sarah. She was axially stretched on the floor. The attack just before was a clean slash in Sarah's consciousness. Nearby, Seo Min-sik collapsed. And an essence that's still losing its mind. To be honest, no one else knows. If it weren't for those three, Baek Hyun would have just done what he wanted to do.
I'm not so crazy.
I thought so.
“... Hee Hee said it was over, right? ”
Baek Hyun lost the power he was pouring into his fist.
In the eyes of the king of dragons, Tycho flowed. She sneers at her head as she feels the struggle that has boiled from Baek Hyun slowly shuts out.
“Yes, I did. ”
“So, can we go now? ”
“... hmm? ”
King Dragon opened his eyes wide and looked at Baek Hyun.
“Will that be enough? ”
King Dragon looked straight at Baek Hyun and asked. Baek Hyun shrugs with a dull expression.
“Actually, it's not enough, but what am I going to do? ”
“Why did you fold your mind? ”
The Dragon King asked again.
“I don't feel defeated, but I know my own daughter. You must have known the consequences from the beginning. But why did you come now and fold your heart? ”
“I'm not alone. ”
It was a grave answer. King Dragon identified it as one of his most desperate emotions. His struggle seemed to have gone out, but there was still a weak fire. King Dragon smiles without even knowing himself.
“What if you were here alone? ”
“Must have been a fight.”
“I couldn't have won. ”
“I know that. ”
“Did you know that you would have fought? ”
“Why don't you lose? ”
“Even if the maid opened the slaughter? ”
“It doesn't matter unless you kill me. It's important that you're stronger than me. ”
The dragon king bursts into laughter and releases the hand of Baek Hyun, who is still holding it.
“There are many who speak aloud, but not you. Baek Hyun. I will remember your name. ”
It's too bad. The Reverend Angel is here. It is not uncommon to match the qualities of the inherent Holy Spirit. It was a good thing the Dragon King didn't open the slaughter. I don't know what kind of flower she will bloom yet, but she didn't want to break the flower with my hand yet.
“I think I'll see you next time. ”
Baek Hyun looks at the Dragon King for a moment and turns around. He reaches out to the fallen hunters. Dozens of hunters emerged from the horror. After that, Baek Hyun airlifted Sarah, Seo Min-kik, and Drave into the air.
That too is overwhelming.
Baek Hyun walked slowly as he felt the laughter and gaze of the Dragon King. My steps didn't go well. I didn't want to go like this. I wanted to fight more. The defeat itself was convincing. I'm that woman. She was weaker than the Dragon King. She was a real speed that could not be compared to the spirit.
‘That's God enough. ’
It didn't feel like such majesty to the spiritless, but the Dragon King acknowledged it. Or is that power also caused by rapidity?
‘No, no. I didn't think I was using superstition. ’
In the fight just now, King Dragon had more time than he thought. Knowing that, Baek Hyun laughed while eating. I won't see any more breakthroughs.
"Thank God."
I thought so. And Baek Hyun pushed the rest of his foolishness into his chest. I think I'll see you next time. That's what King Dragon said. Obviously it will. Even if the Dragon King doesn't come for him, Baek Hyun will come for the Dragon King.
And then, it won't be like today. Once defeated, the next battle must be better than before. For him, defeat was always like that. There will be another defeat after the defeat, and all of that defeat was a nourishment for victory one day.
Baek Hyun pushed the ground and jumped forward.
It's a good thing there are more powerful opponents than me. It was just as good. I won the battle with the spirits, and I had a sense of skepticism with the monarchs, the rapids. The strength of the Dragon King summed up all the skepticism that Baek Hyun felt.
King Dragon told me about the exorcism. When I was out of shape. Am I who I was, or am I something else? What if I didn't give up killing the spirit to Yeonryun at that time? If we had such rapidity in our hands, would we have been able to defeat the Dragon King?
"It's pointless."
It is already past. Even if he could return from time to time, Baek Hyun did not want to gain such rapidity. I didn't even want to bear the cost of the Iron Bow. What's the value of the rapidity you got?
With that in mind, Baek Hyun had just arrived at the end of the city. He looks back with a little regret. There were many unresolved questions.
“Masked bastard. ”
The monster under his feet is dead to Sarah and Drave. But I cared about the six meatballs that were twirling in front of the monster.
"The Dragon King."
It was not difficult to guess. It wasn't King Dragon himself, but she must be a monarch too. However, none of the thirteen monarchs had a name for the Dragon King, so it was clear that she was one of the seven monarchs who was corrupted 10 years ago.
There are still five left.
Dead monster from Sarah and Drave. The Dragon King. Who are the remaining five? It is certain that the monster is waking up the fallen monarchs. But I don't know what he wants.
‘And that voice. ’
I don't even know the identity of the light that illuminated the darkness. Baek Hyun kicks his tongue and turns his head. The road leading out of the city was filled with flesh. Baek Hyun sighs and looks down at his left hand. His left hand was crushed and his forearm bone was shaking.
“Isn't this being an asshole? ”
I raised my right hand, grumbling because I was worried when I slept. Cuckoo! The tension is blocking the way. Because the road was so narrow, Baek Hyun sent the hunters who were floating in a big panic first. Of course, the priorities were Seocolony, Sarah, and Essence.
“Baek Hyun?”
I heard a voice screaming across the street.
It was Lei Lung's voice.
“What? Why are you there? ”
“What happened inside? ”
“Good timing. Get it in there! ”
Rye Lung shouted more, but Baek Hyun didn't answer right away. If you didn't answer the question correctly, then so did Lei Lung.
The Tuthrin meatballs did not leave any debris, but they regenerated. No doubt, Baek Hyun stood there for a while and bounced off the ground, destroying the meatballs so that they could not regenerate and floating the hunters in a panic.
“What happened? ”
“I'll go out and talk to you, go out and talk to you. ”
Rye Lung rushed to answer, but Baek Hyun was not in a hurry. In the meantime, the last hunter passed the path.
“... Drave? Why is this son of a...? Are you a fan? ”
Rai Lung was surprised. Why did you lose? Baek Hyun grumbles and looks back again. Then he sighed and turned around. Now that he had sent all the men to send, it was his turn to go.
[...] opens your eyes.]
[...] has issued a warning
The light has fallen.
There was no ambition. The battle has just ended. It wasn't a satisfactory battle either. It was even defeated. The tension of the battle remained and the senses were all awake. Nevertheless, what I could not notice was that the attack itself was covert.
Baek Hyun curled up. I can see scattered petals of the Vampire Palace unfolding rapidly. Immediately pour in the inner pores to regenerate petals and inflate the self-defense force. However, as an attack, the spilled light did not go out, but continued.
Currrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Underneath was an endless darkness. Baek Hyun chewed his teeth. He opens his eyes and looks up. Enemies turned into fanatics. Baek Hyun stares beyond a photon condensed with immense density.
You can see the opponent firing this devastating attack.
‘It's not the Dragon King. ’
Funny thing. Baek Hyun was relieved that the opponent who attacked him was not the Dragon King. I would have been disappointed if I had been King of Dragons. He said he wouldn't open the slaughter, and then he hit him in the back.
That did not mean that I was not annoyed.
I don't know if I can hear you, but... Baek Hyun spits on the one beyond the Light.
“I remember, you son of a bitch. ”
White Hyun's body fell into the darkness with the light pole.
Cheonzon nodded and laughed. Then I rubbed my fingertips. I didn't think I'd be able to catch this side of the mob in that attack. What was beyond my imagination in the first place was that this ambush did not extinguish, but that it endured.
‘As a human being.’
It was great, but still my heart was strong. You remember? So what are you going to do? Cheonzon smiled. I overreacted with caution. I fired too much attack on the immortal. The attack did not extinguish it, but it succeeded in completely collapsing the ground and blowing it into the darkness of that deep Abyss.
As long as that happens, it ends with it. There's nothing in the dark that I don't know.
Cheonzon lowers his hand with a satisfactory smile. The portal that popped into the air was pushed back and disappeared.
“Where dare you. ”
I don't even know the subject. He turns around muttering in a laughing voice.
Along with the waves, the body of heaven fell to the ground.
A horrible scream burst out of the mouth of heaven. He tried to get up in a hurry, but... A small foot shoots down the heart of the sky.
A saliva splashed out of the mouth of heaven.
The dragon king looks down at the sky with his eyes fluttering with life. Cheonzon looks up at her golden eyes, gasping and swallowing his breath.
“Don't worry, Dragon King. ”
“You want to die? ”
The king of dragons asked in a loud voice. Cheonzon stuttered and asked because he could not understand the dragon king living.
“What's wrong with you? What did I do wrong? You're asking because you really don't know? ”
“Just calm down... feet, feet! Can we get rid of this first? ”
“Why did you attack Baek Hyun? ”
“Baek Hyun? Who is that...”
“That man. ”
Fuck, what the hell is wrong with that? He felt injustice rising from the depths of his heart, but said in a calm voice as he struggled not to embrace it.
“I was just trying to get rid of it in advance, as it might not seem right now, but it might be a threat someday. ”
“Why should the Reverend Angel not kill you? ”
“You don't have to follow that, do you? He said," Do what I will, "and I only did what I wanted. ”
“Then, can I do what my daughter wants? ”
Cough...! The Dragon King's feet are powered, and Cheonzon squawks and shook his arm.
“Stop, stop! I mean, I haven't counted your weight. If only you knew you cared for him...”
“She's just doing what she wants. ”
“Ugh...! Hick! Hick! ”
I grabbed the ankle of the Dragon King with my face. He tried to lift up the feet of the Dragon King whining, but with his strength, it was too much to lift up the small feet of the Dragon King. However, I could not dare to fear that the Dragon King would really try to kill me by taking out the siege and retaliating.
“He's not dead. ”
In a voice heard from behind, King Dragon turns his head.
A woman in a white robe was staring at King Dragon.
The dragon king murmurs, staring into the void with no focus. After a moment of glancing at Gummuhee, King Dragon sneaks up from the heart of the universe. She stops at the top of a hole created by a natural attack.
“Well... ”
Under the deep hole, the Seekerman Darkness roars. The gummuhee that followed slowly stopped by the Dragon King.
“I know she didn't die of a natural attack, but she won't die unless she falls down there...? ”
Gummuhee shakes his head.
“An unknown light was protecting him. ”
Hearing that, King Dragon looks down again at the darkness beneath the hole.
I saw nothing but darkness.
c. Carousel
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