When he returned home in the evening, he found that Ye Zhenzhen had not arrived home yet. This made Wang Yue very strange. When he called, no one answered the phone.

Wang Yue, who had a relatively low sense of security, quickly entered his studio and quickly found the surveillance video in front of his home today. Only then did he know that Guan Ju'er had come to his home, and then Ye Zhenzhen and Guan Ju'er were together. out.

Seeing that it was Ye Zhenzhen that Guan Ju'er was looking for, Wang Yue felt a lot more at ease. If he went out with that good baby, nothing big would happen. Although this good baby also has some rebellious genes, it is not so easy to break out.

But when Ye Zhenzhen came back and told Wang Yue what happened today, Wang Yue was a little surprised. Is it possible that the scene where Guan Ju'er fell in love with Dr. Zhao at first sight disappeared without a trace? But this is hard to say. Guan Juer's expression management has always been in place and he is not easily discovered.

On this day, Wang Yue was following a few engineers in the R\u0026D center of the pharmaceutical factory to catch up on the progress of the project, when suddenly a cell phone ringtone came from his pocket.

The sudden ringing of the bell startled everyone. Wang Yue was a little embarrassed. He seemed to have violated the laboratory management regulations. The embarrassed Wang Yue coughed and left the laboratory.

When he got outside, Wang Yue saw that the phone number seemed to be an internal phone number of the pharmaceutical factory, so he picked up the phone without hesitation. A female voice came from over there, "Mr. Wang, this is Xiao Zheng from Finance. Manager Fan from Human Resources wants to advance salary. Our company has just been established. Without this precedent, I don't dare to make the decision, so I called you."

When Wang Yue heard that Fan Shengmei wanted to advance her salary, he probably knew what happened to her brother.

So, Wang Yue directly asked the finance department to make an advance to Fan Shengmei. After all, you can't just go to the pole to help. Let's see how much money she can put in first. So, Wang Yue told Finance Xiao Zheng that if Fan Shengmei wanted to make an advance next time, he could give it to her directly and just give him a message afterwards.

In fact, the main reason is that Wang Yue feels that the problem is not big, maybe because it has not happened to him and he does not have a headache. After all, in the film and television world, Wang Yue has never cared about money.

This is because the Fan family has no money, and Fan Shengmei's brother has been abandoned, and he has taken an unreliable daughter-in-law to make trouble. If Fan Shengmei's brother and sister-in-law were separated, the problem might be easily solved.

What's more, even if the brother and sister-in-law are not separated, Wang Yue feels that this is not a problem. As long as Fan Shengmei is rich, she can solve the trouble caused by her brother. And the troubles his brother gets into will get bigger and bigger. Sooner or later, he will be sent into trouble, and then he will be completely solved.

However, given Pan Shengmei's elder brother's character, he probably won't be able to do anything serious.

Wang Yue didn't take this matter to heart and went back to work. However, within a few days, he received another text message from Finance Xiao Zheng.

Wang Yue also knew that it was Fan Shengmei who wanted to advance her salary. This also gave Wang Yue a new understanding of Fan Shengmei, who is really considerate of her family! You must know that Fan Shengmei's current salary is twice as much as before.

Wang Yue also wanted to see how many months of advance Fan Shengmei had to make before he would put down her ridiculous face.

But within a few days, Fan Shengmei came to her door. Maybe she also had her own bottom line and knew that it was only three things. Or maybe she knew that Wang Yue already knew that she had borrowed money, so she chose to break the bank. . In short, Fan Shengmei did not go to Xiao Zheng to borrow money, but went directly to the 21st floor and knocked on the door of Wang Yue's house.

"Mr. Wang, I'm actually in trouble. My brother sent someone to the hospital. At first, they asked for more than a thousand compensation a day, and later they increased it a lot. I've already received two months' salary. It's still not enough." Fan Shengmei was let into the room, and after sitting down on the sofa, she spoke directly. But halfway through his words, he stopped and looked at Wang Yue pleadingly.

"If you want to borrow money, you go directly to Xiao Zheng to withdraw it. I will give her an explanation. If you withdraw money, she will call you directly." Wang Yue was shocked by Fan Shengmei's look. Is this bitch here to seduce him? But she still shook her head. She probably didn't have the guts to do this in front of Ye Zhen Zhen.

Therefore, Wang Yue judged that Fan Shengmei was probably embarrassed because she had withdrawn two months' salary in advance and had to withdraw it this time, so she came to explain.

"No, Mr. Wang, I know you are very capable. I heard from Xiaoguan and the others that you have helped Andy several times. Please see if you can help me solve this problem. I know this request is a bit excessive. , It’s just that I work under you and they bully me, but they don’t take you seriously.” Fan Shengmei’s secretly changing words made Wang Yue dumbfounded. But Wang Yue didn't care, since he would have nothing to do anyway. After listening to Fan Shengmei's request, he asked her to wait for him for a while.

It didn't take long for Wang Yue to get the evidence of that family's blackmail, including photos, audio and video, and then directly asked Fan Shengmei to call the police here.

After listening to Fan Shengmei's report, the police found that the amount had exceeded 30,000, which was a huge amount. Although the evidence provided could only be used as a reference, it also facilitated the police to collect evidence, so they directly opened the case and sent the police to go there. Fan Shengmei's hometown investigated and collected evidence.

Within a few days, the result of the matter came out. After deducting the real medical expenses, the amount did not meet the huge range, and Fan Shengmei's eldest brother was also at fault. The other party had a good attitude towards admitting his mistake and has gained the understanding of everyone in the Fan family. Several criminal gangsters were released from detention after being held in a detention center for a few days.

The most unfortunate thing about the whole incident was that the person who issued the bill at the hospital was directly fired from the hospital and lost a staff position.

The next day after the matter was resolved, Fan Shengmei went to Wang Yue on the 21st floor to express her gratitude. Wang Yue said with a smile, "There is no need to say thank you, but I guess the matter will not end like this, and those ruffians will not suffer such a depressing loss. "

Fan Shengmei was happy about things at home, but when she received such news in a blink of an eye, she began to feel scared again, and her hand holding the water glass began to tremble.

"A Yue, if you have any idea, just say it. Don't scare Sister Fan!" Ye Zhenzhen listened to Wang Yue's words and rolled her eyes. When Wang Yue was bored, he liked to tease people.

"Okay, the normal way is to call the police, but before that, let them realize how powerful the netizens are." Since Wang Yue experienced An Yin's incident in the previous world, he knew that if you kill a snake, you will suffer a backlash. , so I was already prepared. Thinking about Cheng Feng's dangerous experience, Wang Yue is scared even thinking about it now. Sometimes, bad people will tell us that the most terrifying bottom line is that there is no bottom line.

"Just like Andy's time? But, is that possible? Andy doesn't care, how can a gangster care?" Ye Zhenzhen was a little confused. Can this really solve the problem?

"Andy is a bit special, a bit like the little dragon girl who just came out of the ancient tomb. She doesn't know the dangers of the world. Andy doesn't have that concept in his mind, so he has no fear." Wang Yue told Ye Zhenzhen something, but still took the It is better to compare martial arts characters, so that she can understand more deeply.

"Is it okay to post this matter online?" Fan Shengmei was a little happy. In this case, she could do it herself.

"Yes, but you need to have pictures and the truth, so that these scoundrels can see the real power of the Internet." Looking at Sister Fan's expression, Wang Yue knew that she was thinking simply again, but she still sorted herself out. Give the content to Fan Shengmei and ask her to call the police again with the information. Leave the rest alone.

Netizens can be really scary sometimes. After the deeds of these gangsters are posted on the Internet, it takes a while for them to ferment. Wang Yue directly put it on the hot search list, because after the exposure, not only the gangsters themselves were unlucky, but also their relatives and friends were affected.

However, now that the Internet is developed, they have no place to hide if they want to. They will be pointed out by people wherever they go. Some naughty kids even use things to smash the windows of their houses and throw paint.

Because the information Wang Yue posted on the Internet was too complete, after the police visited it, it was easy to find that everything on the Internet was true. Those who had been blackmailed saw how miserable these gangsters had been recently, and they mustered up the courage to testify. Come. The accumulated amounts that they had extorted and extorted had already exceeded the huge limit and were heading towards an extremely huge amount.

Therefore, the police who obtained the evidence decisively dispatched police and quickly arrested all these gangsters and treated them as gang crimes. This saved these miserable gangsters and sent them to prison to hide. I just wanted to come out and I don't know how many years it would take.

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