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Chapter 1084 The university is gone

At the beginning, only people who paid attention to future technology bought protective clothing. When these people went out wearing protective clothing and found that there was no inconvenience in their movements, they immediately recommended it to their friends.

In this special situation, many people bought protective clothing and wore them to and from get off work, and many others followed suit.

However, most people bought the ordinary type of protective clothing with robotic arms. Not many people bought it, after all, it was quite expensive.

Until one day, a female driver who was stuck on the highway ran out of gas. She wore protective clothing and dragged a car for more than ten kilometers to the server gas station. She was photographed and exposed by passers-by. , protective clothing with robotic arms began to sell well.

However, not long after it was sold after the explosion, the robotic arm was forced to stop civilian use and could only temporarily cooperate with the military.

Of course, the banner is also very reasonable. After all, Wang Yue's protective suit can be used as a space suit with a slight upgrade.

When the public learned that Future Technology was preparing to contribute to the motherland’s aerospace industry, Future Technology had just been on the hot search list and was on the list again.

After having this invention, Zhou Linlin and Ye Ruting were somewhat addicted. They felt that it was a very satisfying thing to develop black technology in this beautiful place.

So after launching protective clothing, the two encouraged Wang Yue to start new inventions.

They finally saw that the knowledge in Wang Yue's mind was like something that would work wonders as long as it was squeezed.

Wang Yue was entangled by the two and couldn't help it. He just didn't want the two to be idle, so he immediately proposed the idea of ​​a flying car.

Flying cars can be found in the Qing Yu Nian Museum or in the world of Wandering Earth. Even some technology companies are developing and researching them, so it doesn't look out of place for Wang Yue to bring them out. So, the three of them started a long research.

It is said to be research, but it is actually responsible for copying the drawings. Ye Ruting and Zhou Linlin are responsible for making this thing more in line with modern aesthetics and more convenient for current use.

So Ye Ruting and Zhou Linlin are busy most of the time. Occasionally they will discuss with them how to implement certain functions?

So Wang Yue, who had some free time, considered that he might want to live here permanently, so he took advantage of things to relax a little and upgraded his ranch.

On the surface, he slowly turned the original dormitory into a building, and the living conditions improved many times. In fact, he came up with a lot of black technology.

For example, taking part of the space ecosystem and using it in the pasture also makes the pasture look clean and tidy.

For example, they also came up with soilless cultivation technology, etc.

Time passed so slowly, and it was graduation time in the blink of an eye, and the university was gone.

In the past four years of college, except for the first year and a half where I was in school, the rest of the time was basically closed at home, and most of the time I was taking online classes.

For other students, they may have been severely cheated. After all, given everyone’s self-control, the learning efficiency of online classes is not as good as that in the classroom.

But for Wang Yuezhou, Linlin and Ye Ruting, their life was very fulfilling. Their team continues to produce various beautiful inventions, which indirectly proves that they are not idle.

However, the three of them were not the busiest, but Fang Yuke and Father Ye.

After all, every invention of the three of them requires the help of these two people to produce it, and even to face interviews with reporters.

It's not that reporters are unwilling to interview Wang Yue and the others. It's just that they are hiding in a mountain village and haven't been exposed, so reporters really can't find them.

Of course, there are also special circumstances now, and the media can't just run around.

The school chose a time when the epidemic had eased slightly to hold the graduation ceremony, and Zhou Linlin was selected as an outstanding student representative.

It's not that Wang Yue and Ye Ruting are inferior to Zhou Linlin. The school initially nominated three of them, but Wang Yue and Ye Ruting rejected them all.

Wang Yue refused because he was lazy. Ye Ruting was already the external person in charge of the team and was already busy enough. Zhou Linlin had no choice but to bite the bullet.

After officially graduating, the three of them returned to the mountain village as a team. Fang Yuke, Ding Sheng, Wang Yu, and Julie all entered future science and technology jobs, while Wang Jie still followed her goal and studied for graduate school.

However, she, a graduate student, gave birth to a child before she could fully study her professional courses, and she was suddenly ahead of all her classmates.

Therefore, in the eyes of all his classmates, Fang Yuke is simply the representative of successful people.

After all, not only does he have a successful career, he has a beautiful wife, and he also has a lovely child.

The key is that all this happened just one year after he graduated. He is really too envious.

However, Ding Sheng and Wang Yu did not envy Fang Yuke. They simply worshiped Wang Yue.

Not only was Wang Yue outstanding in research and development, but he was also able to keep two girls by her side without making a fuss. This level was unparalleled.

It's just that Wang Yue himself is a little confused, and he can't figure out what's going on with the two women.

Zhou Linlin must be his girlfriend, but she refused to be intimate with Wang Yue, as if she didn't want to delay research and development.

And Ye Ruting refused to leave Wang Yue's ranch. She had no intention of going further with Wang Yue, but she tempted Wang Yue from time to time, which gave Wang Yue a headache.

Unable to understand what the two women were thinking, Wang Yue stopped thinking about it for the time being. After all, they had just graduated and were only in their twenties. Even if they got married ten years later, it would not be too late.

But he was always afraid that the two girls would have conflicts, so he always found some weird little inventions and took the two women to create them together to pass the time.

It's just that there are too many small inventions, and they gradually pile up into big inventions. After all, many large objects are made up of small objects.

No, after the invention of flying cars, research on robots began immediately.

In short, Wang Yue, who originally wanted to take a vacation, did not expect that after a few years of idleness, he would start inventing and making non-stop again.

Fortunately, Wang Yue's so-called invention was just to find a way to use existing materials to make something from his mind. It can be regarded as Wang Yue laying the foundation for plagiarism.

The epidemic passed in the blink of an eye, and Wang Yue was still staying at his ranch and enjoying himself, but Zhou Linlin and Ye Ruting were not so relaxed anymore.

After all, both Zhou Linlin and Ye Ruting's parents have reached the age of marriage.

Fortunately for Zhou Linlin, Zhou's father and Zhou's mother only asked when the two were getting engaged and got married, and didn't ask anything else at the time.

Every time Zhou Linlin excused himself by saying he was too busy with work and had no time.

Father Zhou and Mother Zhou also believed it. After all, with the amazing frequency of research and development of future technology, you can imagine how busy the team behind it is.

The old couple just felt sorry for their daughter. They just reminded her to pay more attention to her health and didn't say anything more.

But Ye Ruting is in trouble. After all, she is not Wang Yue's girlfriend. Although her parents admire Wang Yue very much, they will not let their daughter follow Wang Yue without any reason.

On this day, while a new product had just been released and Wang Yue, Ye Ruting and Zhou Linlin were finally resting, Mother Ye made an invitation for Ye Ruting to take Wang Yue home for dinner.

After Zhou Linlin heard this, he glared at Wang Yue and said without saying anything more that he wanted to go home and see his parents.

So, after Wang Yue drove Zhou Linlin home, he and Ye Ruting came to Ye's house again.

Seeing Wang Yue coming, Father Ye was not as angry as he expected, and he chatted with Wang Yue politely for a while.

After finishing the meal, he suddenly said to Ye Ruting, "Tingting, our company has an urban sky garden project. You can handle it."

Wang Yue raised his eyebrows. He felt that it must not be simple here. Could it be that Father Ye was planning to cause trouble?

However, Wang Yue could also understand that he had been prepared for this kind of trick for a long time, but he didn't expect that Father Ye could bear it so well?

Ye Ruting was originally like Wang Yue, nervously preparing to deal with her father. How could she imagine that her father Ye would suddenly give her something of his, which made her a little baffled.

So, she asked in confusion, "Dad, are you mistaken? Our company is engaged in technology. Since when did it undertake the sky garden project? Isn't it compatible with us?"

Father Ye was holding back a mouthful of old blood in his heart, and almost fainted from anger. He felt that this girl was raised in vain.

You know, Future Technology is just a cooperative company between the Ye family and Wang Yue. What the Ye family's own company does, my daughter may have forgotten.

So he could only comfort himself desperately, this is his biological child, yes, this is his biological child!

After doing some mental construction for a while, Father Ye reminded helplessly, "Future Technology is a cooperative company between our family and Xiaoyue. This urban sky garden project belongs to our own company. Sooner or later, you will have to take over the company." , just get used to it in advance.”

Ye Ruting is also a smart person. She immediately understood that there was something fishy in this, so she quickly refused and said, "If you want to build a sky garden, you might as well leave it to Wang Yue. Wang Yue may not design it by others." Okay."

Seeing how blindly Ye Ruting admired Wang Yue, Father Ye was very curious as to whether this son-in-law, whom he was very optimistic about, was also good at things other than scientific research.

So, he asked out of curiosity, "Xiao Yue, do you still know about architecture?"

Wang Yue is a master in this area, but he already has many names, so he doesn't want to add one more, so he said very modestly, "I understand, if uncle needs help, I can help you draw a picture." drawing."

Father Ye thought that Wang Yue was not good at it, so he immediately gave Wang Yue a step and said, "This project is quite troublesome. It needs to cultivate enough green plants on the building. I found a lot of people, and then we worked with him." The NTU biology professor got in touch.”

When Wang Yue heard the words biology, he glanced at Ye Ruting and immediately understood what Father Ye wanted to do?

He heard that Xie Duanxi studied for a master's degree and a Ph.D. degree after graduating from the undergraduate program. Is he about to graduate with his Ph.D. degree now?

Is it possible that Father Ye specially asked Xie Duanxi and his teacher to come over for this project just to put some pressure on him?

Thinking of this, Wang Yue followed Father Ye's words and talked for a while about soilless cultivation techniques, which he had learned on the Wandering Earth.

The reason why more than 3 billion people in the underground city can survive is because of the support of this technology. Otherwise, the people on earth would not have the courage to wander around with the earth.

Father Ye was stunned by Wang Yue's words. He asked suspiciously, "Are the plans you mentioned feasible? Are there any real examples?"

When Ye Ruting heard her father mention biology just now, she already understood what his father was planning. She also thought of Xie Duanxi.

It's just that now she is no longer as amazed by Xie Duanxi as she was when she first met him in her freshman year. Her heart is all focused on Wang Yue.

Afraid that Wang Yue would misunderstand, she didn't want to get involved with Xie Duanxi again, so she quickly explained for Wang Yue, "The ranch of Wang Yue's family is built in a mountain col. It relies on soilless cultivation technology to have enough fresh food." Feed the cattle and sheep with grass! Dad, you don’t think Wang Yue will harvest green crops like other ranch owners, do you?”

Father Ye twitched his mouth when he heard his daughter's words. What a wasteful behavior this is!

Use soilless cultivation technology to grow grass for cattle and sheep? If those countries that are short of food know about it, why don't they report it to the United Nations?

Now he would rather believe that his daughter is playing a double act with Wang Yue than that Wang Yue really knows the soilless cultivation technology.

So, he asked tentatively, "Really, do you have a video?"

Ye Ruting actually filmed a scene. It was her birthday, and Wang Yue gave her a beautiful red rose grown without soil, which she still remembers vividly.

When Wang Yue took a rose and handed it to him, she thought Wang Yue had bought it, so she said jokingly, "You made a special trip to buy a rose. Are you planning to confess your love to me?"

Zhou Linlin was also around at the time, so of course Wang Yue couldn't admit it. He explained seriously, "This is cultivated by my soilless cultivation technology. It happens to be your birthday, so I gave it to you as a gift."

When Ye Ruting heard what Wang Yue said, of course she didn't believe it. She asked without giving up, "Is it true? Do you know how to do this? Then you can breed another one for me."

Zhou Linlin saw Wang Yue looking at her as if asking for help, so she kicked Wang Yue's calf hard, which relieved the depression in her heart.

She really knew what was going on. Unlike Ye Ruting, who disliked the uncleanness of the cattle and sheep, she often went there to feed the cattle and sheep.

She didn't care at first, but later when she discovered that Wang Yue's parents still put out a lot of tender green grass to feed the cattle and sheep in the middle of winter, she felt something was wrong.

So, I asked Wang Yue’s parents what was going on?

Wang Yue's parents and Zhou Linlin already regarded her as their prospective daughter-in-law. Of course, they didn't hide it, so they took Zhou Linlin to the basement of the ranch to visit the soilless cultivation base.

Looking at the lush green grass in the basement, Zhou Linlin finally understood where the green grass in Wang Yue's ranch came from?

Now that Wang Yue needed help and he didn't dodge just now, she felt that she was ahead of Ye Ruting again, and she felt a lot more comfortable.

She looked at Ye Ruting and said seriously, "There are so many cattle and sheep in Wang Yue's family that eat so much green grass in winter. Where do you think they come from?"

Ye Ruting was a little confused. She had the same expression as Ye's father at that time, and asked with some uncertainty, "Don't tell me that the grass eaten by the cattle and sheep in Wang Yue's pasture is all cultivated without soil, right?"

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