Learn skills from the world of film and television

Chapter 1144 The significance of the college entrance examination

After listening to Wang Yue's words, Lao Fan continued, "Yes, it is said in the Book of Songs, Bei Feng Jing Nv Zhong, that a quiet girl is like a Shu, and Shu means that a woman is beautiful."

Wang Yue was speechless. What should he say at this time? He glanced at Lao Fan and wanted to know what else Lao Fan had to say.

But after waiting for a while, he found that Lao Fan had stopped talking. Then he said jokingly to everyone, "Do you think Huang Shu is worthy of this name?"

The female students in the class just smiled and said nothing. After all, they felt that if they dressed up, they would be very beautiful, and no one would be impressed by them.

But the male classmates were different. They shouted together, "Deserving it!"

Wang Yue glanced at Huang Shu and found that she was calm, so he smiled and said, "From now on, this beauty will be a classmate of our class. You all should take care of each other. Huang Shu, there is only one empty seat in our class. Hurry up and sit down!"

Huang Shu saw that the classmates in the class were so enthusiastic, so she quickly bowed to Wang Yue, and then said with a smile, "Thank you, Teacher Wang."

After she finished speaking, she bowed to Lao Fan and the classmates, "Thank you, teacher! Thank you, classmates!"

Everyone was very happy to see her being so polite, and everyone clapped their hands to welcome the new classmates.

Feng Xuejiao, who originally sat in the middle of the two seats, quickly moved to one side to make room for Huang Shu.

Wang Yue saw that the two of them got along well, so he said hello to Lao Fan and went back to his office.

Wang Yue is now waiting for Shen Mo to go home after get off work. Before receiving Shen Mo's message, he was not in a hurry to go home.

On this day, he saw that it was time for school to end, and he was really bored. He happened to see a basketball from the physical education teacher in the office, so he took the ball and went to the basketball court, shooting shots on the basketball court.

Because he was familiar with his classmates, they were no longer afraid of him. When they saw him playing basketball alone, several classmates came over to him.

Hu Kaizhi, the leader among them, smiled and said, "Teacher Wang, it's so boring to play alone, why don't you bring a few of us?"

Wang Yue took a look and found that no other students came to the basketball court because he was playing basketball. He nodded casually and said with a smile, "I'm fine. Don't you guys be in a hurry to go home after school?"

Hu Kaizhi laughed sarcastically, and then explained seriously, "Teacher, don't worry, we'll play for a while and then go home. It'll be fine."

Several other students saw that Wang Yue really wanted to play, and Wang Yue still had a ball in his hand, so they wanted to take this opportunity to play for a while, and they all responded happily.

School had just finished at this moment. Seeing that there was a basketball game here, many students gathered around, including of course girls who had just finished school.

Originally, Hu Kaizhi saw the newcomers Huang Shu and Feng Xuejiao walking this way, so he wanted to take the opportunity to show off his skills. He never thought that Huang Shu was coming, but the one who stood out the most was Wang Yue.

Even Wang Di, who was forced to join Wang Yue, performed well. After all, Wang Yue couldn't play alone and had to give it to several teammates. After he installed the passing button, But he got a lot of assists.

The group of people had a great time, and then reluctantly broke up. Wang Yue checked his pager, but there was still no silent message. He played a basketball and threw it into the office, and was going to find a place to eat first. meal.

Wang Yue rode a bicycle and came to a place not far from the hospital and stopped at a barbecue stall. He casually ordered some barbecue and prepared to eat while waiting for the news from Silence.

But when the skewers came, he found that the portion of the skewers served to him seemed a bit too much.

He looked at it suspiciously and then realized it. Next to the couple selling barbecue, four people arrived at some point. They were all students in his class.

Seeing them, Wang Yue waved to the four of them, and then asked curiously, "I asked you how you got together. Come, sit down and eat together."

Feng Xuejiao was not polite. She pulled Huang Shu towards Wang Yue, greeted Qin Li and Wang Di as she walked, and then sat down next to Wang Yue very politely.

Wang Yue could see that except for Feng Xuejiao, the other three people were a little unnatural. After all, teachers in this era were still against dating on campus. The four of them walking together would be more or less suspicious.

He also saw some signs and said jokingly, "You don't have to be so afraid of me. I don't object to you falling in love."

After hearing what Wang Yue said, the four students all fell in love with him. Especially Feng Xuejiao looked at Wang Yue in shock and asked excitedly, "Really? Maybe it's not allowed by school regulations."

Wang Yue waved his hand and said seriously, "I just think it's the stupidest time for you to fall in love and find a partner, so I don't want to argue with fools."

Seeing what Wang Yue said, Feng Xuejiao pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "Teacher Wang, how could you do this? Isn't it normal for your age? Why are you a fool?"

Wang Yue took a bite of skewers, and then said with a smile, "First of all, you must be sure that falling in love without the purpose of marriage is just a hooliganism, right?"

Huang Shu was in class at an art school. She had a lot of contact with the outside world, so she nodded in agreement and said, "The teacher is right. In the past few years, people who lived together illegally would be arrested."

After she finished speaking, she immediately knew that she had said the wrong thing, and she quickly lowered her head in embarrassment, like an ostrich.

Seeing the three people looking at him eagerly, Wang Yue pushed the skewers on the table and said to Huang Shu with a smile, "You're right, eat one quickly, the teacher will reward you."

Huang Shu saw that Wang Yue had placed it in front of her, so she embarrassedly took one and took a small bite like a lady.

Wang Yue glanced at the crowd and knew that these children were listening to him, so he continued, "Now that you understand this, you should know that the purpose of falling in love is to find a suitable partner to marry, but you think the college entrance examination What is it?"

When Wang Di heard that Wang Yue was taking the college entrance examination, he immediately answered, "Teacher, I know this. The college entrance examination is a way to change your life."

Wang Yue nodded, waited for the food in his mouth to be eaten, and then said in agreement, "You are right, but this is only one of the purposes."

When he said this, he found that Qin Li was just smiling, so he handed over a meat skewer, and then said with a smile and curse, "Come on, don't just smile, tell me, do you have any other purpose?" ?”

Qin Li shyly took the meat skewers, and then said with a smile, "Entering a good university will make our lives better in the future."

Wang Yue shook his head. He knew that there was no hope in expecting these students to say anything, so he said seriously, "The college entrance examination is a screening for students. Think about it, after passing the college entrance examination, those who enter the university will , those who have good academic performance will have easier work and more money in the future."

Feng Xuejiao saw that Wang Yue was about to make nonsense again, so she said impatiently, "Teacher Wang, don't go too far. What does this have to do with falling in love?"

Seeing that Feng Xuejiao was anxious, Wang Yue shook his head helplessly and said very seriously, "Since you know that the college entrance examination is a screening, let's go back to the issue of falling in love. Do you think your own vision is correct? Good enough? Can you find the most suitable and best person for you at once?"

Huang Shu shook her head and said helplessly, "It's hard to tell. Some people appear to be very nice people, but they can't tell clearly behind their backs."

Wang Yue heard that the girl was talking about what happened behind her back. He didn't ask in detail, and then said seriously, "You are right. Don't talk about your age. Even me or older people People can't tell through their appearance whether they are really talented and whether they have a future? And don't you just want to live a better life when you get married? "

Seeing what Wang Yue said, Wang Di agreed very much and said, "Of course I have. If you don't want to live a good life, why should you go to college?"

Wang Yue nodded and said in agreement, "Yes, since you want to live a good life, which one do you think is more suitable as a partner, a person with a college degree or a person with a high school degree?"

Feng Xuejiao glanced at Wang Di. She felt that Wang Di would definitely be able to get into a good university, so she said seriously, "Of course it's from a university, and we will definitely be able to get into a university."

Wang Yue didn't care what Feng Xuejiao said. This girl had a profound background and didn't care about it at all. He said casually, "The college entrance examination is a very good screening process, which can divide most talents into two, so after entering the university, we will look for The partner will be much better at work in the future than the one you are looking for now, so I say it is foolish for you to fall in love at this time."

When Feng Xuejiao heard Wang Yue's words, she said dissatisfiedly, "Teacher Wang, but now many big bosses have very low academic qualifications. The college entrance examination is not the only way to succeed."

Wang Yue glanced at Feng Xuejiao and said with disapproval, "The era of barbaric growth is over. If you want to make a fortune in the future, in most cases, you can only rely on knowledge to change your destiny. Moreover, even in that era of barbaric growth, In this era, very few people who are uneducated are successful. You must be down-to-earth and don’t bet your future on tomorrow.”

Wang Yue's words were a bit serious, and Feng Xuejiao also knew that what she just said was not good or bad. After all, Wang Yue also had good intentions.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little awkward, Huang Shu said distressedly, "Teacher Wang, what do you think I should do? My grades make it difficult to get into college."

Wang Yue glanced at Huang Shu and said casually, "I think you don't have to worry the least. You can definitely get into the Film and Television Academy or the Dance Academy. With your talent and appearance, you can easily be admitted."

Huang Shu shook her head, sighed and said, "This is difficult! I heard the teacher say that there are so many beautiful girls in the Film and Television Academy. If you want to stand out from them, you need the help of noble people."

Wang Yue looked at Huang Shu and thought of Deng Xiaoqi. He wanted to help this girl, so he smiled and said, "This is easy for you. When I have time, I will write you a song. Maybe you can It became famous all of a sudden.”

Feng Xuejiao looked at Wang Yue in surprise and asked in disbelief, "Can Teacher Wang still write songs?"

Wang Yue nodded and said seriously, "The song I always use when getting married recently, you are going to marry me today, have you heard about it?"

After hearing what Wang Yue said, Huang Shu was shocked and said, "Teacher Wang, did you write this song? I heard that the author of this song is called Salted Fish King, but I didn't expect you to be Salted Fish King?"

Wang Yue looked at the adoring eyes of several children and said with great worth, "When I got married to your wife, he sang me the most romantic song I could think of, and then I wrote this to him. a song."

After Huang Shu and Feng Xuejiao heard Wang Yue's words, they insisted that Wang Yue tell the story between him and Shen Mo. Even Wang Di and Qin Li wanted to hear it.

Wang Yue did not hesitate and started to tell the story decisively. The story of the two childhood sweethearts made everyone listen with fascination.

At this moment, Qin Li suddenly frowned and couldn't help but rub his head.

When Wang Di saw this scene, he asked anxiously, "Qin Li, your headache is still not cured? Why don't you go to the hospital?"

Wang Yue looked back at Qin Li and found that the child seemed to have a severe headache. Then he said seriously, "Come to the hospital with me and ask your wife to take a look at it. She specializes in brain surgery."

Qin Li shook his head and said helplessly, "Teacher Wang, no need, it will cost a lot of money."

Wang Yue saw that the child was afraid of spending money, so he quickly waved his hand to stop Qin Li from continuing. Instead, he said seriously, "Your mission is to treat the disease well and go to school well. As for the money, just treat it as if I lent it to you." It’s yours, just pay it back to me when you make money in the future.”

After listening to Wang Yue's words, Wang Di thought of how well-dressed Wang Yue was, and quickly advised Qin Li, "Qin Li, just listen to Teacher Wang. Your illness is not a trivial matter. If you take the college entrance examination What should I do if I get sick?"

Feng Xuejiao also nodded and said seriously, "Yes, Teacher Wang's lover is a doctor. The two of them are not short of this little money. You just need to remember to pay it back in the future, but it will be with interest."

Huang Shu saw that Qin Li was still hesitating, so she also warned her, "Qin Li, you'd better go and have a look. The disease in your head is not a trivial matter. If it takes too long, you don't know what will happen."

When Qin Li saw everyone saying this, he couldn't refuse in person, so he was about to delay and said, "Okay, when I have time in the future, I will go to the hospital with Teacher Wang to check it out."

Wang Yue saw that Qin Li was evading, so he quickly stood up and said, "We have almost eaten, so I will send you off now. I will also pick up your wife."

After Wang Yue's reminder, Wang Di and Feng Xuejiao also understood what Wang Yue meant, and quickly urged everyone to go together.

However, there were many people at the scene and it was inconvenient for me to go there. Wang Yue pushed his bicycle and said to the three people seriously, "You guys wait here for me for a while. Our two bicycles can't go with so many people. I will be back soon." .”

Feng Xuejiao knew what Wang Yue meant, so she quickly reassured him, "Teacher Wang, don't worry, I will definitely watch Qin Li to prevent him from running away. Go back as soon as possible."

Wang Yue didn't say anything else. He quickly rode his bicycle to the entrance of the hospital, then drove back in his car and stopped in front of several people.

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