Learn skills from the world of film and television

Chapter 1151 Extreme joy leads to sorrow

Wang Yue looked at the little girl's worried eyes, which made him have a headache. But if he wasn't a teacher, he wouldn't care about this at all.

Thinking of this, he put the milk into his pocket and said casually, "Don't worry about me. With my body, I can stay up for seven days and seven nights. I haven't slept well for a few days. I will sleep today." It’s been an afternoon and I’ve already rested.”

Huang Shu looked at Wang Yue's distant look and knew that she had gone too far, but she thought that Mo Shen's real age was only in his twenties, which was only two years older than herself.

Why is it okay to be silent but not her?

She was a little unwilling and said aggrievedly, "I know, I saw that you were very tired when you were in class this morning. I prepared milk for you at noon. When I got to the office, I found that you were still sleeping."

Only then did Wang Yue know when the bottle of milk was prepared. It was the wish of the little girl. He was a little embarrassed, so he quickly said comfortingly, "Okay, no one will die if you don't eat a meal. Let's go, let's hurry up." Go have some food, I won’t wait for your wife to have dinner with you today.”

Seeing that Wang Yue kept talking to his wife, Huang Shu said with a wry smile, "How about we go home and eat? I can cook well, but the food outside is too greasy and is not good for the body."

Wang Yue was a little confused, so he quickly refused and said, "Forget it, I can't just go to your house for dinner. If word spreads like this, it will be bad for your reputation."

Seeing that Wang Yue was worried about this, Huang Shu pursed her lips and smiled. For a moment, this icy and snowy winter felt a little warm.

Seeing the flash of surprise in Wang Yue's eyes, she proudly puffed up her chest, and then said seriously, "Teacher Wang, I have moved to Shen Qi's house now. He lives downstairs. I live upstairs and we happened to be on our way home."

When Wang Yue heard what Huang Shu said, he became even more puzzled. Could it be that this girl has a crush on Shen Qi? The way you look at yourself is just because we are a family?

Thinking of this possibility, Wang Yue also breathed a sigh of relief and said openly, "Okay, I'll try your craft today. Get in the car quickly!"

Huang Shu saw that Wang Yue agreed to go home for dinner, so she quickly jumped on Wang Yue's bicycle skillfully, and the two went home together.

After returning home, Wang Yue went back to his own home. He really couldn't live in the same room with Huang Shu, a man and a widow.

Huang Shu watched Wang Yue come back to the room next door. She stood there for a while and then went back to the kitchen to get busy. After a long time, she asked Wang Yue to come over for dinner.

Not to mention, this girl's cooking is quite delicious, at least it is much better than silence. Wang Yue praised it while eating, and jokingly said, "You cook very delicious, and there are many dishes. I just want it." When I go to pick up your wife, I will send a piece to your wife so that she can also know your craftsmanship."

The expression on Huang Shu's face froze for a moment, then returned to normal. She smiled happily and said, "Okay! I originally planned to keep it for Brother Xiao Qi. You can take it to Master."

Wang Yue was not polite to Huang Shu. After all, this girl was probably Shen Qi's daughter-in-law, and she was from his own family. He was being polite, but he was getting angry.

He looked at the thermal box prepared by Huang Shu, picked it up and walked out. He thought of something and said as he walked, "I have installed surveillance in our community. You don't have to worry about any insecurity. You can go in the community after eating." It’s a long walk around, familiar with the surroundings.”

Huang Shu nodded and watched Wang Yue walk out of the house, then got on his bicycle and quickly disappeared into the community.

When Wang Yue came to the hospital, Shen Mo was in the office. He happened to see Shen Mo opening the door and coming in. He smiled and said, "Come over and eat quickly. This is made by Huang Shu herself. It's pretty good to try."

Shen Mo saw Wang Yue and was about to speak when she heard Wang Yue say this. She looked at Wang Yue carefully and then said leisurely, "Are you really cooking it for me?"

Wang Yue didn't understand the implication of the silence, so he said matter-of-factly, "She was going to keep Xiao Qi. Aren't I afraid that you would be hungry? So I brought it to you. If Xiao Qi wants to eat, , let Huang Shu make new ones."

Seeing that Wang Yue's tone was normal, Silence said nothing. He picked up the chopsticks and started eating. Not to mention, the taste was really good.

That night after Wang Yue took Mo Shen back home, the lights at Shen Qi's house had already been turned off, and everyone probably went to bed early.

The next morning, when Wang Yue came back from morning exercises, he saw that food had been laid out in his living room. Silent Shen, Qi, and Huang Shu were all there. The three of them were talking and laughing, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

Seeing Wang Yue coming back, Shen Mo quickly urged him, "A Yue, I'm just waiting for you to start eating, so hurry up and wash up."

Unexpectedly, Wang Yue was still waiting for him, so he walked to the bathroom and said, "You wait for me and eat quickly."

Seeing Wang Yue's nonchalant look, Shen Mo smiled and said to Huang Shu, "Look, I've told you, your teacher Wang doesn't care about this at all. Eat quickly, you have to go to school soon."

Huang Shu nodded, didn't delay any more, and started eating quickly, but she ate very slowly, and she looked a little delicate, not like a northern woman at all.

How could Silence understand the little girl's thoughts? She shook her head helplessly, picked up the bowls and chopsticks and started eating.

When Wang Yue came back to eat, Huang Shu and Shen Qi had already finished eating.

Seeing that Huang Shu was still sitting stupidly, Shen Qi hurriedly said, "Let's go. I'll take you back to school. My brother-in-law will take my sister to the hospital later."

Huang Shu was stunned for a moment, then realized that Teacher Wang drove his wife to the hospital every day, and then rode a bicycle from the hospital to school.

She rolled her eyes and said quickly, "Teacher, can I go to the hospital with you first? I want to go and see Grandpa Qin Li, and then ask Qin Li to take me to school."

Seeing Huang Shu say this, Momo glanced at Wang Yue and then said with a smile, "No problem, as long as you don't find it troublesome."

Huang Shu shook her head and said seriously, "No trouble, no trouble, as long as my wife doesn't dislike me."

Wang Yue was blinded by Shen Shen's eyes. Could it be that Shen Shen saw something?

Thinking that this was really possible, he immediately reprimanded and said, "Xiao Shu, you still have the nerve to go find Qin Li. Qin Li will definitely get good results in this Mathematical Olympiad competition. By then, he will be sent out, and he will not be able to do it later." You’re going to school, and you might even skip a grade. Do you think you can get into the Film and Television Academy next year?”

Huang Shu opened her mouth, but no words came out. She didn't expect Qin Li to work so hard without saying anything.

Only then did she think of the dream everyone had talked about on her birthday. Qin Li must have wanted to go to college as soon as possible and help Wang Yue as soon as possible.

But what about her who was also helped a lot by Wang Yue? She was so ashamed that she thought about everything every day, and even felt ashamed to be silent.

So, she lowered her head and said with some frustration, "Then I won't go. I'll go see Qin Li's grandfather another day when I have time."

After Huang Shu finished speaking, she said goodbye to Wang Yue and Shen Mo with a low expression, and then followed Shen Qi back to school.

After watching her leave, Shen Mo said with some complaint, "What did you say she was doing? She is now at the age when she is in love. You said it too harshly, but she got it wrong."

Wang Yue listened to the words "love in love" spoken by Shen Mo, and emphasized some of them, and said with a wry smile, "Why do you speak so strangely? I can tell you, Huang Shu and I have a pure teacher-student relationship. "

Shen Mo curled her lips and said disdainfully, "You alone don't have the final say whether you are pure or not. Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Today you wash the dishes! I also have to touch up my makeup."

Wang Yue had a black line on his forehead. There was no logic in this, but he couldn't argue with a woman of his own, so he didn't talk in such a stimulating way.

After this incident passed, Huang Shu studied more seriously. If she didn't understand something, she would either go to Wang Di or Qin Li. Even Feng Xuejiao was the one she asked.

In short, she used all the friends she could to try to improve her grades, but she never asked Wang Yue.

Wang Yue doesn't care much about this. He has been busy tutoring Qin Li recently and wants him to prove himself through this Mathematical Olympiad competition.

After all, if he scores well in the Mathematical Olympiad, Qin Li can guarantee admission to Tsinghua University.

Time has also proven that Wang Yue's efforts were not in vain, or that Qin Li still has talent, because he has now recovered and no longer has headaches, so he is learning rapidly and making rapid progress.

If Wang Yue hadn't accumulated a lot of experience in the world and had very profound insights into mathematics, it might be difficult to teach this student.

Soon the exam time came. Wang Yue personally sent Qin Li to the exam room and waited outside for him to come out.

At this moment, Wang Yue finally realized the feeling of the teacher waiting outside when they took the college entrance examination. Countless possibilities are running through my mind, and I am worried about something happening, and I am even more afraid that the students will not perform well.

When Qin Li came out of the examination room, even though Wang Yue had very good concentration, when Qin Li came to his side, he asked seriously, "How was the exam? Are you confident that you will get the first place?"

Qin Li gave Wang Yue a smile and said excitedly, "Teacher, you are so awesome. The questions asked today are all within the scope of your syllabus. I feel that I can get full marks in the exam."

Wang Yue looked at his proud little look and suddenly felt very proud. He was even happier than when he was the top scorer in the college entrance examination.

He patted Qin Li on the shoulder and said seriously, "Let's go home with the teacher. Let's have a good meal to celebrate."

When Qin Li heard what Wang Yue said, he felt a little embarrassed and said, "Teacher, you don't have to spend so much money. It's me who should thank you."

Wang Yue pushed Qin Li towards the car. As he walked, he said, "I want to thank you. I'll talk about it later. I don't have much, but I have a lot of money. If I hadn't kept a low profile, I would be the richest man."

When Qin Li heard Wang Yue's boastful words, he had no intention of refuting, so he just smiled and walked away with Wang Yue.

But when he and Wang Yue bought materials and went to Wang Yue's house, they found Huang Shu walking out of the house next door.

He blinked to make sure he was not dazzled, and then asked in disbelief, "Teacher Wang, is that Huang Shu? Why does she live here?"

When Wang Yue saw this scene, he realized that Huang Shu was so secretive that he didn't even tell Qin Li.

He felt that there was nothing to hide, so he said with some seriousness, "After Grandma Huang Shu died, her uncle and aunt were in the detention center and most likely going to jail. It was not safe for her to be alone, so Xiao Qi picked her up." Come here. There are quite a few rooms over there at Xiaoqi. You can come and live here if you like."

Qin Li shook his head and said with some embarrassment, "I'll forget it. If I move here, I won't worry about my grandpa living alone in the future."

Huang Shu happened to come over at this moment. When she heard this, she quickly asked, "Qin Li, when did your grandfather come home? Why didn't I know? I always thought he was in the hospital."

Qin Li smiled shyly, and then explained, "Just a few days ago, before I went to take the exam, my teacher's wife said that my grandfather's body has recovered. As long as he does not suffer from additional stimulation, he can rest at home. My grandfather heard that After he died, he clamored to go home to recuperate, but my wife couldn't stop him."

Seeing Qin Li's happy look, Huang Shu was also very happy for Qin Li, so she quickly said, "I'll go to your house to see your grandpa after dinner later."

Qin Li saw that Huang Shu really wanted to go and had no intention of refusing, so he quickly agreed.

The three of them were chatting and laughing while preparing the materials. When the meal was about to start, Shen Qi came back with a silent expression that he didn't have to work overtime.

After everyone had dinner, Shen Qi drove Qin Li home, and Huang Shu quickly followed.

After they left, Mo Shen looked at the backs of the three of them, shook his head and said, "This girl is a born protagonist! All the men around me have gathered a table of mahjong for me."

Wang Yue was a little confused when he heard this, so he asked suspiciously, "What's this mess? There are only three of them, Xiao Qi, Qin Li and Zhang Xu. Is there something else I don't know about?"

Shen Mo rolled his eyes at Wang Yue, then snorted coldly and said, "What are you pretending to be? Aren't you enough?"

Wang Yue was speechless. He didn't expect anything to make him jealous. Thinking of the gift he had prepared, he quickly took out a mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Shen Mo. Then he changed the subject and said, "Look, this is Isn’t the new mobile phone produced by our company beautiful?”

As expected, Silence's attention was diverted. She looked at the mobile phone in her hand and said with some confusion, "Is this a mobile phone? Isn't it an unfinished mirror? It doesn't even have buttons."

As soon as there was a black line on his forehead, Wang Yue quickly pressed the start button for Shen Mo, and then said with a smile, "This is considered to be activated. Can you try it and see if it works?"

Looking at the beautiful interface, Mo Mo liked it very much and said excitedly, "Teach me how to use it."

Wang Yue did not hesitate, helped Mo Mo change his mobile phone sim card, and then prepared to explain how to use it.

As a result, as soon as he turned the phone back on, the silent phone rang. Wang Yue didn't notice the phone number and handed the phone back. He really didn't have the habit of answering his wife's calls without her consent.

Shen Mo looked at the number on the phone screen, it seemed to be Shen Qi's, and she wanted to get through it, but she didn't know how to operate it.

Wang Yue quickly opened the connect button and was about to explain how to use it to Shen Mo, but before he could speak, he heard Shen Qi say anxiously on the phone, "Sister, come to Qin Li's house quickly. He When grandpa heard that Qin Li would definitely be admitted to Tsinghua University, he was so excited that he fainted again."

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