Wang Yue felt very distressed when he heard Qinqin's cautious tone. He quickly said jokingly, "My software company has just been opened. My professional manager Mr. Xu will most likely be very busy. You When dad first went there, I could work as his assistant and driver and get an extra salary."

Hearing what Wang Yue said, Qinqin glanced at her father, and then said with a smile, "Can I meet you? I'll introduce my father to you."

When Wang Yue heard that there was such a good thing, he was still worried that there was no news about Qinqin's family. He didn't expect that it would be delivered to his door so quickly, so he agreed because he was too busy.

Originally, Wang Yue wanted to call a car and drive to Qianqian Community, but Qinqin's father insisted that Wang Yue tell him the address and wait for him to drive over.

Wang Yue did not refuse. After simply reporting his home address, he used his mobile phone to control the dog walking device and called the dog back.

Because the distance was not that far in the first place, Qinqin and Qinqin’s father had just rushed over after the dog-walking artifact called Frank back.

After Qinqin got out of the car, while waiting for her father to park the car, she looked at the robot behind Frank with some surprise, and asked curiously, "Whose robot is this? Why did you hand Frank over to the robot?"

Wang Yue didn't hide anything and said with a smile, "This is a dog-walking tool I made myself. As long as I give the dog to it, we can rest."

Qinqin couldn't believe her ears, so she asked curiously, "Really or not? Brother Wang, can you let me see how he walks the dog?"

Of course Wang Yue would not refuse. He took out his mobile phone and demonstrated it to Qinqin, and then the robot walked away with the dog.

When the dog reaches the side of the road and wants to run towards the road, the dog walking tool pulls the dog leash back, then puts it back on the ground and lets it walk forward.

Frank stubbornly ran away several times, but was pulled back by the stubborn dog-walking device, which made Frank walk on the sidewalk.

After not walking far, Frank walked to a tree and was about to poop.

The dog-walking tool has quick eyesight and quick hands. With his free hand, he pulled out a net bag from his body. There was a plastic bag in the net bag, and he immediately put it on the dog's butt.

Frank looked back at the dog-walking artifact with resentment, and found that the dog-walking artifact was indifferent, so he resigned to his fate and pulled up the dog-walking artifact.

After the dog finished pooping, Frank was dragged by the dog walking tool to the trash can, threw the smelly garbage bag into the trash can, and then put a new garbage bag in the mesh bag. Then he took Frank and started walking again.

Seeing this scene, Qinqin was very surprised and said, "Your dog walking tool is so powerful. I really want to tell Duoduo and Huihui about it. They will be very happy to know about it."

Wang Yue knew that the little girl was interested in this. He had already recorded the video, so he asked with a smile, "Do you have an email address or other contact information? I will send the video to you."

Qinqin was actually a little embarrassed when she heard this. All her friends had smartphones, but she was the only one who didn't have one. She blushed, lowered her head, and told Wang Yue her QQ email address.

Wang Yue didn't take it seriously. He immediately sent the video to her. He was not suitable to give Qinqin a smartphone directly. He could only look for opportunities.

Just a moment after Wang Yuegang sent the video, he heard Qinqin's father, Jin Zhiming, say a little embarrassedly, "Sorry, it's really hard to find a parking space outside your community."

Wang Yue was speechless. He was just looking at Qinqin, but he didn't expect Jin Zhiming to park outside. He said a little embarrassed, "I'm really sorry, I should tell the guard."

Jin Zhiming waved his hand quickly and said with some embarrassment, "I heard Qinqin said that you want to invest in a second-hand car dealer? I wonder if I can help you?"

When Wang Yue heard what Jin Zhiming said was sincere, he knew that this person really thought that Wang Yue just wanted to find someone for help.

He glanced at Qinqin and then said with a smile, "Uncle Jin, I am really planning to open a second-hand car store. However, not only offline, but also online sales, I need a down-to-earth and capable old man like you." The driver came to help keep an eye on it. So, what Qinqin told you is true, not a child talking nonsense."

Qin Zhiming's heart jumped. He heard that Wang Yue meant that he wanted him to take the lead alone. He said a little unconfidently, "But I only know a little about cars, not management. .”

Wang Yue waved his hand carelessly and said seriously, "I just told Qinqin that you should learn from a professional manager. He is helping me create a technology company from scratch. You can learn from him, just ask your uncle to be Mr. Xu's driver for a few days, and I will give you an extra salary."

Seeing that Wang Yue didn't seem to be joking, Jin Zhiming asked with some surprise, "Really? Am I really good? When should we start?"

Wang Yue didn't hesitate and immediately called Mr. Xu and asked him to come to his community and introduce him to Jin Zhiming. He thought it was better to let Mr. Xu talk to Jin Zhiming.

Mr. Xu didn't have any objections to this. They were running different companies anyway, as long as the boss didn't want to stuff people in.

Qinqin didn't speak the whole time. He looked at Wang Yue, Mr. Xu and his father chatting and laughing with admiration. She thought this big brother was so handsome and powerful.

In fact, no matter how honest and conscientious a person is, they will have a certain confidence in their field of expertise.

Wang Yue's second-hand car company opened quickly. After a wave of publicity on the Internet, people soon came to sell cars.

Wang Yue, however, had no shortage of funds and would not refuse any car that came. As long as Jin Zhiming could estimate a reasonable price, Wang Yue would let the finance department accept it without hesitation.

Not to mention, there are many second-generation rich people. Within a few days of opening Wang Yue's second-hand car store, several sports cars came to serve as the store's front.

With so many luxury cars, it naturally attracted many customers who wanted to buy luxury cars, and business became very good.

As business became busier, Jin Zhiming's income increased four to five times. However, because he was so busy, he often left early and came back late.

This also made Wu Jiani, who had just obtained some medical qualification certificates and was a little dissatisfied with Jin Zhiming's status quo, suddenly panicked and had no intention of letting Qinqin go abroad.

Isn't there always a saying that men become bad when they get rich? Wu Jiani also started to be suspicious, but she couldn't go out and ask on her own. After all, he always complained about Jin Zhiming in the past for not seeking to make progress, but now that her husband has made progress, he can't Instead, give me your opinion.

She knew that her daughter knew the boss, so she bought Qinqin a smartphone and asked Qinqin to contact Wang Yue and inquire about Jin Zhiming.

Wang Yue didn't expect Qinqin's mother to be so awesome and take the initiative to let her daughter contact a strange man. Is this too dangerous?

He immediately realized that Qinqin's mother was not interested in drinking. She didn't think that he, an adult, would fall in love with a little girl. On the contrary, it was a bit bad for him to have more contact with Wang Yue.

Wang Yue saw through it but didn't reveal it. It happened that he could contact Qinqin more and gave Qinqin a copy of their company's software and a password for logging in.

This password is a one-time password for external sales. He gave this to Qinqin because he actually wanted Qinqin to advertise.

Just like some learning machines, they will find some top scorers in the college entrance examination. Qinqin is eighth in their school, so advertising is enough.

After chatting with Qinqin too much, the little girl was no longer wary of Wang Yue, and she also let Wang Yue know why Jin Zhiming, an honest man, was suddenly willing to take risks.

It turned out that the reason why Qinqin's father was willing to make changes was because Qinqin's mother, Wu Jiani, was a little obsessed with wanting her relatives to go abroad. She took advantage of the opportunity to get Jin Zhiming drunk and asked Jin Zhiming to agree to sell the family house. .

She thought that with the money from selling the house, Qinqin could buy a big one when she earned enough money to go abroad.

After all, Qinqin is now 15 years old and will get married in a few years. If she and her son-in-law come back to see the couple and bring their in-laws with them, a two-bedroom apartment will not be enough.

As a result, Qinqin's mother got the consent of a drunkard and made an appointment with Duoduo's parents to take Duoduo's grandparents to see the house.

After Jin Zhiming woke up and heard the result, of course he disagreed, so he had a quarrel with Wu Jiani, and the couple was very unhappy.

Just at this time, Qinqin also came to Jin Zhiming, hoping that Jin Zhiming would work hard to change the life at home.

Jin Zhiming originally thought that his daughter, who was sensible, suddenly became a bit worshipful for money. He was very unhappy and just used his anger to say a few words.

Qinqin felt sad when she was criticized by her father for the first time, so she took the opportunity to talk about Zhang Xiaoyu's evaluation of him and Wang Yue's opinions, including of course driving.

Hearing that he was doing his old job made Jin Zhiming feel that he should seize the opportunity and not continue driving a taxi, otherwise his wife and children would be separated sooner or later. It is precisely because of this that he agreed to Qinqin and meet Wang Yue with Qinqin.

On Qinqin's side, because Jin Zhiming suddenly became capable, everything in the family entered a state of calm. She felt that there was hope for her family to turn around, and Wu Jiani did not dare to send her daughter abroad.

After all, as Jin Zhiming gets busier and busier, Qinqin is the bridge of communication between their husband and wife. If Qinqin goes abroad, who knows if Jin Zhiming, who has great abilities, will be seduced by some little goblin.

Even if the little goblin hadn't hooked him up, he would have been fascinated by the fox outside and refused to go home, just like Xiaoyu's father, who eventually broke up with his wife and children.

They were calm, but Zhang Xiaoyu, whose mother was a negative example, said something about it.

Speaking of which, Wang Yue was to blame for what happened this time. After listening to Wang Yue's words, Zhang Xiaoyu returned home and asked his father for money to invest.

He also said that his brother wanted to pay for his mother's share of the settlement, saying that he wanted to invest in real estate and make a living by collecting rent like a landlord in the south.

It must be said that Zhang Xiaoyu's idea is a good one. After all, let's not talk about making money from real estate, but just being a landlord. As long as there is no war, how many lifetimes can it last?

But what made Comrade Lao Zhang feel uncomfortable was that what Zhang Xiaoyu said was so irritating. What does it mean to get his mother's share back?

You know, in the eyes of Zhang Xiaoyu’s father, everything in the family is earned by himself. What does it have to do with Zhang Xiaoyu’s mother?

He completely forgot that he was just a fish seller back then. It was Xiaoyu's mother who didn't mind him and helped him handle the housework, so that he could make money outside with peace of mind.

Xiaoyu's mother and Xiaoyu's father divorced. It was only after he became rich that he always fooled around outside and did not support his wife's career. This led to the breakdown of their relationship.

After Xiaoyu's mother was heartbroken, she did not divide her property with Zhang Liangzhong in order to take Xiaoyu away. But now that Xiaoyu is with his father, nominally half of Xiaoyu's father's money does belong to Xiaoyu's mother.

Tina didn't care about the troubles between father and son. She enjoyed the care and care of Xiaoyu's father, but she never thought of monopolizing all the property.

Besides, Zhang Liangzhong’s property was all pre-marital property, and actually had nothing to do with Tina. She didn't care, it was useless to care.

But she wouldn't be the good person to persuade the father and son. She was also afraid that if they didn't get it right, they would target her together.

As a result, the father and son quarreled louder and louder. Finally, Zhang Liangzhong was so angry that his eyesight blurred and he was sent to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with glaucoma.

Seeing that his father was like this, Zhang Xiaoyu felt a little regretful, so he stayed honest for a few days.

It's just that the reason why a naughty kid is a naughty kid is because he can't be honest for long.

It was past 10 o'clock that night, and Wang Yue was about to fall asleep when he suddenly received a call from Qinqin.

After Qinqin connected the phone, she said anxiously, "Brother Wang Yue, I have something, please help me."

Wang Yue raised his eyebrows. Qinqin had known him for so long, but she had never asked him for help. He was curious about what the little girl asked him to do.

But after Qinqin said it, Wang Yue didn't know what to say.

It turns out that there is a forever18 fan meeting tonight. The three little guys lied to their parents that they would have to make up classes until ten o'clock, but they were actually going to the concert together.

The three people were infected by the atmosphere at the scene and were so excited that they forgot the time and did not hear the calls from Wu Jiani and Duoduo's mother, Tong Wenjie.

Qinqin Duoduo and the other three came out of the concert. When they saw their mother making many phone calls, they panicked and didn't know what to do.

Zhang Xiaoyu encouraged Qinqin to find Wang Yue to find a solution. He, a clever little devil, saw that Wang Yue was very good to Qinqin and helped Qinqin's father open a company, so he should be able to help them get through.

After Wang Yue heard this, he was speechless. He didn't want to take the blame. After all, he was a good person in the eyes of Jin Zhiming and Wu Jiani. If his image was ruined, it would be difficult to have contact with Qinqin again.

It's just that he can't refuse. After all, this is the first time Qinqin actively begs her.

He thought for a while and then said quickly, "Well, Qinqin, didn't you tell your mother about the software I gave you? Now you take a taxi to my company to find Mr. Xu and tell him that the company is testing the learning software internally. If If you can cooperate, we can provide an English learning software for free. After the three of you hear about it, you want to try it."

After hearing this, Qinqin nodded quickly, and she and Duoduo Xiaoyu rushed to Wang Yue's company.

Mr. Xu was working overtime today, but he was ready to leave now. He didn't expect that the boss would arrange this job for him, which made him dumbfounded.

However, he didn't want to offend a boss like Wang Yue who didn't interfere in affairs. It happened that the company's technicians developed an exam pattern based on Wang Yue's learning software, so they let Duoduo and the others go in and pretend to take the exam.

It was when the three children were preparing for the exam that Duoduo called Tong Wenjie and told them that they were preparing for the exam.

Of course Tong Wenjie and Wu Jiani didn't believe it, so they hurried over. When they arrived, Qinqin had already prepared two English papers, Duoduo had also prepared one, and Zhang Xiaoyu had already prepared them. Five servings.

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