Wu Jiani and Jin Zhiming, who were busy with their own work, were originally worried about Qinqin's studies, but found that without their supervision, Qinqin studied harder, and became more relaxed about Qinqin.

Thanks to this good result, Qinqin also has more time to chat with Wang Yue.

Of course, the way the two of them chatted always started with Qinqin asking Wang Yue a question, and then ended with Qinqin being shy.

Qinqin was having a relaxing time here, but Duoduo was in trouble.

Because she had to update and write his novel every day when she came home from school. She had to write 3,000 words every day. It took so much time that she had no time to study at all, and her grades suffered a serious decline.

Originally, Duoduo locked herself in the room and wrote secretly every day, and would not be discovered. The bad thing is that the Internet is too developed.

It turns out that when Tong Wenjie went to school one time, she heard someone calling Duoduo, Duojie leader.

Tong Wenjie thought it was a new term on the Internet. She was also afraid that it would be difficult to communicate with her daughter because of the generation gap, so she used Qianbaidu to check the meaning of Duojiao.

The content shocked her. Her precious daughter was secretly writing a novel.

Duoduo's "Youth I am the most crazy" has 40,000 to 50,000 fans and 15,000 words are updated every month.

Five thousand words are updated every day. Compared to the human limit of four thousand words, these five thousand words are already very good, surpassing many authors.

The reason why Wang Yue knew that Duo Duo wrote novels was because Qin Qin was Duo Duo's little friend. After the two lived together for a few days, they talked about everything nice, so he knew about it.

Before Tong Wenjie found out, Qinqin told Wang Yue that she thought Duoduo was very powerful and her books were beautiful, unlike her, who had nothing to do but study.

Wang Yue heard some envy in Qinqin's words, so he smiled and comforted him, "Everyone has something they are good at. Duoduo, this girl, is good at writing, so her novels are sought after by many people. You learn Okay, you can do the job you want and like in the future, there’s no need to worry about it.”

Qinqin frowned, looked at the information on her phone, and said tangledly, "We still have to wait, but Xiaoyu and Duoduo have found something they like, but I haven't found what I like yet? I have been with my mother since I was a child. He just urged me to study, study, and study, and never trained me to learn anything else.”

Wang Yue looked at the sadness in Qinqin's words and sighed that the little girl had indeed reached the age of being sentimental. In order to divert Qinqin's attention, he immediately retorted, "Qinqin, you made a mistake!"

Qinqin was lost in her own thoughts. After hearing Wang Yue's words, she asked in surprise, "What did I do wrong?"

Seeing that Qinqin's attention was diverted, Wang Yue quickly explained, "Xiaoyu doesn't know what he likes at all. You are wrong about this."

Qinqin frowned and asked with some confusion, "But doesn't Xiaoyu love the drum set? He plays it every day and is quite good at it."

Wang Yue heard Qinqin's envy, so he smiled and consoled him, "You want to learn a musical instrument, I can teach you a few. However, Xiaoyu doesn't like it himself, but because his mother likes musical instruments, and that drum set is for him." It was left by his mother, so he always likes to play, saying that he is playing the drum set, but it is better to say that he is thinking about his mother."

Qinqin didn't expect that Xiaoyu's hobby was due to longing. As expected, her attention was diverted by Wang Yue. She felt that she was very happy now and didn't need to learn any musical instrument. Just like Wang Yue said, when you have time, you can let Wang Yue teach her.

Just as Wang Yue and Qin Qin were chatting, they were suddenly pulled into the group chat by Duoduo, and then they saw the voice message sent by Duoduo, which sounded very panicked.

Duoduo, "I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

Xiaoyu, "Don't panic Duoduo, your brother Xiaoyu is here!"

Qinqin, "?? Duoduo, what's wrong?"

Duoduo, "My mother discovered that I was writing a book."

Qinqin, "How do you know your mother found out?"

Duoduo, "My mother got a QQ account somewhere to chat with me. The network address is the same as mine."

Xiaoyu, "No, isn't it? Is your dad at home? Why don't you go out and hide? I'm not at home now, so you can hide at Qinqin's house."

Qinqin said, "Come on, my parents are not at home. Come and keep me company. Aunt Tong is chasing me, but no one is stopping me. By the way, where is Uncle Fang?"

Duoduo was helpless and quickly explained, "My dad and Teacher Zhou are on a business trip. They haven't been here for the past few days. I don't know what to do."

Seeing Duoduo say this, Xiaoyu quickly sent a message to Wang Yue, "Brother Wang, isn't Dr. Zhou your girlfriend? Can you rest assured that your girlfriend is on a business trip with another man?"

Qinqin didn't even wait for Wang Yue's reply and quickly sent a message, "Hurry up and call Uncle Fang! Let him help find a solution."

Wang Yue knew what Qinqin meant, so he quickly comforted Duoduo, "Don't panic. I think with your mother's character and being influenced by your father for so long, she shouldn't cause trouble for you right away. She will definitely want to He will just observe you for a while, and then he will talk to you when he has enough evidence."

Duoduo read Wang Yue's message, but it was gone. She was panicked at the beginning. She suddenly thought of a question and made an angry expression, "How did my mother know that I wrote a novel?"

Xiaoyu quickly sent a clarifying message, "I didn't snitch! But that's not necessarily the case with those three guys in the first year of high school. What you think is a secret, others may think it's quite fun."

Seeing that Duoduo was already suspicious, Qinqin quickly reminded, "Don't forget, the nickname of Leader Duo has been spread. Someone must have found you based on this information. You guys just went to a parent-teacher meeting and said Maybe you’ll know.”

Seeing that the three little guys were about to quarrel, Wang Yue immediately reminded Duoduo, "Don't forget, the browser is a good thing. If you don't know anything, you can check it out."

Wang Yue's message made the three people quiet down. After all, as long as they knew the pen name, they would definitely be able to find the real person.

Duoduo is careless!

After being silent for a while, Duoduo took the lead in replying to the message, "Brother Wang, what should I do?"

Wang Yue smiled and casually sent a message to comfort Duoduo, "You are right to write a novel, but there is just a problem with time. If you take the initiative to talk to your mother, maybe I can buy you some writing time."

Duoduo was originally a little disgusted with her mother deliberately approaching her with a trumpet, but after hearing Wang Yue's words, she felt that this might be an opportunity.

She asked Wang Yue with some confusion, "Then I can negotiate directly with my mother?"

Wang Yue thought for a while and felt that Duoduo might not be able to tell Tong Wenjie, so he quickly gave an idea, "You should tell your dad on QQ that your school is busy in the past two days and stop updating novels so frequently. Come back and talk to your mother."

After hearing what Wang Yue said, Duoduo thought it made sense, so she deliberately sent a message back to her mother. She was quite busy with her studies, so she made an appointment with her little sister to study the software and test the ranking together. She would update it when she has time next week.

Sure enough, what she said made Tong Wenjie feel relieved and decided to observe for a while before talking, so she didn't alert the snake.

But after Tong Wenjie pressed this button, she encountered other things and her attention was diverted.

It turned out that when Fangyuan and Xiao Zhou were on a business trip together, their car broke down halfway. Although Xiao Zhou repaired the car, they also missed the time and had to find a farmhouse to stay temporarily.

When Xiao Zhou was taking a selfie, she took a picture of "Hello" with two people's backs and posted it in her circle of friends. She originally wanted to see Wang Yue's reaction, but she didn't expect Wang Yue to react yet. On the contrary, he did First, he attracted Tong Wenjie’s attention.

When Tong Wenjie saw the photos in Xiao Zhou's circle of friends, she felt a little jealous. She rolled her eyes and sent the photos to Wu Jiani.

She felt that as Wang Yue's wage earner, Wu Jiani couldn't let her boss get cheated. It would be nice if Wang Yue could remind Xiao Zhou to keep distance from Fangyuan.

But after she sent the message, Wu Jiani was a little confused. She didn't know why she was sending him a photo of a girl on Valentine's Day?

It's not that her information is lagging behind, it's actually that he has been busy recently, because Wang Yue thinks the clinic is relatively small, and because I have never opened one before, he has not found any professional manager at all. Wu Jiani is running everything by herself. .

So during this period, Wu Jiani not only had to discuss cooperation with medical representatives, but also had to go to the hospital site selection, business license, and a bunch of other things.

Because she was busy with too many things, Wu Jiani didn't even have time to manage her diligent study, let alone other things.

So after she received the photo, she nonchalantly sent a message to Tong Wenjie, "Who is this? She's pretty."

Tong Wenjie felt a mouthful of old blood welling up in her heart. She didn't expect that this best friend didn't even care who her boss's girlfriend was.

So, she quickly reminded her, "This is your boss's girlfriend, Dr. Zhou from Fangyuan Hospital. You don't even know who the boss's wife is, right?"

Wu Jiani was a little confused when she saw the message from Tong Wenjie. Does Wang Yue have a girlfriend?

Then why is he so kind to his family?

Could it be that Wang Yue's surname is actually Cao?

Thinking of this possibility, Wu Jiani felt a little uncomfortable. It was not that she wanted to divorce and marry Wang Yue, it was purely because of the gap in her heart.

Wu Jiani felt a little sad. She looked at the small hospital being renovated and felt very emotional for a moment.

She still remembers when she was looking for a suitable house, but she went to many places, and many of the places with reasonable prices were too small. She always felt a little aggrieved, much smaller than the community clinic she used to stay in.

Wu Jiani was unwilling to accept it. She just happened to encounter a company relocation, and the two floors above and below were two to three hundred square meters empty.

She accidentally thought of what her sister said, so she arranged the finances for Wang Yue, and wanted to rent this place to open a clinic.

She actually didn't have much hope. After renting this place, she wouldn't have to worry about getting her money back. She might not be able to earn enough even with the rent. No real investment businessman would agree with his idea.

What she didn't expect was that the accountant just made a phone call and soon paid the agency and rented the place.

She was quite touched at first, and she had some understanding of how a beautiful woman in ancient times could charm a country with her smile, but today she suddenly found out that Wang Yue had a girlfriend, and she didn't know how she felt.

She was in a bad mood and didn't want to be verbose, so she said casually, "Her girlfriend has already posted on WeChat Moments. She must not have hidden it from Wang Yue. It should be fine."

Tong Wenjie didn't expect her best friend to be so stupid, so she quickly reminded her, "Don't you know there is a setting in Moments to prevent someone from seeing it?"

Wu Jiani's eyes widened. She had just thought of this. She suddenly felt that Wang Yue's girlfriend was quite ignorant. With such a handsome and rich boyfriend, why was she still messing around outside?

So, out of some unknown mood, she felt that Wang Yue could not be deceived, so she accepted Tong Wenjie's feelings and forwarded the photo to Wang Yue.

Wang Yue felt a little confused when he saw Dr. Zhou in the photo. What is going on?

Why does Wu Jiani have a photo of Dr. Zhou?

He couldn't figure it out, so he sent the photo to Qinqin, and then asked Qinqin, "Your mother just sent me this photo, and I don't know why? Why don't you go and ask?"

Qinqin felt sour in her heart when she saw Dr. Zhou's beautiful photo. She said unhappily, "Didn't you see the shadow of another man in the photo? My mother didn't know where she saw it. In this photo, I thought your girlfriend was cuckolding you, so I specially reminded you."

Wang Yue didn't think much about it at first. He just thought it was a rare opportunity to develop a relationship with Qinqin, but after hearing Qinqin's words, he became a little worried.

You know, Wu Jiani is Qinqin's mother, and she will be the future mother-in-law.

Wang Yue didn't want his mother-in-law to misunderstand, so he quickly said to Qinqin, "Qinqin, you have to explain it to me. You can't let your mother misunderstand."

Qinqin and Wang Yue had never made their relationship explicit. She vaguely knew why Wang Yue was worried. She felt sweet in her heart, but she still said duplicitously, "Why should I explain to her?"

Wang Yue didn't expect that the little girl was still shy, so he quickly coaxed Qinqin and asked Qinqin to explain it clearly to her future mother-in-law.

Qinqin was elated by Wang Yue's coaxing, and then she quickly hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, she was still a little shy. Just thinking about what Wang Yue told her, she wanted to wash her face and calm down.

She felt that Wang Yue was a bad guy, which affected her mood in studying. She also wanted to challenge the rankings.

Just washing her face could not calm her down. She felt that she needed to answer a few sets of questions so that she could think socially, so she started to answer the most difficult Mathematical Olympiad questions.

Time passed unknowingly because she was studying the questions too seriously. When her mother came home and came to him, Qinqin raised her head and realized that several hours had passed.

After Qinqin saw her mother, she thought of Wang Yue's message. Her little face wanted to blush again. She was afraid that she would reveal her secret, so she quickly said to her mother, "Mom, Wang Yue has something for you. Let me give it to you." explain."

When Wu Jiani heard that it was Wang Yue, she subconsciously became nervous. She was afraid that her daughter would know that a young man liked her, so she turned around in a panic, and then said casually, "What is he going to explain to me? "

Qinqin was lowering her head at the moment. She didn't know what was going on with her mother, so she quickly said, "Dr. Zhou and Wang Yue were pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend. At that time, Aunt Tong thought Dr. Zhou and Uncle Fang were having an affair. Zhou The doctor asked Wang Yue for help just to fool Aunt Tong."

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