After listening to Li Xiang's suggestion, Qinqin shook her head subconsciously. She said in a panic, "But I don't know anything, so I won't go. Just Duoduo help you."

When Duoduo saw what Qinqin said, she immediately said timidly, "I won't go either. My grades in the last exam were so bad. If my mother knew that I actually wrote something again, she would definitely be angry."

Li Xiang saw that Duoduo didn't agree, so he looked at Qinqin and said pleadingly, "Qinqin, you see, if you don't agree, Leader Duo won't go either. Otherwise, you can just go and have fun and rest your head." ?”

Qinqin saw that Duoduo also wanted to go, but she was a little hesitant. She thought about Wang Yue saying that he could teach her musical instruments, so she nodded and said, "Okay, but I still have to think about whether to sing or play music. "

Li Xiang saw Qinqin relenting, and quickly nodded in agreement and said, "It's up to you, as long as you are willing to come, Duoduo, what about you? You see Qinqin has agreed, our script is counting on you. "

Duoduo saw that Qinqin, a person who was addicted to learning, agreed, so she was embarrassed to refuse. In fact, she also wanted to participate in this program.

After Duoduo agreed, she and Li Xiang often took time to discuss stories. However, Qinqin didn't know anything, so she found Wang Yue. She was actually looking forward to Wang Yue teaching him some musical instruments.

Wang Yue did not expect that Qinqin would want to learn at this time. He was not ready yet, so he took Qinqin to the music store. There were various musical instruments here and he wanted Qinqin to choose one.

After Qinqin saw the music store, she thought everything was fun and wanted to learn everything. However, after researching for a long time, she couldn't choose the right one, so she asked hesitantly, "Brother Ayue, which one do you think I should choose?" I'll listen to you."

Wang Yue thought that Mai Mai could play the piano, so he asked with a smile, "How about you learn piano? It happens to be similar to your name."

Qinqin saw that Wang Yue had recommended it, so she immediately agreed. She was going to take Wang Yue out to sign up for a piano training class. When she entered the piano store just now, she had already seen the promotion, and the price was acceptable to her. You can still buy it with the new year's money, otherwise, you wouldn't agree to follow Wang Yue in.

Wang Yue saw that the little girl had never thought of letting him give him a piano. He also felt that it was not appropriate to give something away now, so he just stood there and let Qinqin pull her, while he calmly discussed the price of the piano and guqin with the boss of the piano store. , and asked the boss to send him home.

The piano owner saw that Wang Yue had bought two such expensive instruments at once, so he gave Wang Yue many cheap small instruments and happily delivered them to Wang Yue's home.

Qinqin felt a little distressed when she saw Wang Yue's lavish behavior. She didn't get her first smartphone until she was in the third year of junior high school. Her biggest dream is to graduate early and work to improve her family's life. condition.

Now Wang Yue's dream of improving conditions has been easily realized, but she still couldn't stand the habit she had developed over the years, so she couldn't help but pull Wang Yue's arm.

Wang Yue saw Qin Qin's confusion, so he smiled and reassured, "It's okay. You can play with it slowly after you buy it. It's much more cost-effective than hiring a teacher."

Seeing Wang Yue's insistence, Qinqin lowered her head and said nothing. She felt very conflicted, partly blaming Wang Yue, but also partly happy.

Wang Yue didn't know the complexity in the little girl's heart. After he returned, he asked the mover to put the piano away, and then played Swordsman on the Guqin to get a feel for it.

As expected, Qinqin was attracted by Wang Yue's exquisite piano skills. She forgot about the complexity in her heart and begged Wang Yue to teach her to play this.

Naturally, Wang Yue would not refuse and started his teaching journey. However, he never taught others how to play the piano. He just taught the piano step by step according to his own rhythm.

It's just that Qinqin is quite busy with her studies and doesn't have many opportunities to study every day. She can only study during her lunch break, and she has to study hard at other times.

This was probably the first time that she learned something other than studying. Qinqin was very attentive in studying, her mood was much better, and her learning efficiency was unexpectedly much better.

Wang Yue and Qinqin were having a good time here, but Duoduo was in some trouble. She wanted to write a script, but she didn't have a computer, so she had to write it by hand, and the speed was slower.

However, this is nothing. After switching to handwriting, the speed was a little slower, but Duoduo was able to squeeze out time to write after class at noon, and the speed was about the same in the end.

After she and Li Xiang communicated and finalized the final script, they were ready to rehearse, but now there was a new problem, where was the rehearsal place.

Qinqin was assigned to play a piece of music, and Wang Yue had specially taught it. She could already play it well, and she was able to cooperate. However, when they rehearsed once at school, they always attracted onlookers, which somewhat affected their rehearsal.

Wang Yue happened to be invited by Qinqin to watch her first performance. In fact, it was to cheer Qinqin up. After all, this was the first time Qinqin performed on stage. Although she had to play the piano on the stage, Qinqin was still a little panicked. She felt that Wang Yue was coming, and she felt more at ease.

But in the face of this situation, the school can't solve it. After all, the teacher can't just watch it all the time, and other children can't stop it at all.

Wang Yue felt that going on like this was not an option. He didn't want Qinqin to waste time here, so he thought of a closed bar near his home. The landlord hadn't found a new tenant yet, so he planned to rent it for a few days and let a few people go there. Rehearse there.

After listening to Wang Yuede's suggestion, Li Xiang felt a little embarrassed and said, "The school doesn't have to provide much funding for the rehearsal of this show. It's not appropriate for you to spend the money alone."

Qinqin and Duoduo also nodded, feeling that this was a school program and Wang Yue couldn't be asked to foot the bill. It was inappropriate to do so.

Seeing everyone's insistence, Wang Yue hesitated for a moment and then came up with an idea. He smiled and said, "You can put a small advertisement for my company for this program, and my company will rent the bar for you. This way we can win a win-win situation."

When everyone heard what Wang Yue said, they all thought it was pretty good, and began to discuss how to advertise quietly.

Li thought about it for a long time. He felt that the school might not be willing to advertise, so he could only start with the script, so he asked Duoduo to find a way to add elements of Wang Yue Company into the stage play.

Duoduo didn't bother and quickly thought of a way. She was good at making up stories and easily wrote a copy for Wang Yue to take a look at.

Wang Yue glanced at it and found that there were many loopholes in the copywriting, but for a junior high school student, it was pretty good, so he agreed to Duoduo's plan without raising any objections.

Seeing that Wang Yue accepted Duoduo's script and had already rented a place, everyone no longer had any worries and happily went to another place to rehearse.

It's just that Duoduo's mother is watching too closely, and it's difficult for Duoduo to come to participate in the training. She asked him to check the rehearsal status through WeChat video.

Qinqin was a little more free. She told her parents that there was a program held at school. Wu Jiani and Jin's father didn't have time to spend time with their children because of their work. They heard that their daughter might have to go home late to participate in a performance. It was okay. To describe it, it's like being granted amnesty.

And her learning foundation was relatively solid, and she had very few weak points of knowledge. After being screened out by the learning software, and with Wang Yue helping to check and fill in the gaps, her performance did not deteriorate at all.

Wang Yue did not rehearse with these children. He came to teach Qinqin how to play the piano during the first few rehearsals. After getting familiar with it in the next few days, he only took Qinqin's tutoring lessons at the end.

After rehearsing like this for a while, the show finally came into shape. Li Xiang felt that it was necessary for Duoduo, the writer and director, to see if there were any shortcomings, so he invited Duoduo.

Duoduo was afraid of being controlled by Tong Wenjie. She was afraid that Tong Wenjie would not agree, so she quietly went to where everyone was rehearsing while Tong Wenjie was sending her home after finishing her classes and preparing to go to the company.

What Duoduo didn't expect was that Tong Wenjie suddenly realized that she had forgotten to take something halfway down the road, so she turned around and returned to the community, just in time to see Duoduo sneaking out of the community.

When Tong Wenjie saw this scene, she couldn't think of going to work. She quickly drove her car and followed Duoduo to the bar.

It's not that Tong Wenjie restricted Duoduo's freedom, but her behavior was too suspicious, and with such a precious daughter, she naturally felt uneasy.

As a result, what made her even more angry was that she followed Duoduo to a bar. Is this a place where a girl over 14 years old can come?

When she saw Duoduo pushing open the door and entering in a familiar manner, she couldn't help but park the car casually on the side of the road, and quickly ran to the bar wearing high heels.

The door of the bar was not locked, and she could hear the loud music inside through the crack of the door while standing at the door, which made her even more angry.

So she could no longer restrain her emotions, pushed the door open hard, and rushed in quickly.

After she entered, she saw Duoduo and a boy sitting side by side looking at the stage. There were several children singing and dancing on the stage.

The three protagonists on the stage, Tong Wenjie, also knew each other. It was their concert that Duoduo lied about last time.

For a moment, Tong Wenjie had countless possibilities in her mind. With a face in her mouth, she quickly walked to Duoduo and grabbed her arm to walk out.

Duoduo was startled when she was grabbed by someone. When she turned around and saw that it was her mother, she immediately panicked.

But she also thought about why her mother came here. Was she following her all the time?

This possibility was immediately confirmed in her little mind, and she suddenly felt a sense of embarrassment and anger, and forcefully shook off Tong Wenjie's hand.

Tong Wenjie looked at the somewhat unruly Duoduo in astonishment. She didn't want to get angry with Duoduo here, so she took a few steps away and said angrily to the children on the stage, "I don't know how you can get along with Duoduo." We know each other, but you should know that Duoduo is a third-year junior high school student. She is about to face the high school entrance examination, which is a very important stage in her life. Auntie, please don’t contact Duoduo during this time, please everyone."

After she finished speaking, she bowed solemnly to everyone on the stage, which shocked the children on the stage.

Especially Li Xiang, who quickly stepped forward and explained to Tong Wenjie, "Auntie, we are preparing a New Year's Eve program. Duoduo is our director and screenwriter. It will only take up half a day and will not affect Duoduo."

Tong Wenjie's mind was now occupied by anger, and the remaining brain capacity was not enough to understand what Li wanted to express. She only thought of a question from these words.

That’s when Duoduo started writing again!

I just finished 21st in the class last time I took the test. I just studied for a few days and my thoughts started to grow again. How many days are left for the high school entrance examination? Can I withstand such a torment?

Thinking of this, Tong Wenjie waved her hand to stop Li Xiang from continuing, and said in a cold voice, "I remember you are a freshman in high school, right? You have just passed the high school entrance examination. You should know how important the high school entrance examination is to students. You actually let Duo Duo Why are you worried about writing a script?!"

Duoduo didn't expect that her mother would not target herself, but instead target Li Xiang and her idol. She didn't know how to see her friends in the future, which made her feel a little angry.

She felt that she couldn't stay any longer, so she turned around and ran outside the bar. When she passed the door, she closed it heavily.

Tong Wenjie was originally going to say a few more words, but when she heard the door knock, she quickly turned around and found that Duoduo had disappeared. She didn't say anything more and hurriedly chased after her.

It's just that when she went out, it was already a little late. Duoduo had already ran more than ten meters, and the direction she ran was not the direction of her car.

Tong Wenjie only hesitated for two seconds. An extra second would be disrespectful to the relationship between mother and daughter. She immediately gave up the car and chased Duoduo on her high heels.

Duoduo heard the sound of high-heeled shoes hitting the ground quickly behind her, and she quickened her pace next time. She didn't want to see her mother now. She felt that her face had been completely humiliated by her mother.

Tong Wenjie saw Duoduo walking faster and faster, so she couldn't help but start running. She was an adult after all, so she walked a little faster, and finally grabbed Duoduo's arm when Duoduo turned towards the woods in the park.

Duoduo was feeling upset at the moment. After her arm was grabbed, she subconsciously shook it, trying to break away from Tong Wenjie's restraints.

Tong Wenjie just leaned forward and could barely hold Duoduo's hand. Now that she was thrown away, she became unsteady and fell heavily to the ground.

But in the process of falling, she threw forward a little more, and happened to hit Duoduo's leg supporting the ground, causing Duoduo to squat down and fall backwards.

After Tong Wenjie fell down, her eyes blurred when she felt she hit something, and she saw Duoduo's little body falling backwards. She didn't care so much, and quickly reached out to pull Duoduo, trying to protect Duoduo.

Just like that, Duoduo's butt hit Tong Wenjie hard on the lower abdomen, causing Tong Wenjie's face to turn blue and white in pain, as if she had been strangled by a knife.

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