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Chapter 1179 Buying clothes for employees

Wu Jiani was a woman after all, and her thoughts were more delicate. She felt that it would not be easy for her daughter to choose the High School Affiliated to Qingda University, but she couldn't think of any reason, so she decided against it.

In fact, Wu Jiani was right about one thing. It is indeed not that simple, but it is not a matter between men and women.

The reason why the High School Affiliated to Qingda University was so responsible in being the first to issue the notice was not only because the competition for academic hegemony was organized by the company of students from his own school, but more importantly, Wang Yue reached an agreement with Qingda University through technical cooperation. Cooperation in the Academic Competition.

Wang Yue did not suffer much, because the subsequent development and data collection of this software did not require him to personally take action. He was completely liberated. This was also a win-win situation.

After Qinqin was admitted, she started another round of study. This course has been from junior high school to high school, and it is still the same as usual.

Wu Jiani was a little worried at first, fearing that her daughter would be proud, but seeing that her daughter was still studying as before, she was busy preparing for the opening of the hospital.

After these few months of busy work, she has obtained the business license and other matters. It is handled as a private hospital. The small hospital has also been renovated, and the medicine and medical equipment have been contacted. It can start business at any time.

It's just that the closer it gets to the eve of business, the more busy Wu Jiani has to do, so she no longer pays attention to her daughter's affairs.

Lao Jin has also been very busy recently. After the company website was put up, the business volume increased sharply, so the original factory was no longer enough.

After communicating with Wang Yue, Lao Jin was looking for locations in other districts to expand his business. He needed to send people to other places to take charge of the work, which would test the ability of his subordinates.

This was exactly what Lao Jin lacked, so he took every step with trepidation, fearing that something would go wrong.

In fact, according to the current situation, it is already possible to open branches in other provinces and cities, but Lao Jin is worried that there will be problems if he takes too big a step, so he has never dared to do so.

It's just that he is also very tired. He leaves early and comes home late every day, and he doesn't even have time to take care of his daughter.

He didn't know until this moment why his wife always said that he didn't seek to make progress. If he had read a little before, it wouldn't be as difficult as it is now.

Therefore, he now picks up books on management from time to time and reads them. Although most of the time he falls asleep while reading them, he still makes some progress.

As a daughter-in-law, Wu Jiani can certainly see her husband's obvious progress. She is very satisfied with her husband's changes, so she treats Lao Jin better.

The three of them are working hard for a good life at home, but Qinqin's aunt Wu Fangni encounters a disaster.

The old man of Wu Fangni's family still couldn't hold on and died. In order to prevent Wu Fangni from inheriting his property, the old man did not help her apply for nationality until his death.

After the old man died, Wu Fangni had no chance to apply for household registration. Apart from the money the old man gave her, he basically didn't leave anything behind. All the property belonged to the old man's ex-wife and son.

Fortunately, she has had some plans of her own over the years. She used her hobbies as an excuse to get a lot of good things from the old man, including some antique calligraphy and paintings. If these things were sold, she would earn several million US dollars.

Coupled with Wu Fangni's own income over the years, her net worth is between 10 and 20 million US dollars, and she will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of her life. It's just that the foreign culture that Wu Fangni admired was ruined.

She was not willing to be kicked out of her home, so she prepared to use magic to defeat magic. She hired a very good local lawyer with a high inheritance ratio, and wanted to fight with the son of an old North American man through the lawyer to get more. property.

She didn't think about playing the piano for a moment, and even Wu Jiani sent her good news, but it was like nothing happened.

As time goes by, Wu Jiani's hospital has been opened, the business is not very prosperous, and the income is not bad.

Just because her medical skills are limited, she can only treat some common diseases, and she is not qualified to perform surgeries. Most of them can only treat colds, fevers and common illnesses, so she only opened the first floor and the second floor. The buildings were all idle, which made her a little worried.

She never thought that opening a small hospital would be so complicated and laborious, but even so, she still earned a lot of money here, at least several times more than when she worked before. Of course, this was in addition to the rent.

Things were much better with Jin Zhiming. After he got acquainted with Mr. Xu, he would ask Mr. Xu if he didn't understand something, and he actually grew a lot.

Mr. Xu knew how much Wang Yue took care of Jin Qinqin. She felt that being nice to her boss's future father-in-law would be good for future development, so she told her everything she knew.

Because of this, Jin Zhiming gradually understood some ways of employing people, and probably how to operate it. He successfully opened several branches in other big cities. The business grew bigger and bigger, and his income also increased. high.

It's just that Wu Jiani is not used to it because he has been traveling around all these years and is rarely at home.

I’m just not used to it, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Ancient people have warned women a long time ago that since they want men to be capable, they should bravely face the pain of this process and teach their husbands how to find a prince. The word regret is not just a word. Just words.

As Qinqin grew up, she also suddenly grew taller during this period. Her clothes were a little inappropriate. She wanted her parents to accompany her to buy clothes, but neither of them had time.

She hesitated for a moment, then sent a message to Wang Yue, asking if Wang Yue had time.

Wang Yue did have something to do recently. Some time ago, he went back to his hometown during the holiday and went to the orphanage.

After arriving, he suddenly received news that the government was going to demolish the orphanage and move it to another location.

Of course, they also promised to rebuild the orphanage elsewhere, but almost everyone knew that they didn't know when they were talking about rebuilding. It was most likely that they would be sent to a location on the outskirts of the city.

After Wang Yue got the news, he didn't say anything. He felt that it was necessary to rebuild a private orphanage, under the control of the director.

He also told the old dean his suggestions. The old dean didn't have any objections. He was only worried about whether Wang Yue could afford the financial resources.

In this regard, Wang Yue promised that he had the strength to solve this problem perfectly, which made the dean feel relieved. Just prepare carefully and consider how to build an ideal orphanage.

Just as he was drawing a picture, he suddenly received a message from Qinqin. He happened to have no ideas, so he was going to go out and change his mind.

After the two of them arrived at the mall, the little girl felt that everything was very good, but she was reluctant to buy anything. After struggling for a long time, she still couldn't buy the right clothes.

Wang Yue saw that this choice was not an option, so he thought it would be faster to buy Qinqin clothes according to his taste.

So, he took Qinqin directly into a store, and then skillfully selected Qinqin's size, and asked the store clerk to help Qinqin choose a set to try.

Seeing Wang Yue's insistence, Qinqin didn't refuse. She took the clothes and hurried to try them on.

She changed into clothes in the fitting room and suddenly found that the clothes fit perfectly, as if they were tailor-made.

She looked at herself in the mirror and thought with some confusion, "How does Brother Ayue know his size?"

As she thought about it, she unconsciously thought of Wang Yue's eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. She murmured in her heart, brother A Yue is not a clairvoyant, right?

Thinking of this possibility, her little face turned red unconsciously.

Of course she knew that Wang Yue couldn't really have clairvoyance, so she felt that Wang Yue was just observing carefully.

Just thinking like this made her face redder, making her feel hot, and she quickly calmed herself down.

After taking a deep breath in the trial room for a while, Qinqin patted her little face. Seeing that her face was no longer so red, she hurriedly walked out.

As soon as Qinqin walked out of the fitting room door, she saw Wang Yue standing there waiting. After she quickly came to Wang Yue, she walked around in front of Wang Yue and asked shyly, "How is it?" "

Wang Yue took a careful look, his expression was a little dazed, as if he saw Li Shiqing back then, only shorter.

Seeing Wang Yue's dazed expression, Qinqin was very proud, and she quickly turned around twice more, trying to get Wang Yue to take a closer look.

Wang Yue quickly came to his senses. He nodded seriously and said with an appreciative smile, "Not to mention, Qinqin is beautiful and looks good in whatever clothes she wears."

Qinqin's face turned red after being praised by Wang Yue, and she said coquettishly that Wang Yue would be obedient, and then she quickly went back to the fitting room to change clothes.

When he went to pay, Wang Yue was originally going to pay by himself, but Qinqin insisted on paying by himself. When he saw the little girl's determined look, he gave up the payment position without any force.

Qinqin felt relieved when she saw that Wang Yue had compromised. She happily paid and asked Wang Yue to accompany her to visit other stores.

After this experience of buying clothes, the little girl went to her favorite store and asked Wang Yue to help her choose. After staying for a while, she bought several things.

After buying her own clothes, Qinqin suddenly wanted to buy one for Wang Yue, but he couldn't think of any excuse for a while, which made her frown unconsciously.

Wang Yue saw the little girl frowning and thought she was remembering that her parents didn't have time to spend with her, so he quickly smiled and consoled her, "Would you like me to call your parents for a few days off? Don't worry, I'll call you." It definitely works.”

When Qinqin heard Wang Yue mention her parents, she immediately thought of a good excuse. She quickly waved her hands and said, "Forget it, let them make money well, so that I can spend it well. In order to reward After them, I decided to buy a gift for them all, and you have to be responsible for choosing it for me."

Wang Yue didn't expect that the little girl's expression would change like the weather. He shook his head helplessly and said dotingly, "Okay, I will be responsible for helping you choose clothes today."

Seeing that Wang Yue agreed, Qinqin took the lead and walked to a women's clothing store. She thought that she would buy clothes for her mother first, and then buy them for her father. Then she could reward Wang Yue with one, which would be considered a thank you to him. help.

When the two were choosing clothes, a man and a woman suddenly came to the door. Wang Yue didn't pay much attention to the door with his back to the door, but Qinqin was so frightened that she quickly hid next to Wang Yue, trying to block her with Wang Yue's body.

Wang Yue thought it was Wu Jiani coming, so he quickly looked back and found that it was Duoduo's father and a strange woman.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yue whispered to Qinqin, "It's Duoduo's father and a strange woman. What are you afraid of? They should be afraid."

Seeing what Wang Yue said, Qinqin took a sneak peek and found that it was Duoduo's father and an unknown woman. She asked in a low voice, "Why? Why are they afraid of me?"

Wang Yue saw the worried look on the little girl's face and said seriously, "Think about it, Duoduo's mother and Duoduo's father are not divorced yet. Duoduo's father is with a mistress. If you find out , of course he will find a way to shut your mouth."

Qinqin's smart brain drew inferences, and she felt that Wang Yue was right. It was not her that she needed to be afraid of now, but Duoduo's father.

Moreover, Qinqin felt that he and Duoduo had such a good relationship that she couldn't watch Duoduo's father cheat on her, so she decided to warn Fang Yuan and let him remember that he had a wife and children.

So, she mustered up the courage to go around Wang Yue, and greeted the boss from a distance, "Uncle Fang, are you here to buy clothes too? Are you buying them for Aunt Tong?"

Fangyuan didn't expect to meet Duoduo's friend Qinqin here. He was really panicked. He was afraid that this little girl would go back and talk nonsense to Wu Jiani. If Wu Jiani told Tong Wenjie about it, he would be dead. .

The woman who came with Fangyuan knew what was going on by looking at Fangyuan's appearance. She was not timid at all, and she counterattacked sharply, "Hey, the little girl is quite beautiful. This is her boyfriend's company." Going to buy clothes?"

After all, Qinqin was young. When this woman said this, she panicked a little and stammered, "I, I, Brother Ayue, want to buy clothes for my parents, so let me come over and take a look. .”

The more she spoke, the smoother she became. She felt that it was normal for Wang Yue as a boss to buy clothes for his employees. The more she spoke, the more confident she became, and she returned to normal.

Fangyuan heard Qinqin call Wang Yue brother, and immediately thought that Hu Jiani and Jin Zhiming's boss seemed to be named Wang Yue.

He glanced at the two of them and thought that it was Wang Yue who fell in love with their daughter and was helping Wu Jiani and Jin Zhiming in their careers, right?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was, and he thought he could have a good talk with Qinqin about it.

So, he quickly said politely, "Qinqin, is this your parents' boss Wang Yue?"

Qinqin nodded and said seriously, "Yes, brother Ayue wants to buy clothes for my parents as a reward, so he asked me to come out and help choose."

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