Seeing Li Shiqing's excitement, Wang Yue became even more motivated when he acted. Wang Yue first took photos of the men who appeared around Wang Mengmeng on the video, and then found out the information about these people. Then, Wang Yue hacked the girl's computer.

When Wang Yue took control of the girl's computer, the girl happened to be using the computer. Wang Yue took this opportunity to quickly make the edited photos of these men suddenly appear on the girl's computer screen, and they continued to appear in front of the girl.

Wang Yue and Li Shiqing watched the girl's reaction through the camera of the girl's laptop. At first, when the girl saw that her computer was in this situation, she thought it was infected with a virus and hurriedly reached out to shut it down, but her hand was still there. Without reaching for the power supply, she saw a slightly fat and greasy middle-aged man appear on the computer screen. The girl was so frightened that she immediately retracted her hand and fell from the chair like a frightened rabbit.

Through the girl's reaction, Wang Yue and Li Shiqing knew that this greasy middle-aged man was the culprit who caused Wang Mengmeng to get out of the car and get into a car accident.

Wang Yue withdrew the loop of photo playback, and the girl saw that the photo automatically played and disappeared. Then she gasped and panicked, opened her own network disk on her computer, found a photo, and hesitated for a while. , and deleted it.

Just the moment she deleted it, Wang Yue got the photo and also knew her account and password of the network disk.

Li Shiqing looked at Wang Yue's magical operation, her eyes were full of little stars, and then she asked blindly, "What should we do next?"

"Of course, send this photo to the police, and then let this scumbag try the power of the Internet." Wang Yue started to operate directly as he should, making Li Shiqing behind her happily wave her little fist. At this moment, Wang Yue felt the girl's excitement, and suddenly felt guilty. Did he lead an upright and kind-hearted little girl to do bad things?

When Wang Yue and Li Shiqing woke up again, they were sitting on the bus again. The two looked at each other and started to act as planned. Li Shiqing downloaded the photo of the evidence from the network disk, and she asked the driver to ask him to cooperate. But Wang Yue caught the aunt easily like last time.

But before this operation, Wang Yue took out his notebook and repaired the loopholes he made when he called the police in the dormitory. Then he sent the information he obtained about the driver's daughter and the network disk where the evidence was located to the police. Traces were also cleaned up. Wang Yue finished processing these things in a hurry, and the vehicle had just passed the intersection.

This operation was also very smooth. The process was almost the same as that successful cycle experience. The only difference was that this time the driver listened to Li Shiqing's words and actively parked the car on the side of the bridge and opened the door. .

This time the police did not make things difficult for Li Shiqing and Wang Yue. They only asked them why they knew about the bomb, but they were dismissed with the excuse they had agreed upon. After all, it was too easy for Wang Yue to hack his and Li Shiqing's phones without leaving any clues.

Wang Yue and Li Shiqing came out of the police station feeling refreshed, because when they came out after being questioned by Zhang Cheng, they happened to meet several police officers escorting the greasy middle-aged He Yingjun into the police station.

Criminals get the punishment they deserve, which is a very happy thing to see. What's more, because of this He Yingjun, not only did he kill a young girl's life, but he almost lost dozens of lives.

If it weren’t for the fact that in the last cycle, due to Wang Yue’s special promotion, the whole network soon became aware that within an hour, the glass of He Yingjun’s house was smashed, and through the surveillance of his house With the equipment, Wang Yue could still hear his daughter crying, which made Wang Yue give up his own efforts to promote the spread of online public opinion. However, after the police reported the truth about the explosion, whether public opinion would affect the little girl was not something Wang Yue considered.

Wang Yue and Li Shiqing held hands again and walked to the hotel where they were last time. Li Shiqing handed over his ID card with a very normal expression this time. Wang Yue also kept his word, but in the end he didn't. Too bold.

The two of them leaned against the bedside, chatting and waiting for the time to pass. Li Shiqing was afraid that she would fall asleep again early, so she kept talking about interesting things about her life, and asked Wang Yue to tell her stories. Even so, it was just time. Just after 12 o'clock, she couldn't hold on and fell asleep.

Wang Yue looked at Li Shiqing sleeping soundly and sweetly, and fell asleep in a daze. It was just before dawn, and Wang Yue, who was sleeping in a daze, heard Li Shiqing's cell phone ring.

Wang Yue took it over and took a look at it, and realized that Li Shiqing wanted to go to the bridge early in the morning, where their cycle started, to see the sun rise, so he set the alarm clock before going to bed last night. However, she was not woken up by the alarm clock, but it woke up Wang Yue and saw the solemn itinerary reminder on her mobile phone: she and Wang Yue went to Jiangdaqiao to watch the sunrise.

Wang Yue smiled when he saw this person, and he didn't care. After all, he had experienced such a magical thing as time travel several times, so he didn't care that much about this inexplicable loop. But after all, this was Li Shiqing's first wish after getting together with him, and Wang Yue felt that it was better to be satisfied.

However, this girl will probably be like Guan Ju'er after work, a girl who suffers from severe lack of sleep. Wang Yue put on his clothes first, and then helped the sleeping girl get dressed. This process did not wake up Li Shiqing. So, Wang Yue simply hugged him and the quilt and left the room.

After entering the elevator, he pressed the button to go to the first floor. Wang Yue wrapped the towel more tightly around Li Shiqing. After all, the cold air in the morning could easily make people catch a cold. Just at this moment, the light at the top of the elevator suddenly flickered, and then the elevator began to fall rapidly.

Wang Yue quickly pressed all the remaining floors in the elevator, and then stood leaning against the elevator. He held Li Shiqing tightly with his hands, praying that he would not be so unlucky. The probability of this kind of elevator failure is generally very low. But this is the second time he has encountered it, and this time he experienced it personally.

Maybe Wang Yue was nervous and held Li Shiqing too tightly. She moved uncomfortably in the bed and murmured a few words, as if she wanted to wake up, but she didn't open her eyes. Feeling weightless, he let out a cry of surprise.

After Li Shiqing shouted, Wang Yue suddenly felt his eyes go dark. When he opened his eyes again, he heard the ringtone of Li Shiqing's cell phone. Wang Yue took it over and took a look. The itinerary said: Go to the bridge with Wang Yue to watch the sunrise. .

Wang Yue broke out in a cold sweat. Could it be that he was dreaming just now, or was he in a new place and starting a new cycle again?

Wang Yue, who was frightened, repeated the action just now, but this time he carried Li Shiqing and walked to the safe passage. He really didn't have the courage to do another experiment. If he took the stairs and waited until he could safely go down to a floor, then he will never touch that elevator again.

Wang Yuehe carried Li Shiqing from the safety ladder to the downstairs carefully without triggering the cycle again. If it hadn't been too real at the time, Wang Yue would have thought that what just happened was just a dream.

Wang Yue calmed down in the front hall for a while, and then coaxed Li Shiqing, who was sleeping uncomfortably, into a different position. Then he walked to the front desk, gave instructions to the young lady, and then got ready to go out.

But before going out, Wang Yue hesitated for a moment and said to the lady at the front desk, "It seems that your passenger elevator is about to be inspected. Let the maintenance personnel check it as soon as possible!"

The lady at the front desk gave a very professional smile and then said, "Thank you for the reminder! We have made an appointment for the maintenance technician to come to your door today."

"That's good!" When Wang Yue heard the young lady's answer, he didn't say much. He turned around and walked out of the hotel door with Li Shiqing in his arms, heading towards the bridge in the distance.

The not-so-distant journey seemed a bit long. When Wang Yue carried Li Shiqing to the bridge, there were not many vehicles on the road.

Wang Yue put a small pony bag brought by the hotel on the roadside, carefully moved Li Shiqing into his arms, and then sat down steadily.

When a person is quiet, he will think about something. Wang Yue was thinking about the scene in the hotel elevator at the moment. If it was not a dream, then after hearing Li Shiqing's exclamation, his eyes instantly went dark. , opened his eyes again and returned to bed. Is that also a cycle?

Wang Yue looked at the place where the bomb was thrown yesterday, thinking about the successfully rescued bombing, and compared it with the elevator this morning. Is this a strange cycle or Li Shiqing's superpower?

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