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Chapter 129 Li Conan’s Poetry Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 129 Lee Conan Poetry Sherlock Holmes Love

When Wang Yue arrived, Li Shiqing was strolling in the pedestrian street with a few little sisters. Everyone else was in high spirits, but Li Shiqing was a little absent-minded and obviously absent-minded.

Seeing Wang Yue hurried over within a few minutes, breathing heavily, Li Shiqing, who was still in shock, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?" Wang Yue saw that Li Shiqing was not in danger yet, and looked at her reproachfully. Fortunately, he was very skilled, otherwise by the time he found her, something dangerous would have happened again.

"Ah, I was wondering why I haven't received your call yet!" Li Shiqing pouted, looked at her phone, and found that it was on mute.

"What happened just now?" Wang Yue asked Li Shiqing softly. Looking at her pale little face, she was obviously frightened just now.

"I don't know either. We were just wandering around this pedestrian street, and then when we walked to the food court at the other end, we were going to buy some French fries. But before we turned around and walked a few steps, we saw the snack bar chef, covered in blood. He stabbed anyone with a bloody knife." Li Shiqing is still frightened when she thinks about it now. This is not the same as the bombing. Before the bomb exploded, this scene was really not scary. When the chef with the knife walked up to Li Shiqing, he was already covered in blood, and the sensory stimulation was too strong.

"Okay, I'm here, don't be afraid!" Wang Yue felt a little sorry for Li Shiqing. This girl obviously has the protagonist's accident physique and has the potential of Conan or Sherlock Holmes. Wherever Li Shiqing goes, accidents will happen. Rhythm.

Wang Yue felt that he should keep Li Shiqing with him in the future. It would be too dangerous to let her wander around by herself. Besides, every time Li Shiqing activates her powers, only she can carry the memory of this period with her. If she is closer to Li Shiqing, maybe she can learn it too?

"I know the master today. The spicy hotpot he makes is delicious. He is usually very kind. Why is he suddenly like this today!" Li Shiqing is still trembling when she thinks about it now. The driver (Wang Xinde) suddenly became It’s so scary. Now even the chef has changed like this. What’s wrong with the world?

"You stay here, don't go over there, I'll go over and take a look." Wang Yue and several of Li Shiqing's friends nodded, and then ran towards the pedestrian street.

On the way to the snack street, Wang Yue was still thinking about whether he should join the organization like Cheng Feng's world. With Li Shiqing's accident-related physique, he might have encountered many criminal cases. Without a special identity, It's really hard to get things done.

When Wang Yue rushed to the snack bar, he heard the restaurant owner scolding the chef, and the chef's hand holding the kitchen knife couldn't help shaking under his scolding.

Wang Yue knew that this was because the chef was too excited, and he quickly prepared to stop him, but it was too late. He only saw the chef with exposed veins on his forehead, raised the knife in his hand, and slashed at the boss who was still chattering. . The owner of the snack bar, who was very fierce just now, was so frightened by the sudden attack of the chef that he couldn't move. He was stabbed in the neck with a knife, and blood spattered from the wound.

The chef who had finished cutting the man was also stunned. He subconsciously looked at the kitchen knife in his hand and touched a handful of blood that sprayed on his face, making his originally honest face look a bit ferocious and terrifying.

The diners at the scene were originally watching the fun, and even gloating a little, but the excited chef suddenly acted violently, frightening the group of onlookers, who kept screaming and running around like frightened rabbits, but more diners were He rushed out of the door, ran outside to a safe place, and watched from a distance. Soon, only Wang Yue and the chef were left standing in the snack bar.

The chef who had just killed someone was also awakened by the people running away. He waved his kitchen knife in the air randomly, staggered back a few steps, and yelled at everyone, "I didn't mean it, he forced me to do it." Yes! He forced me to do this!"

However, no one answered him. After all, even Wang Yue was still breathing heavily at this moment. Others were frightened and would not answer the chef's words at all.

The chef was stunned at this moment. He kept repeating these words and glanced around blankly. Suddenly he saw Wang Yue standing there motionless. He rushed over and explained to Wang Yue hurriedly, "I I really wish I hadn’t killed him, I really didn’t want to kill him!”

If the chef hadn't pointed a knife at him, Wang Yue would have believed that the chef didn't want to kill the boss. However, Wang Yue was afraid of irritating this guy, so he nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, yes, you didn't want to kill him!"

"I just want my salary back. I really didn't want to kill him!" The chef trembled with the knife in his hand and howled uncontrollably.

"It's too late for you to surrender now!" Wang Yue didn't know how to calm down, but he felt that if the chef could surrender at this time, he might not die.

"I can't surrender, I can't surrender, my daughter still needs me, yes, my daughter still needs me!" The chef suddenly seemed to be going crazy and slashed at Wang Yue with a knife.

When Wang Yue saw him like this, he was unceremonious and quickly beat the crazy chef to the ground before calling the police.

The police came quickly, and it was Zhang Cheng's apprentice Jiang Feng. When he saw Wang Yue, he was not surprised that the chef lying on the ground was knocked down.

Jiang Feng first asked a few witnesses. When these people saw the police coming, they gathered around, each one chirping, but it also let Jiang Feng know that Wang Yue acted bravely, so he asked Wang Yue a few more words, and then prepared to take him with him. Follow the chef and leave.

"Officer Jiang, this person just kept repeating that her daughter needs him, you..." Wang Yue saw that they were about to leave, and then stopped Jiang Feng. He wanted to finish explaining his thoughts, but when he looked at Jiang Feng's face With a bad face, he swallowed the next words.

"Thank you for your investigation direction. We will investigate in detail. Come to the police station when you have time." To Wang Yue's surprise, although Jiang Feng's tone was still so blunt, this time he accepted Wang Yue's suggestion. Opinion.

"Okay! I'll pick up my girlfriend!" Wang Yue pointed to the intersection of the food court.

When Wang Yue went back to find Li Shiqing and the others, her little sisters didn't know what had happened. Only Li Shiqing looked anxiously at the food court.

Seeing Wang Yue approaching, Li Shiqing stepped forward and took Wang Yue's hand, causing her little sisters to cover their mouths and snicker. Li Shiqing blushed again, but she still took Wang Yue a few steps away, and then quickly asked Wang Yue, "How is it over there?"

"It was already too late when I ran over. Before I could take a breath, the restaurant owner was killed by the chef with a knife. After the chef was subdued by me, he was also taken away by the police. The person leading the team this time was Jiang Feng." Wang Yue briefly told Li Shiqing the situation just now, and also shared his guess.

"Are you saying that something happened to the chef's daughter, and the uncle wanted his salary back, but the boss not only refused to give it back, but also reprimanded him, which led to the accident?" Li Shiqing didn't expect that there were so many things involved.

"Yeah." Wang Yue looked at Li Shiqing's frown and probably knew that he was a hard worker and would probably have to run again, but he didn't know if Li Shiqing could activate her superpower.

"Then what happened to his daughter? Can you find out?" Li Shiqing blinked and looked at Wang Yue expectantly.

"Yes, yes, but after I checked, are you sure you can activate your superpower accurately?" Wang Yue looked at Li Shiqing, who was full of a sense of justice, and probably saw his future days in this world.

"I don't know if it will work, but I have a gut feeling that I will definitely be able to launch it successfully this time. Let's go check it out quickly!" Li Shiqing couldn't explain why, she just felt that it would definitely succeed this time.

"Okay, tell your little sister to come to the company with me! It's not convenient here. I know you definitely want to know first-hand information." Wang Yue didn't care. With his hacking skills, there are still some Very confident.

"That's good, I knew you were the best." After hearing Wang Yue's words, Li Shiqing happily kissed Wang Yue on the face, and then happily went to find her little sister.

Several girls in the distance saw Li Shiqing taking the initiative to touch Wang Yue's cheek, and they all cooed, making Li Shiqing blush as she ran over to say goodbye to them. When several girls learned that Li Shiqing had something urgent to do with Wang Yue, they didn't know what the girls said. Li Shiqing stamped her feet and stopped talking to them. She ran over and pulled Wang Yue away, leaving the girls behind. The girl smiled even more cheerfully.

From so far away, Wang Yue could still hear the crisp voice of one of the little girls saying, "Why do you think Li Shiqing is so anxious to drag Wang Yue along?"

"What else can we do? Isn't it just a matter of men and women?" Another person replied boldly.

Then, the girls laughed heartily together, which made Wang Yue sigh, girls nowadays know so much!

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