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Chapter 139 Wang Mengmeng’s decision

Wang Mengmeng calmed down. She felt that the truth of what Li Shiqing said needed to be judged. But if what Li Shiqing said is true, then there should also be a Li Shiqing in the high school where her mother went.

So, Wang Mengmeng asked the police outside the door to get her mobile phone back. She was going to call her mother. At this time, she should still be grading her homework at home and not sleeping yet.

After a while, her mobile phone was sent to her, and the call was quickly connected. Wang Mengmeng's mother was very happy to receive the call from her daughter. After the two exchanged greetings, Wang Mengmeng asked naturally, " Mom, is there someone named Li Shiqing in your school?"

Wang Mengmeng's mother was a little confused as to how her daughter could inquire about Li Shiqing, but she didn't think much about it and replied, "There was a pretty little girl in the first year of high school. Her class teacher praised her more than once."

After Wang Mengmeng heard this answer, she was very shocked and hurriedly asked, "Can you find her photo? Send me one."

Wang Mengmeng's mother was a little confused, but it was rare for her daughter to come to her for anything, instead of her father, and she felt a little happy. "You wait a moment, I will ask her class teacher to send it to me."

After a while, a photo of a somewhat immature Li Shiqing was sent over. It was not until this moment that Wang Mengmeng truly believed in Li Shiqing.

At the same time, the police who monitored them were also very shocked when they compared two ID cards of Li Shiqing and two photos of Li Shiqing, and they were all dumbfounded. It was such a serious matter that they quickly reported it.

However, their efforts were all in vain. After Li Shiqing finished chatting with Wang Mengmeng, she immediately activated her superpower, and time and space changed. This strange incident is destined to be sealed for at least five years.

When Li Shiqing opened her eyes, she first saw the little ball on the safety seat, and then hurriedly looked at the driver's seat, but there was no one there at all, and Wang Yue disappeared.

Li Shiqing's tears immediately flowed down, but she quickly wiped away her tears and told herself, "I have to be strong. I still have a little girl. My husband is just lost. He must be waiting for me to save him in a certain time and space. I We must find him back."

However, no matter how Li Shiqing uses her superpowers or searches for her. In the passage of time, after the bus bombing, people did not remember anything about Wang Yue.

On the day when the bus bombing was supposed to occur, there was only one air conditioner worker in the city's news who broke into, robbed, assaulted and killed a female screenwriter. The host specifically reminded single women to pay attention to their safety and not to betray strangers. Open the door.

Even Wang Yue's roommate Li He, when Li Shiqing asked him to ask, he just looked at her and the child in surprise, and then told her that Wang Yue left the school at noon when he received the interview notice and never came back. Pass.

As for Wang Yue before the explosion, Li Shiqing took Tuantuan to see Wang Yue from a distance. She had an intuition that although this man was named Wang Yue, he looked the same. However, he is definitely not the husband who lives with her, and their living habits are completely different.

Even Xiao Tuantuan just glanced at that person and turned away, not even thinking about going over to hug him. In the past, every time Wang Yue came home, Xiao Tuantuan would immediately abandon her mother and extend her little hand to Wang Yue, making her always jealous.

A flash of inspiration flashed in the disappointed Li Shiqing's mind. She thought of the day of the bus bombing. After several loops, Wang Yue reappeared at the school's north gate stop sign, and the school's "Wang Yue" did not appear again after arriving at the stop sign. Yes, then the only answer is at the stop sign, Wang Yue has changed!

So, who is Wang Yue living with him? If it weren't for Xiao Tuantuan's existence, the house she had lived with for many years was still there, and the company Wang Yue bought for her was still there, Li Shiqing would have thought she was just having a dream.

Li Shiqing also noticed that since she rescued Wang Mengmeng and came back, not only had Wang Yue disappeared, but time and space seemed to be somewhat chaotic. When I came back from the police station five years ago, I didn't even have the memories of the past five years transferred to my brain. How did I get out of the police station after using my super powers? Did he also disappear from that time like Wang Yue?

Li Shiqing was resting at home that day. She clearly felt that her body was getting more and more exhausted as she continued to use her superpowers, and the timeline she traveled through became shorter and shorter. After she had a good rest, she wanted to search the time and space where Wang Yue disappeared to see if there were any clues. If the mountain doesn't come, I will go to the mountain. She still doesn't believe that Wang Yue can escape from her grasp.

At this moment, the doorbell rang at home. Li Shiqing looked through the peephole and saw that it was Wang Mengmeng who was outside the door, so she quickly opened the door.

Wang Mengmeng carefully looked at Li Shiqing's expression when she opened the door, and found that she obviously recognized her, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. He followed Li Shiqing into the house.

Wang Mengmeng looked at the wedding photos of Wang Yue and Li Shiqing hanging in the duplex room. After pausing on the handsome man for a few seconds, she looked at the little ball sleeping in the cradle, and then looked back at the tired Li Shiqing. , Wang Mengmeng finally made up her mind.

Wang Mengmeng took off a small jade Buddha and handed it to Li Shiqing. She said in a tired tone, "I want to ask you to go back to the day you met me and give this jade Buddha and this letter to me at that time."

Seeing that Li Shiqing was very puzzled, Wang Mengmeng told what happened after Li Shiqing disappeared that day.

After Li Shiqing disappeared in front of the police, Wang Mengmeng quickly released her, but asked her to keep it strictly confidential and to contact them promptly if she had any information.

Wang Mengmeng, who changed her destiny and survived, did not live a happy life. She could never forget Wang Yue who smiled and nodded at her outside the window. She had lived in Jialin City in these years and had paid attention to Wang Yue in school, but she It was obvious at a glance that he was definitely not the one who saved her.

As for her parents in her hometown, one drives a large truck outside all year round and is very tired when she comes home, while the other squats in school all year round, guarding her students. The bond between the two was that Wang Mengmeng rarely stayed home after entering college and later working. The old couple gradually had nothing to talk about, and they were not even interested in quarreling. Both of them felt that there was not much affection between them. .

The happy home in Wang Mengmeng's heart was no longer what it was like when she was a child. Her parents finally went through the divorce procedures in the year when the bombing was supposed to occur. Not long after the two divorced, Wang Xinde suddenly became distracted while driving a long truck in a large truck and disappeared. Because of this incident, Wang Mengmeng's mother sometimes became foolish and foolish, and she became much older.

The time of Wang Mengmeng's father's accident happened to be 1:45 noon on the day when the explosion was supposed to occur. At this time, Wang Mengmeng thought of her superhero again and Li Shiqing's story about saving her parents.

From that day on, Wang Mengmeng always felt that the reason why something happened to her father was because she was still alive. She often had insomnia, and occasionally when she fell asleep, a voice would ask her, since one is not enough, what about two? If I were still living in such a humble way, would God arrange for a third one?

After Wang Mengmeng and Li Shiqing talked about their experiences in the past few years, they glanced at Li Shiqing who was also haggard and said, "The Li Shiqing and Wang Yue who were in school two years ago were obviously not you. On the day my father had an accident, you all suddenly disappeared at the same time. Yes. I have been searching everywhere for the past two years, and finally found you. I want you to tell me at that time, call my father, and tell my father that my mother still loves him, and I love him too."

Now, Li Shiqing had some trouble with Wang Yue. When she heard Wang Mengmeng's request, she nodded in agreement without much thought.

A few days after sending Wang Mengmeng away, Li Shiqing activated her superpower and traveled to the day when Wang Mengmeng had a car accident. Unfortunately, Li Shiqing wandered around between the north gate of the school and the bridge for a long time and found nothing.

At almost noon, Li Shiqing returned to the north gate of the time and space school, holding Xiao Tuantuan in her arms while looking at the bus stop signs in a daze. When she came to her senses, she saw Wang Mengmeng getting on the No. 45 bus, so Li Shiqing quickly got on the bus.

Li Shiqing got on the bus and sat behind Wang Mengmeng. Then she took out the small jade Buddha that Wang Mengmeng gave her and handed it to Wang Mengmeng in front. After seeing her doubts, she also handed the letter to her.

After Wang Mengmeng read the letter, her hands trembled a little as she folded the letter and put it back in the envelope. Then she forced herself to calm down, turned around, and asked Li Shiqing what happened. Li Shiqing also told the story of how she and Wang Yue rescued her parents and her. In the process of telling the story, the bus has reached a stop near the homes of Li Shiqing and Wang Yue in the future time and space. Li Shiqing looked at the familiar stop sign and was stunned again.

Wang Mengmeng was confused after hearing Li Shiqing's description, but the little jade Buddha was exactly the same as the one in her neck, so she had to believe it. Wang Mengmeng, who was caught in a fierce ideological struggle, was suddenly pulled up by someone. She took several steps back and held on to the pillar before she could stand still. Li Shiqing was also frightened by this scene and came to her senses. Isn't this the bad old man who almost caused Liu Xianya to have a miscarriage? It’s time to start being a bad guy!

The angry Li Shiqing stood up while hugging Xiao Tuantuan, wanting to help Wang Mengmeng argue with the bad old man, but Wang Mengmeng quickly pushed her back and shook her head at Li Shiqing, as if she had been used to it for a long time.

Li Shiqing saw that Wang Mengmeng didn't care, so she sat back and reminded her kindly, "If there is anything you want to bring to your future self, think about it carefully. I probably won't come to this time and space again in the future."

Wang Mengmeng looked at the kind-hearted Li Shiqing and felt very grateful. She quickly said, "I need to calm down and I will tell you later."

Time passed like this minute by minute, Wang Mengmeng never said anything to Li Shiqing, and as more and more people got on the bus, she was squeezed farther and farther away from Li Shiqing.

Fortunately, Li Shiqing knew where Wang Mengmeng was going to get off the bus, so she was not in a hurry. Slowly, Li Shiqing fell asleep while being held in her arms by the bus.

Suddenly, Li Shiqing was awakened by the noise in the car. She glanced out the window and found that she had reached the bridge. At this moment, the bus door opened. Shocked Li Shiqing looked up and saw Wang Mengmeng looking back at herself before getting out of the car, and then got out of the car without hesitation.

At this moment, a car suddenly rushed over on the road, knocking Wang Mengmeng out of the car and sending her flying. The letter she was holding also flew out of her hand, slowly falling into the river like a leaf. .

When Li Shiqing saw Wang Mengmeng get out of the car, she immediately realized something, but there were people standing near her seat, and she was holding a child, so there was nothing she could do! The anxious Li Shiqing was so angry that she fainted.

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