Wang Yue looked at Lin Miaomiao's rich expression and couldn't help but smile, "So, I originally planned to wait until I go to college before telling my parents, but I forgot that there are parents in high school. This is what happened!”

"What do you think this is? It's just a family comedy with twists and turns at most! And what about me? After my mother comes to school for a parent-teacher conference, a human tragedy will happen in my family!" Lin Miaomiao thought about her mother's parents. When I saw my expression after my results this time, I couldn't help but shudder.

Wang Yue looked at Lin Miaomiao's scared look, thought about the only few contacts he had with Lin Miaomiao's parents after school every week, and gave Lin Miaomiao a bad idea.

"You don't have anything to do with that. When your mother returns home from the parent-teacher conference, you first put on long pants, then put cotton pads on your knees, then directly hold a broom above your head and kneel in front of your mother. Apologize sincerely and give her a guarantee. Your father will definitely take the opportunity to say a few nice words to you, and this matter will be over?"

Lin Miaomiao thought about the situation described by Wang Yue and asked uncertainly, "Will the method you mentioned work? What if it doesn't work?"

Wang Yue looked at Lin Miaomiao who was nervous, and thought about it carefully. It would definitely not work if he knelt down immediately when he got home so that the anger in Lin's mother's heart could not be vented. So, Wang Yue perfected the plan again, "When you get home, wait for your mother to vent her anger. Then she will definitely ask you how to ensure you do well in the exam next time. At this time, you can do this again, and it will be almost You’ll have a nice weekend.”

Lin Miaomiao looked at Wang Yue suspiciously and said tentatively, "You won't trick me, will you?"

Wang Yue muttered subconsciously, "How could I give it up!"

Lin Miaomiao didn't hear clearly what Wang Yue said, so she asked in confusion, "What did you just mutter?"

"It's nothing. If this plan doesn't work out, I'll treat you to delicious food for a semester. You can order anything!" Wang Yue hurriedly patted his chest to reassure her.

Lin Miaomiao's eyes lit up after hearing Wang Yue's words, and she said excitedly, "Are you serious?"

"Really!" Wang Yue was speechless when he saw Lin Miaomiao's surprised expression. He could feel that he could just ask Lin Miaomiao to eat something delicious without having to come up with such a bad idea.

If the future father-in-law and mother-in-law knew that Wang Yue instigated their daughter to deal with them, it would be difficult to abduct their daughter.

This parent-teacher meeting is simply to inform the next midterm exam results. The main purpose is to tell parents that at the end of the first year of high school, arts and sciences will be divided into subjects. Which subject to choose in the future must be prepared in advance.

Before the parent-teacher meeting began, the principal ceremoniously introduced Qian Sanyi's mother, Pei Yin, to the parents. This mother was the top scorer in the high school entrance examination. Parents of the students praised her repeatedly and gathered around her to ask how she was educated.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the parents, class teacher Zhao Rongbao felt that the student Qian Sanyi had recruited was something to be proud of. However, Wang Yue, a top student who was trained by himself, deserves more attention.

So, Lao Zhao quickly and enthusiastically introduced Wang Yue's father to the principal and parents, and pointed out in particular that Wang Yue was already number one in the school in terms of science scores alone.

Only then did the principal remember what happened to Wang Yue. He had originally thought about when he would refund the school selection fee? Now it seemed that it was almost time, so he enthusiastically went over and exchanged a few words with Dad Wang, then invited him to go to his office after the parent-teacher meeting, which made all the parents very envious.

Qian's mother was a little uneasy when she held the first parent-teacher meeting. She had always been proud of her son. Qian Sanyi had always been ranked first in the past, but now one suddenly appeared and ranked first in science, which made her feel uncomfortable. She can accept that someone can surpass her child, so she was a little absent-minded during the parent-teacher conference later.

Wang Yue's father, on the other hand, was confused the whole time. When did his brat become so awesome? Especially when other parents gathered around him and asked him how he educated his children and how they managed to catch up and counterattack now, Father Wang didn't know how to answer.

Father Wang just feels that now that the child seems to have grown up, he has beaten him a little less. Otherwise, he would have been too courageous to not notify the parents of such a big thing as changing schools.

However, when I think about my son's current grades, it would be unreasonable for me to beat him up. My son didn't need their help and went through the admission procedures for elite schools by himself. If he beats me again, wouldn't he just be getting an advantage? Are you being nice? But why do I feel so unhappy?

Not to mention the complicated psychological activities of Wang Yue's father, when Lin's mother saw her daughter entering the class and finishing last in the class, she felt so uncomfortable that she felt ashamed.

After finally getting home, I naturally wanted to vent my anger on Lin Miaomiao. However, this time because of Wang Yue's bad idea, Lin Miaomiao thought about her plan and insisted on not being stubborn. She waited until Mother Lin was tired of scolding her before using her final move.

I saw Lin Miaomiao return to her room under the stunned eyes of Mother Lin. Before Mother Lin could recover, she rushed out again, knelt in front of Mother Lin, held up the feather duster, squeezed out two drops of tears, and screamed at the top of her lungs. He said, "Mother! I know I was wrong. Just hit me. Don't let your anger break your body!"

Mother Lin was really frightened by Lin Miaomiao's sudden move. She thought that her child had finally become more sensible than before after entering high school. After all, she was not willing to take the feather duster and beat her daughter, so she gave a few words and planned to let go this time. Pass her.

However, Lin Miaomiao's unsatisfactory, makeshift soft cushion actually fell out when she retreated. This completely pissed off Mother Lin. She caught Lin Miaomiao who had escaped and started a new round of reprimands.

Faced with her mother's more fierce scolding, Lin Miaomiao thought that Wang Yue had promised delicious food for a semester, but she did not argue with her mother anymore. Looking at Lin's mother's mouth opening and closing, Lin Miaomiao thought of each and every one of them. She almost couldn't help laughing just thinking about the delicious dish name. If Lin's father hadn't reminded her in time, Lin Miaomiao would have been really miserable.

When the couple went to bed at night, after two rounds of venting, Mother Lin, whose anger was half gone, also asked Father Lin in surprise, "What do you think happened to this child today? I used to say it, and she would be very stubborn." Seriously, I didn’t even say anything back today.”

Father Lin didn't know, but in order to comfort his angry wife, he still said sweetly, "Of course the child is older and knows how to love his mother. Isn't that good? You also have to understand her. The child is in the experimental class. Here, how stressful is studying?"

After hearing this, Mother Lin knew that her father was coaxing her, but she still couldn't help but smile, and the storm passed like this.

During class on Monday, Lin Miaomiao entered the school happily, but when she was about to arrive at the class, she suddenly remembered the delicious food from a semester, and quickly changed her expression before entering the classroom.

After entering the classroom, Lin Miaomiao walked up to Wang Yue. In order to gain momentum, she slapped Wang Yue's desk hard. On the contrary, she slapped her white and tender hands until they turned red. It hurt Lin Miaomiao's eyes. Tears oozed.

However, this coincided with Lin Miaomiao's actions. She endured the pain in her hands and looked at Wang Yue with mist in her eyes, "Wang Yue, your bad idea has screwed me up, tell me what to do!"

As soon as Wang Yue saw Lin Miaomiao's tearful expression, he immediately forgot about everything he felt distressed about. He was really fooled by Lin Miaomiao, and quickly coaxed in a low voice, "It's all my fault, let's leave it like this. , how about I increase the six months we agreed to, to one year?"

After hearing Wang Yue's words, Lin Miaomiao immediately smiled and said happily, "It's settled, let's start from today!"

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's rapidly changing expression, Wang Yue knew that he had been fooled. However, to Wang Yue, this is all trivial, as long as he can coax this girl to stop following Qian Sanyi and Jiang Tianhao.

From that day on, Lin Miaomiao ate the delicacies Wang Yue bought for her every day, feeling very happy, and she didn't know how to hide it, which directly led to the whole class acquiescing that the two were in a relationship. Otherwise, why would one buy it so casually and the other eat it so naturally?

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