Learn skills from the world of film and television

Chapter 1620 Valentine’s Day Gift!

Although Qin Qian felt something was wrong, she was currently thinking about marriage, and her brain was a little short of energy for a while, so she didn't pay too much attention.

In addition, although she did not get a certificate this time, she was getting married after all, and she also hoped to have her relatives around. Now that Qin Chuan is here, she said with great satisfaction, "You still have some conscience!"

Qin Chuan saw that his sister did not pursue the matter any further, so he happily said, "You are my sister! I support you the most."

He was indeed very happy for his sister, and he also hoped that one day his dreams would come true.

Qin Chuan accompanied his elder sister to get married with a forced smile, but on the day of her elder sister's wedding, he still couldn't help crying.

But although he cried a lot, his elder sister followed her brother-in-law happily.

The day after Qin Qian got married, Qin Chuan felt that he had no worries at home and was ready to go to Canada to study hard.

When they were sending Qin Chuan away, Qin Qian, who had just gotten married, felt that something was wrong with her brother. She asked doubtfully, "I always feel that something is wrong with you. What's wrong? Could it be that Xie Qiao ran away with someone." "

Qin Chuan didn't expect this old lady to guess it right away, and his face became a little embarrassed, but he still didn't want to say it, so he reluctantly shook his head and said, "It's okay, Xie Qiao and I are just It's just growing up, it's not what you think at all.

When I came back this time, Brother Xiaochuan already had a girlfriend, Xie Qiao also had a boyfriend, and you got married again. It seemed like I was the only one left. "

Qin Qian couldn't stand the mother-in-law the most, so she said angrily, "You still want to lie to me, and your thoughts about Qiao Qiao are only Qiao Qiao's silly girl who didn't realize it. Since you like her, just chase her back, Momoji." What are you doing?"

Qin Chuan shook his head and said helplessly, "Qiaoqiao's boyfriend is not only a second-generation official, but he also started a company by relying on his own abilities. Yes, Qiaoqiao is also very good, and he even arranged for Qiaoqiao to join him The company arranges work related to his major, how can I compare with others?"

Qin Qian waved her hand and said nonchalantly, "You are talking about other conditions. When a girl likes you, she won't care about those external conditions. When a girl likes you, she won't care about those external conditions at all. I will care about you as a person.

I don’t think Qiao Qiao is a person who likes that kind of material thing, so that Wang Yue must have some shining points that you don’t know about.

The problem we are facing now is to let Qiao Qiao see the bright spots in you.

You said before that Qiao Qiao liked He Xiaozhou because he was good at studying and diligent, and he was like a big brother and could do anything.

Now that the second-generation official you are talking about can start a company based on his own strength, it shows that this second-generation official is also working hard.

But what about you? Have you ever thought about what there is in you that Qiaoqiao likes?

If there is, then strengthen this point. If not, try to create a shining point. You and Qiaoqiao are still young and still early in marriage, so there is still a chance for everything! "

Ikki didn't expect what his wife said to be so reasonable, and he echoed it seriously, "Ogawa, a man must work hard, whether it's for yourself or the woman you like, you can't just hang around anymore, fight for it" Build a future.”

Qin Chuan saw that his sister and brother-in-law said this, and he also made up his mind not to mess around anymore, but to study more seriously.

Therefore, after returning to Canada, he suddenly changed his previous attitude, quit his part-time job, and studied hard every day. In less than half a year, he was able to talk to people skillfully. , I no longer have to guess when talking to people like before.

However, he was also a blessing in disguise. When he came back during the Chinese New Year, his fluent spoken English made his relatives and friends very satisfied. He even got a task from Xie Qiao's mother, which was to tutor Xie Qiao in spoken English.

He was originally a well-known academic scumbag in their neighborhood. After suddenly achieving this achievement, his motivation to study became even greater.

The third day of the Lunar New Year this year was Valentine's Day. Wang Yue spent the morning alone, but in the afternoon he was surrounded by two people, which made him dumbfounded.

Xie Qiao, the fake girlfriend, was walking around the old site of Denghua Hutong with her boyfriend Qin Chuan in the morning, when she happened to meet her childhood friend Da Long.

Dalong now specializes in selling pancakes and fruits, which is their ancestral craft. The business is also very good, and the two of them went there smelling the fragrance.

The Valentine's Day gift Wang Yue received was just a pancake.

The reason why there is this is because Qin Chuan made it himself and asked him to receive it from Xie Qiao.

Qin Chuan saw that Xie Qiao had no intention of looking for Wang Yue on Valentine's Day, so he asked tentatively, "Your boyfriend is in Xicheng. Isn't he going to spend Valentine's Day with you today?"

Xie Qiao was having fun, but she was stunned when she heard Qin Chuan's words. Only then did she realize that she had a boyfriend in name only.

She looked a little embarrassed, so she quickly said, "Aren't you just coming back for a few days? That's why I stayed with you more. Since you dislike me, then I'm going to find my boyfriend."

Qin Chuan wanted to slap himself, but why didn't he open the pot? But the words had been spoken, and he couldn't change anything.

So, he could only act like a big brother and said helplessly, "You, I have to remind you even about this. What will you do without me in the future?"

He was also imitating He Xiaozhou, who had taken care of them in this way before.

When Dalong saw Xie Qiao was about to leave, he said enthusiastically, "Qiao Qiao, I'll wait for a while. You two can try my cooking, especially Qiao Qiao. You can take one to eat on the way."

When Xie Qiao saw what Dalong said, he was very dissatisfied and said, "Who are you looking down on? Who can eat just one person?"

Dalong smiled honestly. She knew Xie Qiao was joking, so she said with a smile, "Then take two more and give one to your friends. If they think it tastes good, they will take care of my business more in the future." That’s it.”

Xie Qiao was very satisfied with Dalong's reaction and said in agreement, "You are very enlightened. Many people in my boyfriend's game company don't even bother to eat when they are busy. I'll go see if they like it."

Qin Chuan was more clever, and he reminded him, "Dalong, make more and let Qiao Qiao take it over. If their company thinks your cooking is delicious and hires you to cook for their company alone, then You will be prosperous."

Seeing what Xie Qiao and Qin Chuan said, Dalong rode a tricycle to Xicheng without thinking. He came to the downstairs of Wang Yue's game company, made a lot of pancakes and fruits, and asked Xie Qiao to take them upstairs.

Wang Yue was busy in his office, and his sister Wang Ying suddenly rushed over. She watched Wang Yue work for a long time through the glass window, and suddenly realized that her brother was so handsome when he was busy.

Just when she was looking at it seriously, Xie Qiao also rushed over at this time. When she saw Wang Ying, she was very surprised and said, "Yingying, come here and share the pancakes and fruits, I brought a lot of them. "

When Wang Ying came back to her senses, she saw Xie Qiao shaking two big bags of pancakes and fruits in her hands. She took one casually and asked curiously, "Why did you remember to bring pancakes and fruits here?"

Of course, Xie Qiao couldn't say it was for Dalong, so she explained with a smile, "Last time Qianxi was attacked on our school's student network, didn't the technicians in the company help a lot?

I heard that Wang Yue tripled the salary, but everyone didn't go home, so I was worried that they wouldn't have enough to eat, so I sent pancakes and fruits. "

Wang Ying was in a panic at the moment. She was not thinking so quickly, so she was fooled by Xie Qiao. She kindly said, "Is your friend downstairs? Why don't you count the number and see who wants to If you want to eat pancakes and fruit, order one or two portions for each person."

Xie Qiao knew that Wang Ying could also make the decision in this company. She didn't expect that this big deal was actually concluded, so she quickly said happily, "I'll go and ask."

As she said this, she began to divide the pancakes and fruits. The two bags of pancakes and fruits she brought up with difficulty could give each person in the technical department a piece.

While Xie Qiao was dividing the pancakes and fruits, Wang Ying took two pancakes and fruits and pushed the door into Wang Yue's office.

When Wang Yue heard someone coming in, he looked up and saw that it was Wang Ying. He was very happy and asked with a smile, "Why are you here?"

Wang Ying casually threw the pancake fruit onto Wang Yue's table, and said arrogantly, "I'll give you a Valentine's Day gift!"

Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, but he still picked up the pancake and took a bite. He quickly said with admiration, "Not to mention, it's quite delicious. You are quite thoughtful about this Valentine's Day gift! This is to catch me. Stomach?"

Wang Ying's face suddenly turned red, and she spat softly, "That was given to you by your girlfriend, not me!"

After being reminded by Wang Ying, Wang Yue saw Xie Qiao who was dividing pancakes outside. He asked curiously, "Why did you two make an appointment to come together?"

Wang Ying herself felt that she was obsessed. Yang Cheng originally asked her to go to Sanya for vacation, but she refused without knowing what to think.

After refusing, she didn't want to socialize at home during the Chinese New Year, so she accidentally went to the game company that had been renamed Future Technology.

Today's game company has launched two games in a row within half a year. The office area that originally seemed empty is now full of work.

Although she comes often, she can still find that there are more and more people in the company, and now it is difficult to sit down.

Wang Ying knew in her heart that her brother had succeeded in starting a business, so she thought of her own affairs. Now when Wang Yue asked about it, she frowned and said, "Brother, I think the Chinese literature module of our game company's official website can be separated. ,What do you think?"

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