Facing Wang Xiaomi's doubts, Ma Li was speechless and didn't know how to explain. After a while, her face turned red with anxiety.

Wang Yue saw her in trouble and rescued her in time, "Let's go first, this is not the place to chat. This beauty, we are destined to meet again."

Wang Xiaomi pretended to cup his hands and said solemnly, "It's a long journey, so let's say goodbye."

Ma Li replied in a similar way, "The mountains are high and the rivers are long, and we will never see each other again."

Seeing the two future mother and daughter looking regretful that they would never meet again, Wang Yue rolled his eyes and thought to himself, "You two still have a long time to get along."

The two of them left the police station. Wang Yue looked at Ma Li who lowered her head and said nothing, and asked, "What are you going to do? Should I take you home now?"

Ma Li lowered her head and said nothing, and just walked forward silently. After listening to what Wang Yue said, she suddenly stopped and turned back to ask Wang Yue, "What do you want to do with all your busy work on the pole today?"

Wang Yue looked at the police station across the street and suddenly found that this girl was still somewhat clever. He shook his head helplessly and said casually, "I didn't want to do anything. I will send you home and I will leave." ”

There is really nothing she can do, this girl is still underage, Wang Yue thought depressedly, it is very annoying to always play and develop.

Although Wang Yue told the truth, Ma Li didn't quite believe it. As the saying goes, being courteous for nothing is either a traitor or a thief. She thought for a while and said, "Add me on WeChat and I will pay you back the money I owe you another day."

Wang Yue didn't care. Even if Ma Li didn't give him his WeChat ID, he could find out by himself. However, in order to reassure Ma Li, Wang Yue still honestly opened his WeChat QR code and let her scan it.

After Ma Li added her WeChat friends, Wang Yue said, "Let's do this. I'll call a taxi to take you back later. What do you think?"

Ma Li said with a vigilant look, "What do you want to do? Want to find out my home address?"

Wang Yue reached out and wanted to hit her little head, but as soon as he raised his hand, Ma Li jumped far away, leaving Wang Yue very speechless. Lin Miaomiao couldn't avoid it every time, but Ma Li was dodged.

Wang Yue also had a way to deal with this kind of smart girl. He said very confidently, "I can find the location of your home even if you don't tell me, so you don't need to worry so much."

Ma Li looked at Wang Yue's stinky look and curled her lips and said, "Bragging, if you can find my home address, I will... I will believe that you are a good person."

Wang Yue was speechless, but Xiao Ma Li refused to suffer at all. However, Wang Yue didn't argue with her. He took out his notebook from his backpack and started operating it. Within a few minutes, he reported an address. After hearing this, Xiao Ma Li's eyes widened.

Sitting in the taxi going home, Ma Li hadn't come back to her senses yet. She had never thought that she could find someone so quickly. When she looked at Wang Yue again, her eyes became more probing. However, Ma Li soon had some doubts. What a coincidence in the world. She happened to be in trouble today, and someone was so enthusiastic to help. Could this handsome guy next to me be sent by that bastard Zhao Ling?

Ma Li leaned on the seat of the taxi. The more she thought about it, the more it seemed possible. Her anger, which had been extinguished, rose again.

When the taxi arrived at the gate of the community, Ma Li immediately opened the door and jumped out of the car. She looked at Wang Yue who was about to speak angrily, "Tell Zhao Ling that from now on, he will no longer be my godfather. I will never forgive him." If he behaves shamelessly, let him stop trying.”

Wang Yue was a little confused, but he immediately understood what Ma Li meant. Wang Yue rolled his eyes helplessly, he was taking the blame for someone else.

Wang Yue would not do such a thing! He quickly paid the fare and got out of the car, signaling to the driver to leave first. Wang Yue then said to Ma Li, "I don't know who Zhao Ling is. You are so smart. Think about how we met. I miss you." You should be able to figure it out soon."

After Wang Yue got off the bus, Ma Li stood three meters away from Wang Yue. Then she felt a little safer. After listening to Wang Yue's words, little Ma Li ran into her community without looking back, shouting as she ran, " Anyone who believes what you say is a fool."

Wang Yue watched Ma Li's figure disappear into the community, shook his head helplessly, and then turned and walked in the direction of his home. Miraculously, the two families were not far away from each other. Wang Yue also wanted to enjoy the night breeze and think about what else he could do in this world besides watching little Ma Li grow up.

I originally planned to major in life sciences when I was in PI, but I was sent away by Miaomiao at the end of the plot. It seems that I have to wait until the beginning of the second part to continue my studies, so I will do this by myself. What does the world do?

However, no matter what he does, Wang Yue doesn't want to continue to be a programmer, let alone work for others. This is not Wang Yue's current style.

Wang Yue returned to his junior apartment, took out his notebook, and quickly completed a task he was currently working on. Then he sent the completed task and resignation letter to his supervisor. With his free time, Wang Yue began his one-month emergency retreat. He was planning to ruffle Xiao Nai's wool again.

This time Wang Yue is going to take a shortcut and acquire a drug analysis and synthesis company to directly imitate some drugs in the world. He only needs to know the synthesis process of the drugs. There should be no problem. However, this is a big deal. Money is a project, but to Wang Yue, this is not a problem.

In fact, Wang Yue went into seclusion at this time, mainly because he felt that now was not the best time to intervene in Ma Li's life, and he had nothing else to do, so he might as well take the opportunity to roll his hair.

On this day, Wang Yue took the wool he had picked and rushed to the airport with his computer bag on his back. While waiting in the departure hall, he saw Wang Xiaomi. Wang Yue immediately realized that the plot was about to happen. Li and her uncle were on vacation in Sanya. It seemed that the time for me to intervene was about to come.

After Wang Yue got the funds back, he quickly acquired a suitable company. While he was busy learning about drug synthesis in the newly acquired company, he also used special means to pay attention to Ma Li's situation.

On this day, Wang Yue saw that Ma Li seemed to have gone to watch Wang Xiaomi's ex-boyfriend's performance. Wang Yue quickly closed the computer and left the house. He was ready to start his own action.

Wang Yue hurried to the performance place and ordered a cup of coffee at the cafe at the exit. His classmate sitting there not far away was waiting for the performance to end leisurely.

Not long after, Lu Kuan left the coffee shop. Wang Yue knew that Ma Li was about to come out, so he quickly got up and followed him. Sure enough, before walking a few steps, Wang Yue saw Ma Li excitedly coming to join her friends, rummaging through her backpack as she walked. Her dress was obviously not suitable for her age.

At this time, Wang Yue slowly followed up from behind the two people, pretending to be confused and asked, "What are you looking for?"

When Lu Kuan heard this voice, he subconsciously protected Ma Li behind him. Ma Li was also startled, but when she saw it was Wang Yue, she walked out from behind Lu Kuan and said with some surprise, "What a coincidence. ?How do you know I’m here?”

Wang Yue looked at Ma Li's nervous look and said slowly, "Unfortunately, I'm waiting for you. I want to see how thick-skinned you are, a girl who doesn't pay back money. Also, I also want to know, What kind of mentality do you have that you still have the heart to watch other people's performances at this time? After all, the number of your parents will soon be doubled."

Xiao Mali hurriedly packed her clothes, and then asked with some anger, "You can ask Zhao Ling to reimburse yourself. Also, how do you know so well about my family's affairs? Are you following me?"

Wang Yue glanced at Lu Kuan behind Ma Li, smiled and said to her, "Are you sure you want to talk about your family situation in front of your classmates?"

Lu Kuan had been a little nervous since Wang Yue appeared. He could feel that the person opposite must be trying to catch Ma Li's attention, but he didn't know how to explain it. So, Lu Kuan quickly whispered to Ma Li, "Ma Li, this person is definitely not a good person. Let's go back quickly."

Wang Yue glanced at Lu Kuan and easily saw through Lu Kuan's little thoughts. He smiled and said to the hesitant Ma Li, "Just like your classmate said, the most I want to do is make friends with you, but , what if I can help you solve your problem? Then you will make money."

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