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Chapter 1733 The power of the world!

Zhao Zhuan looked at Yan Dongwu and said with a smile, "We have three days to arrange, let's leave the next night."

Yan Dongwu felt inexplicably relieved when he knew he was leaving, but he immediately asked with some uncertainty, "Your Majesty, where are we going?"

Zhao Zhuan sighed and said helplessly, "Actually, there are not many places we can go. No matter where we go, we will be treated as hostages, so there is only one place to go."

Yan Dongwu thought about it for a while and then asked with some uncertainty, "Your Majesty wants to go to Beiliang?"

Zhao Zhuan nodded and said helplessly, "Big brother is right about one thing. Xu Xiao is indeed more loyal than others. I think Xu Xiao can at least save our lives for the sake of his mother."

Yan Dongwu didn't believe it, so she quickly reminded him, "But Chen Zhibao has already taken action against King Jing'an's Qingzhou and has now surrounded Xiangfan City. Xu Xiao may not be reliable anymore."

Zhao Zhuan said helplessly, "Of course I can't be trusted if I am still the emperor. If we are just two of his juniors and want to join him, there will definitely be no problem."

Yan Dongwu saw that Zhao Zhuan had already made a decision, so he said nothing more. She had been told that life was precious since she was a child, but she didn't expect that she would become a former queen just after being a queen for a short time.

She felt a little melancholy, but also a little relaxed. She felt that she didn't have to follow so many rules in the future, which was actually quite good.

Three days later, when Zhao Wu led people to take over the imperial city, he followed the eunuch into the palace. He only saw the jade seal in front of the jade case and an imperial edict for the Zen position, but he did not see his brother Zhao Zhuan.

While he was sighing in his heart, he also had a headache. He was about to face this fragmented country for his brother.

Fortunately, Zhao Zhuan gave him the Royal Guards of the Imperial City, giving him tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, but these people were of little use against Gu Jiantang.

After all, Gu Jiantang has more than 300,000 troops under his command. If they really want to fall out, their tens of thousands of troops will not be able to hold on for long.

Fortunately, after he ascended the throne, Gu Jiantang had no reason to go to war with him. In addition, the pressure on the Liang Liao side was very high, so the limit of being able to mobilize 100,000 troops was the limit.

In order to appease Gu Jiantang, after Zhao Wu became the emperor, he made Gu Jiantang the king of Liao, which was regarded as a tribute to the dragon.

But Zhao Wu did this, but King Guangling was very dissatisfied.

He knew that Xiangfan City on King Jing'an's side could not be defended for long, so he withdrew all the defense lines to the north and relied on several checkpoints for defense.

Then he made a decision and handed over the defense line to his generals. He personally led the army to serve the king.

The Guangling army marched almost day and night. It didn't take long. Before Zhao Zhuan arrived at Beiliang and Gu Jiantang had not completely cleaned up Tai'an City, he led an army of 100,000 to the outside of Tai'an City.

Although Zhao Wu knew that King Guangling came with bad intentions, he was very happy in his heart. At least he was in balance with Gu Jiantang and no longer had to look at Gu Jiantang's face.

So, he simply added a few more gold beads to the throne of the prince of Guangling, and even moved the fiefdom to Lianghuai, almost a step away from the capital.

King Guangling knew that Guangling could not be defended. Only by joining forces with Gu Jiantang's two Liao armies would he have some chances. Therefore, he was very happy after receiving the reward from Zhao Wu and did not say anything more. What.

In fact, just as he had guessed, Chen Zhibao also captured Xiangfan City, connecting the territory of Xia Kingdom into one, occupying most of Liyang's territory.

As for Prince Jing'an and his son, they also took advantage of the chaos and escaped from Xiangfan City. No one knows where they went.

By this time, Wang Yue was also preparing to move the capital and marry Xu Weixiong.

It's not that he is unwilling to take down the entire Liyang in one fell swoop. In fact, in the several prefectures and counties near Tai'an City, the total number of soldiers and horses in Liyang is now hundreds of thousands. Once a fight breaks out, life will be devastated, which is not consistent at all. his expectations.

More importantly, there was no movement on the Beimang side. It was too quiet, which was somewhat illogical.

Wang Yue didn't want his soldiers and Li Yang to be picked off by Beimang while they were fighting to the death, so he planned to use these two things to slow things down. At the same time, he began to equalize the land tax on the newly occupied land and win over people's hearts. .

However, because after the land was collected, money was distributed to these families every year according to the size of the land, so it did not cause much trouble.

Ordinary people had their own land, and were very grateful to the Xia Kingdom, which allowed Wang Yue to quickly win over the people.

This public sentiment is very important to Wang Yue.

Because Wang Yue wanted to set up a large formation in Xia Kingdom, just like the Suzaku formation that Confucius set up in Chang'an City at night.

If we could set up such a formation in all the cities of the Xia Kingdom, and then combine all the formations, and use the power of the entire Xia Kingdom to draw the Taoist characters, I wonder if it would break the sky.

No one objected to the move of the capital to Xiangfan City, because this happened to be the old place of Western Chu and was very close to Western Shu.

But this time Wang Yue went to Beiliang to welcome his bride, which went very smoothly. There were no assassins along the way. The people in those states and counties occupied by Beiliang were actually very happy, because in this way, they could also get land. .

After arriving at the Beiliang Prince's Mansion, Xu Xiao felt a little embarrassed. He hesitated for a while, but still felt that he couldn't hide it, so he called Wang Yue to Tingchao Pavilion.

Tingchao Pavilion, the door

Before Xu Xiao went in, he said with some embarrassment, "Emperor Xia, I don't want to hide something. Zhao Zhuan came to my place."

Wang Yue was stunned for a moment. He also heard about what happened in Tai'an City, and he said with some curiosity, "I thought he would go to Emperor Wu City, but I didn't expect him to run away here."

Xu Xiao sighed, and then said helplessly, "If he was still the emperor, I would definitely not take him in, but he has abdicated now and is just an ordinary royal family, so I can't refuse.

But I don’t want to hide it from you, so I’ll tell you. I just ask you to leave the two of them alive. "

Wang Yue thought about it for a while and then said with emotion, "I can spare the life of even King Yanla, let alone Zhao Zhuan. I'm not afraid of them making trouble. Only if they make trouble will I have reason to kill them."

Seeing Wang Yue's magnanimity, Xu Xiao said happily, "He is indeed the man Weixiong likes. He is really generous, so that's good.

By the way, I'm going to prepare a dowry for Weixiong. I hope you like it! "

Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, then asked with some confusion, "What dowry?"

Xu Xiao smiled and said, "Everyone in the world knows that we have 300,000 cavalry in Beiliang, but in fact, our soldiers and horses are divided into many types.

Originally, the Weixiong army had four thousand heavy cavalry. Now I have expanded it to 10,000, and the equipment will be ready. As the Weixiong dowry, what do you think? "

Wang Yue didn't expect Xu Xiao to be so generous. You must know that it was a heavy cavalry, and 10,000 heavy cavalry equipment was not that easy to obtain.

He smiled and said, "Since my father-in-law is so generous, I might as well tell your father-in-law that as long as Beiliang doesn't betray, there will be no disadvantages to Beiliang here. The Beiliang army will still have the surname Xu."

Xu Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then asked doubtfully, "Your Majesty, I originally wanted to hand over these soldiers and horses to you gradually, why did you suddenly say this?"

Wang Yue saw that Xu Xiao obviously had some doubts, so he looked at the sky and said, "To be honest, I want to find something to unify the world, and then do something meaningful to the people."

Xu Xiao was stunned for a moment and asked with some confusion, "What is meaningful to the people?"

Of course Wang Yue couldn't tell the truth, so he asked with a smile, "Father-in-law, I sent a dying man to the sky some time ago. As a result, before I sent him up, I actually looked at his face. It is a long life.

Moreover, I have experienced the opening of the Heavenly Gate several times, and found that after the Heavenly Gate was opened, a majestic spiritual energy from heaven and earth poured into the ground.

Therefore, many people want to fly to the sky, just because the sky can allow them to achieve breakthroughs in their martial arts cultivation.

If the gate of heaven is always open, will it be possible for the human world to have such vigorous spiritual energy?

Can ordinary people in this world live longer?

Will people who practice martial arts improve by leaps and bounds? Will there be more land gods in the world?

And the most important thing is, after the food we grow is nourished by spiritual energy, can people eat it and make them healthy and live longer? "

Xu Xiao was stunned for a moment, then asked with some uncertainty, "But even if Li Chungang opens the Heavenly Gate, it will close soon. It may be difficult to achieve His Majesty's goal."

Wang Yue nodded and explained with a smile, "It's hard to say, it's not difficult, it's not difficult, so I want to unify the world as soon as possible and set up a big formation in the human world. Using the power of the formation, I will be able to break the barrier between the human world and the heaven." Barrier. From now on, there will be no heaven, let alone so-called heavenly beings."

When Xu Xiao imagined that situation, he said with emotion, "I'm afraid it will be difficult to realize such a grand scene."

Wang Yue said seriously, "Father-in-law, don't underestimate the power of human beings. As long as we work together, we will be able to achieve our goals."

Xu Xiao was silent for a while. He was originally planning to go to heaven to extend his life, but his real idea was that he didn't want to go to heaven.

Now that Wang Yue had another idea, which seemed good, he said solemnly, "In that case, after you and Weixiong get married, I will personally go out and help you conquer the world."

Seeing Xu Xiao's high morale, Wang Yue quickly said consolingly, "There is no rush now, if we want the people of the world to unite as one, we must benefit from it.

Therefore, my father-in-law should wait until the current territory of Xia Kingdom is equalized before helping me conquer the world together. "

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