The dean saw that Xia He suddenly fell silent to study, which made her feel very happy. She felt that she had finally let go of something that was worrying her.

In fact, she was most worried about Xia He, because although the child was only eleven or twelve years old, his gestures always made people feel improper, so she was worried that Xia He would go astray.

Now that Xia He was studying quietly, she was very happy. She felt that Wang Yue had an influence on Xia He, so she approached Wang Yue and wanted him to be responsible for the study of the children in the courtyard.

After all, Wang Yue's grades are so good, if she can take care of all the children, then she can save her worries.

Wang Yue didn't expect that the dean would do this, so he dejectedly said, "Dean, I'm still a child!"

After hearing Wang Yue's words, the dean said simply, "Okay, I know you are precocious and why are you pretending to be naive? Just tell me whether you are willing."

When she said this, she glanced at Xia He specifically, and the threat was quite obvious.

Although Wang Yue didn't believe what the dean would do to Xia He, it would be very troublesome if the dean deliberately separated him from Xia He.

So, he could only bow his head to the dean and said very depressedly, "Okay, then I will hold a cram school in our courtyard in the evening, and anyone who is willing to learn will come. How about it?"

The dean felt that Wang Yue's suggestion was better than she thought, so he smiled and said, "Okay, I won't let you work in vain, I will pay you!"

Wang Yue didn't expect an unexpected surprise. Although he didn't care, he wouldn't refuse, so he smiled and said, "No problem, but, Dean, we can't tutor every day. Is there any rest time?"

The dean looked at Wang Yue, hesitated for a moment, and felt that he still couldn't force a child, so he relaxed and said, "Teaching classes from Sunday to Friday night, and resting on Saturday night, that's okay."

Wang Yue knew that the dean was doing this for everyone, so he smiled and said, "The dean is wise!"

Seeing that Wang Yue agreed, the dean quickly went to notify the other children and other staff in the hospital.

After all, Wang Yue's cram school needs people to cooperate. Apart from other things, it is not good to let the children go to bed hungry after tutoring in the evening.

After the dean left, Xia He said to Wang Yue with some embarrassment, "It's all my fault. If it weren't for me, I wouldn't have wasted your time."

Wang Yue knew that Xia He meant it would affect his practice, so he said nonchalantly, "It's okay, it's only two or three hours at night. I'll just get up in the morning and practice instead."

Seeing what Wang Yue said, Xia He quickly said, "Then I will get up early and practice with you."

Wang Yue saw Xia He's eyes were firm, so he didn't refuse and said with a smile, "I'm just afraid you won't be able to get up!"

Xia He waved his fist, as if to cheer himself up, and said excitedly, "I will definitely be able to get up!"

Xia He, who started exercising with Wang Yue, really couldn't get up a few days ago, but when she saw that she was getting up, Wang Yue had been practicing for a long time, and then he got up.

It's just that she needs to start training from the basics. She is sweating after every exercise. After she comes back to wash up and eat the meal Wang Yue has prepared for her, it is a bit late for school. The two of them go to school and can only get out of the incident. An alley that is rarely used.

However, every time she passed by this alley, she always felt extremely nervous, and it was obvious at a glance that something was on her mind.

After a few days, Wang Yue found that Xia He was still nervous, so he said helplessly, "If you keep doing this, you will bring us trouble."


Xia He was nervous. When he heard Wang Yue say this, he said nervously, "No way?"

Seeing that Xia He was too nervous, Wang Yue sighed and could only comfort him, "Not necessarily, but if someone is keeping an eye on this place, you will definitely attract others' attention if you are so nervous."

Only then did Xia He react. She quickly took a deep breath to make herself look less nervous.

Wang Yue felt relieved when he saw that although Xia He was still a little unnatural, at least he wasn't nervous anymore.

But he was relieved a little too early. Just like Murphy's law says, whatever you worry about will happen.

That night, after the orphanage gradually became quiet, Wang Yue suddenly opened his eyes, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the room, and appeared on the roof of the orphanage in an instant.

From a high position, he saw a figure moving quickly around the orphanage, seemingly looking for something.

"What are you looking for?"

Wang Yue looked at the figure and walked towards the female channel, then suddenly appeared beside the figure and asked curiously.

The man was startled and hurriedly hid in the distance. In almost a blink of an eye, he arrived outside the orphanage wall, and then ran towards the lake not far away without looking back.

Wang Yue didn't want to do anything in the orphanage, so he didn't stop him. After watching him run to the lake, he actually wanted to jump into the lake.

His figure appeared beside the man as fast as lightning, and kicked him away. He hit the stone pier on the shore and fell heavily to the ground.

The man didn't expect to be caught up, so he quickly chanted a spell, and a cloud of blue smoke rushed towards Wang Yue.

Wang Yue casually used an authentic Longhu Mountain Five Thunder Method, and saw a bolt of lightning coming from his hand, hitting the man in an instant.

He originally thought that this person was a strange person, who should be able to fight very well. In addition, Zhang Chulan's thunder method in the play was basically incapable of killing people, so he controlled his strength and used this attack.

What he didn't expect was that the person whose name hadn't been asked yet was so unwilling to resist the beating that he was killed instantly.

But it’s normal to think about it. When he was going through the tribulation in the snow world, he absorbed a lot of thunder and lightning in his Dantian. After decades of preparation, although he successfully resolved the power of the tribulation thunder, it also allowed his Dantian to generate electricity on its own. Some thunder and lightning struck.

After coming to this world, he started practicing, but the thunder method produced in his dantian naturally had some flavor of heavenly calamity.

Regardless of whether it is Zhang Xilin, Zhang Lingyu or Zhang Chulan, they are only practicing half of the thunder method. Of course, it is not as good as ordinary thunder, let alone the thunder and lightning that brings the flavor of heavenly tribulation.

Wang Yue went up to check, and after confirming that the man was dead, he turned and left.

Wang Yue used an illusion just now. What this person saw was an old man. He was not worried that he would be exposed, so he was not worried that someone would extract this person's memory.

"Brother, what happened?"

After dealing with this person, Wang Yue quickly returned to the orphanage. Just as he was about to return to the dormitory, he heard Xia He's voice.

Wang Yue was not surprised. The Five Thunder Zhengfa just now could be heard by anyone with some cultivation level. He knew that Xia He's character was prone to overthinking. If he didn't tell her, she might not be able to sleep, so she would be helpless. He said, "There was a stranger who broke into our orphanage for some reason just now. I chased him out and he ran away. In the end, I executed him on the spot with a thunderbolt."

Xia He was indeed a little nervous. She said in a panic, "Brother, is it because of the group of people from last time that we came here?"

Wang Yue stretched out his hand to rub Xia He's hair, and said comfortingly, "The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it, and with my brother here, what are you afraid of? Look at this time, won't it be killed by my thunder method?" "

After listening to Wang Yue's words, Xia He felt a little more settled, but in the following days, she practiced even more diligently.

But because she spent more time practicing, her school courses fell behind a bit. If it weren't for Wang Yue making up classes every day, she might have fallen even further behind.

Of course, this is only for the future, and time will be restored to the next morning.

Daming Lakeside


An aunt who was doing morning exercises couldn't help but exclaimed when she looked at the charred corpse in front of her.

This shout spread far away in this quiet morning, and suddenly broke the tranquility of the morning.

After a while, many people came to watch the excitement, and of course some people came to call the police.

Before the police arrived, many people had already gathered around the black body that had been hacked.

When Xia He and Wang Yue went to school, the police had already cordoned off the place. The old police captain from last time came. When he saw the body, he guessed something.

After all, it hasn’t rained in the past two days and the sky is cloudless. How could there be thunder and lightning anywhere?

Therefore, those who lived nearby and heard the thunder must have heard someone attacking with thunder, which caused the thunder to be heard.

He sighed, took out his cell phone and called Dou Le, the person in charge of East China.

Wang Yue and Xia He just paused here. Xia He glanced at the black corpse struck by lightning through the cracks in the body, and couldn't help but tremble.

After she walked out for a long distance, she said with some solemnity, "Brother, is this the alien? I see that his whole body is black like that, but there are still many places that are intact."

Seeing that Xia He was not as scared as he imagined, Wang Yue asked curiously, "Aren't you scared when you see a dead person?"

Xia He shook his head and said helplessly, "Have you forgotten? Before Zhang Lingyu left, a child was delivered to the door of our orphanage. We were just about to go to elementary school when we met a baby at the door.

It was extremely cold at that time, and the child had become hardened after being frozen all night.

I didn't know it at first. I originally wanted to take her into the hospital, but later I found out that the dean said she was already dead. "

Wang Yue also recalled that memory, but at that time, he didn't care much about it.

He shook his head helplessly and said, "Speaking of which, you are very courageous, much more courageous than I used to be."

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