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Chapter 1815 Real world cooperation?

Chapter 1815 Real World·Cooperation?

After Wang Yue was sent back, he was also very confused. Did Xia He call him a real brother or a fake brother?

This question is very important!

Luo Youyou saw that Wang Yue was getting distracted again, but she just shook her head helplessly and did not blame Wang Yue. After all, Wang Yue's reaction was actually quite funny.

Moreover, this was the first time in a long time that Wang Yue had watched a complete drama with her. She was quite happy. She just arched into Wang Yue's arms and found a comfortable position to continue watching TV.

But Wang Yue was used to being sent out like this. He was distracted for a while and immediately checked his space orb. He wanted to see if this space was stable since it was not being replenished.

You must know that he paid a high price for this space orb, and of course he was not willing to destroy it just like that.

After checking it, Wang Yue found that it was better than expected.

Although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is thin and indispensable in the real world, the space inside the orb that cannot be replenished only shrinks slightly and is directly maintained under the auspices of Black and White Wang Yue.

Wang Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and he relaxed and continued watching TV with Luo Youyou.

Time flew by, and in a blink of an eye, he had finished watching the remaining TV, and Wang Yue had also finished watching the entire plot of Under the Stranger.

Just when Wang Yue was thinking about the future and wanted to watch a new drama again, he didn't expect that news came from Yu Xiaowei.

It turns out that Dai Laide from Federal Technology has come to China and is very eager to meet Yu Xiaowei.

Of course, Yu Xiaowei contacted Wang Yue immediately and wanted to see what Wang Yue had to say.

Wang Yue just contacted the security personnel and asked them to protect Yu Xiaowei, and then asked Yu Xiaowei to meet with Dai Laide.

Although Yu Xiaowei was still a little uneasy, in order to complete the task, she still reluctantly went to see him.

The agreed place was, of course, a Western restaurant, and the owner of this restaurant was a Frenchman who seemed to be quite familiar with Daley.

Seeing Yu Xiaowei coming over, Dai Laide greeted Yu Xiaowei warmly, "Yu, you have become more and more beautiful since you returned to China. As expected, you are still nourished by the mountains and rivers of your hometown."

Yu Xiaowei saw that Dai Laide didn't take the initiative to mention the purpose of meeting her this time, so she simply started to be polite, "It's just that I'm still used to the pasta at home. Mr. Dai Laide still has the same style."

Dai Laide saw how easily Yu Xiaowei talked to him, and immediately understood that Yu Xiaowei already had a new backstage, so she was no longer afraid of his threats.

He immediately changed his attitude and said straight to the point, "Ms. Yu also knows that our Federation Technology side is very anxious to return to the moon, but this technology is worldwide, and your country's Star Technology is ahead of the curve. The front.

I heard that Miss Yu knows Wang Yue, the president of Xingchen Technology, and I wonder if I can help introduce them. "

Yu Xiaowei knew that the other party would bring up this topic, so she pretended to be helpless and said, "To be honest, Mr. Wang and I once had a scandal, so my current position in the company is very embarrassing.

I heard that his wife is about to give birth now, and it is definitely not appropriate to meet with me in private at this time.

If Mr. Dailed wants to cooperate, it is better to wait until Mr. Wang's wife gives birth in a few months. I think he will definitely throw a big banquet. Then I can invite you to come and meet him. "

When Dai Laide heard this, he couldn't help but frowned. Of course, he knew something about Luo Youyou's situation. Calculated in terms of months, it would take about three months to give birth. If the child is one month old, he would not give birth. In this case, it would be four months.

Even if a cooperation is reached in four months, if we want to send people arranged by the federal science and technology to the moon, why do we have to push it back for another three or four months? This may still be the fastest. Up, almost a year passed.

Now the Guanghan Palace plan in China changes almost every month. Rockets are launched intensively and the construction speed is very fast.

I'm afraid that the construction of Guanghan Palace will be completed in more than half a year, and Chinese astronauts will probably start geological exploration on the moon, and even conduct research on lunar materials. By then, China's material technology will have advanced by leaps and bounds.

But Yu Xiaowei did not refuse directly, and even gave a feasible suggestion. If he forced him too hard, it would arouse Yu Xiaowei's resentment, and maybe even bad things would happen.

After Dai Laide hesitated for a moment, he said seriously, "Miss Yu, it's really too late after three months. I wonder if Miss Yu can contact President Wang. If you can let me see you within a month, President Wang, I can apply for 10 million Huaxia coins from the company as your reward.

If you can let me meet President Wang within half a month, then I will give you 50 million. If you can let me meet President Wang within a week, the company can give you 100 million.

Miss Yu, there is no loss for you in facilitating this matter, and there are such big benefits. It is also an easy task for President Wang’s company. I don’t know, what do you think? "

When Yu Xiaowei heard this result, she really wanted to agree, but her reason told her that she still had to refuse.

Just when she was about to open her mouth to refuse, she suddenly heard a voice coming from the miniature headset she was wearing, "Let him wait for your news."

Yu Xiaowei originally called Dai Laide by his name, but after hearing this sentence, his attitude changed and he said, "Dai Laide, I can only give it a try, I can't guarantee you."

Dailed was overjoyed when he heard this. He quickly said, "Thank you very much. No matter whether it succeeds or not this time, the company will give you benefits."

Yu Xiaowei had a few more humble words with Dai Lai, and then chatted with Dai Lai about federal technology. The two chatted for more than an hour before they separated.

After Yu Xiaowei left, he quickly returned to Future Technology, because Mr. Liao, who was in charge of Future Technology's security system, was already waiting for him there.

But as soon as she entered the company building, the security system suddenly made a beeping sound at the door of the building.

The company's security guards rushed out and surrounded Yu Xiaowei.

When Yu Xiaowei heard the noise, her face turned pale. Of course she knew what the noise meant? Because every once in a while in the company, someone will be stopped by security for inspection.

In the past, she had only seen others being taken away for inspection, but she did not expect that it would be her turn today.

Fortunately, Mr. Liao seemed to have expected this. He rushed out when he heard the bell and accompanied Yu Xiaowei to the security room.

In the security room, there is a product designed by Wang Yue to scan people. It can not only check whether there are bugs or other things in the clothes, but also the inside of the body.

Sure enough, after one-click scanning, Liao Zhong and others determined the locations of three eavesdropping devices on the holographic display.

One of them was in Yu Xiaowei's clothes. Another one is in the hair, and finally there is another one in Xiaowei's belly.

Of course, Yu Xiaowei also understood where he was being monitored through the red dots on the holographic image. The other two didn't matter, but the last one shocked him a little.

She had no idea when there would be an eavesdropping device inside her body.

Mr. Liao seemed to have been prepared for a long time. When she saw Yu Xiaowei's face turned pale, he smiled and said, "They will definitely put this kind of micro robot in your coffee or steak, and get into your stomach when you are not paying attention. This is normal and you don’t need to worry about it.

Don't worry, if it were in other places, you would have to undergo surgery to remove this device, but with our future technology, we can quickly seize control of such a micro-robot that can enter the stomach and let the robot come out on its own. "

Yu Xiaowei also remembered this technique, felt relieved, and said helplessly, "Mr. Liao, what does it mean? Why do you suddenly ask me to hold off Dai Laide?"

Liao Zhong probably knew something about it, so he smiled and reassured, "Actually, the construction speed of Guanghan Palace in our country is very fast. Many countries have already applied to cooperate. Considering the international influence, we will select some domestically for construction. cooperate.

Therefore, instead of rejecting them now and letting them understand your attitude, it is better to stabilize them and let Future Technology talk to them slowly. "

Yu Xiaowei was stunned for a moment, then said with some uncertainty, "Our country spent trillions of dollars to build the Guanghan Palace. How could it be so easy for people from other countries to intervene? What if they sabotage it?"

After hearing this, Mr. Liao shook his head helplessly and said, "This is a major national matter. People like us don't understand it at all. We just need to cooperate."

Of course, Yu Xiaowei didn't want to continue this topic, so he asked seriously, "But Daleide really wants to see President Wang, do you really want him to meet?"

Mr. Liao understood this well, so he smiled and said, "Of course I want to meet you, don't worry, Mr. Wang's safety is definitely not a problem.

Besides, technical cooperation does not happen overnight. We can also take this opportunity to talk about other cooperation matters. "

When Yu Xiaowei heard this, he understood. He was just using the aerospace matter as a bargaining chip, hoping to cooperate in other industries, or to reduce the obstacles there.

After Yu Xiaowei felt relieved, after the security guard removed the bugs from her head and clothes, she followed the laboratory staff to remove the bugs from her body.

There are many companies in China that can produce squirming micro-robots like this. They are not particularly unusual, but they are rarely used for eavesdropping.

Moreover, the robot in Yu Xiaowei's body is particularly soft and is a rare material that many domestic companies cannot produce. But these cannot stop future technology at all, and they can be easily analyzed.

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