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Chapter 186 You must be responsible for me

However, Ma Li was so happy today that her shyness was quickly washed away by her excitement. After a while, she became excited again. She tapped the wine glass with her chopsticks and said, "What are you looking at? The beer is already here." , let’s have a drink to celebrate first, I’m going to be famous soon, and if I think about masturbating on the street like this in the future, I might not have the chance.”

Hearing the sound of the wine glass, Wang Yue came back to his senses. He glanced at Ma Li apologetically and said with a smile, "It's okay. When you become a big star, I will assign you an assistant and let her buy it." I ordered the kebabs and took them home to eat.”

After listening to Wang Yue's words, Ma Li's eyes lit up. She quickly stood up and shouted to the waiter in the store, "We won't eat here, come and pack it for us. Please cook the rest quickly." !”

Wang Yue didn't know what Ma Li wanted to do, and said with some confusion, "It's not convenient at home. Grandma and Manao are both asleep. It's not good to disturb them."

Ma Li ignored Wang Yue and continued to greet the waiter. After the items they ordered were packed, she walked to the street first with the skewers, leaving only one sentence for Wang Yue, "You have to listen to me today. Don’t ask so many questions.”

After Wang Yue paid the bill, he walked out with a beer and followed Ma Li slowly out of the snack street. However, looking at the direction Ma Li was heading, he asked with some confusion, "Are you going in this direction to go to our house?"

Ma Li was obviously pleased by Wang Yue's "we", so she trotted back to Wang Yue, kissed him on the face, and gave him a sweet smile, "Yes, just go back to our house." .”

Seeing her happy look, Wang Yue said nothing and quickened his pace, and the two of them walked towards home together.

After entering the house, Ma Li went to the kitchen and took out a few plates, arranged the skewers in her hands, and then opened all the beers.

Wang Yue shook his head helplessly, thinking that Ma Li might be extremely happy today, but it's no wonder that a little girl is about to become a star, so it's normal to be excited. He pointed to the open wine bottles and asked Ma Li with a smile, "You have opened so many bottles, can you finish them all?"

Ma Li rolled her eyes at Wang Yue and handed Wang Yue a bottle without taking the glass. She also took a bottle and started drinking.

Wang Yue hadn't drank like this for a long time. In the previous world, he had always been with Lin Miaomiao. He was too embarrassed to get drunk and let her drink alone. Wang Yue usually just tasted it and stopped. Not enjoyable at all.

Wang Yue just stayed with Ma Li, masturbating and drinking beer, listening to her talk about her childhood dreams, how she liked music and performing since she was a child, and how her dream of becoming a star came true so quickly.

The two of them drank and chatted, and unknowingly they got a little high. When Wang Yue woke up, he found Ma Li sleeping in her arms, and the two of them were lying on the same bed. This made him a little confused. What happened last night?

Thinking of this, Wang Yue quickly checked it. Fortunately, the clothes of the two of them were still intact. He breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't ask any big questions. Otherwise, he would really have no way to explain to Grandma Ma, and he would not be able to do so in the future. So easy to get along with.

Wang Yue glanced at Ma Li in his arms and wanted to sit up and tidy up. At this moment, Ma Li opened her eyes. She glanced at Wang Yue shyly and kissed Wang Yue on the face. Then he said hesitantly, "We are already like this, you have to be responsible for me, and you are not allowed to do anything sorry for me in the future."

Wang Yue was a little stunned. Seeing that Ma Li was not surprised at all, he asked tentatively, "Did you do what happened last night on purpose?"

When Ma Li saw that her plan had been seen through, she was not shy at all. She said a little proudly, "We are already like this anyway, why are we talking about it? Do you still want to be irresponsible?"

After Wang Yue heard this, his head was full of black lines. The child's thoughts now were really unbelievable, "Look at yourself first. You are still wearing clothes. What is the relationship between us?"

Ma Li was a little confused after hearing what Wang Yue said, but her eyes widened immediately and she asked in disbelief, "Don't they all say on TV that people have sex after drinking? How can we be okay?"

Wang Yue thought it would be better to spread common sense to Ma Lipi, "Don't believe what is said on TV. Those who have sex after drinking must still have some consciousness. The only thing left is that you and I are willing to do it. So, it's just an excuse they made for themselves. If both of them are really drunk and unconscious, what else do you want to do? "

After Ma Li listened to Wang Yue's explanation, her already big eyes widened, obviously in disbelief.

However, after looking at Wang Yue for a while, Ma Li knew that Wang Yue was serious. Like a defeated rooster, she said dejectedly, "My sisters all say that men have to give them some sweet things." Okay, otherwise, I don’t know when, I will be seduced by a vixen with a bone and run away. I have never given you any sweetness, will you still be good to me?"

Wang Yue held his head and lamented, they all lived in the same era, how could Ma Li know so much? Lin Miaomiao was already a senior in high school and was still a cute child.

However, seeing Ma Li's depressed look, Wang Yue felt pity for her. He leaned down and gave her a long French kiss, then let her go and said, "Okay, I've tasted the sweetness too, your first kiss." It’s mine too, and I will be responsible for you.”

Ma Li's whole body went limp after being kissed by Wang Yue, and her little face was flushed and charming. After hearing Wang Yue's words, she covered her little head and hummed softly, not daring to show her head like an ostrich.

Wang Yue looked at that shy look and was a little speechless. He was a king of words when it came to feelings!

Wang Yue and Ma Li rested for a while. Before dawn, they quickly got up, washed up, and hurried out to the courtyard.

When the two of them passed by the breakfast stall, they bought some breakfast, packed it up and took it back together.

However, as soon as they quietly opened the door of the courtyard, Grandma Ma came out of her room. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that it was Wang Yue and Ma Li who came back together.

However, when Grandma Ma saw the blush on Ma Li's face that had not faded, her face became a little gloomy again. She glared at Ma Li fiercely and said, "Ma Li, come with me."

Ma Li glanced at Wang Yue pitifully, wanting to seek some help, but. She only saw Wang Yue shrugging his shoulders, and Ma Li obediently followed her grandma into the house.

After Wang Yue watched the two of them enter the house, he went to the kitchen to get a few dishes and put the breakfast he bought on the table. His movements were not hasty and slow, and he seemed to be quite calm.

In fact, Wang Yue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Today was really thrilling. The goodwill he had finally established with Grandma Ma was almost ruined by Ma Li.

After all, Wang Yue has been a vegetarian in several worlds since he became a vegetarian. However, in the last two worlds, he first spent three years in the Youth Pi and continued to develop here. He also forced himself to be patient.

After Wang Yue laid out the food, he went to his room to wake Manao up. At this moment, the little guy was still sleeping soundly. When he heard someone calling him, he opened his eyes in confusion. When he saw it was Wang Yue, he tried his best to He stretched out his little hand and asked Wang Yue to change his clothes.

When Wang Yue came out of his room with Ma Nao, who was fully clothed, Grandma Ma and Ma Li happened to come out of the back room.

At this moment, little Ma Li's face was flushed. She was following behind Grandma Ma. When she saw Wang Yue coming out, she secretly made a face for Wang Yue.

Wang Yue pretended not to see it, secretly looked at Grandma Ma's face, and found that it had softened, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Wang Yue was really afraid that the old man would kick him out when he got angry.

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