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Chapter 1848 Where is the underworld? (Monthly vote requested!)

Lei Wujie didn't know what it meant. He looked at Manager Tian and asked with some confusion, "What do you mean?"

Steward Tian looked gloomy and spoke very fast, "Thousands of miles of sea, the leader of the owl is the most respected. Wherever they pass, there are no bones left! They are the most powerful pirates nearby, archers are ready!"

Following his order, the archers on the ship quickly raised their bows and arrows. They looked at the warship ahead with some horror, and the hands that raised the bows and arrows were trembling.

When Xiao Se saw this scene, he asked in confusion, "Master, is this what you call auspiciousness in times of trouble?"

Wang Yue nodded and said with a smile, "We just met a navy from the state capital before us, and then we met pirates when we turned around. Don't you think something is wrong?"

Xiao Se was stunned for a moment, then asked with some uncertainty, "Master, do you mean these pirates were deliberately indulged by the navy?"

Lei Wujie rarely reacted cleverly. He said excitedly, "Could it be that the pirates and Admiral Han from before are on the same team?"

Wang Yue nodded and shook his head. Seeing everyone's doubts, he said seriously, "These pirates must be deliberately indulged by the navy along the coast, but they are not necessarily Admiral Han's men."

Xiao Se frowned when he looked at the size of the pirates and said, "I'm afraid that so many pirate warships were not trained in three or two days. It is really possible that they were trained by the government to make money for themselves."

Wang Yue realized that Xiao Se had misunderstood, so he smiled and said, "Have you ever thought about another possibility? Could it be that the son of King Langya we are looking for is on the pirate ship?"

Xiao Se was stunned for a moment after hearing Wang Yue's words, and then he immediately reacted. He said solemnly, "It's really possible. If he becomes a pirate, many officials will facilitate him."

When Lei Wujie heard this, he said excitedly, "That's great, master, you can send us over to have a look."

Wang Yue shook his head and said seriously, "King Langya was very popular back then. His son must have been escorted by many experts. He could have easily sent you there, but he might have died there.

Therefore, this time it is up to Xiao Se. If Xiao Se can convince the other party to cooperate with us, when Admiral Han brings people over, King Langya can take advantage of the opportunity to eat the navy brought by Han Tidu. "

Xiao Se opened his mouth, wanting to reject the idea, but he felt there was no reason to reject the suggestion.

After all, the people brought by Han Tidu wanted to kill them, not other officers and soldiers. He was still considering letting those people live, but they might not appreciate it.

Xiao Se knew there was no other choice, so he said seriously, "Master, then I'll go over there!"

Wang Yue nodded and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm here, even if you are in danger, I can save you."

Sikong Qianluo was still a little worried. He quickly said, "Take me one, I'll go there too."

Xiao Se shook his head and comforted patiently, "You should wait here for me to come back. Besides, if there is really danger, the master will send you there."

Sikong Qianluo knew that his martial arts skills were not as good as Xiao Se's, so he was not so reluctant. He just clenched the gun barrel in his hand and looked at the pirate ship in the distance.

Xiao Se didn't use Wang Yue to send him off this time. He stepped on the sea water and walked step by step towards the pirate ship in the distance.

As he walked, he solemnly shouted, "Yong'an King Xiao Chuhe wants to see you!"

The people on the pirate ship were a little shocked when they saw a man walking over from the sea, but some people vigilantly picked up their bows and arrows and aimed at Xiao Se.

But after hearing what Xiao Se shouted, a person on the boat immediately responded with some excitement, "Stop! Stop it quickly! Take back the bow and arrow and let him come over."

The crossbows and crossbows on the pirate ship were also recovered by the alliance. The archers and crossbowmen also watched curiously as the man on the sea slowly approached.

Xiao Se was originally worried that Wang Yue's judgment was wrong and he was ready to escape at any time, but when he heard the man on the boat suddenly speak, he knew that his judgment was not wrong. Thinking that he hadn't seen her for many years, he couldn't help but quicken his pace and ran quickly to the bottom of the ship.

Langya King Xiao Lingchen waited until Xiao Se approached, and then said with some excitement, "Chu He is really you! Why are you here?"

Xiao Se pointed his toes on the sea, quickly floated to the pirate ship, and then said with some emotion, "We have two purposes here. The first is to find you, and the second is to find Baili Dongjun."

Xiao Lingchen was running rampant in this sea area. Of course he knew about Baili Dongjun going out to sea to find the immortal. He was not interested in that either. He just frowned and asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

Xiao Se heard the defensive meaning in Xiao Lingchen's words, and he said helplessly, "My master also has some friends who want to help me go to Tianqi City to seize the throne, but I am not interested in this thing, so I wanted to ask you. , are you interested?”

Xiao Lingchen didn't expect Xiao Se to use such a big move when he opened his mouth, so he said angrily, "If someone else said this, I would definitely not believe it, but you, I do believe it. But, don't you Want to rebel with me along with your friends?”

Xiao Se shook his head and said solemnly, "Of course not. After I take the throne, I will give you the throne. From now on, the world belongs to me, and the country belongs to you."

Xiao Lingchen saw that Xiao Se said so seriously, he wanted to refuse directly, because he also wanted the Jianghu to belong to him, but he met the eyes of several people behind him, and said helplessly, "Let me think about it!"

Xiao Se heard this, and said unhappily, "Okay? When we come back from the overseas fairy mountain, you must give me an answer."

Xiao Lingchen saw that Xiao Se did not force it, so he nodded and said solemnly, "The sea area over the overseas fairy mountain is very strange. Many ships are destroyed there. Do you really want to take the risk?"

Xiao Se did not answer this question, but said solemnly, "A few days ago, we were besieged by the navy led by Admiral Han. He was under the order of the Red King. I killed the Red King's messenger at that time and let him go.

But my master said that he will definitely come again. I think there is this possibility, so I want you to help eat up the navy brought by Admiral Han."

Xiao Lingchen heard this and said in disbelief, "How is this possible?"

Xiao Seeing Xiao Lingchen exaggerating, Se said with contempt, "You are too timid, how can you be a pirate!"

Xiao Lingchen saw that Xiao Se looked down on him, so he said unhappily, "If you give me a few days, I will mobilize more ships to take them down, but now we only have a few warships, and when Admiral Han comes again, I am afraid there will be at least dozens of warships. How can we win?"

After hearing this, Xiao Se said unhappily, "Okay, I called you here to take over those navy soldiers. We will capture the leader first. You just need to lead your people and control them when the navy soldiers surrender."

Xiao Lingchen saw that Xiao Se was so confident, so he said unbelievingly, "Can you really do it?"

Xiao Se nodded and said impatiently, "Just wait for my signal and come over."

Xiao Lingchen saw that Xiao Se was so persistent, so he was completely relieved. He chatted with Xiao Se for a few words and watched Xiao Se return to the Mu family's ship.

After Xiao Se left, Xiao Lingchen ordered the ship to head for the deep sea. He needed to hide far away and not be discovered by Admiral Han.

A man holding a spear beside him frowned and asked, "Prince, do you really want to cooperate with Yongan and Wang? Although he spoke for the old prince, we haven't seen him for so many years. We are not sure if he is still the same as before?"

Xiao Lingchen sighed and said helplessly, "Uncle Wang, if this is true, we will save a lot of trouble, but whether we can believe it depends on whether what he says is credible?"

The uncle Wang he mentioned is called Wang Pikong, one of the three generals of the central army at that time. He is as famous as Xiao Zhanjiang and Xue Duanyun.

At this time, two middle-aged men in armor walked out of the shipyard. They were the legendary Xiao Zhanjiang and Xue Duanyun.

After Xiao Zhanjiang came out, he said with great appreciation, "Your Highness is right, but I think Your Highness is worrying too much. If Prince Yong'an was such an easy person to change, he would not have been banished from the capital."

Xue Duanyun also nodded and said, "Yes, but how sure is the Sixth Prince to take down Admiral Han? Should we dispatch more ships? If the Sixth Prince is in danger, we can also rescue him."

After hearing this, Xiao Lingchen said indifferently, "It may be too late to dispatch ships now. What's more, as long as we are prepared, if we can't wait for the signal, we can also rescue the kid by sneak attack with the current ships."

After hearing what Xiao Lingchen said, Wang Pikong said very confidently, "Of course, none of us are not experienced in battle. As long as we get close to their navy, it is still easy to rescue people."

After the four of them were relieved, they began to discuss the abdication that Xiao Se had mentioned earlier. They suddenly felt that this operation was more reasonable and could save a lot of trouble.

Xiao Lingchen was not happy to hear this, so he took the initiative to return to the cabin, leaving only the three old guys standing outside to continue the discussion.

They didn't know how long they discussed, but they suddenly saw fireworks in the distance.

"Can the gunpowder of Leimen be played like this?!"

Wang Pikong looked at the fireworks in surprise, and saw at a glance that they were Leimen's stuff.

Xue Duanyun couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene. He said very cheerfully, "If those guys from Leimen came out with the Sixth Prince, they really wouldn't be afraid of the sneak attack of Admiral Han. I'm afraid if we go there later, we will have to rescue people from the sea."

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