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Chapter 193 Sneaking into Ma Li School

Sometimes, if you refuse to accept it, Lao Ma really relies on his old face to get the principal to be in the office early the next morning, waiting for the arrival of Wang Yue and his equipment.

When the principal saw Wang Yue entering the office, he quickly stood up to greet him and said, "I have heard of your name for a long time. Today I finally met you in person. You are indeed a talented person."

Wang Yue looked at the sincere look on the principal's face and felt a little confused. He seemed to just pick up Ma Li at the school gate all the time. How could the principal know him? Because he didn't know the situation, Wang Yue started chatting with him.

The principal seemed to see Wang Yue's doubts, so he directly revealed the mystery to Wang Yue, "Your investment in Lao Ma's ex-wife's beauty salon and your tutoring for Ma Li are both big events. In our school It’s not a secret among teachers.”

Only then did Wang Yue understand why Lao Ma didn't listen to his explanation yesterday. He didn't expect that all the teachers in the school knew about what happened between him and Ma Li. Wang Yue felt a little embarrassed now, but he still said shamelessly, " Are you also predicting, why didn’t Teacher Ma break my legs?”

Now it was the principal's turn to be embarrassed, but he recovered immediately and said with a smile, "Young people are very brave and brave. By the way, let's test your clock-in system and facial recognition system now." If possible, our school will install it. At that time, I will invite other schools to visit, and you will not have to worry about sales in the future."

Wang Yue was a little speechless. The principal really had a business mind, but he really didn't like the money. It was too troublesome, so Wang Yue quickly refused and said, "I appreciate your kindness. I really don't make money from this. Mainly It’s for Ma Li’s safety, your school has too many loopholes.”

The principal looked at Wang Yue in disbelief, as if he wanted to confirm from Wang Yue's expression whether Wang Yue was being polite. However, he soon understood that he was really not short of money. He now understood that what Lao Ma said was true, and quickly stood up and said, "Thank you so much. I thought you were asking Lao Ma to come to our school to do a pilot project. In this case, we can't let him You're doing it for nothing, so you can calculate how much it costs for the two systems and equipment you mentioned, and I'll apply for it and let the finance department call you, and then we'll install it."

Wang Yue smiled and shook his head, "Forget it, let's install it first. It's too slow for you to get the budget. In this time, the paparazzi have come to harass you no matter how many times. I'll install it for you today. It's a matter of money." Let’s talk about it, it doesn’t matter if you have it or not.”

The principal felt a little upset after hearing Wang Yue's words. There were many rich people in the capital, and it was the first time he met such a generous person. However, the school was not his own, and everything needed to follow procedures. Besides, why save money for the school directors? He has already thought about it. If Wang Yue's equipment is effective, he will apply for funding immediately.

Wang Yue worked hard all day and finally debugged the equipment and software. He added a push system to the school's face recognition. With the newly installed cameras, it became almost impossible for strangers to enter the school without being discovered. .

In fact, with the push system, the clock-in system has no effect. However, Wang Yue installed the clock-in system first in the morning. After all, one has to keep his word.

After Wang Yue debugged the push system, he called the principal who was in charge of collecting information from teachers and students in the school. However, after listening to Wang Yue's introduction, the principal thought of the complexity of inputting information for the filtering function. As soon as he thought about it, he thought Found a way.

The principal looked at Wang Yue, who was introducing the function, and said tentatively, "Wang Yue, in fact, we are also very concerned about the school's safety work, but as you said, this information input work is suitable for temporary use. In the later stage, only security guards will be responsible. Our school is really hard to recruit. Do you think this will work? I would like to ask you to be our school’s security consultant. How about you take charge of this?"

Wang Yue looked at the principal who looked like a businessman and thought about it carefully. The consultant would only delay him for a few days, so that he could go to the school to find Ma Li later. He nodded and said, "Okay, that's all for the formalities." You can help me do it, but I don’t have to come to school and clock in on time every day, right? In fact, I can control these devices remotely, so there’s no problem.”

The principal laughed when he heard what Wang Yue said, "No problem, no problem. I know you computer experts can operate it thousands of miles away as long as you have a computer by your side. Let's talk about the security consultant. It’s settled, I’ll ask someone to go through the formalities for you.”

As a result of this incident, both foxes were very happy. The principal felt that the quality of the school had reached a new level, and Wang Yue felt that he could cultivate a lolita at any time without any loss. It was a win-win situation.

When she went back in the evening, as soon as Ma Li checked in at the school gate, her cell phone rang. No surprise, it was Wang Yue's call.

In fact, Wang Yue was in the car outside the school at the moment. He had left a backdoor in the school's clock-in system. As soon as Ma Li punched in, his mobile phone would ask whether he wanted to call Ma Li.

Ma Li was a little surprised when she answered the phone. It was a real connection. She asked happily, "Ayue, where are you now? How did you know that I just left school? Why didn't I see you?"

Wang Yue said with a smile, "When you go out and turn right, I will be in the car on the roadside. You have become a celebrity now. It's not good for me to always pick you up at the school gate. It's not good for you to be photographed. You are still too young now." "

Ma Li muttered, "I'm too young, please don't underestimate me!"

Wang Yue didn't hear what she said clearly, so he asked, "What did you just say?"

Ma Li looked at the car not far away and said quickly, "I said I'm here!"

The next day, after Wang Yue drove Manao to the kindergarten, he took Ma Li directly into the school parking lot. Ma Li asked dumbfounded, "How did you get in? The school does not allow cars from outside to come in."

Wang Yue smiled and said, "I am now your school's security consultant and can enter your school at any time."

After hearing this, Ma Li asked suspiciously, "You didn't come to the school specifically to spy on me, right?"

Wang Yue paused for a moment. Of course he couldn't admit it at this time. He quickly explained, "Isn't this for your safety? Yesterday your dad said that he caught a paparazzi and sneaked into your school. Your principal is so That’s why you invited me here.”

Ma Li suddenly remembered the school's clock-in system and asked, "Did you design the school's new clock-in system?"

Wang Yue said with a smile, "Of course, your school also has many more cameras. You don't have to worry about what impact they will have on you. They are used to identify strangers. They will not record people who are inside the school, so you don't have to." Worried about being exposed.”

Ma Li blushed. It was easy for her school's uniform to show off, especially for a hot-tempered girl like her.

Thinking of this, Ma Li glared at Wang Yue, and then asked, "Then where do you work?"

Wang Yue thought for a while and said uncertainly, "I forgot to ask, but I can work anywhere with my notebook. I will inform you as soon as it is confirmed."

Ma Li looked at Wang Yue with disdain and said with disdain, "It's such a big school, I don't need you to notify me, I can find you soon."

Wang Yue looked at Ma Li with a proud face and felt helpless. This girl was always very arrogant.

Wang Yue didn't know where he was going to work, so he went directly to the principal's office. When Wang Yue knocked on the door and entered, the principal had just hung up the phone.

Seeing that the person knocking on the door was Wang Yue, the principal said enthusiastically, "The school director is very satisfied with your punch-in system and security system, and has approved the reimbursement of your equipment. You will give me a card number later, and I will ask you to Finance will call you."

Wang Yue was a little emotional when he saw how efficient the principal was in doing things. However, at this moment, he suddenly remembered that on TV, it seemed that a teacher's family member had become ill and passed away, so he quickly said, "Let's use the money to pay for all the teachers and family members in the school to come together." Let’s take a physical examination as a welcome gift from me, the newbie, to everyone.”

After hearing Wang Yue's words, the principal gave him a thumbs up and praised him repeatedly, "It's grand and bright. However, the few teachers in our school have all completed their physical examinations and are much richer. So, I'll go find them." When the school director applies, the school will also provide part of the money to conduct a physical examination for all teachers and students in the school."

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