This wedding was even grander than that of He Tianye. Tian Ye was also invited to the wedding. She sat below and looked at the two people getting married in a daze. It reminded her of the wedding that year and sighed in her heart how time flies.

Tian Ye looked at Ma Li and Wang Yue, who were the best man and bridesmaid, and felt that they were like a pair of golden boys and girls, which made her regret for a moment. Of course she didn't regret her marriage to Lao Ma, but Tian Tian felt that when her daughter got married in the future, there would be two mothers in her natal family, which would affect her daughter to some extent.

However, Tian Tian quickly put all this behind her. Her beauty salon has opened its sixth branch. This expansion speed has made Tian Tian's mind full of the company's next expansion plan. She is still working hard to realize her dream. Work hard and don’t have time to think about anything else.

During the filming of the TV series, Wang Yue showed Ma Li how hard he studied. He studied with the photographer Fu and the director whenever he had time. After Ma Li watched it, he also picked up his own textbook.

As the filming progressed, the behind-the-scenes footage of the two of them studying on the set was occasionally exposed on the Internet, which also made the majority of netizens speak highly of the two of them, and both of them became idols of others.

Of course, there were some black fans who felt that the two were just putting on a show, but these people soon paid a heavy price for provoking the hacker master.

After all, Wang Yue followed Xiao Nai and learned this sinister character very thoroughly.

By the time they came back from the crew, it was already June. Wang Yue sent Ma Li home and was about to go out. He said naggingly, "Lily, I'm going to follow you to learn editing again. Wait until I come back." I’ll give you extra classes for your senior year of high school.”

Ma Li looked at Wang Yue with a smile, waved her hand like a lucky cat, and said very obediently, "Go, I will give you a surprise when you come back."

Wang Yue glanced at Ma Li with some confusion, wondering what the hell this girl was thinking, but he still nodded and asked again, "Are you really not going to watch the editing with me?"

Ma Li hesitated for a moment, then shook her head firmly, and said sweetly, "You can go alone. I will go with you next time when you film a TV show. Forget it this time."

Wang Yue became even more confused. What could be more attractive to Ma Li than this? This made him even more uneasy. He quickly asked, "Otherwise, I won't go, and I will stay with you at home." In fact, I can also edit a little bit, but my handling of the shots is a little unprofessional."

Ma Li was amused by Wang Yue's tangled and nervous look, and felt warm in her heart. She was a little reluctant to separate from Wang Yue. However, for her own plan, she was still cruel and pushed Wang Yue out of the house, and then said, "Go and do your work quickly. It's not like you can't come back when you are free in the evening, and you are worried that I will run away with someone." Huh? You are so confused when you look so confused."

Ma Li had said so, and Wang Yue couldn't force him to stay any longer, so he had no choice but to walk out of the yard, turning back one step at a time. Until he could no longer see Ma Li, he quickly walked to the car and drove away.

After Wang Yue left, Manao came out of the house. He looked around furtively, and after confirming that Wang Yue had left, Manao said, "Brother Lu Kuan sent all your things. Come with me quickly to get it, I've hidden it among my toys and no one can find it."

Ma Li patted her younger brother's shoulder, smiled and encouraged, "Well done, you are already the second man in our family. I am very optimistic about your horse, you will definitely surpass dad in the future."

Manao said proudly, "Of course, I will protect you in the future!"

After hearing what Manao said, Ma Li was about to say something when she saw Manao frowning and said, "It's just, what if brother Ayue gets angry with me and doesn't buy me toys?"

Ma Li took a look at this younger brother who was no more handsome than three seconds ago and said very speechlessly, "If he doesn't buy it for you, my sister will buy it for you. I make a TV show and I get a lot of money!"

After hearing this, Manao became excited again, patting his chest and promising that he would be able to withstand the temptation and would not tell Wang Yue for the time being.

Wang Yue didn't know the secret of the two siblings, but he thought that Ma Li must be fine, otherwise Lao Ma or Tian Ye would have told him long ago.

Therefore, Wang Yue dove into the editing work and stayed busy for more than a month. Then he took the finished film and returned to Grandma Ma's yard, preparing to let Ma Li watch her first film and television drama in her life.

When Wang Yue entered the room, Ma Li was excited when she saw him coming in. She held something like an admission notice and handed it to Wang Yue and said, "Look, this is my surprise for you. I passed the exam." I went to the Film and Television Academy, are you surprised or surprised?"

Seeing Ma Li's excited expression, Wang Yue also felt happy. Old Ma planned to keep Ma Li until she graduated from college and then let her get married. And Ma Li succeeded in advancing the wedding date of the two by a full year. You said, can Wang Yue be unhappy?

Wang Yue took the notice and read it again and again, and then he remembered what he had brought. He quickly took out the finished film and television drama, inserted it into the computer, and clicked play. The whole family watched it with gusto.

Lao Ma heard that his daughter was admitted to the Film and Television Academy a year early. He was both happy and depressed. His daughter's feelings were very obvious. The little cotton-padded jacket he had raised for more than ten years now belonged to someone else. .

Lao Ma looked at Wang Xiaomi's belly and decided that the next little cotton-padded jacket must be covered more tightly to prevent any fox from picking it up again.

After being admitted to the Film and Television Academy, Ma Li would film a TV series with Wang Yue every summer. The heroine was Ma Li and the hero was Wang Yue.

Of course, these scripts were all provided by Wang Yue. Each one was a hit, making Ma Li more and more famous, and she has undisputedly secured her position as the leading actress of the post-2000 generation.

What surprised Ma Li's fans was that when they were all looking forward to Ma Li filming more movies and TV series after graduation, she announced her marriage on her Weibo on the day she received her diploma. , the groom is of course Wang Yue, her leading actor for many years.

Ma Li's behavior is shocking and unbelievable. She is a new beauty born in the 2000s in the industry. She got married right after graduation. This is too crazy. Isn't she afraid that her fans will rebel?

However, Ma Li's fans really don't care, because they have already had a premonition. Otherwise, you have seen that female star, and all the male protagonists in the TV series are the same person?

Moreover, with Ma Li's personality, she didn't care what others thought. She just felt that time was running out every time she saw Nana, who was still single. She was afraid that if she didn't pay attention, Wang Yue would be lost to this vixen.

In Ma Li's eyes, career prospects and career prospects are not as important as her man. She will not be like Tian Ye, who loses everything because of small things.

Tian Ye, who was despised by Ma Li, has opened beauty salons under her name all over the country. The most attractive thing about Tian Tian's beauty salon is that every beauty product used in the beauty salon will have a strict appraisal report and user feedback.

Customers can choose beauty products that suit them based on the report, which has also given the beauty salon a reputation. Customers who have come here all trust the products recommended by Tianye Beauty Salon.

Even Tian Ye didn't expect that Wang Yue would require an appraisal report for every product in order to imitate cosmetics, making the beauty products used in the beauty salon the most popular among customers.

Tianye’s beauty salon seems to have become a beauty brand with three Michelin stars.

The sales of various cosmetics on the market today are not very good without being authenticated by field beauty salons. Some foreign brands that do not believe in evil have also been hit by declining sales year after year.

For the sake of the huge domestic market, these companies quickly adjusted their strategies and provided free products to beauty salons in Tianye, begging the beauty salons to do an appraisal for them as well.

Wang Yue's company is engaged in analysis and synthesis. In recent years, due to Wang Yue's involvement, it has always arranged some useless work. It has not made much money, but it has received a lot of formulas for various cosmetics and drugs.

At the beginning, the company's employees actually complained a lot. After all, most unprofitable companies are close to bankruptcy, and they were very worried.

However, they soon felt relieved. Every month, their boss would arrange for funds to be transferred into the company account. They were engaged in useless work. As long as they completed the project, they would get a lot of bonuses, and they gradually felt relieved.

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